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Ito K. — Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics |
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Heaviside, Oliver(1850-1925) 125.E 306.A 306.B App.A Table
Heawood, P.J.(1861-1955) 157.A 157.E
Hecht, Henryk(1946-) 437.X
Hecke algebra 29.C 32.D
Hecke algebra global 450.O
Hecke character 6.D
Hecke L-function 450.E
Hecke L-function with Grossencharakter 450.F
Hecke operator 32.D
Hecke operator zeta function defined by 450.M
Hecke ring 32.D
Hecke, Erich(1887-1947) 6.D 11.B 14.r 29.C 32.C 32.D 32.H 32.r 73.B 123.F 123.r 348.L 348.r 450.A 450.D—F 450.M 450.O
Hector, Gilbert Joseph(1941-) 154.H
Hedlund, Gustav Arnold(1904-) 126.A 126.r 136.G
Heegaard decomposition 65.C
Heegaard, Poul(1871-1948) 65.C 247.r
Heesch, Heinrich(1906-) 92.F 157.A 157.D
Heiberg, Johan Ludvig(1854-1928) 181.r 187.r
Height (of a lattice) 243.F
Height (of a prime ideal) 67.E
Height (of an algebraic number) 430.B
Height (of an element in a lattice) 243.F
Height (of an ideal) 67.E
Height (of an isogeny) 3.F
Height infinite (element of an Abelian p-group) 2.D
Heilbronn phenomenon, Deuring — 123.D
Heilbronn, Hans Arnold(1908-1975) 123.D 347.E 450.K
Heine series 206.C
Heine — Borel theorem 273.F
Heine, Heinrich Eduard(1821-1881) 206.C 273.F 393.C
Heins end 367.E
Heins, Maurice Haskell(1915-) 77.F 164.K 198.r 207.C 367.E 367.G 367.r
Heintze, Ernst 178.r
Heinz, Erhard(1924-) 323.J
Heisenberg equation of motion 351.D
Heisenberg picture 351.D
Heisenberg uncertainty relation 351.C
Heisenberg, Werner Karl(1901-1976) 150.A 351.C 351.D 386.C
Heitsch, James Lawrence(1946-) 154.G
Held, A. 359.r
Held, Dieter(1936-) 151.I
Helgason, Sigurdur(1927-) 109.r 199.r 218.G 225.r 248.r 249.r 412.r 413.r 417.r 437.Y 437.AA 437.EE
Helicity 258.C
Helicoid ordinary 111.I
Helicoid right 111.I
Helicoidal surface 111.I
Helinger — Hahn theorem 390.G
Helix generalized 111.F
Helix ordinary 111.F
Hellerstein, Simon(1931-) 272.K 272.r
Hellinger, Ernst D.(1883-1950) 197.r 217.r 390.G
Helly theorem 94.B
Helly, Eduard(1884-1943) 89.B 94.B
Helmholtz differential equation 188.D App. Table
Helmholtz free energy 419.C
Helmholtz free energy minimum principle 419.C
Helmholtz theorem (on vector fields) 442.D App. Table
Helmholtz vorticity theorem 205.B
Helmholtz, Hermann von(1821-1894) 139.A 188.D 205.B 419.C 442.D App.A Tables 15.VI
Helms, Lester L. 120.r 193.r
Helson set 192.R
Helson, Henry(1927-) 164.G 164.H 164.r 192.P—R 192.r 251.r
Hemisphere northern 140
Hemisphere southern 140
Hemmingsen, Erik(1917-) 117.E
Hempel, John Paul(1935-) 65.E
Henderson, David William(1939-) 117.I
Henkin see Khenkin
Henkin, Leon(Albert)(1921-) 276.D
Henon, Michel 287.B 287.r
Henrici, Peter K.(1923-) 138.r 300.r 301.r 303.r
Henry, Charles 144.r
Henry, N.F.M. 92r
Hensel lemma 118.C
Hensel ring 370.C
Hensel, Kurt(1861-1941) 11.r 12.B 14.U 118.C 236.r 370.C 439.L
Henselian ring 370.C
Henselization 370.C
Henstock, Ralph(1923-) 100.r
Hepp, Klaus(1936-) 146.A 150.r
Herbrand lemma 200.N
Herbrand quotient 200.N
Herbrand, Jacques(1908-1931) 14.K 59.A 59.E 59.H 59.r 156.E 156.r 200.N 356.A 356.E
Hereditarily normal space 425.Q
Hereditarily weak topology 425.M
Hereditary finite set 33.B
Hereditary ring 200.K
Hereditary ring left 200.K
Hereditary ring right 200. K
Herglotz integral representation 43.I
Herglotz theorem 192.B
Herglotz, Gustav(1881-1953) 43.I 192.B 325.J
Hering, Christoph H. 151.J
Herman, Michael-Robert(1942-) 126.I 126.N 154.G
Hermann, Carl Heinrich(1898-1961) 92.F
Hermes, Hans(1912-) 31.r 97.r 356.r
Hermite differential equation App. A Table
Hermite differential equation, Weber — 167.C
Hermite formula, Gauss- (in numerical integration) 299.A
Hermite interpolation polynomial 223.E
Hermite polynomials 317.D App. Table
Hermite polynomials, Fourier — 176.I
Hermite, Charles(1822-1901) 14.B 60.O 107.A 131.D 167.C 176.I 182.A 199.A 217.H 223.E 232.A 251.E 251.O 256.Q 269.I 299.A 317.D 344.F 348.F 412.E 412.G 430.A App.A Tables 20.IV
Hermitian (integral operator) 251.O
Hermitian form 256.Q 348.F
Hermitian form - 384.A
Hermitian form - 60.O
Hermitian form anti- 256.Q
Hermitian form indefinite 348.F
Hermitian form negative definite 348.F
Hermitian form positive definite 348.F
Hermitian form semidefinite 398.F
Hermitian form skew- 256.Q
Hermitian homogeneous space, complex 199.A
Hermitian hyperbolic space 412.G
Hermitian inner product 256.Q
Hermitian kernel 217.H
Hermitian linear space 256.Q
Hermitian matrix 269.I
Hermitian matrix anti- 269.I
Hermitian matrix skew 269.I
Hermitian metric 232.A
Hermitian operator 251.E
Hermitian space irreducible symmetric 412.E
Hermitian space symmetric 412.E
Herodotus(c.484-c.425 B.C.) 181
Heron formula (for plane triangles) App. A Table
Heron formula (for spherical triangles) App. A Table
Heron(between 150 B.C.and a.d.200) 187 App.A Tables III
Hersch and Pfluger, extremal length defined by 143.A
Hersch problem 391.E
Hersch, Joseph(1925-) 143.A 391.E
Hertz, Heinrich Rudolf(1857-1894) 441.B
Hertzig, David(1932-) 151.I
Herve, Michel Andre(1921-) 23.r 62.B
Herz, Carl Samuel(1930-) 206.E 206.r
Herzberger, Maximilian Jacob(1899-1981) 180.r
Hesse normal form (of a hyperplane) 139.H
Hesse, Ludwig Otto(1811-74) 9.B 139.H 226.D 279.B 279.E 279.F
Hessel, Johann Friedrich Christian(1796-1872) 92.F
Hessenberg method 298.D
Hessenberg, Gerhard 155.r
Hessenberg, K(1874-1925) 298.D
Hessian (form) 226.D
Hessian (of a plane algebraic curve) 9.B
Hessian (on a differential manifold) 279.B 279.F
Hestenes, Magnus R. 302.D
Heterogeneity, design for two-way elimination of 102.K
Heun, Karl 303.D
Heuristic algorithm 215.E
| Hewitt — Savage zero-one law 342.G
Hewitt, Edwin(1920-) 192.P 192.r 342.G 422.r 425.S 425.BB
Hexagon 155.F
Hexagonal (system) 92.E
hexahedron 357.B
Hey zeta function 27.F
Hey, Kate 27.F 450.A 450L
Heyting, Arend(1898-1980) 156.r 411.J 411.r
Hicks, Noel J.(1929-1979) 111.r
Hida, Takeyuki(1927-) 176.r
Hidden variable theories 351.L
Hierarchy 356.H
Hierarchy analytic 356.H
Hierarchy arithmetical 356.H
Hierarchy arithmetical, of degrees of recursive unsolvability 356.H
Hierarchy C-analytic 356.H
Hierarchy C-arithmetical 356.H
Hierarchy Chomsky 31.D
Hierarchy hyperarithmetical, of degrees of recursive unsolvability 356.H
Hierarchy theorem 356.H
Higgs mechanism 132.D
Higgs, Peter Ware(1929-) 132.D
High-precision computation 138.B
Higher algebraic K-theory 237.J
Higher differentiation (in a commutative ring) 113
Higher order, of (for infinitesimals) 87.G
Higher-order derivative (of a differentiable function) 106.D
Higher-order ordinary differential equation App. A Table
Higher-order partial derivative 106.G
Higher-order predicate logic 411.K
Higher-transcendental function 389.A
Highest weight (of a representation of a Lie algebra) 248.W
Higman, Donald Gordon 151.I
Higroan, Graham(1917-) 97.* 97.r 151.A 151.F 151.I 151.r 190.M
Higuchi, Teiichi(1933-) 23.r
Higuchi, Yasunari(1949-) 340.G 340.r
Hijikata, Hiroaki(1936-) 13.O 13.P 13.R
Hikita, Teruo(1947-) 75.r
Hilb, Emil(1882-1929) 253.r
Hilbert -operator 411.J
Hilbert -quantifier 411.J
Hilbert -symbol 411.J
Hilbert basis theorem 284.A
Hilbert characteristic function (of a coherent sheaf) 16.E
Hilbert characteristic function (of a graded module) 369.F
Hilbert cube 382.B
Hilbert fifth problem 423.N
Hilbert inequality App. A Table
Hilbert invariant integral 46.C
Hilbert irreducibility theorem (on polynomials) 337.F
Hilbert manifold 105.Z 286.K
Hilbert modular form of dimension k 32.G
Hilbert modular form of weight k 32.G
Hilbert modular function 32.G
Hilbert modular group 32.G
Hilbert modular surface 15.H
Hilbert norm-residue symbol 14.R
Hilbert nullstellensatz 369.D
Hilbert polynomial (of a coherent sheaf) 16.E
Hilbert polynomial (of a graded module) 369.F
Hilbert polynomial (of an algebraic curve) 9.F
Hilbert problem (in calculus of variations) 46.A
Hilbert problem, Riemann- (for integral equations) 217.J
Hilbert problem, Riemann- (for ordinary differential equations) 253.D
Hilbert scheme 16.S
Hilbert spaces 197
Hilbert spaces adjoint 251.E
Hilbert spaces channel 375.F
Hilbert spaces complex 197.B
Hilbert spaces exponential 377.D
Hilbert spaces physical 150.G
Hilbert spaces pre- 197.B
Hilbert spaces real 197.B
Hilbert spaces rigged 424.T
Hilbert system of axioms (foundations of geometry) 155.B
Hilbert syzygy theorem 369.F
Hilbert theorem 90 172.J
Hilbert transform 160.D 220.E
Hilbert zero point theorem 369.D
Hilbert — Hasse norm-residue symbol 14.R
Hilbert — Schmidt class 68.I
Hilbert — Schmidt expansion theorem 217.H
Hilbert — Schmidt norm 68.I
Hilbert — Schmidt type integral operator of 68.C
Hilbert — Schmidt type, kernel of 217.I
Hilbert — Speiser theorem 172.J
Hilbert, D. 196
Hilbert, David(1862-1943) 4.A 9.F 11.B 14.J—L 14.R 14.U 15.H 16.E 16.S 20.* 20.r 32.G 35.A 35.r 41.E 46.A 46.C 46.E 46.r 59.A 68.A 68.C 68.I 68.L 73.B 77.B 77.E 82.r 92.F 93.J 105.Z 107.A 107.r 111.I 112.D 112.r 120.A 126.I 150.G 155.A—C 155.E 155.G 155.H 156.A 156.C 156.D 156.r 160.D 162 172.J 179.B 181 188.r 189.r 196.A 196.B 197.A 197.B 197.r 217.H—J 217.r 220.E 222.r 226.G 226.r 253.D 267 284.A 285.A 286.K 304.r 317.r 320.r 321.r 322.r 323.E 323.I 323.r 324.r 325.M 327.r 337.F 347.G 347.H 347.r 356.A 357.r 364.I 365.J 369.D 369.F 375.F 377.D 382.B 389.r 402.H 410.r 411.J 411.r 423.N 424.W 430.A 441.r 443.A 446.r APP.A Table
Hilbertian space, countably 424.W
Hildebrandt, Stefan O.W.(1936-) 195.E 275.B 334.F
Hildebrandt, Theophil Henry(1888-1980) 310.r 443.A
Hildreth, C. 349.r
Hilferty approximations, Wilson — 374.F
Hilferty, M.M. 374.F
Hilfmger, P.N. 75.r
Hill determinant 268.B
Hill determinantal equation 268.B
Hill differential equation 268.B
Hill function 268.E
Hill method of solution 268.B
Hill, Edward Lee(1904-) 150.B
Hill, George William(1838-1914) 107.A 268.B 268.E
Hill, Rodney(1921-) 271.r
Hille — Yosida theorem 378.B
Hille, Einar(1894-1980) 106.r 107.r 115.A 136.B 160.E 162 198.r 216.r 251.r 252.r 253.r 254.r 286.X 286.r 288.r 289.r 313.r 315.r 316.r 336.r 378.B 378.D 378.r 438.B
Hillier, Frederick S. 215.r
Hilton, Peter John(1923-) 70.r 201.r 202.P 202.U
Hincin see Khinchin
Hinman, Peter G.(1937-) 22.F 22.r 356.r
Hinohara, Yukitoshi(1930-) 200.K
Hipparchus(190?-125? B.C.) 187 432.C
Hippias(late 5th century B.C.) 187
Hippocrates(of Chios)(470?-430? B.C.) 187
Hirai, Takeshi(1936-) 437.W
Hirano, Sugayasu(1930-) 301.G
Hirashita, Yukio(1946-) 164.C
Hirayama, Akira(1904-) 230.r
Hironaka, Heisuke(1931-) 12.B 16.L 16.Z 21.L 23.D 72.H 232.C 418.B
Hirose, Hideo(1908-1981) 230.r
Hirota, Ryogo(1932-) 387.D
Hirsch theorem, Leray — 201.J
Hirsch, Guy Charles(1915-) 201.J 427.E
Hirsch, Morris William(1933-) 114.C 114.D 114.J 114.r 126.J 126.r 279.C
Hirschfeld, Joram 276.r
Hirschman, Isidore I.(1922-) 220.r
Hirzebruch index theorem (for differentiable manifolds) 56.G
Hirzebruch signature theorem (on algebraic surface) 72.K
Hirzebruch surface 15.G
Hirzebruch theorem of Riemann — Roch type 366.B
Hirzebruch, Friedrich Ernst Peter(1927-) 12.B 15.D 15.G 15.H 20 32.F 56.G 56.r 72.K 72.r 109 114.A 147.r 237.A 366.A 366.B 366.D 366.r 383.r 418.r 426 431.D 431.r
histogram 397.B
Hitchcock method 301.E
Hitchcock, Frank Lauren(1875-1957) 301.E
Hitchin, Nigel James(1946-) 80.r 364.r
Hitchins, G.D. 301.L
Hitotumatu, Sin(1926-) 186.r 301.D 389.r NTR
Hitsuda, Masuyuki(1938-) 176.H
Hitting probability 5.G
Hitting time 260.B 261.B 407.B
Hlavaty, Vaclav(1894-?) 434.r
Hlawka theorem, Minkowski — 182.D
Hlawka, Edmund(1916-) 182.D
Ho, B.L. 86.D
Hobson, Ernest William(1856-1933) 133.r 393.C 393.r
Hochschild cohomology group 200.L
Hochschild, Gerhard Paul(1915-) 6.E 13.r 59.H 200.K—M 200.O 200.Q 249.r
Hochster, Melvin(1943-) 16.Z
Hocking, John Gilbert(1920-) 79.r 201.r
Hocquenghem, Alexis(1908-) 63.D
Hodge conjecture 450.S
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