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Ito K. — Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics
Ito K. — Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics

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Название: Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics

Автор: Ito K.


When the first edition of the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics appeared in 1977, it was immediately hailed as a landmark contribution to mathematics: "The standard reference for anyone who wants to get acquainted with any part of the mathematics of our time" (Jean Dieudonné, American Mathematical Monthly).

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 2nd edition

Год издания: 1987

Количество страниц: 2120

Добавлена в каталог: 18.03.2009

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
(o)-convergent      87.L
(o)-star convergent      87.L
(p+l)-stage method      303.D
(p,q)-ball knot      235.G
(p,q)-knot      235.G
(R,k)-summable      379.S
(R,S)-exact sequence (of modules)      200.K
(R,S)-injective module      200.K
(S)-space      424.S
*      see also Star
*-automorphism group      36.K
*-derivation      36.K
*-homomorphism      36.F
*-representation (of a Banach *-algebra)      36.F
*-subalgebra      443.C
1-1 (mapping)      381.C
1-complete manifold, weakly      21.L
2-isomorphic      186.H
3j-symbol      353.B
4-current density      150.B
4-momentum operators      258.A 258.D
6j-symbol      353.B
9j symbol      353.C
a (cardinal number of N)      49.A
A posteriori distribution      388.B
A posteriori probability      342.F
A priori distribution      388.B
A priori distribution least favorable      388.H
A priori estimate      323.C
A priori estimate in $L^2$ sense      323.H
a priori probability      342.F
A set      22.A 409.A
A(0)-stable      303.G
a-adic completion (of an R-module)      284.B
a-adic topology (of an R-module)      284.B
A-B-bimodule      277.D
A-balanced mapping      277.J
A-homomorphism between A-modules      277.E
A-homomorphism of degree p (between two graded A-modules)      200.B
A-linear mapping (between A-modules)      277.E
A-module      277.C
A-optimality      102.E
A-stability      303.G
A-submodule      277.C
A-summable      379.N
a.e. (almost everywhere)      270.D
a.s. consistent      399.K
abacus      75.A
Abadie, Jean M.(1919-)      292.r
Abe, Eiichi(1927-)      13.R
Abe, Kinetsu(1941-)      365.L
Abel continuity theorem      121.D 339.B
Abel integral equation      217.L
Abel method of summation      379.N
Abel method, summable by      379.N
Abel partial summation      379.D
Abel problem      217.L
Abel test      379.D
Abel theorem (in the theory of algebraic functions)      3.L 11.E
Abel theorem (on the Cauchy product of two series)      379.F
Abel, N.H.      1
Abel, Niels Henrik(1802-1829)      1 2.A 2.B 2.C 3.A 3.B 3.G 3.J 3.L 3.M 8 10.D 11.B 11.C 11.E 20 21.B 52.B 52.N 60.L 73.A 121.D 136.B 172.A 172.B 172.G 172.H 190.A 190.H 190.Q 201.R 202.N 217.A 217.L 240.G 267 308.E 339.B 367.H 379.D 379.F 379.K 379.N 383.B 388.D 422.A 422.E
Abelian category      52.N
Abelian differential      11.C 367.H
Abelian equation      172.G
Abelian ergodic theorem      136.B
Abelian extension      172.B
Abelian function      3.J
Abelian function elementary      3.M
Abelian function field      3.J
Abelian group(s)      2 190.A
Abelian group(s) category of      52.B
Abelian group(s) class of      202.N
Abelian group(s) dual topological      422.C
Abelian group(s) elementary      2.B
Abelian group(s) elementary topological      422.E
Abelian group(s) free      2.C
Abelian group(s) meta      190.H
Abelian group(s) mixed      2.A
Abelian group(s) of type $p^\infty$      2.D
Abelian group(s) primary      2.A
Abelian group(s) reduced      2.D
Abelian group(s) topological      422.A
Abelian group(s) torsion      2.A
Abelian group(s) torsion-free      2.A
Abelian ideal (of a Lie algebra)      248.C
Abelian integral      11.C
Abelian Lie algebra      248.C
Abelian Lie group      249.D
Abelian linear group over K      60.L
Abelian p-group      2.A
Abelian p-group complete      2.D
Abelian p-group divisible      2.D
Abelian potential      402.G
Abelian projection operator      308.E
Abelian subvariety      3.B
Abelian surface      15.H
Abelian theorems      240.G
Abelian variety (varieties)      3
Abelian variety isogenous      3.C
Abelian variety polarized      3.G
Abelian variety simple      3.B
Aberration      180.C
Aberration annual      392
Aberration diurnal      392
Abers, Ernest S.      132.r
Aberth (DKA) method, Durand — Kerner      301.F
Aberth, Oliver George(1929-)      301.F
Abhyankar, Shreeram Shankar(1930-)      15.B 16.L 23.r
Abikoff, William(1944-)      234.E
Abraham, C.T.      96.F
Abraham, Ralph H.(1936-)      126.J 126.r 183 271.r 316.r 420.r
Abramov, Leonid Mikhailovich(1931-)      136.E
Abramov’s formula      136.E
Abramowitz, Milton J.      NTR
Abrikosov, Aleksei Alekseevich(1928-)      402.r
Abscissa of absolute convergence (of a Dirichlet series)      121.B
Abscissa of absolute convergence (of a Laplace transform)      240.B
Abscissa of boundedness (of a Dirichlet series)      121.B
Abscissa of convergence (of a Dirichlet series)      121.B
Abscissa of convergence (of a Laplace transform)      240.B 240.H
Abscissa of regularity (of a Dirichlet series)      121.B
Abscissa of regularity (of a Laplace transform)      240.C
Abscissa of simple convergence (of a Dirichlet series)      121.B
Abscissa of uniform convergence (of a Dirichlet series)      121.B
Abscissa of uniform convergence (of a Laplace transform)      240.B
Absolute (for a quadric hypersurface)      285.C
Absolute Borel summable      379.O
Absolute class field      59.A
Absolute continuity (*), generalized      100.C
Absolute continuity generalized      100.C
Absolute continuity generalized, in the restricted sense      100.C
Absolute continuity space of      390.E
Absolute convergence, abscissa of (of a Dirichlet series)      121.B
Absolute convergence, abscissa of (of a Laplace transform)      240.B
Absolute covariant      226.D
Absolute curvature (of a curve)      111.C
Absolute figure (in the Erlangen program)      137
Absolute homology group      201.L
Absolute inequality      211.A
Absolute integral invariant      219.A
Absolute invariant      12.A 226.A
Absolute minimality      16.I
Absolute moment (kth)      341.B
Absolute multiple covariant      226.E
Absolute neighborhood retract      202.D
Absolute neighborhood retract fundamental (FANR)      382.C
Absolute norm (of an integral ideal)      14.C
Absolute parallelism      191.B
Absolute retract      202.D
Absolute retract fundamental (FAR)      382.C
Absolute stability      303.G
Absolute stability interval of      303.G
Absolute stability region of      303.G
Absolute stability region of, of the Runge — Kutta (P,p) method      303.G
Absolute temperature      419.A
Absolute value (of a complex number)      74.B
Absolute value (of a real number)      355.A
Absolute value (of a vector)      442.B
Absolute value (of an element of a vector lattice)      310.B
Absolute value (of an element of an ordered field)      149.N
Absolutely closed space      425.U
Absolutely continuous $\mu-$      380.C
Absolutely continuous (*)      100.C
Absolutely continuous (function)      100.C
Absolutely continuous (mapping in the plane)      246.H
Absolutely continuous (measure)      270. L
Absolutely continuous (set function)      380.C
Absolutely continuous (vector measure)      443.G
Absolutely continuous generalized      100.C
Absolutely continuous in the restricted sense      100.C
Absolutely continuous in the sense of Tonelli      246.C
Absolutely continuous spectrum      390.E
Absolutely convergent (double series)      379.E
Absolutely convergent (infinite product)      379.G
Absolutely convergent (Laplace — Stieltjes integral)      240.B
Absolutely convergent (power series)      21.B
Absolutely convergent (series in a Banach space)      443.D
Absolutely convergent (series)      379.C
Absolutely convergent uniformly      435.A
Absolutely convex set (in a topological linear space)      424.E
Absolutely integrable function      216.E
Absolutely irreducible (representation)      362.F
Absolutely irreducible character      362.E
Absolutely measurable      270.L
Absolutely p-valent      438.E
Absolutely p-valent locally      438.E
Absolutely simple algebraic group      13.L
Absolutely stable (linear k-step method)      303.G
Absolutely stable (system of differential equations)      291.E
Absolutely summing (operator)      68.N
Absolutely uniserial algebra      29.I
Absorb (a subset, topological linear space)      424.E
Absorbing barrier      115.B
Absorbing set (in a topological linear space)      424.E
Absorption cross section      375.A
Absorption law in a lattice      243.A
Absorption law in the algebra of sets      381.B
Absorption principle, limiting      375.C
Abstract $L_p$ space      310.G
Abstract algebraic variety      16.C
Abstract L space      310.G
Abstract M space      310.G
Abstract Riemann surface      367.A
Abstract simplicial complex      70.C
Abstract space      381.B
Abstract variety      16.C
Abui Wafa(940-98)      432.C
Abundant number      297.D
Acceleration parameter      302.C
Acceptance      400.A
Acceptance region      400.A
Accepted      31.D
Accessible (from a region)      93.K
Accessible boundary point      333.B
Accretive operator (in a Hilbert space)      251.J 286.C
Accumulated error      138.C
Accumulation point      87.C 425.O
Accumulation point complete      425.O
Achenbach, J.D.      446.r
Ackermann, Wilhelm(1896-1962)      97.* 97.r 156.E 156.r 356.B 411.J 411.r
Ackoff, Russell Lincoln(1919 )      307.A
Acoustic problem      325.L
Act freely (on a topological space)      122.A
Act on a commutative ring      226.A
action      431.A
Action $\mathbf{R}$-      126.B
Action $\mathbf{Z}$-      126.B
Action and reaction, law of      271.A
Action integral      80.Q
Action rational      226.B
Action reductive      226.B
Action space      398.A
Activity      281.D
Activity analysis      376
Actuarial mathematics      214.A
Acute angle      139.D
Acute type      304.C
Acute type strongly      304.C
Acyclic complex      200.C 200.H
Aczel, Janos D.(1924-)      388.r
Adams conjecture      237.I
Adams operation      237.E
Adams — Bashforth method      303.E
Adams — Moulton method      303.E
Adams, Douglas Payne      19.r
Adams, John Couch(1819-1892)      303.E
Adams, John Frank(1930-)      64.C 200.r 202.S 202.T 202.V 237.A 237.E 237.I 249.r 426
Adamson, Iain Thomas      200.M
Adapted (stochastic process)      407.B
Adaptive scheme      299.C
Addison, John West Jr.(1930-)      22.D 22.F 22.G 22.H 81.r 356.H 356.r
Addition (in a commutative group)      190.A
Addition (in a ring)      368.A
Addition (of natural numbers)      294.B
Addition (of unfoldings)      51.D
Addition formula algebraic      3.M
Addition formula for $e^z$      131.G
Addition formula for sine and cosine      432.A
Addition formula of trigonometric functions      App. A Table
Addition theorem of Bessel functions      39.B
Addition theorem of cylindrical functions      App. A Table
Addition theorem of Legendre functions      393.C
Addition theorem of sn, cn, dn      App. A Table
Addition theorem of the $\wp$-function      App. A Table
Addition theorem of the $\zeta$-function      App. A Table
Additive $\sigma$-      see $\sigma$-additive
Additive category      52.N
Additive class completely      270.B
Additive class countably      270.B
Additive class finitely      270.B
Additive functional (of a Markov process)      261.E
Additive functional martingale      261.E
Additive functional natural      261.E
Additive functional perfect      261.E
Additive functor      52.N
Additive group      2.E 190.A
Additive group complete      2.E
Additive group divisible      2.E
Additive group free      2.E
Additive group ordered      439.B
Additive group totally ordered      439.B
Additive interval function      380.B
Additive interval function continuous      380.B
Additive measure $\sigma$-      270.D
Additive measure completely      270.D
Additive measure finitely      270. D
Additive number theory      4
Additive operator      251.A
Additive processes      5 342.A
Additive processes temporally homogeneous      5.B
Additive set function      380.C
Additive set function $\mu$-absolutely continuous      380.C
Additive set function completely      380.C
Additive set function finitely      380.B
Additive valuation      439.B
Additivity $\sigma$-      270.D
Additivity (in the theory of local observables)      150.E
Additivity complete (of a measure)      270.D
Additivity complete (of the integral)      221 .C
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