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Ito K. — Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics |
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Eilenberg — MacLane complexes 70.F
Eilenberg — MacLane space 70.F
Eilenberg — MacLane spectrum 202.T
Eilenberg — Postnikov invariants (of a CW complex) 70.G
Eilenberg — Steenrod axioms 201.Q
Eilenberg — Zilber theorem 201.J
Eilenberg, Samuel(1913-) 31.r 52.r 70.E—G 70.r 75.r 91.r 200.K 200.M 200.O 200.r 201.A 201.C 201.E 201.G 201.J 201.Q 202.B 202.T 210.r 277.r 305.A 426.* 426.r
Einstein convention (on tensors) 256.J
Einstein metric 364.I
Einstein relation (in diffusion) 1 8.A
Einstein space 364.D App. Table
Einstein summation convention 417.B
Einstein — Kaehler metric 232.C
Einstein, A. 129
Einstein, Albert(1879-1955) 45.A 109 129 132.A 137 150.A 256.J 285.A 351.A 359.A 359.B 359.D 359.r 364.D 364.I 434.C 434.r App.A Table
Eisenberg, Edmund(?-1965) 292.D
Eisenhart, Luther Pfahler(1876-1965) 109.* 109.r 111.r 417.r
Eisenstein series 32.C
Eisenstein series generalized 450.T
Eisenstein theorem 337.F
Eisenstein — Poincare series 32.F
Eisenstein, Ferdinand Gotthold Max(1823-1852) 14.O 32.C 32.F 296.A 337.F 339.E 450.T
Ejiri, Norio(1953-) 275.A 364.F 365.G 391.C
Elastic limit 271.G
Elastic scattering 375.A
Elastic, total, cross section 386.B
Elasticity modulus of, in shear 271.G
Elasticity modulus of, in tension 271.G
Elasticity small-displacement theory of 271.G
Elasticity, theory of 271.G
Elation 110.D
Eldel’man, Samuil Davidovich(1921-) 112.B 327.H
Electric displacement 130.A
electric field 130.A
Electric flux density 130.A
Electric network 282.B
Electric polarization 130.A
Electric susceptibility 130.B
Electric waves 130.B
Electric waves transverse 130.B
Electrodynamics, quantum 132.C
Electromagnetic wave 446
Electromagnetic wave transverse 130.B
Electromagnetic wave, theory of 130.B
Electromagnetism 130
Electron 377.B
Electronic analog computer 19.E
Electronic computer 75.A
Electrostatics 130.B
Element(s) 381. A
Element(s) affine arc 110.C
Element(s) areal (in a Cartan space) 152.C
Element(s) atomic (in a complemented modular lattice) 243.F
Element(s) boundary (in a simply connected domain) 333.B
Element(s) canonical (in the representation of a functor) 52.L
Element(s) Casimir (of a Lie algebra) 248.J
Element(s) central (in a lattice) 243.E
Element(s) compact (of a topological Abelian group) 422.F
Element(s) conformal arc 110.D
Element(s) conjugate (in a field) 149J
Element(s) conjugate (in a group) 190.C
Element(s) contact 428.E
Element(s) contact (in a space with a Lie transformation group) 110.A
Element(s) cyclic 251.J
Element(s) even (of a Clifford algebra) 61.B
Element(s) finite, method 304.C
Element(s) function 198.I 339.
Element(s) function, in the wider sense 198.O
Element(s) generalized nilpotent (in a commutative Banach algebra) 36. E
Element(s) generating 390.G
Element(s) greatest (in an ordered set) 311.B
Element(s) homogeneous (of a graded ring) 369.B
Element(s) homogeneous (of a homogeneous ring) 369.B
Element(s) hypersurface 324.B
Element(s) idempotent (of a ring) 368.B 450.O
Element(s) identity (of a field) 149.A
Element(s) identity (of a group) 190.A
Element(s) identity (of a ring) 368.A
Element(s) identity (of an algebraic system) 409.C
Element(s) inseparable (of a field) 149.H
Element(s) integral (of a system of total differential equations) 428.E
Element(s) inverse (in a group) 190.A
Element(s) inverse (in a ring) 368.B
Element(s) inverse function 198.L
Element(s) invertible (of a ring) 368.B
Element(s) irreducible (of a ring) 67.H
Element(s) isotropic (with respect to a quadratic form) 348.E
Element(s) k-dimensional integral 191.I
Element(s) Kepler orbital 309.B
Element(s) least (in an ordered set) 311 .B
Element(s) left inverse (of an element of a ring) 368.B
Element(s) line 111.C
Element(s) linearly dependent 2.E
Element(s) linearly independent 2.E
Element(s) matrix 351.B
Element(s) maximal (in an ordered set) 311.B
Element(s) maximum (in an ordered set) 311.B
Element(s) minimal (in an ordered set) 311.B
Element(s) minimum (in an ordered set) 311.B
Element(s) negative (of an ordered field) 149.N
Element(s) neutral (in a lattice) 243.F
Element(s) nilpotent (of a ring) 368.B
Element(s) odd (of a Clifford algebra) 61.B
Element(s) ordinary 191.I
Element(s) ordinary integral 428.E
Element(s) oriented (in a covering manifold of a homogeneous space) 110.A
Element(s) orthogonal (of a ring) 368.B
Element(s) osculating 309.D
Element(s) polar (of an analytic function in the wider sense) 198.O
Element(s) polar (of an integral element) 428.E
Element(s) positive (of an ordered field) 149.N
Element(s) prime (for a valuation) 439.E
Element(s) prime (of a ring) 67.H
Element(s) primitive (of an extension of a field) 149.D
Element(s) projective line 110.B
Element(s) purely inseparable (of a field) 149.H
Element(s) quasi-inverse (in a ring) 368.B
Element(s) quasi-invertible (of a ring) 368.B
Element(s) quasiregular (of a ring) 368.B
Element(s) ramified 198.O
Element(s) rational 198.O
Element(s) regular (of a connected Lie group) 249.P
Element(s) regular (of a ring) 368.B
Element(s) regular integral 428.E
Element(s) right inverse (in a ring) 368.B
Element(s) separable (of a field) 149.H
Element(s) singular (of a connected Lie group) 249.P
Element(s) singular (with respect to a quadratic form) 348.E
Element(s) surface 324.B
Element(s) surface, union of 324.B
Element(s) torsion (of an A-module) 277.D
Element(s) transcendental (of a field) 149.E
Element(s) transgressive (in the spectral sequence of a fiber space) 148.E
Element(s) triangular 304.C
Element(s) unit (of a field) 149.A
Element(s) unit (of a group) 190.A
Element(s) unit (of a ring) 368.A
Element(s) unity (of a field) 149.A
Element(s) unity (of a ring) 368.A
Element(s) volume (of an oriented C-manifold) 105.W
Element(s) volume, associated with a Riemannian metric 105.W
Element(s) zero (of a field) 149.A
Element(s) zero (of a linear space) 256.A
Element(s) zero (of a ring) 368.A
Element(s) zero (of an additive group) 2.E 190.A
Element(s)algebraic (of a field) 149.E
Elementarily equivalent structures 276.D
Elementary (Kleinian group) 234.A
Elementary (path) 186.F
Elementary Abelian functions 3.M
| Elementary Abelian group 2.B
Elementary catastrophe 51.E
Elementary collapsing 65.C
Elementary contract 102.C
Elementary divisor (of a matrix) 269.E
Elementary divisor simple (of a matrix) 269.E
Elementary event(s) 342.B
Elementary event(s), space of 342. B
Elementary extension 276.D
Elementary function(s) 131
Elementary function(s) of class n 131. A
Elementary Hopf algebra 203.D
Elementary ideal 235.C
Elementary kernel (of a linear partial differential operator) 320.H
Elementary number theory 297
Elementary number theory fundamental theorem of 297.C
Elementary particle(s) 132
Elementary solution App. A Table
Elementary solution (of a differential operator) 112.B
Elementary solution (of a linear partial differential operator) 320.H
Elementary solution (of partial differential equations of elliptic type) 323.B
Elementary symmetric function 337.I
Elementary symmetric polynomial 337.I
Elementary topological Abelian group 422.E
Elias, Peter(1923-) 213.F
Eliasson, Halldor Ingimar(1939-) 364.H
Eliminate (variables from a family of polynomials) 369.E
Elimination design for two-way, of heterogeneity 102.K
Elimination forward 302.B
Elimination Gauss — Jordan 302.B
Elimination Gaussian 302.B
Elimination method, Sylvester 369.E
Elliott, George Arthur(1945-) 36.H 36.K 36.r
Elliott, Peter D.T.A. 295.r
ellipse 78.A
Ellipsoid 350.B
Ellipsoid of inertia 271.E
Ellipsoid of revolution 350.B
Ellipsoidal coordinates 90.C 133.A App. Table
Ellipsoidal harmonics 133.B
Ellipsoidal harmonics, four species of 133.C
Ellipsoidal type, special function of 389.A
Elliptic (differential operator) 112.A 323.A 237.H
Elliptic (pseudodifferential operator) 323.K
Elliptic (Riemann surface) 77.B 367.D
Elliptic (solution) 323.D
Elliptic analytic hypo- 112.D
Elliptic analytically hypo- 323.I
Elliptic coordinates 90.C 350.E App. Table
Elliptic curve 9.C
Elliptic curve, L-functions of 450.S
Elliptic cylinder 350.B
Elliptic cylinder function 268.B
Elliptic cylindrical coordinates App. A Table
Elliptic cylindrical surface 350.B
Elliptic domain 77.B
Elliptic function field 9.D
Elliptic function(s) 134
Elliptic function(s) Jacobi App. A Table
Elliptic function(s) of the first kind 134.G
Elliptic function(s) of the second kind 134.G
Elliptic function(s) of the third kind 134.H
Elliptic function(s) Weierstrass App. A Table
Elliptic geometry 285.A
Elliptic hypo- 112.D 189.C 323.I
Elliptic integral 11.C 134.A App. Table
Elliptic integral complete App. A Table
Elliptic integral of the first kind 134.A App. Table
Elliptic integral of the first kind, complete 134.B
Elliptic integral of the first kind, incomplete 134.B
Elliptic integral of the second kind 134.A App. Table
Elliptic integral of the second kind, complete 134.C
Elliptic integral of the third kind 134.A App. Table
Elliptic integrals and elliptic functions App. A Table
Elliptic irrational function 134.A
Elliptic microlocally 345.A
Elliptic modular group 122.D
Elliptic motions 55.A
Elliptic omplex (on a compact -manifold) 237.H
Elliptic operator 323.H
Elliptic operator microlocally 345.A
Elliptic operator strongly 323.H
Elliptic paraboloid 350.B
Elliptic paraboloid of revolution 350.B
Elliptic point (of a Fuchsian group) 122.C
Elliptic point (on a surface) 111.H
Elliptic quadric hypersurface 350.G
Elliptic singularity 418.C
Elliptic singularity minimally 418.C
Elliptic space 285.C
Elliptic strongly 112.G 323.H
Elliptic surface 72.K
Elliptic theta function 134.I App. Table
Elliptic transformation 74.F
Elliptic type 323.A.D
Elliptic type (Lie algebra) 191.D
Elliptic type, partial differential equation of 323 App. Table
Ellis, George F.R.(1939-) 359.r
Elongation strain 271.G
Elworth, Kenneth David(1940-) 183 286.D 406.r
El’sgol’ts, Lev Ernestovich(1909-1967) 163.r
Embedded (into a topological space) 425.J
Embedded hyperbolically 21.O
Embedded Markov chain 260.H
Embedded primary component (of an ideal) 67.F
Embedded prime divisor (of an ideal) 67.F
Embedding 105.K
Embedding (of a -manifold) 105.K
Embedding (of a topological space) 425.J
Embedding (of categories) 52.H
Embedding formula of, form 303.D
Embedding generalized Borel 384.D
Embedding PL 65.D
Embedding principle (in dynamic programming) 127.B
Embedding regular 105.K
Embedding Tanaka 384.D
Embedding theorem full (of an Abelian category) 52.N
Embedding theorem Irwin 65.D
Embedding theorem Menger — Noebeling 117.D
Embedding theorem Sobolev — Besov 168.B
Embedding theorem Tikhonov 425.T
Embedding toroidal 16.Z
Embedding torus 16.Z
Emch, Gerald Gustav(1936-) 351.r
Emde, Fritz 389.r NTR
Emden differential equation 291.F
Emden function, Lane- 291.F
Emden, Robert(1862-1940) 291.F
emission 325.A
Emission backward 325.A
Emission forward 325.A
Empirical characteristic function 396.C
Empirical constant 19.F
Empirical distribution function 250.F 374.E 396.C
Empirical formula 19.F
Empiricism, French 156.C
Empty set 33.B 381.A
Empty set axiom of 33.B
Enantiomorphic pair 92.A
Enantiomorphous 92.A
Encoder 213.D
Encoding 63.A
End (of a noncompact manifold) 178 F
End (of a segment in an affine space) 7.D
End (of a segment) 155.B
End (of an arc) 93.B
End Heins 367.E
End lower (of a curvilinear integral) 94.D
End upper (of a curvilinear integral) 94.D
End vertex 186.B
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