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Ito K. — Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics |
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K-group equivariant 237.H
k-invariants (of a CW-complex) 70.G
k-isomorphism (between algebraic groups) 13.A
k-isotropic algebraic group 13.G
K-L (= Kullback — Leibler) information number 398.G
K-method 224.C
k-morphism (between algebraic groups) 13.A
k-movable 382.C
k-permutation 330
k-ply transitive G-set 362.B
k-ply transitive permutation group 151.H
K-pseudoanalytic function 352.B
K-quasiregular function 352.B
k-quasisplit algebraic group 13.O
k-rank (of a connected reductive algebraic group) 13.Q
K-rational (=algebraic over K) 369.C
k-rational divisor (on an algebraic curve) 9.C
k-rational point (of an algebraic variety) 16.A
K-regular measure 270.F
k-root 13.Q
k-sample problem 371.D
k-simple algebraic group 13.O
k-solvable algebraic group 13.F
k-space 425.CC
k-split algebraic group 13.N
k-split torus 13.D
k-split torus maximal 13.Q
k-step method, linear 303.E
k-subgroup minimal parabolic 13.Q
k-subgroup standard parabolic 13.Q
k-subset 330
K-theory 237
K-theory algebraic 237.J
K-theory higher algebraic 237.J
k-transitive permutation group 151.H
k-trivial torus 13.D
k-valued algebroidal function 17.A
k-vector bundle, normal 114.J
k-way contingency table 397.K
k-Weyl group 13.Q
K3 surface 15.H 72.K
K3 surface marked 72.K
Kac formula, Feynman — 351.F
Kac — Nelson formula, Feynman — 150.F
Kac, I.S. see Kats
Kac, Mark(1914-84) 41.C 115.C 150.F 250.r 261.r 287.C 295.E 340.r 341.r 351.F 391.C 391.r
Kaczmarz, Stefan(1895-1939) 317.r
Kadanoff, Leo Philip(1937-) 361.r
Kadison, Richard Vincent(1925-) 36.G 36.K 308.r
Kadomtsev — Petvyashvili equation 387.F
Kadomtsev, Boris Borisovich(1928-) 387.F
Kaehler existence theorem, Cartan — 191.I 428.E
Kaehler homogeneous space 199.A
Kaehler immersion 365.L
Kaehler manifold 232
Kaehler metric 232.A
Kaehler metric standard (of a complex projective space) 232.D
Kaehler metric, Einstein — 232.C
Kaehler submanifold 365.L
Kaehler, Erich(1906-) 109 191.I 199.A 232.A 365.L 428.E 428.r
Kaellen – Lehmann representation 150.D
Kaellen — Lehmann weight 150.D
Kagan, Abram Meerovich(1936-) 374 H
Kahan, William M. 302.r
Kahane, Jean-Pierre(1926-) 159.H 159.r 192.Q 192.r
Kail, Peter 408.r
Kailath, Thomas(1935-) 86.D 86.r
Kainen, Paul C. 157.r
Kaiser, Henry F. 346.F 346.r
KakeshitaShin-ichi(1934-) 371.A
Kakeya — Enestroem theorem (on an algebraic equation) 10.E
Kakeya, Soichi(1886-1947) 10.E 89.E
Kakutani equivalence 136.F
Kakutani fixed point theorem 153.D
Kakutani theorem (on complemented subspace problems of Banach spaces) 37.N
Kakutani theorem (on statistical decision problems) 398.G
Kakutani unit 310.G
Kakutani, Shizuo(1911-) 37.N 136.B—D 136.F 153.D 162 286.D 310.A 310.G 352.A 367.D 398.G
Kalashnikov, Anatolii Sergeevich(1934-) 327.r
Kallen, Anders Olof Gunnar(1926-1968) 150.D
Kallianpur, Gopinath(1925-) 86.r 250.r 405.r
Kalman filter 86.E
Kalman — Bucy filter 86.E 405.G
Kalman, Rudolf Emil(1930-) 86.A 86.C—F 95 405.G 405.r
Kalmar, Laszlo(1905-1976) 97.*
Kaluza, Theodor, Jr.(1910-) 434.C
Kaluza’s 5-dimensional theory 434.C
Kamae,Teturo(1941-) 136.H 354.r
Kambayashi, Tatsuji(1933-) 15.r
Kamber, Franz W.(1936-) 154.G 154.H 154.r
Kamenskii, Georgii Aleksandrovich(1925-) 163.r
Kametani theorem, Hallstrom — 124.C
Kametani, Shunji(1910-) 62.E 124.C
Kamke, Erich(1890-1961) 316.r
Kampe de Feriet, Joseph(1893-1982) 206.D 393.E 393.r 428.r
Kan complex 70.F
Kan, Daniel M. 70.E
Kanamori, Akihiro(1948-) 33.r
Kaneda, Eiji(1948-) 365.E
Kaneko, Akira(1945-) 162
Kanel’, Yakob Isaakovich(1932-) 204.F 204.r
Kaneyuki, Soji(1936-) 384.r
Kanitani, Joyo(1893-) 110.B 110.r
Kannan, Rangachary(1946-) 290.r
Kano,Tadayoshi(1941-) 286.Z
Kantor, William M. 151.J
Kantorovich, Leonid Vital’evich(1912-1986) 46.r 162 217.r 255.E 304.r 310.A
Kaplan, Wilfred(1915-) 106.r 216.r 313.r
Kaplansky, Irving(1917 ) 2.E 2.r 107.r 113.r 200.K 241.E 248.r 308.C 308.r
Kaplansky’s density theorem 308.C
Kapteyn series 39.D App. Table
Kapteyn,Willem(1849-?) 39.D App.A. Table
Karacuba, Anatolii Aleksecvich(1937-) 4.E
Karhunen, Kari(1915-) 395.r
Kariya, Takeaki(1944-) 280.r
Karlin, Samuel(1923-) 222.r 227.r 260.I 263.E 310.H 336.r 374.r 399.G 399.r 400.r
Karlin’s theorem 399.G
Karp, Carol(1926-1972) 356.r
Karrass, Abe 161.r
Karzanov, A.V. 281.r
Kas, Arnolds. 15.H 16.R
Kasahara, Kenkiti(1935-) 21.M
Kasahara,K6ji(1932-) 325.H
Kasai, Takumi(1946-) 71.r
Kasch, Friedrich(1921-) 29.H
Kashiwara, Masaki(1947-) 68.F 125.DD 125.EE 146.A 146.C 162 274.I 386.C 418.H 428.H 437.r
Kasteleyn, P.W.(1924-) 212.A
Kastler axioms, Haag — 150.E
Kastler, Daniel(1926-) 150.E 351.K 402.G
Kataoka, Kiyomi(1951-) 125.DD 125.r
Kataoka, Shinji(1925-) 408.r
Katetov, Miroslav 117.A 117.D 117.E
Kato perturbation 351.D
Kato theorem, Rellich — 331.B
Kato, Kazuhisa(1946-) 126.J
Kato, Masahide(1947-) 72.K
Kato, Mitsuyoshi(1942-) 65.D 147.Q 418.r
Kato, Tosio(1917-) 68.r 162 204.B 204.C 204.E 289.E 304.r 331.A 331.B 331.E 331.r 345.A 351.D 375.A—C 378.D 378.E 378.H—J 390.r
Kato,Junji(1935-) 163.r
Katok, Anatolii Borisovich(1944-) 126.N 136.E 136.F 136.H 136.r
Kats, Izrail’ SamoTlovich(1926-) 115.r
Katsurada, Yoshie(1911-1980) 365.H
Katz, Jerrold J. 96.r
Katz, Nicholas M.(1943-) 16.r 450.J 450.Q 450.r
Katznelson, Yitzhak(1934-) 136.E 159.H 159.I 192.r
Kaufman, Sol(1928-) 399.N 399.r
Kaul, Helmut(1936-) 195.E
Kaup, Wilhelm 384.r
Kawada, Yukiyosi(1916-) 59.H
Kawaguchi space 152.C
| Kawaguchi, Akitsugu(1902-84) 152.C
Kawai, Soichi(1937-) 72.r
Kawai, Takahiro(1945-) 125.BB 125.DD 125.r 146.A 146.C 162 274.I 386.C 428.H
Kawai, TOru(1945-) 293.E 293.r
Kawakami, Hiroshi(1941-) 126.N
Kawakubo, Katsuo(1942-) 431.D
Kawamata, Yujiro(1952-) 15.r 21.N 72.I 72.r 232.D
Kawashima, Shuichi(1953-) 41.r
Kawata,Tatsuo(1911-) 374.H 395.r
Kazama, Hideaki(1945-) 21.L
Kazarinoff, Nicholas D.(1929-) 211.r
Kazdan, Jerry L.(1937-) 364.H 364.r
Kazhdan, David A. 122.G 391.N
Kazhikov, A.V. 204.F
KdV equation 387.B
KdV equation two-dimensional 387.F
Kechris, Alexander S.(1946-) 22.C 22.H 22.r
Keedwell, Anthony Donald(1928-) 241.r
Keesling, James Edgar(1942-) 382.C
Keim, Dieter 424.r
Keisler — Shelah isomorphism theorem 276.E
Keisler, H.Jerome(1936-) 33.r 276.E 276.r 293.D 293.r
Keldysh, Mstislav Vsevolodovich(1911-1978) 336.F
Keller — Maslov index 274.C
Keller, Herbert Bishop(1925-) 303.r
Keller, Joseph Bishop(1923-) 274.C 274.r
Kelley, D.G. 212.A
Kelley, John Ernst, Jr.(1937-) 376.r
Kelley, John Leroy(1916-) 37.M 87.r 381.r 424.r 425.r 435.r 436.r
Kellogg, Oliver Dimon(1878-1932) 120.B 120.D 120.r 153.D 193.r 286.D
Kelly theorem, Nachbin — Goodner — 37.M
Kelly, Anthony 92.r
Kelvin function 39.G App. Table
Kelvin transformation 193.B
Kelvin, Lord(Thomson, William)(1824-1907) 19.B 39.G 120.A 193.B App.A Table
Kemeny, John George(1926-) 260.J
Kempe, Alfred Bray 157.A 157.D
Kempf, George R.(1944-) 9.r 16.r
Kempisty, Stefan(1892-1940) 100.A 100.r
Kempthorne, Oscar(1919-) 102.r
Kendall notation 260.H
Kendall, David G.(1918-) 44.A 218.r 260.H 260.J
Kendall, Maurice George(1907-1983) 102.r 280.r 346.r 371.K 397.r 40O.r
Kendall’s rank correlation 371.K
Kenmotsu Katsuei(1942-) 275.F
Kennedy, P.B. 193.r
Kepler, Johannes(1571-1630) 20 78.D 126.A 265 271.B 309.B 432.C
Kepler’s equation 309.B
Kepler’s first law 271.B
Kepler’s orbital elements 309.B
Kepler’s second law 271.B
Kepler’s third law 271.B
Kerekjarto — Stoilow compactification 207.C
Kerekjarto, Szerkeszti Bela(1898-1946) 207.C 410.r
Kernel (distribution) 125.L
Kernel (of a bargaining set) 173.D
Kernel (of a group homomorphism) 190.D
Kernel (of a linear mapping) 256.F
Kernel (of a morphism) 52.N
Kernel (of a potential) 338.B
Kernel (of a set) 425.O
Kernel (of a sheaf homomorphism) 383.C
Kernel (of a system of Suslin) 22.B
Kernel (of an integral equation) 217.A
Kernel (of an integral operator) 251.O
Kernel (of an integral transform) 220.A
Kernel (of an operator homomorphism) 277.E
Kernel adjoint 338.B
Kernel consistent 338.E
Kernel degenerate 217.F
Kernel differential 188.G
Kernel diffusion 338.N
Kernel Dirichlet 159.B
Kernel distribution 338.P
Kernel domain (of a sequence of domains) 333.C
Kernel elementary 320.H
Kernel Fejer 159.C
Kernel form 348.E
Kernel Fourier 220.B
Kernel function 188.G
Kernel function Bergman 188.G
Kernel function harmonic 188.H
Kernel function Szego 188.H
Kernel fundamental 320.H
Kernel Hermitian 217.H
Kernel Hunt 338.O
Kernel integral 217.A 251.O
Kernel iterated 217. D
Kernel Kuramochi 207.C
Kernel Martin 207.C
Kernel of Calderon — Zygmund type 217.J
Kernel of Carleman type 217.J
Kernel of Hilbert — Schmidt type 217.I
Kernel perfect (in potential theory) 338.E
Kernel Pincherle — Goursat 217.F
Kernel Poisson 159.C
Kernel positive 217.H
Kernel positive definite 217.H 338.D
Kernel positive semidefinite 217.H
Kernel representation (of a Green’s operator) 189.B
Kernel reproducing 188.G
Kernel semidefinite 217.H
Kernel separated 217.F
Kernel singular 217.J
Kernel symmetric 217.G
Kernel symmetric, of positive type 338.D
Kernel theorem (of Schwartz) 125.L 424.S
Kernel weak potential 260.D
Kernel Wiener 95
Kerner (DK) method, Durand — 301.F
Kerner — Aberth (DKA) method, Durand — 301.F
Kerner, Immo O. 301.F
Kerr metric 359.E
Kerr, Roy Patrick(1934-) 359.E
Kervaire invariant, Arf — 114.J
Kervaire, Michel Andre(1927-) 65.C 114.A 114.B 114.I—K 235.G
Kerzman, Norberto Luis Maria(1943-) 164.K
Kesten, Harry(1931-) 5.G 44.r 340.r
Khachiyan, L.G 71.D 255.C
Khachiyan’s method 255.C
Khalkin, Semen Emanuilovich 290.r 318.r
Khas’minskii, Rafail Zalmanovich(1931—) 115.D
Khatri, Chinubhai Ghelabhai(1931-) 280.r
Khavinson, Semeon Yakovlevich(1927-) 77.E
Khayyam, Omar(c.1040-c.1123(24?)) 26
Khenkin(Henkin), Gennadii Markovich(1942-) 164.K 344.F
Khinchin canonical form (of an infinitely divisible probability distribution) 341.G
Khinchin decomposition (of a covariance function) 395.B
Khinchin(Hincin), Aleksandr Yakovlevich(1894-1959) 4.A 45.r 83.r 100.A 115.D 213.F 250.C 307.C 332.r 341.G 342.D 395.B 402.r
Khinchin’s law of the iterated logarithm 250.C
Khovanskil, Aleksei Nikolaevich(1916—) 83.r
Kiefer inequality, Chapman — Robbins — 399.D
Kiefer, Jack Carl(1924-1981) 399.D
Kiinneth, Hermann(1892-1975) 200.E 200.H 201.J 450.Q
Kiinzi, Hans Paul(1924-) 292.F 292r
Kiirschak, Jozsef(1864-1933) 439.L
Kikuchi, Fumio(1945-) 304.r
Kikuti, Dairoku(1855-1917) 230 267
Killing 261.F
Killing curvature, Lipschitz — 279.C
Killing differential equation 364.F
Killing form 248.B
Killing measure 115.B
Killing method (of obtaining a homotopy group) 202.N
Killing time 260.A
Killing vector field 364.F
Killing, Wilhelm Karl Joseph(1847-1923) 50 248.B 279.C 364.F
Kim, Wan HEE(1926-) 282.r
Kimura, Motoo(1924-) 115.D 263.E
Kimura, Tatsuo(1947-) 450.V
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