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Ito K. — Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics |
Предметный указатель |
Ogasawara, Tojiro(1910-1978) 162
Ogg, Andrew P.(1934-) 32.r
Ogiue, Koichi(1941-) 110.E 365.L 365.r
Ogus, Arthur E.(1946-) 450.r
Oguztoreli, Mehmet Namik(1923-) 163.r 222.r
Oharu, Shinnosuke(1941-) 162 286.X
Ohm, Georg Simon(1787-1854) 130.B 259
Ohm’s law (for a moving medium) 130.B 259
Ohnishi, Masao(1923-) 411.J
Ohtsuka, Makoto(1922-) 62.C 62.r 77 120.A 143.B 193.r 207.C 207.r 246.A 338.C 338.D 338.M 338.r
Ohya, Yujiro(1935-) 325.H 325.I 345.A
Oikawa, Kotaro(1928-) 48.r 77.E 77.r 367.r
Ojanguren, Manuel(1940-) 29.r
Ojima, lzumi(1949-) 150.G
Oka, Kiyoshi(1901-1978) 20 21.E 21.H 21.I 21.K 21.Q 23.D 72.E 147.O 383.J
Oka, Yukimasa(1942-) 136.F
Okabe, Yasunori(1943-) 176.F
Okada, Norio(1947-) 173.E
Okada, Yoshitomo(1892-1957) 379.P
Okamoto, Kazuo(1948-) 253.E
Okamoto, Kiyosato(1935-) 437.AA
Okamoto, Masashi(1923-) 280.r
Okamoto, Shuichi(1951-) 306.A
Okamura, Hiroshi(1905-1948) 94.r 216.B 246.F 316.D 316.r
Okano, Hatsuo(1932-) 100.r
Oka’s principle 147.O
Oka’s theorem 72.E
Okonek, C 16.r
Okubo, Kenjiro(1934-) 253.C
Okugawa, Kotaro(1913-) 113
Okumura, Masafumi(1936-) 110.E
Okuyama, Akihiro(1933-) 273.K 425.Y
Oleinik, Ol’ga Arsen’evna(1925-) 112.D 323.r 325.H 327.r
Olive, David Ian(1937) 146.r 386.C 386.r
Olivieri, E. 402.G
Olkin, Ingram(1924-) 280.r
Olmsted, John M.H.(1911-) 106.r 216.r
Olum, Paul(1918-) 91.r 305.A 305.r
Olver, Frank W.J. 30.r
Omnes, Roland Lucian(1931-) 150.r
Omori, Hideki(1938-) 178.E 183 286.r
Omura, JimK.(1940-) 213.E
One cycle 16.R
One-dimensional diffusion processes 115.A
One-dimensional lattice 287.A
One-dimensional probability distribution (of random variables) 342.C
One-dimensional statistic 396.B
One-parameter group local (of local transformations) 105.N
One-parameter group of transformations 105.N 126.B
One-parameter semigroup of class ( ) 378.B
One-parameter subgroup (of a Lie group) 249.Q
One-parameter variation 178.A
One-point compactification 425.T
One-point union 202.F
One-sided (surface) 410.B
One-sided stable for exponent 1/2 App. A Table
One-sided stable process (of the exponent ) 5.F
One-step-two-half-steps errors estimate 303.D
One-to-one correspondence 358.B
One-to-one mapping 381.C
Only normal crossings 16.L
Ono, Harumi(1932-) 301.F
Ono, Katuzi(1909-) 156.E 156.r
Ono, Takashi(1928-) 13.P
Onsager reciprocity relation 402.K
Onsager, Lars(1903-76) 340.B 402.K
Onto mapping 381.C
Oono, Yosiro(1920-) 282.r
Oort, Frans(1935-) 9.J
Open (Riemann surface) 367.A
Open (system) 419.A
Open (topological manifold) 105.B
Open arc 93.B
Open ball 140
Open base 425.F
Open circle 140
Open continuous homomorphism 423.J
Open covering (of a set) 425.R
Open disk 140
Open finely 261.D
Open formulas 199.A
Open interval 140 355.C
Open mapping 425.G
Open mapping theorem (in Banach space) 37.I
Open mapping theorem (in topological linear spaces) 424.X
Open n-ball 140
Open n-cell 140
Open n-disk 140
Open n-sphere 140
Open neighborhood 425.E
Open parallelotope (in an affine space) 7.D
Open set 425.B
Open set basic 425.F
Open set relative 425.J
Open set system of 425.B
Open simplex 7.D 70.C
Open sphere 140
Open star (in a complex) 70.B 70.C
Open subgroup (of a topological group) 423.D
Open surface 410.B
Open system entropy 402.G
Open tubular neighborhood 105.L 114.B
Open Zariski 16.A
Opening 186.E
Operate (in a function algebra) 192.N
Operate from the left (on a set) 362.B
Operate from the right (on a set) 362.B
Operating characteristic 404.C
Operating function 192.N
Operating systems 75.C
Operation A (in set theory) 22.B
Operation(s) (of an operator domain on a module) 277.C
Operation(s) (on a set) 409.A
Operation(s) Adams 237.E
Operation(s) Bokshteln 64.B
Operation(s) Boolean 42.A
Operation(s) cohomology 64
Operation(s) compatible with 277.C
Operation(s) four arithmetic 294.A
Operation(s) functional - 202.S
Operation(s) functional cohomology 202.S
Operation(s) glide 92.E
Operation(s) homotopy 202.O
Operation(s) left 409.A
Operation(s) Pontryagin (pth) power 64.B
Operation(s) primary cohomology 64.B
Operation(s) primitive (of a group) 362.B
Operation(s) rational 294.A
Operation(s) reduced square 64.B
Operation(s) right 409.A
Operation(s) ring 368.A
Operation(s) stable cohomology 64.B
Operation(s) stable primary cohomology 64.B
Operation(s) stable secondary cohomology 64.C
Operation(s) Steenrod (pth) power 64.B
Operation(s) Steenrod square 64.B
Operation(s) transitive (of a group) 362.B
operational 251 .G 306 App. Table
Operational calculus 251.G 306 App. Table
Operator (in functional analysis) 162 251.A
Operator (on a set) 409.A
Operator 4-momentum 258.D
Operator Abelian 308.E
Operator accretive (in a Hilbert space) 286.C
Operator additive 251.A
Operator adjoint (in Banach spaces) 37.D 251.D
Operator adjoint (in Hilbert spaces) 251.E
Operator adjoint (of a linear partial differential operator) 322.E
Operator adjoint (of a microdifferential operator) 274.F
Operator adjoint (of a microlocal operator) 274.F
| Operator algebra 308.A
Operator amplification (of the scheme) 304.F
Operator angular momentum 258.D
Operator annihilation 377.A
Operator Beltrami differential, of the first kind App. A Table
Operator Beltrami differential, of the second kind App. A Table
Operator boundary 200.C 201.B
Operator bounded linear 37.C
Operator Calderon — Zygmund singular integral 217.J 251.O
Operator Cartier 9.E
Operator channel wave 375.F
Operator closable 251.D
Operator closed 39.I 251.D
Operator closure 425.B
Operator coboundary 200.F
Operator compact 68
Operator completely continuous 68.B
Operator conjugate (in Banach spaces) 37.D
Operator conjugate (of a differential operator) 125.F
Operator conjugate (of a linear operator) 251.D
Operator conjugation (in function algebras) 164.K
Operator convex 212.C
Operator creation 377.A
Operator decomposable (on a Hilbert space) 308.G
Operator degeneracy (in a semisimplicial complex) 70.E
Operator diagonalizable (in an Abelian von Neumann algebra) 308.G
Operator differential 112 223.C 306.B
Operator differential, of the kth order 237.H
Operator differentiation 223.C
Operator dissipative 286.C
Operator domain 277.C
Operator domain (of an -group) 190.E
Operator domain module with 277.C
Operator down-ladder 206.B
Operator dual (in Banach spaces) 37.D
Operator dual (of a differential operator) 125.F
Operator dual (of a linear operator) 251.D
Operator elliptic 112. A
Operator energy-momentum 258.D
Operator evolution 378.G
Operator face (in a semisimplicial complex) 70.E
Operator formal adjoint 322.E
Operator Fourier integral 274.C
Operator Fredholm 68.F 251.D
Operator fundamental 163.E
Operator generalized wave 375.B
Operator Green’s 189.A 189.B 194.C
Operator Hamiltonian 351.D
Operator Hecke 32.D
Operator Hermttian 251.E
Operator Hilbert’s - 411.J
Operator holomorphic evolution 378.I
Operator homomorphism (of -groups) 190.E
Operator homomorphism (of A-modules) 277.E
Operator identity (on a Banach space) 37.C
Operator incoming wave 375.B
Operator integral 68.N 100.E 251.O 306.B
Operator integral, of Hilbert — Schmidt type 68.C
Operator interior 425.B
Operator inverse 37.C 251.B
Operator isometric 251.E
Operator isomorphism 190.E
Operator Laplace 323.A 442.D
Operator Laplace — Beltrami 194.B
Operator linear 251
Operator linear (in Banach spaces) 37.C
Operator linear (in linear spaces) 256.B
Operator linear boundary 315.B
Operator linearized 286.E
Operator local 125.DD
Operator logical 411.E
Operator Markov 136.B
Operator maximal (of a differential operator) 112.E
Operator maximal dissipative 251.J
Operator microdifferential 274.F
Operator microlocal 274.F
Operator microlocally elliptic 345.A
Operator Mikusinski’s 306.B
Operator minimal (of a differential operator) 112.E
Operator modified wave 375.B
Operator modular 308.H
Operator monotone 212.C
Operator monotone (in a Hilbert space) 286.C
Operator nonnegative 251.E
Operator normal 390.E
Operator normal (of Sario) 367.G
Operator normal linear 251.E
Operator nuclear 68.I 68.K
Operator number 377.A
Operator of summable pth power 68.K
Operator ordinary differential 112.A
Operator outgoing wave 375.B
Operator partial differential 112.A
Operator positive (in vector lattices) 310.E
Operator positive semidefinite 251.E
Operator projection (in a Hilbert space) 197.E
Operator pseudodifferential 251.O 345
Operator pseudodifferential (in microlocal analysis) 274.F
Operator resolvent (of a Markov process) 261.D
Operator S- 150.D
Operator scalar 390.K
Operator scattering 375.F 375.H
Operator Schroedinger 351.D
Operator self-adjoint 251.E 390.E
Operator shift 223.C 251.O 306.C
Operator spectral 390.K
Operator Steenrod App. A Table
Operator step-down 206.B
Operator step-up 206.B
Operator strongly elliptic 112.G 323.H
Operator Sturm — Liouville 112.I
Operator symmetric 251.E
Operator system of differential 112.R
Operator T- 375.C
Operator TCP 150.D
Operator Toeplitz operator 251.O
Operator topology strong 251.C
Operator topology uniform 251.C
Operator topology weak 251.C
Operator total boundary 200.E
Operator trace 168.B
Operator translation 306.C
Operator transposed 112.E 189.C 322.E
Operator unilateral shift 390.I
Operator unitary 390.E
Operator up-ladder 206.B
Operator Volterra 68.J
Operator wave 375.B
Operator with a boundary condition 112.F
Operator with index 68.F
Operator, domain of 409.A
Operator, exponential function of 306.C
Operator, nonlinear semigroups of 286.X
Operator, ring of 308.C
Operator-valued distribution 150.D
Oppenheim, Alexander 220.B 242.A
Opposite (simplex) 201.C
Opposite orientation 105.F
Opposite root 13.R
Optical axis 180.B
Optical direction cosines 180.A
Optical distance 180.A
Optical theorem 386.B
Optics, geometric 180
Optimal (design) 102.E
Optimal asymptotically 354.O
Optimal control 46.D 86.B 86.C 405.A
Optimal control problem, time 86.E
Optimal policy 127.A
Optimal regular problem 86.F
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