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Ito K. — Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics |
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Equicontinuous (family of mappings) 435.D
Equicontinuous group of class ( ) 378.C
Equicontinuous semigroup of class ( ) 378.B
Equidistant hypersurface (in hyperbolic geometry) 285.C
Equilateral hyperbola 78.E
Equilateral hyperbolic coordinates 90.C App. Table
Equilateral triangle solution 420.B
Equilibrium figures 55.D
Equilibrium Gibbs distribution 136.C
Equilibrium mass distribution 338.K
Equilibrium point (in a two-person zero-sum game) 173.C
Equilibrium point (in an N-person differential game) 108.C
Equilibrium point (of a flow) 126.D
Equilibrium potential 260.D
Equilibrium principle 338.K
Equilibrium state 136.H 340.B 419.A
Equilibrium statistical mechanics 402.A
Equilibrium system, transformation to 82.D
Equilibrium, Nash 173.C
Equilong transformation 76.B
Equipollent sets 49.A
Equipotent sets 49.A
Equipotential surface 193.J
Equivalence - 126.B
Equivalence (in a category) 52.D
Equivalence (of categories) 52.H
Equivalence (of complexes) 200.H
Equivalence (of coverings) 91.A
Equivalence anti- (of categories) 52.H
Equivalence chain 200.H
Equivalence class 135.B
Equivalence class linear (of divisors) 16.M
Equivalence cochain 200.F
Equivalence combinatorial 65.A
Equivalence CR- 344.A
Equivalence homotopy 202.F
Equivalence Kakutani 136.F
Equivalence Lax, theorem 304.F
Equivalence natural 52.J
Equivalence properties 135.A
Equivalence relations 135 358.A
Equivalence relations proper (in an analytic space) 23.E
Equivalence simple homotopy 65.C
Equivalence topological 126.B
Equivalence, principle of (in insurance mathematics) 214.A
Equivalence, principle of (in physics) 359.D
Equivalent - 126.B
Equivalent - 431.F
Equivalent - (points) 122.A
Equivalent -linearly, divisors 9.F
Equivalent - 126.H
Equivalent (additive functionals) 261.E
Equivalent (arc) 246.A
Equivalent (coordinate bundle) 147.B
Equivalent (covering) 91.A
Equivalent (extension by a C*-algebra) 36.J
Equivalent (fiber bundle) 147.B
Equivalent (formula) 411.E
Equivalent (functions with respect to a subset of ) 21.E
Equivalent (G-structures) 191. A
Equivalent (knot) 235.A
Equivalent (linear representation) 362.C
Equivalent (measure) 225.J
Equivalent (methods of summation) 379.L
Equivalent (PL) 65.D
Equivalent (proposition) 411.B
Equivalent (quadratic form) 348.A
Equivalent (quadratic irrational numbers) 182.G
Equivalent (relation) 135.B
Equivalent (space group) 92.A
Equivalent (stochastic process) 407.A
Equivalent (surfaces in the sense of Frechet) 246.I
Equivalent (system of neighborhoods) 425.E
Equivalent (unfolding) 51.E
Equivalent (unitary representation) 437.A
Equivalent (valuation) 439.B
Equivalent (word) 31.B
Equivalent affinity 7.E
Equivalent algebraically (cycles) 16.R
Equivalent algebraically, to 0 16.P
Equivalent arithmetically 92.B 276.D
Equivalent C- 114.H
Equivalent certainty 408.B
Equivalent chain 200.C
Equivalent combinatorially 65.A
Equivalent conformally 77.A 191.B 367.A
Equivalent countably (under a nonsingular bimeasurable transformation) 136.C
Equivalent elementarily 276.D
Equivalent fiber homotopy (vector bundles) 237.I
Equivalent finitely (under a nonsingular bimeasurable transformation) 136.C
Equivalent flow 126.B
Equivalent geometrically 92.B
Equivalent homotopy (systems of topological spaces) 202.F
Equivalent k- ( -manifolds) 114.F
Equivalent linearly (divisors) 16.M 72.F
Equivalent locally (G-structure) 191.H
Equivalent numerically (cycles) 16.Q
Equivalent properly (binary quadratic forms) 348.M
Equivalent pseudoconformally 344.A
Equivalent quasi- (unitary representations) 437.C
Equivalent rationally (cycles) 16.R
Equivalent right 51.C
Equivalent simple homotopy 65.C
Equivalent stably (vector bundles) 237.B
Equivalent stably fiber homotopy (vector bundles) 237.I
Equivalent topologicaly 126.B 126.H
Equivalent uniformly (uniform spaces) 436.E
Equivalent unitarily (self-adjoint operators) 390.G
Equivariant Atiyah — Singer index theorem 237.H
Equivariant cohomology 431.D
Equivariant J-group 431.F
Equivariant J-homomorphism 431.F
Equivariant K-group 237.H
Equivariant mapping (map) 431.A
Equivariant point (of a mapping) 153.B
Equivariant point index (of a mapping) 153.B
Eratosthenes(275-194 B.C.) 187 297.B
Eratosthenes’ sieve 297.B
Erbacher, Joseph A. 365.H
Erdelyi, Artur(1908-1977) 25.r 3O.r 220.r 254.r 389.r App.A Table
Erdoes Paul(1913-) 4.A 45.r 123.C 123.r 241.E 250.r 295.E 328 336.E 342.B
Erdoes theorem, Chung — 342.B
Ergodic (Markov chain) 260.J
Ergodic (transformation) 136.B
Ergodic capacity 213.F
Ergodic class 260.B
Ergodic class positive recurrent 260.B
Ergodic decomposition (of a Lebesgue measure space) 136.H
Ergodic homeomorphism strictly 136.H
Ergodic homeomorphism uniquely 136.H
Ergodic hypothesis 136.A 402.C
Ergodic information source 213.C
Ergodic lemma, maximal 136.B
Ergodic Szemeredi theorem 136.C
Ergodic theorem 136.A 136.B
Ergodic theorem Abelian 136.B
Ergodic theorem dominated 136.B
Ergodic theorem individual 136. B
Ergodic theorem local 136.B
Ergodic theorem mean 136.B
Ergodic theorem multiplicative 136.B
Ergodic theorem pointwise 136.B
Ergodic theorem ratio 136.B
Ergodic theorem subadditive 136.B
Ergodic theory 136 342.A
Erlang distribution, k- 260.I
Erlang, A.K. 260.H 307.C
Erlangen program 137
Ernst equation 359.D
Ernst, B. 359.E
| Ernst, Bruno(1947-) 424.r
Error analysis 138
Error analysis backward 302.B
Error constant 303.E
Error estimate, one-step-two-half-steps 303.D
Error function 167.D App. Table
Error matrix 405.G
Error probability 213.D
Error space 403.E
Error sum of squares (with n-s degree of freedom) 403.E
Error term 403.D
Error vector 102.A
Error(s) 138.A
Error(s) accumulated 138.C
Error(s) burst 63.E
Error(s) discretization 303.B
Error(s) local truncation 303.E
Error(s) mean square 399.E 403.E
Error(s) of input data 138.B
Error(s) of the first kind 400.A
Error(s) of the second kind 400.A
Error(s) roundoff 138.B 303.B
Error(s) truncation 138.B 303.B
Error(s), propagation of 138.C
Error(s), theory of 138.A
Error-correcting 63.A
Error-correcting capability 63.B
Error-detecting 63.A
Escobal, Pedro Ramon 309.r
Eskin, Grigorii Il’ich(1936-) 274.C 274.I 345.B
Essential (conformal transformation group) 364.F
Essential part 260.I
Essential singularity (of a complex function) 198.D
Essential singularity (of an analytic function in the wider sense) 198.P
Essential spectrum 390.E 390.H
Essential support (of a distribution) 274.D
Essential supremum (of a measurable function) 168.B
Essentially bounded (measurable function) 168.B
Essentially complete class 398.B
Essentially normal 390.I
Essentially self-adjoint 251.E 390.I
Essentially singular point (with respect to an analytic set) 21.M
Essentially unitary 390.I
Estermann, Theodor 4.C 4.D 123.D
Estes stimulus sampling model 346.G
Estes, William Kaye 346.G
Estimable (parametric function) 399.C
Estimable parameter 403.E
Estimable parameter linearly 403.E
Estimate 399.B
Estimate a priori 323.C
Estimate nonrandomized 399.B
Estimate one-step-two-half-steps error 303.D
Estimate Schauder 323.C
Estimating equation 399.P
Estimating function 399.P
Estimating function likelihood 399.M
Estimating parameters, design for 102.M
Estimation Hadamard App. A Table
Estimation interval 399.Q 401.C
Estimation point 371.H 399.B 401.C
Estimation region 399.O
Estimation space 403.E
Estimation statistical 399.A App. Table
Estimator 399.B
Estimator asymptotically efficient 399.N
Estimator BAN 399.K 399.N
Estimator based on an estimating function 399.P
Estimator Bayes 399.F
Estimator best asymptotically normal 399.K
Estimator best invariant 399.I
Estimator best linear unbiased 403.E
Estimator CAN 399.K
Estimator consistent 399.K
Estimator consistent and asymptotically normal 399.K
Estimator efficient 399.D
Estimator first-order asymptotic efficient 399.O
Estimator first-order efficient 399.O
Estimator generalized least squares 403.E
Estimator invariant 399.I
Estimator kth-order AMU 399.O
Estimator kth-order asymptotically median unbiased 399.O
Estimator L- 371.H
Estimator least squares 403.E
Estimator M- 371.H
Estimator maximum likelihood 399.M
Estimator mean unbiased 399.C
Estimator median unbiased 399.C
Estimator ML 399.M
Estimator modal unbiased 399.C
Estimator moment method 399.L
Estimator Pitman 399.G
Estimator R- 371.H
Estimator randomized 399. B
Estimator ratio 373.C
Estimator state 86.E
Estimator Stein shrinkage 399.G
Estimator superefficient 399.N
Estimator UMV unbiased 399.C
Estimator unbiased 399.C
Eta function (of a Riemann manifold) 391.L
Eta function Dedekind 328.A
Etale morphism 16.F
Etale neighborhood 16.AA
Etale site 16.AA
Etale topology 16.AA
Ethier, Stewart N. 263.r
Euclid axiom 139.A
Euclid ring 67.L
Euclid(Eukleides)(c.303-c.275 B.C.) 13.R 24.C 35.A 67.L 70.B 93.A 139.A 139.B 139.E 140 150.F 155.A 179.A 180.A 181 187 285.A 285.C 296.A 297.A 297.B 332 337.D 364.B 412.H 423.M
Euclidean 140
Euclidean algorithm 297.A
Euclidean algorithm of polynomials 337.D
Euclidean cell complex 70.B
Euclidean complex 70.B
Euclidean connection 364.B
Euclidean connection manifold with 109
Euclidean distance 139.E
Euclidean field 150.F
Euclidean field theory 150.F
Euclidean geometry 139
Euclidean geometry in the wider sense 139.B
Euclidean geometry n-dimensional 139.B 181
Euclidean group, locally 423.M
Euclidean Markov field theory 150.F
Euclidean method 150.F
Euclidean polyhedron 70.B
Euclidean simplicial complex 70.B
Euclidean space form 412.H
Euclidean space(s) 140
Euclidean space(s) locally 259.B 425.V
Euclidean space(s) non- 285.A
Euclidean space(s) theorem on invariance of dimension of 117.D
Euclidean type (building) 13.R
Eudoxus(C.408-C.355 B.C.) 20 187
Euler angles 90.C App. Table
Euler characteristic (of a finite Euclidean cellular complex) 201.B
Euler class (of M) 201.N
Euler constant 174.A
Euler criterion 297.H
Euler differential equation (dynamics of rigid bodies) 271.E
Euler equation (calculus of variations) 46.B
Euler equation (of a perfect fluid) 204.E
Euler equation of motion (of a perfect fluid) 205.A
Euler formula 131.G
Euler function 295.C
Euler graph 186.F
Euler infinite product expansion 450.B
Euler integral of the first kind 174.C
Euler integral of the second kind 174.A
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