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Ito K. — Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics |
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Birkhoff fixed-point theorem, Poincare — 153.B
Birkhoff integrable (function) 443.E
Birkhoff integral 443.E
Birkhoff — Witt theorem, Poincare- (on Lie algebras) 248.J
Birkhoff, Garrett(1911-) 8.r 87.r 103.r 183.r 243.r 248.J 310.A 311.r 343.r 443.A 443.E 443.H
Birkhoff, George David(1884-1944) 30.r 107.A 109 111.I 126.A 126.E 136.A 136.B 139.r 153.B 153.D 157.A 162 253.C 254.D 279.A 286.D 420.F
Birman, Joan S.(1922-) 235.r
Birman, Mikhail Shlemovich(1928-) 331.E
Birnbaum theorem 399.C
Birnbaum, Allan(1923-76) 399.C 399.r 400.r
Birtel, Frank Thomas(1932-) 164.r
Birth and death process 260.G
Birth process 260.G
Birth rate, infinitesimal 260.G
Bisconcini, Giulio 420.C
Bishop, Errett A.(1928-83) 164.D—F 164.J 164.K 367.r
Bishop, Richard L.(1931-) 105.r 178.r 417.r
Bishop, Yvonne M.M. 280.r 403.r
Bispectral density function 421.C
Bispinor of rank (k,n) 258.B
Bit 75.B 213.B
Bit check 63.C
Bit, information 63.C
Bitsadze, Andrei Vasil’evich(1916-) 326.r
Bivariate data 397.H
Bivariate distribution 397.H
Bivariate moments 397.H
Bivariate normal density 397.I
Bjerknes, Carl Anton(1825-1903) 1.r
Bjoerck, Ake(1934-) 302.r
Bjoerck, Goran(1930-) 125.r
Bjoerk, Jan-Erik 112.r 125.EE 274.r
Bjorken, James Daniel(1934-) 132.r 146.A 146.C 150.r
Blackman, R.B. 42l.r
Blackwell — Rao theorem 399.C
Blackwell, David(Harold)(1919-) 22.H 398.r 399.C
Blahut, Richard E.(1937-) 213.r
Blair, David E.(1940-) 110.E 364.G
Blakers — Massey theorem 202.M
Blakers, Albert Laurence(1917-) 202.M
Blanchard, Andre(1928-) 72.r
Blanc—Lapierre, Andre Joseph(1915-) 395.r
Bland, Robert G.(1948-) 255.C
Blaschke manifold 178.G
Blaschke manifold at a point p 178.G
Blaschke product 43.F
Blaschke sequence 43.F
Blaschke, Wilhelm(1885-1962) 43.F 76.r 89.C 89.r 109.* 109.r 110.C 110.r 111.r 178.G 218.A 218.C 218.H 228.r
Blatt, John Markus 353.r
Blattner, Robert James(1931-) 437.W 437.EE
Bleaney, B.I. 130.r
Bleuler formalism, Gupta — 105.G
Bleuler, Konrad(1912-) 150.G
Bloch constant 77.F
Bloch constant schlicht 77.F
Bloch theorem 77.F
Bloch, Andre(1893-1948) 21.N 21.O 77.F 272.L 429.D
Bloch, Felix(1905-) 353.r 402.H
Bloch, Spencer 16.R
Block (bundle) 147.Q
Block (of a permutation group) 151.H
Block (of irreducible modular representations) 362.I
Block (of plots) 102.B
Block bundle 147.Q
Block bundle normal 147.Q
Block bundle q- 147.Q
Block code 63.A 213.F
Block code, sliding 213.E
Block complete 102.B
Block design 102.B
Block design, balanced incomplete 102.E
Block design, efficiency-balanced 102.E
Block design, optimal 102.E
Block design, randomized 102.B
Block design, variance-balanced 102.E
Block effect 102.B
Block incomplete 102.B
Block initial 102.E
Block size 102.B
Block structure, q- 147.Q
Block, Henry David(1920-1978) 420.C
Blowing up (by an ideal sheaf) 16.K
Blowing up (of a complex manifold) 72.H
Blowing up (of an analytic space) 23.D
Blowing up b.l.u.e (best linear unbiased estimator) 403.E
Bloxham, M.J.D. 386.C
Blum, Julius Rubin(1922-1982) 136.E
Blum, Manuel 71.D 71.r
Blumenthal zero-one law 261.B
Blumenthal, Ludwig Otto(1876-1944) 32.G 122.E
Blumenthal, Robert McCallum(1931-) 5.r 261.B 261.r
BMO (bounded mean oscillation) 168.B
BN-pair 13.R 343.I
Boas, Ralph Philip, Jr.(1912-) 58.r 220.D 240.K 429.r
Bocher, Maxime(1867-1918) 107.A 167.E 193.D
Bochner integrable 443.C
Bochner integral 443.C
Bochner theorem 36.L 192.B
Bochner, Salomon(1899-1982) 5.r 18.A 18.r 21.Q 21.r 36.L 80.r 109.* 109.r 125.A 160.C 160.r 164.G 192.B 192.O 194.G 261.F 327.r 341.C 341.J 341.r 367.F 378.D 443.A 443.C 443.H
Bodewig, Ewald 298.r
Body bounded star 182.C
Body forces 271.G
Body rigid 271.E
Boehme, Reinhold(1944-) 275.C
Boerner, Hermann(1906-1982) 362.r
Boetius, Anicius Manlius Torquatus Severinus(c.480-524) 372
Bogolyubov inequality, Peierls- 212.B
Bogolyubov, Nikolai Nikolaevich(1909-) 125.W 136.H 146.A 150.r 212.B 290.A 290.D 361.r 402.J
Bohnenblust,(Henri) Frederic(1906-) 28 310.A 310.G
Bohr compactification 18.H
Bohr, almost periodic function in the sense of 18.B
Bohr, Harald(1887-1951) 18.A 18.B 18.H 18.r 69.B 121.B 121.C 123.r 450.I
Bohr, Niels Henrik David(1885-1962) 351.A
Bokshtein homomorphism 64.B
Bokshtein operation 64.B
Bokshtein(Bockstein), Meer Feliksovich(1913—) 64.B 117.F
Bol, Gerrit(1906-) 110.r
Boll, Marcel(1886-) NTR
Bolley, Pierre(1943-) 323.N
Boltyanskii, Vladimir Grigor’evich(1925-) 86.r 89.r 117.F 127.G
Boltzmann constant 402.B
Boltzmann distribution law, Maxwell — 402.B
Boltzmann equation 41.A 402.B
Boltzmann, Ludwig(1844-1906) 41.A 41.B 41.r 136.A 402.B 402.H 402.r 403.B 403.r
Bolyai, Janos(Johann)(1802-60) 35.A 181 267 285.A
Bolza, Oskar(1857-1942) 46.r
Bolzano — Weierstrass theorem 140 273.F
Bolzano, Bernard(1781-1848) 140 273.F
Bombieri, Enrico(1940-) 15.r 72.K 118.B 123.D 123.E 123.r 151.J 275.F 438.C 450.P 450.Q
Bompiani, Enrico(1889-1975) 110.B
Bond percolation process 340.D
Bonnesen, Tommy(1873-) 89.r 228.A
Bonnet formula, Gauss — 111.H 364.D App. Table
Bonnet fundamental theorem 111.H
Bonnet — Sasaki — Nitsche formula, Gauss — 275.C
Bonnet, Ossian Pierre(1819-92) 109 111.H 275.A 275.C 364.D App.A Table
Bonsall, Frank Featherstone(1920-) 310.H
Bony, Jean-Michel(1942-) 274.r
Book, D.L. 304r
Boole, George(1815-64) 33.E 42.A—D 42.r 104.r 156.B 243.E 267 379.J 411.A 411.r
Boolean algebra 243.E
Boolean algebra, generalized 42.B
Boolean lattice 42.A 243.
Boolean lattice of sets 243.E
Boolean operations 42.A
Boolean ring 42.C
Boolean ring, generalized 42.C
Boolean space 42.D
Boolean-valued set theory 33.E
Boone, William Werner(1920-83) 97.* 97.r 161.B
| Boothby, William M.(1918-) 110.E
Borchardt, Carl Wilhelm(1817-1880) 229.r
Borcher theorem 150.E
Borchers, Hans-Jiirgen(1926-) 150.E
Bord (for a G-manifold) 431.E
Bordant 431.E
Border set 425.N
Borel direction (of a meromorphic function) 272.F
Borel embedding, generalized 384.D
Borel exceptional value 272.E
Borel exponential method, summable by 379.O
Borel field 270.B 270.C
Borel integral method, summable by 379.O
Borel isomorphic 270.C
Borel measurable function 270.J
Borel measure 270.G
Borel method of summation 379.O
Borel set(s) (in a Euclidean space) 270.C
Borel set(s) (in a topological space) 270.C
Borel set(s) (in the strict sense) 270.C
Borel set(s) nearly 261.D
Borel space 270.C
Borel space, standard 270.C
Borel subalgebra (of a semisimple Lie algebra) 248.O
Borel subgroup k- (of an algebraic group) 13.G
Borel subgroup of a Lie group 249.J
Borel subgroup of an algebraic group 13.G
Borel subset 270.C
Borel summable, absolute 379.O
Borel theorem (on classifying spaces) App. A Table
Borel theorem (on meromorphic functions) 272.E
Borel theorem, Heine 273.F
Borel — Cantelli lemma 342.B
Borel — Lebesgue theorem 273.H
Borel — Lebesgue theorem, mapping 270.C
Borel — Weil theorem 437.Q
Borel, Armand(1923-) 12.B 13.A 13.G 13.r 16.Z 32.H 32.r 56.r 73.r 122.F 122.G 122.r 147.K 148.E 148.r 199.r 203.A 248.O 249.J 249.V 249.r 366.D 383.r 384.D 427.B 427.r 431.r 437.Q 450.r App.A Table
Borel, Emile(1871-1956) 20 21.O 22.A 22.G 58.D 83.B 124.B 156.C 198.Q 198.r 261.D 270.B 270.C 270.G 270.J 272.E 272.F 273.F 339.D 342.A 342.B 379.O 429.B
Borevich, Zenon Ivanovich(1922-) 14.r 297.r 347.r
Borges, Carlos J.Rego(1939-) 273.K 425.Y
Borisovich, Yurii Grigor’evich(1930-) 286.r
Born, Max(1882-1970) 402.J 446.r
Bornological locally convex space 424.I
Bornological, ultra- (locally convex space) 424.W
Borovkov, Aleksandr Alekseevich(1931—) 260.H
Borsuk — Ulam theorem 153.B
Borsuk, Karol(1905-82) 79.C 79.r 153.B 202.B 202.I 382.A 382.C
Bortolotti covariant derivative, van der Waerden — 417.E
Bortolotti, Ettore(1866-1947) 417.E
Bose particle 132.A
Bose statistics 377.B 402.E
Bose, Raj Chandra(1901 -) 63.D 241.B STR
Bose, Satyendra Nath(1894-1974) 132.A 132.C 351.H 377.B 402.E
Boson 132.A 351.H
Boson Nambu — Goldstone 132.C
boss, Gerard(1944-) 126.M
Bott fixed point theorem, Atiyah — 153.C
Bott generator 237.D
Bott isomorphism 237.D
Bott periodicity theorem in K-theory 237.D
Bott periodicity theorem on homotopy groups 202.V App. Table
Bott, Raoul(1923-) 105.r 109 153.C 154.F—H 178.G 202.V 202.r 237.D 237.H 237.r 248.r 272.L 279.D 325.J 345.A 366.r 391.N 391.r 413.r 427.E 427.r 437.Q App.A Table
Bouligand, Georges(1889-?) 120.D
Bound Froissart 386.B
Bound greatest lower (of a subset in an ordered set) 311.B
Bound greatest lower (of a subset of a vector lattice) 310.C
Bound Hamming 63.B
Bound least upper (of a subset in an ordered set) 311.B
Bound least upper (of a subset of a vector lattice) 310.C
Bound lower (of a subset in an ordered set) 311.B
Bound Plotkin 63.B
Bound state 351.D
Bound upper (of a subset in an ordered set) 311.B
Bound variable 411.C
Bound Varshamov — Gilbert — Sacks 63.B
Boundary -manifold with 105.E
Boundary -manifold without 105.E
Boundary (boundaries) (of a convex cell) 7.D
Boundary (cycle) 200.H
Boundary (of a function algebra) 164.C
Boundary (of a manifold) 65.B 105.B
Boundary (of a topological space) 425.N
Boundary Choquet (for a function algebra) 164.C
Boundary closed (for a function algebra) 164.C
Boundary cluster set 62.A
Boundary condition 315.A 323.F
Boundary condition adjoint 315.B
Boundary condition, operator with 112.F
Boundary differential manifold with, of class C 105.E
Boundary domain with regular 105.U
Boundary domain with smooth 105.U
Boundary dual Martin 260.I
Boundary element (in a simply connected domain) 333.B
Boundary entrace (of a diffusion process) 115.B
Boundary exit (of a diffusion process) 115.B
Boundary function 160.E
Boundary group 234.B
Boundary harmonic 207.B
Boundary homomorphism in homotopy exact sequences 202.L
Boundary homomorphism of homology exact sequence 201.L
Boundary ideal 207.A
Boundary layer 205.C
Boundary layer equation, Prandtl 205.C
Boundary Martin 207.C 260.I
Boundary module of 200.C
Boundary natural (of a diffusion process) 115.B
Boundary natural (of an analytic function) 198.N
Boundary Newton, of in the coordinate 418.D
Boundary nondegenerate Newton 418.D
Boundary of null (open Riemann surface) 367.E
Boundary of positive (open Riemann surfacel 367.E
Boundary operator 200.C
Boundary operator between chain groups 201.B
Boundary operator linear 315.B
Boundary operator partial 200.E
Boundary operator total 200.E
Boundary pasting together 114.F
Boundary point dual passive 260.H
Boundary point entrace 260.H
Boundary point exit 260.H
Boundary point irregular 120.D
Boundary point of a subset 425.N
Boundary point passive 260.H
Boundary point regular 120.D
Boundary regular (of a diffusion process) 115.B
Boundary relative 367.B
Boundary set 425.N
Boundary Shilov (for a function algebra) 21.D 164.C
Boundary Shilov (of a Siegel domain) 384.D
Boundary space 112.E
Boundary surface with 410.B
Boundary topological manifold with 105.B
Boundary topological manifold without 105.B
Boundary value (of a conformal mapping) 77.B
Boundary value (of a hyperfunction) 125.V
Boundary value (relative to a differential operator) 112.E
Boundary value problem 315
Boundary value problem (for harmonic functions) 193.F
Boundary value problem (in numerical solution of ordinary differential equations) 303.H
Boundary value problem adjoint 315.B
Boundary value problem first (for elliptic differential equations) 323.C
Boundary value problem first (for harmonic functions) 193.F
Boundary value problem general 323.H
Boundary value problem homogeneous (of ordinary differential equations) 315.B
Boundary value problem inhomogeneous (of ordinary differential equations) 315.B
Boundary value problem of ordinary differential equations 315
Boundary value problem second (elliptic differential equations) 323.F
Boundary value problem second (for harmonic functions) 193.F
Boundary value problem self-adjoint 315.B
Boundary value problem solution of App. A Table
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