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Ito K. — Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics
Ito K. — Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics

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Название: Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics

Автор: Ito K.


When the first edition of the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics appeared in 1977, it was immediately hailed as a landmark contribution to mathematics: "The standard reference for anyone who wants to get acquainted with any part of the mathematics of our time" (Jean Dieudonné, American Mathematical Monthly).

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 2nd edition

Год издания: 1987

Количество страниц: 2120

Добавлена в каталог: 18.03.2009

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Complex simple Lie group exceptional      249.M
Complex space form      365.L
Complex special orthogonal group      60.I
Complex spectral measure      390.D
Complex spectral representation      390.E
Complex spectral resolution      390.E
Complex sphere      74.D
Complex spinor group      61.E
Complex Stiefel manifold      199.B
Complex structure (in a complex manifold)      72.A
Complex structure (on $\mathbf{R}^{2n}$)      3.H
Complex structure (on a Riemann surface)      367.A
Complex structure (pseudogroup structure)      105.Y
Complex structure almost      72.B
Complex structure tensor field of almost (induced by a complex structure)      72.B
Complex structure, deformation of      72.G
Complex symplectic group      60.L
Complex topological linear space      424.A
Complex torus      3.H
Complex variable      165.C
Complex variable theory of functions of      198.Q
Complex vector bundle      147.F
Complex(es)      70
Complex(es) $\bar{\hat{c}}$-      72.D
Complex(es) (in an Abelian category)      201.B
Complex(es) (in buildings and BN pairs)      13.R
Complex(es) (over an object of an Abelian category)      200.H
Complex(es) Amitsur      200. P
Complex(es) cell      70.D
Complex(es) chain      200.C
Complex(es) chain (in an Abelian category)      201.B
Complex(es) chain, over $\Lambda$      201.G
Complex(es) chain, over C      201.C
Complex(es) chamber      13.R
Complex(es) closure finite cell      70.D
Complex(es) cochain (in an Abelian category)      200.F 200.H
Complex(es) cochain (of a simplicial complex)      201.H
Complex(es) cochain, over $\Lambda$      201.H
Complex(es) countable cell      70.D
Complex(es) countable simplicial      70.C
Complex(es) Coxeter      13.R
Complex(es) CW      70.D
Complex(es) de Rham      201.H
Complex(es) de Rham (as an elliptic complex)      237.H
Complex(es) Dolbeault      72.D
Complex(es) double      200.H
Complex(es) double chain      200.E
Complex(es) dual      65.B
Complex(es) Eilenberg — MacLane      70.F
Complex(es) elliptic (on a compact $C^\infty$-manifold)      237.H
Complex(es) Euclidean      70.B
Complex(es) Euclidean cell      70.B
Complex(es) Euclidean simplicial      70.B
Complex(es) finite cell      70.D
Complex(es) finite simplicial      70.C
Complex(es) geometric      70.B
Complex(es) isomorphic s.s.      70.E
Complex(es) isomorphic simplicial      70.C
Complex(es) Kan      70. E
Complex(es) linear (in projective geometry)      343.E
Complex(es) linear line      343.E
Complex(es) locally countable cell      70.D
Complex(es) locally countable simplicial      70.C
Complex(es) locally finite cell      70.D
Complex(es) locally finite simplicial      70.C
Complex(es) minimal      70.E
Complex(es) multiple      200.H
Complex(es) negative      200.H
Complex(es) ordered (of a simplicial complex)      70.E
Complex(es) ordered simplicial      70.C
Complex(es) oriented simplicial chain      201.C
Complex(es) Poincare      114.J
Complex(es) positive      200.H
Complex(es) positive chain      200.C
Complex(es) Postnikov      70.G
Complex(es) product      200.H
Complex(es) product (of cell complexes)      70.D
Complex(es) product double chain      200.E
Complex(es) quotient      201.L
Complex(es) quotient chain      200.C
Complex(es) rectilinear      70.B
Complex(es) regular cell      70.D
Complex(es) relative chain      200.C
Complex(es) relative cochain      200.F
Complex(es) s.s.      70.E
Complex(es) s.s., realization of      70.E
Complex(es) semisimplicial (s.s.)      70.E
Complex(es) simplicial      65.A 70.C
Complex(es) singular (of a topological space)      70.E
Complex(es) singular chain (of a topological space)      201.E
Complex(es) singular cochain      201.H
Complex(es) space form      365.L
Complex(es) standard (of a Lie algebra)      200.O
Complex(es) Thom      114.G
Complex(es) Thom, associated with (G,n)      114.G
Complex(es) Thom, fundamental cohomology class of the      114.G
Complex(es)abstract simplicial      70.C
Complex(es)acyclic      201.B
Complex-valued function      165.B
Complexification Chevalley      249.U
Complexification of a real Lie algebra      248.P
Complexity average      71. A
Complexity Kolmogorov — Chaitin      354.D
Complexity of computation      71
Complexity space      71.A
Complexity time      71.A
Complexity worst-case      71. A
Component model      403.F
Component(s) (in graph theory)      186.F
Component(s) (of a direct product set)      381.E
Component(s) (of a matrix)      269.A
Component(s) (of a point in a projective space)      343.C
Component(s) (of a tensor of type (p,q))      256.J
Component(s) (of a vector field)      105.M
Component(s) (of a vector)      256.A 442.A
Component(s) arcwise connected      79.B
Component(s) basic (of an m-dimensional surface)      110.A
Component(s) connected      79.A 186.F
Component(s) embedded primary (of an ideal)      67.F
Component(s) fixed (of a linear system)      16.N
Component(s) ghost (of an infinite-dimensional vector)      449.A
Component(s) horizontal (of a homogeneous space)      110.A
Component(s) horizontal (of a vector field)      80.C
Component(s) identity (of a topological group)      423.F
Component(s) irreducible (of a linear representation)      362.D
Component(s) irreducible (of an algebraic variety)      16.A
Component(s) irreducible (of an analytic space)      23.C
Component(s) isolated primary (of an ideal)      67.F
Component(s) ith (of an element relative to a basis)      256.C
Component(s) ith(of an n-tuple)      256.A
Component(s) nilpotent (of a linear mapping)      269.L
Component(s) of degree n (of a graded A-module)      200.B
Component(s) orthogonal (of an element of a linear space)      139.G
Component(s) path-      79.B
Component(s) primary (of an ideal)      67.F
Component(s) principal      280.F
Component(s) principal, analysis      280.F
Component(s) principal, of order p      110. A
Component(s) proper (of an intersection of subvarieties)      16.G
Component(s) Reeb      154.B
Component(s) relative (of a Lie transformation group)      110.A
Component(s) secondary (of a homogeneous space)      110.A
Component(s) semisimple      269.L
Component(s) simple (of a semisimple ring)      368.G
Component(s) strongly connected      186.F
Component(s) unipotent (of a linear mapping)      269.L
Component(s) variable (of a linear system)      15.C 16.N
Component(s) vertical (of a vector field)      80.C
Components-of-variance model      403.C
Composite designs, central      102.M
Composite field      149.D
Composite function      106.I
Composite hypothesis      400.A
Composite number      297.B
Composite of cohomology operations      64.B
Composite of correspondences      358.B
Composite of homotopy classes      202.B
Composite of mappings      381.C
Composite of morphisms      52.A
Composite of subsets      436.A
Composite of valuations      439.F
Composite particles      132.A
Composition (of knots)      235.A
Composition (of probability distributions)      341.E
Composition algebra      231.B
Composition external law of (of a set of another set)      409.A
Composition factor      190.G
Composition factor series      190.G
Composition internal law of (of a set)      409.A
Composition law of (on a set)      409.A
Composition product (of functions)      192.H
Composition secondary      202.R
Composition series (in a group)      190.G
Composition series (in a lattice)      243.F
Composition theorem (in class field theory)      59.C
Compound Poisson process      5.F
Comprehension, axiom of      33.B 381.G
Compressibility, isothermal      419.B
Compressible fluid      205.B
Compression, information      96.B
Computable (partial function)      31.B
Computation analog      19. A
Computation high-precision      138.B
Computation, complexity of      71
COMPUTE      31.B 71.B
Computers      75
Computers analog      19.E
Computers digital      75.B
Computers electronic      75.A
Computers electronic analog      19.E
Computers hybrid      19.E
Comultiplication      203.B 203.F
Comultiplication Hopf      203.D
Concatenation (of paths)      170
Concave function      88.A
Concave function strictly      88.A
Concave programming problem      292.A
Concentration asymptotic      399.L
Concentration function maximal      341.E
Concentration function mean      341.E
Concentration spectral      331.F
Concentration, area of      397.E
Concentration, Gini coefficient of      397.E
Concentration, measure of      397.E
Concept basic (of structure)      409.B
Concept global (in differential geometry)      109
Concept in the large (in differential geometry)      109
Concept in the small (in differential geometry)      109
Concept local (in differential geometry)      109
Conchoid of Nicomedes      93.H
Conchoidal curve      93.H
Concircularly flat space      App. A Table
Concordant      154.F
Concurrent (in nonstandard analysis)      293.B
Concurrent (in projective geometry)      343.B
Condensation of singularities, principle of      37.H
Condensation point      425.O
Condensation test, Cauchy      379.B
Condition number      302.A
Condition(s) adjoint boundary      315.B
Condition(s) ascending chain (for (normal) subgroups of a group)      190.F
Condition(s) ascending chain (in an ordered set)      311.C
Condition(s) Baire      425.N
Condition(s) boundary (for an ordinary differential equation)      315.A
Condition(s) boundary (for partial differential equations of elliptic type)      323.F
Condition(s) boundary, operator with      112.F
Condition(s) Cauchy (on the D-integral and the D(*)-integral)      100.E
Condition(s) CFL (Courant — Friedrichs — Lewy)      304.F
Condition(s) chain (in an ordered set)      311.C
Condition(s) complete integrability      428.C
Condition(s) consistency      341.I
Condition(s) Denjoy — Carleman      168.B
Condition(s) descending chain (for (normal) subgroups of a group)      190.F
Condition(s) descending chain (in an ordered set)      311.C
Condition(s) entropy      204.G
Condition(s) finiteness, for integral extension      284.F
Condition(s) Frobenius integrability      154.B
Condition(s) Haar (on best approximation)      336.B
Condition(s) Harnack (on the D-integral and the D(*)-integral)      100.E
Condition(s) Hoelder, of order $\alpha$      84.A
Condition(s) initial (for ordinary differential equations)      316.A
Condition(s) initial (for partial differential equations)      321.A
Condition(s) Jacobi      46.C
Condition(s) KMS      308.H
Condition(s) Levi      325.H
Condition(s) Lindeberg      250.B
Condition(s) Lipschitz      84.A 163.D 286.B 316.D
Condition(s) Lipschitz, of order $\alpha$      84.A
Condition(s) Lorentz      130.A
Condition(s) LSZ asymptotic      150.D
Condition(s) Lyapunov      250.B
Condition(s) maximal (in an ordered set)      311.C
Condition(s) minimal (in an ordered set)      31 1.C
Condition(s) no cycle      126.J
Condition(s) of finite character (for functions)      34.C
Condition(s) of finite character (for sets)      34.C
Condition(s) of R. Schmidt (in (C,$\alpha$)-summation)      379.M
Condition(s) of transversality (in the calculus of variations)      46.B
Condition(s) Palais — Smale      279.E 286.Q
Condition(s) Poincare (in the Dirichlet problem)      120.A
Condition(s) restricted minimal (in a commutative ring)      284.A
Condition(s) Sommerfeld radiation      188.D
Condition(s) spectrum      150.D
Condition(s) strip      320.D
Condition(s) strong transversality      126.J
Condition(s) transversality      108.B
Condition(s) uniqueness (for solution of an ordinary differential equation)      316.D
Condition(s) von Neumann      304.F
Condition(s) Whitney, (b)      418.G
Condition(s) Whitney, (b) at a point      418.G
Conditional density      397.I
Conditional distribution      397.I
Conditional entropy      213.B
Conditional expectation (of a random variable)      342.E
Conditional inequality      211.A
Conditional mean (of a random variable)      342.E 397.I
Conditional moments      397.J
Conditional probability      342.E
Conditional probability distribution      342.E
Conditional probability regular      342.E
Conditional problems in the calculus of variations      46.A
Conditional relative extremum (of a function)      106.L
Conditional self-intersection      213.B
Conditional stability      394.D
Conditionality, principle of      401.C
Conditionally $\sigma$-complete lattice      243.D
Conditionally complete lattice      243.D
Conditionally convergent      379.C
Conditionally stable      394.D
Condon, Edward U.      353.r
Conductivity      130.B
Conductor (of a class field)      59.B
Conductor (of a Grossencharakter)      450.F
Conductor (of a nonprimitive character or a primitive character)      450.C
Conductor (of a quadratic field)      347.G
Conductor (of a residue character)      295.D
Conductor (of a subring of a principal order)      14.B
Conductor (of an Abelian extension)      14.Q
Conductor (of an ideal group)      14.H
Conductor (of Dirichlet L-functions)      450.C
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