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Ito K. — Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics
Ito K. — Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics

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Название: Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics

Автор: Ito K.


When the first edition of the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics appeared in 1977, it was immediately hailed as a landmark contribution to mathematics: "The standard reference for anyone who wants to get acquainted with any part of the mathematics of our time" (Jean Dieudonné, American Mathematical Monthly).

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 2nd edition

Год издания: 1987

Количество страниц: 2120

Добавлена в каталог: 18.03.2009

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Analytic mapping      21.J
Analytic measurable space      270.C
Analytic micro- (hyperfunction)      125.CC
Analytic neighborhood of a function element in the wider sense      198.O
Analytic neighborhood of a Riemann surface      367.A
Analytic number theory      296.B
Analytic operation      22.B
Analytic operation function      37.K
Analytic perturbation      331.D
Analytic polyhedron      21.G
Analytic prolongation      198.G
Analytic pseudo- (function)      352.B
Analytic quasi- (function)      352.B
Analytic quasi- (in the generalized sense)      58.F
Analytic real      106.K 198.H
Analytic relations, invariance theorem of      198.K
Analytic representation (of GL(V))      60.D
Analytic set (in set theory)      22
Analytic set (in the theory of analytic spaces)      23.B
Analytic set co-      22.A
Analytic set complementary (in set theory)      22.A
Analytic set germ of      23.B
Analytic set irreducible (at a point)      23.B
Analytic set principal      23.B
Analytic set purely d-dimensional      23.B
Analytic set purely d-dimensional (at a point)      23.B
Analytic sheaf      72.E
Analytic sheaf coherent      72.E
Analytic spaces      23
Analytic spaces Banach      23.G
Analytic spaces C-      23.E
Analytic spaces general      23.G
Analytic spaces in the sense of Behnke — Stein      23.E
Analytic spaces K-complete      23.F
Analytic spaces normal      23.D
Analytic structure complex      72.A
Analytic structure on a Riemann surface      367.A
Analytic structure real      105.D
Analytic submanifold, complex      72.A
Analytic subset (of a complex manifold)      72.E
Analytic subspace      23.C 23.G
Analytic torsion      391.M
Analytic vector (with respect to a unitary representation of a Lie group)      437.S
Analytic wave front set      274.D
Analytical dynamics      271.F
Analytically continuable      198.I
Analytically hypoelliptic      112.D 323.I
Analytically independent elements      370.A
Analytically normal local ring      284.D
Analytically thin set      23.D
Analytically uniform spaces      125.S
Analytically unramified semilocal ring      284.D
Analyticity, set of      192.N
Analyzer differential      19.E
Analyzer harmonic      19.E
Ananda—Rau, K.      121.D
Anchor ring      410.B
Ancient mathematics      24
Ancillary statistic      396.H 401.C
Andersen, Erik Sparre(1919-)      260.J
Anderson, Brian D.O.      86.r
Anderson, Joel H.(1935-)      36.J
Anderson, Richard Louis(1915—)      19.r
Anderson, Robert Murdoch(1951-)      293.D 293.r
Anderson, Theodore Wilbur(1918-)      280.r 374.r 421.D
Andersson, Karl Gustav(1943-)      274.I
Ando, Tsuyoshi(1932-)      310.H
Ando, Y.      304.r
Andreotti, Aldo(1924-1980)      32.F 72.r
Andrews, David F.      371.H
Andrews, Frank C.      419.r
Andrianov, Anatolii N.(1936-)      32.F
Andronov, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich(1901-1952)      126.A 126.I 126.r 290.r 318.r
Anger function      39.G App. Table
Anger, Carl Theodor(1803-1958)      39.G App.A Table
angle      139.D 155.B
Angle (of a geodesic triangle)      178.A 178.H
Angle (of a spherical triangle)      432.B
Angle (of hyperspheres)      76.A
Angle acute      139.D
Angle alternate      139.D
Angle corresponding      139.D
Angle eccentric (of a point on a hyperbola)      78.E
Angle eccentric (of a point on an ellipse)      78.D
Angle Euler      90.C
Angle general      139.D
Angle non-Euclidean (in a Klein model)      285.C
Angle obtuse      139.D
Angle regular polyhedral      357.B
Angle right      139.D
Angle straight      139.D
Angle straightening of      114.F
Angle supplementary      139.D
Angle trisection of      179.A
Angle vertical      139.D
Angular derivative (of a holomorphic function)      43.K
Angular domain      333.A
Angular frequency (of a sine wave)      446
Angular momentum density      150.B
Angular momentum integrals of      420.A
Angular momentum intrinsic      415.G
Angular momentum orbital      315.E
Angular momentum, theorem of      271.E
Angular transformation      374.D
Anharmonic ratio      343.D
Anikin, S.A.      146.A
Anisotropic (quadratic form)      13.G
Anisotropic k-(algebraic group)      13.G
Annihilation operator      377.A
Annihilator      422.D
Annihilator reciprocity of (in topological Abelian groups)      422.E
Annihilator right      29.H
Annihilatorleft      29.H
Annual aberration      392
Annual parallax      392
Annuity contract      214.B
Annular domain      333.A
Annulator      422.D
Annulus conjecture      65.C
Anomaly eccentric      309.B
Anomaly mean      309.B
Anomaly true      309.B
Anosov diffeomorphism      126.J 136.G
Anosov flow      126.J 136.G
Anosov foliations      126.J
Anosov vector field      126.J
Anosov, Dmitrii Viktorovich(1936-)      126.A 126.J 136.G
ANR (absolute neighborhood retract)      202.D 202.E
Anti-Hermitian form      256.Q
Anti-Hermitian matrix      269.I
Anti-isomorphic lattices      243.C
Anti-isomorphism of groups      190.D
Anti-isomorphism of lattices      243.C
Anti-isomorphism of ordered sets      311.E
Anti-isomorphism of rings      368.D
Anti-self-dual (G-connection)      80.Q
Antiautomorphism (of a group)      190.D
Antiautomorphism (of a ring)      368.D
Antiautomorphism principal (of a Clifford algebra)      61.B
Antiendomorphism (of a group)      190.D
Antiendomorphism (of a ring)      368.D
Antiequivalence (between categories)      52.H
Antiholomorphic      195.B275.B
Antihomomorphism of groups      190.D
Antihomomorphism of lattices      243.C
Antihomomorphism of rings      368.D
Antinomy      319.A
Antiparticle      132.A 386.B
Antiphon(fl.430 B.C.)      187
Antipodal points (on a sphere)      140
Antipode      203.H
Antisymmetric (Fock space)      377.A
Antisymmetric (multilinear form)      256.H
Antisymmetric (multilinear mapping)      256.H
Antisymmetric (relation)      358.A
Antisymmetric (tensor)      256.N
Antisymmetric law      311.A
Antisymmetric matrix      269.B
Antisymmetry, set of      164.E
Antoine, Louis August(1888-1971)      65.G
Antoine’s necklace      65.G
Anzai, Hirotada(1919-55)      136.E
Apartment      13.R
Aperiodic      136.E 260.B
Apery, Roger(1916-)      182.G
Apollonius problem (in geometric construction)      179.A
Apollonius(of Perga)(262-c.200 B.C.)      179.A 181 187 App.A Table
Apostol, T.M.      106.r 216.r
Apparent force      271.D
Apparent singular point      254.L
Appel, Kenneth I.(1932-)      157.A 186.r
Appell hypergeometric functions of two variables      206.D App. Table
Appell, Paul-Emile(1855-1930)      11.r 206.D 206.r 393.E 206.r 428.r App.A Table App.A Table
Application      31.B
Approach Bayesian      401.B
Approach group-theoretic      215.C
Approach non-Bayesian      401.B
Approach S-matrix      132.C
Approach state-space      86.A
Approximate derivative (of a measurable function)      100.B
Approximate functional equation (for zeta function)      450.B
Approximately derivable (measurable function)      100.B
Approximately finite (von Neumann algebra)      308.I
Approximately finite algebra      36.H
Approximately finite-dimensional      308.I
Approximation method in physics      25
Approximation method, projective      304.B
Approximation property (of a Banach space)      37.L
Approximation property bounded      37.L
Approximation theorem (on functions on a compact group)      69.B
Approximation theorem (on valuations)      439.G
Approximation theorem cellular      70.D
Approximation theorem Eichler’s      27.D
Approximation theorem Kronecker’s      422.K
Approximation theorem polynomial (for $C^\infty$-functions)      58.E
Approximation theorem simplicial      70.C
Approximation theorem Weierstrass      336.A
Approximation(s) best (in evaluation of functions)      142.B
Approximation(s) best (of a continuous function)      336.B
Approximation(s) best (of an irrational number)      83.B
Approximation(s) best polynomial, in the sense of Chebyshev      336.H
Approximation(s) Diophantine      182.F
Approximation(s) full discrete      304.B
Approximation(s) least square      336.D
Approximation(s) method of successive (for an elliptic partial differential equation)      323.D
Approximation(s) method of successive (for Fredholm integral equations of the second kind)      217.D
Approximation(s) method of successive (for ordinary differential equations)      316.D
Approximation(s) nth (of a differentiable function)      106.E
Approximation(s) of linear type      142.B
Approximation(s) Oseen      205.C
Approximation(s) overall, formula      303.C
Approximation(s) Pade      142.E
Approximation(s) Pauli      415.G
Approximation(s) polynomial      336
Approximation(s) Prandtl — Glauert      205.B
Approximation(s) semidiscrete      304.B
Approximation(s) simplicial (to a continuous mapping)      70.C
Approximation(s) Stokes      205.C
Approximation(s) Wilson — Hilferty      374.F
Approximation(s) Yosida      286.X
AR (absolute retract)      202.D
Arab mathematics      26
Arabic numerals      26
Arakelov, S.Yu.      9.r 118.E
Arakelyan, Norair Unanovich      164.J
Araki axioms, Haag —      150.E
Araki — Sewell inequality, Roepstorff —      402.G
Araki, Huzihiro(1932-)      150.D 150.E 212.B 212.r 308.I 308.r 351.L 377.r 402.G
Araki, Shoro(1930-)      427.B
Aramata, Hideo(1905-1947)      450.D
Aramovich, I.      198.r
Arbib, Michael Anthony(1940-)      75.r 95.r
Arbitrary constant      313.A
Arbitrary set      381.G
Arbuthnot, John(1667-1735)      371.A
Arc length      111.D
arc length, affine      110.C
arc length, representation in terms of (for a continuous arc)      246.A
Arc(s)      93.B 186.B
arc(s) continuous      93.B
arc(s) Farey      4.B
arc(s) geodesic      178.H 364.B
arc(s) joined by an      79.B
arc(s) Jordan      81.D 93.B
arc(s) major      4.B
arc(s) minor      4.B
arc(s) open      93.B
arc(s) pseudo-      79.B
arc(s) simple      93.B
ArcCos      131.E
arccos (arccosine)      131.E
Arcelement affine      110.C
Arcelement conformal      110.D
Archibald, Raymond Clare(1875-1955)      187.r
Archimedean lattice-ordered group      243.G
Archimedean ordered field      149.N
Archimedean unit (of a vector lattice)      310.B
Archimedean valuation      14.F 439.C
Archimedean vector lattice      310.C
Archimedes axiom for real numbers      355.B
Archimedes axiom in geometry      155. B
Archimedes spiral      93.H
Archimedes(c.287-212 B.C.)      20 78.F 93.H 149.N 155.B 155.D 187 243.G 310.C 332 355.B 439.C
Archytas (of Taras)(c.430-c.365 B.C.)      187
arcsin      131.E
arcsin (arcsine)      131.E
Arcsine law for Brownian motion      45.E
Arcsine law for distribution function      250.D
Arcsine law for random walk      260.E
Arcsine transformation      374.D
arctan      131.E
arctan (arctangent)      131.E
Arcwise connected component      79.B
Arcwise connected space, locally      79.B
Area      246
Area (Euclidean)      139.F
Area (of a polygon)      155.F
Area (of a set in $\mathbf{R}^2$)      216.F
Area Banach (of a surface)      246.G
Area definite, set of      216.F
Area Geocze (of a surface)      246.E
Area Gross (of a Borel set)      246.G
Area inner      216.F 270.G
Area Janzen (of a Borel set)      246.G
Area Lebesgue (of a surface)      246.C
Area mixed (of two ovals)      89.D
Area of concentration      397.E
Area outer      216.F 270.G
Area Peano (of a surface)      246.F
Area surface, of unit hypersphere      App. A Table
Area theorem      438.B
Area theorem Bers      234.D
Areal element (in a Cartan space)      152.C
Areal functional      334.B
Areally mean p-valent      438.E
Arens theorem, Mackey —      424.N
Arens — Royden theorem      36.M
Arens, Richard Friedrich(1919-)      36.M 424.N
Arf — Kervaire invariant      114.J
Arf,Cahit(1910-)      114.J
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