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Ito K. — Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics |
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Curvature, circle of 111.E
Curvature, line of (on a surface) 111.H
Curvature, radius of (of a plane curve) 111.E
Curvature, radius of (of a space curve) 111.F
Curve fitting 19.F
Curve tracing 93.G
Curve(s) 93 111.A
Curve(s) - 111.H
Curve(s) algebraic 9.A
Curve(s) analytic (in a Euclidean plane) 93.B
Curve(s) analytic (in an analytic manifold) 93.B
Curve(s) asymptotic 110.B 111.H
Curve(s) Bertrand 111.F
Curve(s) bicharacteristic 325.A
Curve(s) characteristic (network flow problem) 281.B
Curve(s) characteristic (of a 1-parameter family of surfaces) 111.I
Curve(s) characteristic (of a partial differential equation) 320.B 324.A 324.B
Curve(s) cissoidal 93.H
Curve(s) closed convex 111.E
Curve(s) continuous plane 93.B
Curve(s) coordinate (in a Euclidean space) 90.C
Curve(s) covering 9.I
Curve(s) Darboux 110.B
Curve(s) Delaunay 93.H
Curve(s) dual (of a plane algebraic curve) 9.B
Curve(s) elliptic 9.C
Curve(s) exceptional 15.G
Curve(s) exponential 93.H
Curve(s) Frechet 246.A
Curve(s) fundamental (with respect to a birational mapping) 16.I
Curve(s) fundamental theorem of the theory of 111.D
Curve(s) general 93.D
Curve(s) generating 111.I
Curve(s) hyperelliptic 9.D
Curve(s) in a topological space 93.B
Curve(s) influence 371.I
Curve(s) integral (of a Monge equation) 324.F
Curve(s) integral (of ordinary differential equations) 316.A
Curve(s) Jordan 93.B
Curve(s) logarithmic 93.H
Curve(s) Lorentz 397.F
Curve(s) Mannheim 111.F
Curve(s) meromorphic 272.L
Curve(s) nodal 391.H
Curve(s) OC- 404.C
Curve(s) of class (in a differentiable manifold) 93.B
Curve(s) of class (in a Euclidean plane) 93.B
Curve(s) of constant breadth 89.C
Curve(s) of constant inclination 111.F
Curve(s) of constant width 111.E
Curve(s) of pursuit 93.H
Curve(s) of steepest descent 46.A
Curve(s) of the first kind 15.G
Curve(s) of the second class 78.K
Curve(s) of the second order 78.I
Curve(s) ordinary 93.C
Curve(s) Peano 93.J
Curve(s) pedal 93.H
Curve(s) plane App. A Table
Curve(s) plane algebraic 9.B
Curve(s) rational 9.C
Curve(s) rational (in a Euclidean plane) 93.H
Curve(s) rectifiable 93.F
Curve(s) rolling (of a roulette) 93.H
Curve(s) simple closed 93.B
Curve(s) sine 93.H
Curve(s) solution (of ordinary differential equations) 316.A
Curve(s) stable 9.K
Curve(s) stationary 46.B
Curve(s) stationary (of the Euler — Lagrange differential equations) 324.E
Curve(s) timelike 324.A
Curve(s) tooth 181.E
Curve(s) transcendental 93.H
Curve(s) u- 111.H
Curve(s) unicursal 9.C 93.H
Curve(s) unicursal ordinary 93.C
Curve(s) universal 93.E
Curve(s) variation 178 A
Curvilinear cluster set 62.C
Curvilinear coordinate system isothermal App. A Table
Curvilinear coordinate system orthogonal App. A Table
Curvilinear coordinates 90.C App. Table
Curvilinear coordinates in 3-dimensional space App. A Table
Curvilinear coordinates orthogonal 90.C
Curvilinear coordinates planar App. A Table
Curvilinear integrals 94.A
Curvilinear integrals with respect to a line element 94.D
Curvilinear integrals with respect to a variable 94.D
Cushioned refinement 425.X
Cusp form 450.O
Cusp form in Siegel half-space 32.F
Cusp form in the case of one variable 32.B
Cusp of a curve 93.G
Cusp of a Fuchsian group 122.C
Cusp of a plane algebraic curve 9.B
Cusp parabolic (of a Fuchsian group) 122.C
Cusp singularity 418.C
Cuspidal parabolic subgroup 437.X
Cut (in a projective space) 343.B
Cut (of ) 294.E
Cut (of ) 355.A
Cut disjunctive 215.C
Cut Gomory 215.B
Cut locus 178.A
Cut point (on a geodesic) 178.A
Cut subadditive 215.C
Cutkosky, Richard Edwin(1928-) 146.A 146.C 386.C
Cutland, Nigel John(1944-) 293.r
Cutoff 150.C
Cutset (in a graph) 186.G
Cutset matrix (of a graph), fundamental 186.G
Cutting ( by ) 343.B
Cutting plane 215.B
Cutting plane fractional, algorithm 215.B
CW complex 70.D
CW decomposition 70.D
CW pair 201.L
Cybernetics 95
Cycle (=cyclic permutation) 151.G
Cycle (of a chain complex) 200.H
Cycle (of basic sets) 126.J
Cycle (of time series data) 397.N
Cycle (on an algebraic variety) 16.M
Cycle algebraic 450.Q
Cycle algebraically equivalent 16.R
Cycle dividing (on an open Riemann surface) 367.I
Cycle foliation 154.H
Cycle fundamental (in a resolution of a singular point) 418.C
Cycle fundamental (of an oriented pseudomanifold) 65.A
Cycle index 66.E
Cycle limit 126.I
Cycle no, condition 126.J
Cycle numerically equivalent 16.Q
Cycle one 16.R
Cycle positive (on an algebraic variety) 16.M
Cycle rationally equivalent 16.R
Cycle Schubert 56.E
Cycle vanishing 418.F
Cycle zero 16.R
Cycle, module of 200.C
Cyclic algebra 29.G
Cyclic code 63.D
Cyclic determinant 103.G
Cyclic element 251.K
Cyclic equation 172.G
Cyclic extension 172.B
Cyclic group 190.C
Cyclic Jacobi method 298.B
Cyclic part (of an ergodic class) 260.B
Cyclic representation (Banach algebra) 36.E
| Cyclic representation (topological groups) 437.A
Cyclic subgroup (of a group) 190.C
Cyclic vector (of a representation space of a unitary representation) 437.A
Cyclide 90.B
Cyclide of Dupin 111.H
Cycloid 93.H
Cyclomatic number 186.G
Cyclotomic -extension 14.L
Cyclotomic field 14.L
Cyclotomic polynomial 14.L
Cyclotomy 296.A
Cylinder circular 111.I 350.B
Cylinder elliptic 350.B
Cylinder function elliptic 268.B
Cylinder function parabolic 167.C
Cylinder hyperbolic 350.B
Cylinder mapping 202.E
Cylinder parabolic 350.B
Cylinder set 270.H
Cylinder set n- 270.G
Cylindrical coordinates 90.C App. Table
Cylindrical coordinates bipolar App. A Table
Cylindrical coordinates circular App. A Table
Cylindrical coordinates elliptic App. A Table
Cylindrical coordinates generalized App. A Table
Cylindrical coordinates hyperbolic App. A Table
Cylindrical coordinates parabolic 167.C App. Table
Cylindrical equation, parabolic App. A Table
Cylindrical functions 39.B App. Table
Cylindrical hypersurface, quadric 350.G
Cylindrical surface 111.I
Cylindrical surface circular 350.B
Cylindrical surface elliptic 350.B
Cylindrical surface hyperbolic 350.B
Cylindrical surface parabolic 350.B
Czuber, Emanuel(1851-1925) 19.B
d''-cohomology group 72.D
D(*)-integral 100.D
d-continuous channels 213.F
d-dimensional analytic set, purely 23.B
D-integrable function 100.D
D-integral definite 100.D
D-integral indefinite 100.D
D-sufficient -field 396 J
d-trial path dependent 346.G
D-wave 315.E
Dade, Everett C.(1937-) 92.F
Dahlquist, Germund(1925-) 303.G
Dakin, R.J. 215.r
Damerell, Robert Mark(1942-) 450.M
Damped oscillation 318.B
Damping ratio (of a damped oscillation) 318.B
Daniell — Stone integrable function 310.I
Daniell — Stone integral 310.I
Daniell, Percy John(1889-1946) 310.I
Danilevskii method 298.D
Danilevskii, A.M. 298.D
Danilov, V.I. 16.Z
Dankner, Alan(1945-) 126.J
Dantzig, George Bernard(1914-) 255.C 255.E 255.r 264.r 292.D 408.r
Darboux curve 110.B
Darboux formula, Christoffel — 317.D
Darboux frame 110.B
Darboux quadric 110.B
Darboux sum 216.A
Darboux tangent 110.B
Darboux theorem 216.A 428.A
Darboux, Jean Gaston(1842-1917) 50 109.* 109.r 110.B 126.L 158.r 216.A 275.A 317.D 320.C 428.A
Darmois theorem, Skitovich — 374.H
Darmois, Georges 374.H
Darwin, Charles Robert(1809-1882) 40.B
Dashen, Roger Frederick(1938-) 132.r
Data analysis, statistical 397.A
Data base 96.B
Data cross-sectional 128.A
Data macroeconomic 128.A
Data microeconomic 128.A
Data processing 96
Data scattering 287.C 387.C
Data structures 96.B
Date, Eturo( 1950-) 287.C
Datta, Bibhutibhusan 209.r
Davenport, Harold(1907-1969) 4.E 118.D 192.P
David, Florence Nightingale(1909-) STR
David, Herbert Aron(1925-) 346.r 374
Davidenko, Dmitrii Fedorovich(1922-) 301.M
Davidenko’s method of differentiation with respect to a parameter 301.M
Davie, Alexander M. 164.J
Davies, Laurie 374.r
Davis, Burgess J.(1944-) 262.B
Davis, Chandler(1926-) 212.r
Davis, Harold T. App.A Table NTR
Davis, Martin(David)(1928-) 22.H 31 97.* 97.r 173.O 293.r 356.H
Davis, Philip J.(1923-) 223.r 299.r
Davis, William Jay(1939-) 68.M 443.H
Davisson, Lee D.(1936-) 213.E
Day, Mahlon Marsh(1913-) 37.r 310.r
Daykin, David Edward 332.r
De Alfaro, Vittorio(1933-) 132.r 375.r
de Baggis, F.S. 126.A
de Bois—Reymond, Paul David Gustave(1831-1889) 159.H 379.D
de Giorgi, Ennio 275.F 323.L
de Haan, David Bierens(1822-1895) App.A Table
de la Vallee—Poussin, Charles Jean(1866-1962) 20.r 48.A 48.B 123.B 379.S 437.r 450.B 450.I
de l’Hopital, Guillaume Francois Anto ne(1661-1704) 20
de Miatello, I.D. 384.E
de Moivre formula 74.C
de Moivre — Laplace theorem 250.B
de Moivre, Abraham(1667-1754) 74.C 250.A 342.A
de Morgan law 381.B
de Morgan law in a Boolean algebra 42.A
De Morgan, Augustus(1806-1871) 42.A 156.B 157.A 38l.B 4l1.A 411.r
de Oliveira, Mario Moreria Carvalho 126.J
de Paris, Jean-Claude 321.G
De Rham cohomology group 201.H
de Rham cohomology group (of a differentiable manifold) 105.R
de Rham cohomology ring (of a differentiable manifold) 105.R
de Rham cohomology ring (of a topological space) 201.I
de Rham complex (as an elliptic complex) 237.H
de Rham decomposition (of a Riemannian manifold) 364.E
de Rham equations 274.G
de Rham homology theory 114.L
de Rham system, partial 274.G
de Rham theorem (on a -manifold) 105.V 201.H
de Rham theorem, analog of 21.L
de Rham, Georges-William(1903-) 12.B 105.R 105.V 105.r 109.* 109.r 114.L 125.A 125.R 194.F 194.r 201.A 201.H 201.I 237.H 249.V 274.G 364.E 364.r 417.r
De Sitter space 355.D
de Vries equation, Korteweg — 387.A
de Vries, G. 387.B
De Wilde, Marc(1940-) 424.X 424.r
De-Shalit, Amos(1926-) 353.r
Death insurance 214.B
Death process 260.G
Death process, birth and 260.G
Death rate, infinitesimal 260.G
Debiard, Amedee 115.r
Debreu, Gerard(1921 -) 173.E 443.A 443.I
Debye asymptotic representation 39.D App. Table
Debye, Peter Joseph William(1884-1966) 25.C 25.r 30.C 39.E App.A Table
Decidable number-theoretic predicate 356.C
Decision 127.A
Decision function(s) 398.A
Decision function(s) invariant 398.E
Decision function(s) minimax 398.B
Decision function(s) sequential 398.F
Decision function(s) statistical 398.A
Decision function(s), space of 398.A
Decision problem 71.B 97 186.J
Decision problem n- 398.A
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