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Ito K. — Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics |
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Morse, Harold Marston(1892-1977) 109 114.A 114.F 126.J 178.A 275.B 279.A—F 286.N 286.Q 286.r 418.F
Morse, Philip McCord(1903-) 25.r 133.r 227.r
Morsification 418.F
Morton, Keith W.(1930-) 304.r
Moschovakis, Yiannis Nicholas(1938-) 22.D 22.F 22.H 22.r 33.r 356.G 356.r
Moser implicit function theorem, Nash — 286.J
Moser, Jurgen(Kurt)(1928-) 21.P 55.r 126.A 126.L 126.r 136.r 286.J 286.r 323.L 344.B 420.C 420.G
Moser, William O.J.(1927-) 92.r 122.r 151.r 161.r
Mosher, Robert E. 64.r 70.r
Most powerful (test) 400.A
Most probable cause 401.E
Most probable value 401.E
Most stringent level test 400.F
Mosteller model Bush — 346.G
Mosteller model Thurstone — 346.C
Mosteller,(Charles) Frederick(1916-) 346.C 346.G
Mostow, George Daniel(1923-) 13.r 32.r 122.F 122.G 249.r
Mostowski, Andrzej(1913-1975) 33.D 33.r 356.C 356.H
Motion(s) -Brownian 45.B 406.B
Motion(s) (Euclidean) 139.B
Motion(s) (in dynamical system) 126.B
Motion(s) Brownian 5.D 45 342.A
Motion(s) Brownian (d-dimensional) 45.C
Motion(s) Brownian, on Lie groups 406.G
Motion(s) Brownian, with an N-dimensional time parameter 45.I
Motion(s) central 126.E
Motion(s) elliptic 55.A
Motion(s) hyperbolic 420.D
Motion(s) hyperbolic-elliptic 420.D
Motion(s) hyperbolic-parabolic 420.D
Motion(s) infinitesimal (of a Riemannian manifold) 364.F
Motion(s) Lagrange-stable 420.D
Motion(s) mean 309.B
Motion(s) Ornstein — Uhlenbeck Brownian 45.I
Motion(s) oscillating 420.D
Motion(s) parabolic 420.D
Motion(s) parabolic-elliptic 420.D
Motion(s) perpetual 402.G
Motion(s) proper (in Euclidean geometry) 139.B
Motion(s) proper (of a star) 392
Motion(s) quasiperiodic 136.G
Motion(s) right-invariant Brownian 406.G
Motion(s) simple harmonic 318.B
Motion(s) space-time Brownian 45.F
Motion(s), equation of (of a fluid) 205.A
Motion(s), equation of (of a particle in a gravitation field) 359.D
Motion(s), equations of (in Newtonian mechanics) 271. A
Motion(s), Euler equation of (of a perfect fluid) 205.B
Motion(s), group of (in Euclidean geometry) 139.B
Motion(s), group of, in the wider sense 139.B
Motion(s), Heisenberg equation of 351.D
Motion(s), Lagrange equation of 271.F
Motion(s), law of 271.A
Motion(s), Newton three laws of 271.A
Motohashi, Yoichi(1944-) 123.E
Motoo, Minoru(1927-) 44.E 115.C 115.D 115.r 261.r
Moulin, M. 375.F
Moulton method, Adams — 303.E
Moulton, Forest Ray(1872-1952) 55.r 303.E
Moussu, Robert(1941-) 154.H
Movability 382.C
Movable 382.C
Movable branch point (of an algebraic differential equation) 288.A
Movable k- 382.C
Movable singularity (of an algebraic differential equation) 288.A
Move 173.B
Move chance 173.B
Moving Average 397.N
Moving average process 421.D
Moving average process autoregressive 421.D
Moving average process autoregressive integrated 421.G
Moving average representation backward 395.D
Moving average representation canonical backward 395.D
Moving average weighted 397.N
Moving coordinate system 90.B
Moving coordinates App. A Table
Moving frame(s) 90 111.C 417.B
Moving frame(s) method of 110.A
Moving frame(s) natural 417.B
Moving frame(s) stochastic 406.G
Moving frame(s)orthonormal 417.D
Moyal, Jose E. 44.r
mth root 10.C
Muchnik, Al’bert Aramovich(1934-) 356.D
Mugibayashi, Nobumichi(1926-) 125.BB
Muhly, Paul Scott(1944-) 164.H
Muirhead, Robb John(1946-) 280.r
Mukherjee, Bishwa Nath 346.r
Muller, David Eugene(1924-) 301.C
Mullikin, Thomas Wilson(1928-) 44 r
Mullis, Clifford T.(1943-) 86.D
Multi-index 112.A 168.B
Multi-objective model 307.C
Multicollinearity 128.B
Multicommodity flow problem 281.F
Multidiagonal type 304.C
Multidimensional diffusion process 115.A 115.C
Multidimensional gamma function 374.C
Multidimensional hypergeometric distribution App. A Table
Multidimensional normal distribution App. A Table
Multidimensional scaling 346.E
Multidimensional scaling nonmetric 346.E
Multilinear form 256.H
Multilinear mapping 256.H
Multilinear mapping alternating 256.H
Multilinear mapping antisymmetric 256.H
Multilinear mapping skew-symmetric 256.H
Multilinear mapping symmetric 256.H
Multinomial distribution 341.D
Multinomial distribution negative 341.D
Multinomial theorem 330
Multiobjective programming 264.C
Multiplanar coordinates 90.C
Multiple 297.A
Multiple (of a fractional ideal) 14.E
Multiple (of an element of a ring) 67.H
Multiple common (of elements of a ring) 67.H
Multiple complex 200.H
Multiple correlation coefficient 397.J
Multiple correlation coefficient sample 280.E
Multiple covariant 226.E
Multiple covariant absolute 226.E
Multiple hypergeometric distribution 341.D
Multiple integral (in Lebesgue integral) 227.E
Multiple integral (in Riemann integral) 216.F
Multiple least common 297.A
Multiple least common (of elements of a ring) 67.H
Multiple mathematical inductions 294.B
Multiple model 403.F
Multiple point (of a plane algebraic curve) 9.B
Multiple point (on a variety) 16.F
Multiple point (on an arc) 93.B
Multiple root (of an algebraic equation) 10.B
Multiple sampling inspection 404.C
Multiple scalar (in a linear space) 256.A
Multiple scalar (of a linear operator) 37.C
Multiple scalar (of a vector) 442.A
Multiple scalar (of an element of a module) 277.D
Multiple Wiener integral 176.I
Multiple-valued (analytic function) 198.J
Multiplication (by a natural number) 294.B
Multiplication (in a group) 190.A
Multiplication (in a ring) 368.A
Multiplication (of a graded algebra) 203.B
Multiplication (of an algebra) 203.F
Multiplication (of an H-space) 203.D
Multiplication (of local Lie groups) 423.L
Multiplication associative (of a graded algebra) 203.B
Multiplication commutative (of a graded algebra) 203.B
Multiplication commutative law for (in a ring) 368.A
| Multiplication complex 73.A
Multiplication homotopy associative 203.D
Multiplication homotopy commutative 203.D
Multiplication Pontryagin 203.D
Multiplication scalar (in a module) 277.D
Multiplication scalar (on vectors) 442.A
Multiplication symmetric 406.C
Multiplication theorem, Hadamard 339.D
Multiplicative (arithmetic function) 295.B
Multiplicative automorphic function 32.A
Multiplicative class 270.B
Multiplicative congruence 14.H
Multiplicative ergodic theorem 136.B
Multiplicative function 32.A 295.B
Multiplicative functional (of a Markov process) 261.E
Multiplicative functional, transformation by 261.F
Multiplicative group 149.A 190.A
Multiplicative group of a field 190.B
Multiplicative Jordan decomposition (of a linear transformation) 269.L
Multiplicative valuation 439.C
Multiplicatively closed subset (of a ring) 67.C
Multiplicator (of a relative invariant measure) 225.H
Multiplicity (of a covering surface) 367.B
Multiplicity (of a Gaussian process) 176.E
Multiplicity (of a local ring) 284.D
Multiplicity (of a representation) 362.D
Multiplicity (of a root of an algebraic equation) 10.B
Multiplicity (of a weight) 248.W
Multiplicity (of an eigenvalue for an integral equation) 217.F
Multiplicity (of an eigenvalue of a matrix) 390.B
Multiplicity algebraic (of an eigenvalue) 390.B
Multiplicity function (of a mapping) 246.G
Multiplicity geometric (of an eigenvalue) 390.A
Multiplicity intersection (of two subvarieties) 16.Q
Multiplicity representation without 437.G
Multiplicity, set of 159.J
Multiplier (of a group) 362.J
Multiplier (of a semi-invariant) 226.A
Multiplier algebra 36.K
Multiplier characteristic (of a closed orbit) 126.G
Multiplier characteristic (of a periodic linear system) 163.F
Multiplier Jacobi’s last App. A Table
Multiplier Lagrange 46.B
Multiplier method of Lagrange 106.L
Multiplier Stokes 254.D
Multiply connected domain 333.A
Multiply transitive (permutation group) 151.H
Multipolar coordinates 90.C
Multiprocessor scheduling problem 376
Multistage allocation process 127.A
Multistage choice process 127.A
Multistage game 173.C
Multistage programming 264.C
Multistage sampling 373.E
Multistep method 303.E
Multistep method linear 303.E
Multitype Galton — Watson process 44.C
Multitype Markov branching process 44.E
Multivalent function 438.E
Multivalue method 303.E
Multivalued function 165.B
Multivariate (data) 397.A
Multivariate analysis 280
Multivariate analysis of variance 280.B
Multivariate linear model 280.B
Multivariate normal distribution 397.J
Mumford, David Bryant(1937-) 3.A 3.N 3.r 9.J 9.r 12.B 15.E 15.F 15.r 16.R 16.W 16.Y 16.Z 16.r 32.r 72.G 226.r 418.D
Munkres, James Raymond(1930-) 70.r 105.r 114.C 114.r
Muntz theorem (on polynomial approximation) 336.A
Munzner, Hans-Friedrich 365.I
Murakami, Shingo(1927-) 32.r 122.F 384.r App.A Table
Muramatu, Toshinobu(1933-) 168.B 224.E 251.O
Murasugi, Kunio(1929-) 235.A 235.E 235.r
Murata, Hiroshi(1945-) 75.r
Murray, Francis Joseph(1911-) 136.F 308.F
Murre, Jacob P.(1929-) 16.W
Murthy, M.Pavaman 237.r
Muskhelishvili, Nikolai Ivanovich(1891-1976) 217.r 222.r 253.r
Muto, Yosio(1912-) 364.F 346.r
Mutou, Hideo(1953-) 391.E
Mutual energy 338.B
Mutual information 213.E
Mutually associated diagrams (for O(n) diagrams) 60.J
Mutually disjoint family (of sets) 381.D
Mutually noncomparable (summations) 379.L
Mutually orthogonal (latin squares) 241.B
Mycielski, Jan(1932-) 22.H 33.F 33.r
Myers, Sumner Byron(1910-1955) 152.C 178.B
Myrberg, Pekka Juhana(1892-1976) 367.E
n degrees of freedom (sampling distribution) 374.B 374.C
n-ary predicate 411.G
n-ary relation 411.G
n-ball 140
n-ball open 140
n-body problem 420.A
n-cell 70.D 140
n-cell open 70.D
n-cell topological 140
n-classifying space (of a topological group) 147.G
n-cochain (for an associative algebra) 200.L
n-connected (pair of topological spaces) 202.L
n-connected (space) 79.C 202.L
n-connected locally 79.C
n-connective fiber space 148.D
n-cube, unit 140
n-cylinder set 270.H
n-decision problem 398.A
n-dimensional (normal space) 117.B
n-dimensional distibution function 342.C
n-dimensional distribution 342.C
n-dimensional Euclidean geometry 139.B 181
n-dimensional probability distribution 342.C
n-dimensional random variable 342.C
n-dimensional sample space 396.B
n-dimensional statistic 396.B
n-disk 140
n-disk open 140
n-element 140
n-fold covering 91.A
n-fold reduced suspension (of a topological space) 202.F
n-gon, regular 357.A
n-gonal number 296.A
n-particle subspace 377.A
N-person game 173.B—D
N-ple Markov Gaussian process 176.E
N-ple Markov Gaussian process in the restricted sense 176.F
n-ply connected (plane domain) 333.A
n-section (in a cell complex) 70.D
n-sheeted (covering surface) 367.B
n-simple (pair of topological spaces) 202.L
n-simple (space) 202.L
n-simplex (in a Euclidean simplicial complex) 70.B
n-simplex (in a setnisimplicial complex) 70.E
n-simplex (in a simplicial complex) 70.C
n-sphere 140
n-sphere bundle 147.K
n-sphere open 140
n-sphere solid 140
n-times continuously differentiable (function) 106.K
n-times differentiable (function) 106.D
n-torus 422.E
n-tuple 256.A 381.B
n-universal bundle 147.G
n-valued (analytic function) 198.J
nabla 442.D App. Table
Nachbin — Goodner — Kelley theorem 37.M
Nachbin, Leopoldo(1922-) 21.r 37.M 425.BB
Nagaev, Sergei Viktrovich(1932-) 250.r
Nagamati, Sigeaki(1945-) 125.BB
Nagami, Keio(1925-) 117.A 117.C 117.r 273 273.r 425.Y 425.AA 425.CC 425.r
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