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Ito K. — Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics |
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Isothermal parameter (for an analytic surface) 111.I
Isothermal process 419.B
Isotopic 65.D 202.B
Isotopic (braids) 235.F
Isotopic (embeddings) 114.D
Isotopic (latin square) 241.A
Isotopic ambient 65.D
Isotopy 65.D 202.B
Isotopy ambient 65.D
Isotopy lemma, Thorn’s first 418.G
Isotopy type (of knots) 235.A
Isotropic (with respect to a quadratic form) 348.E
Isotropic k- (algebraic group) 13.G
Isotropic point 365.D
Isotropic submanifold 365.D
Isotropic totally (subspace) 60.O 348.E
Isotropic turbulence 433.C
Isotropy group 362.B
Isotropy group linear 199.A
Isotropy group principal 431.C
Isotropy representation 431.C
Isotropy subgroup (of a topological group) 431.A
Isotropy type (of a transformation group) 431.A
Isotropy, index of total (of a quadratic form) 348.E
Isozaki, Hiroshi(1950-) 375.B
Israel, Robert B.(1951-) 402.r
Israel, Werner(1931-) 359.r
Iss’sa, Hej 367.G
Itaya, Nobutoshi(1933-) 204.F
Iterated integral (in Lebesgue integral) 221.E
Iterated integral (in Riemann integral) 216.G
Iterated kernel (for a Fredholm integral equation) 217.D
Iterated logarithm, Khinchin’s law of 250.C
Iterated logarithm, law of 45.F
Iterated series by columns (of a double series) 379.E
Iterated series by rows (of a double series) 379.E
Iteration (in a Banach space) 286.B
Iteration inverse 298.C
Iteration matrix 302.C
Iteration method of successive (for Fredholm integral equations) 217.D
Iteration two-body 271.C
Iterative improvement 302.C
Iterative method 302.C
Iterative process, linear stationary 302.C
ith component (of an n-tuple) 256.A 256.C
ith coordinate 256.C
ith coordinate axis (of a Euclidean space) 140
Ito circle operation 406.C
Ito decomposition, Wiener — 176.I
Ito formula 45.G 406.B
Ito process 406.B
Ito theorem, Levy- (on Levy processes) 5.E
Ito type, stochastic integral of 406.C
Ito, Kiyosi(1915-) 5.E 5.r 45.G 45.r 115.A 115.C 176.I 176.r 261.A 261.r 395.C 395.r 406.A—D 406.G 406.r 407.A 407.C 407.r
Ito, Masayuki(1940-) 338.O
Ito, Noboru(1925-) 151.H 151.J
Ito, Seizo(1927-) 204.B 270.r 327.r
Ito, Shunji(1943-) 126.K 136.C 136.r
Ito, Takashi(1926-) 192.r
Ito, Teiiti(1898-) 92.F
Ito, Yoshifumi(1940-) 125.BB
Ito, Yuji(1935-) 136.C 136.F
Itoh, Mitsuhiro(1947-) 80.r
Itoh, Takehiro(1943-) 275.A 365.G
Iversen theorem 272.I
Iversen — Beurling — Kunugi theorem 62.B
Iversen, F. 62.E 272.I
Ivory, Sir James(1765-1842) 350.E
Ivrii, V.Ya. 325.H
Iwahori subgroup 13.R
Iwahori, Nagayoshi(1926-) 13.R 13.r 249.r 442.r
Iwamura, Tsurane(1919-) 85.A 85.r
Iwaniec, Henryk 123.C 123.E
Iwano, Masahiro(1931-) 254.D 289.D 289.E
Iwasawa decomposition (of a Lie group) 249.T
Iwasawa decomposition (of a real semisimple Lie algebra) 248.V
Iwasawa group 384.C
Iwasawa invariant 14.L
Iwasawa main conjecture 450.J
Iwasawa theorem, Cartan — Mal’tsev- (on maximal compact subgroups) 249.S
Iwasawa, Kenkichi(1917 ) 6.D 6.F 14.L 32.r 243.G 248.F 248.V 249.S 249.T 249.V 249.r 257.H 384.C 450.A 450.F 450.J 450.L 450.N 450.r
Iyanaga, Shokichi(1906-) 6.r 7.r 14.Q 14.r 59.D 59.E 59.r 60.r 149.r 161.r 200.r 277.r 294.r 343.r 362.r 368.r 409.r
Izumi, Shin-ichi(1904-) 121.r 160.B 160.F 310.r
J-group 237.I
J-group equivariant 431.F
J-homomorphism 202.V 237.I
J-homomorphism equivariant 431.F
J-method 224.C
Jackiw, Roman Wtldmir(1939-) 80.r
Jackson, Dunham(1888-1946) 336.C 336.E 336.r
Jackson, John David(1925-) 130.r
Jackson, Kenneth R. 303.r
Jackson’s theorem (on the degree of approximation) 336.C
Jacob, Maurice R. 132.r 386.r
Jacobi condition 46.C
Jacobi differential equation App. A Tables 20.V
Jacobi differential equation Hamilton — 271.F 324.E
Jacobi elliptic functions App. A Table
Jacobi equation, Hamilton — 108.B
Jacobi field 178.A
Jacobi identity (in a Lie algebra) 248.A
Jacobi identity (on the bracket of two vector fields) 105.M
Jacobi identity (with respect to Whitehead product) 202.P
Jacobi imaginary transformation 134.I
Jacobi integral 420.F
Jacobi inverse problem 3.L
Jacobi last multiplier App. A Table
Jacobi matrix 390.G
Jacobi method (in numerical computation of eigenvalues) 298.B
Jacobi method (in numerical solution of linear equations) 302.C
Jacobi method cyclic 298.B
Jacobi method threshold 298.B
Jacobi polynomial 317.D App. Table
Jacobi second method of integration 324.D
Jacobi standard form, Legendre — 134.A App. Table
Jacobi symbol 297.I
Jacobi symbol, complementary law of 297.I
Jacobi symbol, law of quadratic reciprocity of 297.I
Jacobi transformation App. A Table
Jacobi — Biehler equality 328
Jacobi, C.G.J. 229
Jacobi, Carl Gustav Jacob(1804-1851) 3.A 3.G 3.L 4.D 9.E 9.F 11.B 11.C 20 46.C 105 107.B 108.B 126.A 134.A 134.C 134.I 134.J 134.r 178.A 182.H 202.P 208.B 229 248.A 267 271.F 296.A 297.I 298.B 302.C 317.D 324.D 324.E 348.K 390.G 420.A 420.F 428.C App.A Tables II 16.I III 20.V
Jacobian 208.B
Jacobian criterion (on regularity of local rings) 370.B
Jacobian determinant 208.B
Jacobian matrix 208.B
Jacobian variety 9.E 11.C 16.P
Jacobian variety canonically polarized 3.G 9.E
Jacobian variety generalized 9.F 11.C
Jacobian, generalized (of a set function) 246.H
Jacobowitz, Howard(1944-) 286.J 344.B
Jacobs.Konrad(1928-) 136.H 136.r
Jacobson radical (of a ring) 67.D
Jacobson topology 36.D
Jacobson, Florence D. 231.r
Jacobson, Nathan(1910-) 27.r 29.r 54.r 67.D 149.r 172.A 172.K 172.r 231.r 248.r 256.r 368.H 368.r 499.r
Jacod, Jean M.(1944-) 262.r
Jacquet, Herve Michel(1933-) 32.r 437.r 450.A 450.N 450.O
Jaeckel, Louis A. 371.H 371.J 371.r
Jaffe, Arthur Michael(1937-) 150.C 150.F 150.r
Jaglom see Yaglom
Jahnke, Paul Rudolf Eugene(1863-1921) 389.r NTR
James theorem 37.G
James, Alan Treleven(1924-) 102.r 374.r
James, loan M.(1928-) 202.Q 202.U
James, Ralph Duncan(1909-1979) 100.A 100.r
James, Robert Clarke(1918—) 37.G
James, W. 280.D 280.r 398.r 399.G
Jancel, Raymond(1926-) 402.r
| Janes, E.T. 403.C
Janet, Maurice(1888-) 365.B
Janiszewski, Zygmund(1888-1920) 426
Janko — Ree type, group of 151.J
Janko, Zvonimir(1932-) 151.I 151.J App.B Table
Janner, Aloysio 92.r
Jans, James Patrick(1927-) 368.r
Janzen area (of a Borel set) 246.G
Janzen, O. 246.G
Japanese mathematics (wasan) 230
Japanese ring, universally 284.F
Jarrat — Mack method, Garside — 301.N
Jarratt, Peter(1935-) 301.N
Jauch, Josef-Maria(1914-1974) 375.A 375.r
Jayne, J.E. 22.r
Jech, Thomas(1944-) 22.r 33.F 33.r
Jeffreys method 112.B
Jeffreys, B.S. 25.r
Jeffreys, Harold(1891-) 25.B 25.r
Jelinek, Fredrick(1932-) 213.E 213.r
Jenkins, Gwilym M. 128.r 421.D 421.G 421.r
Jenkins, Howard B. 275.A 275.D
Jenkins, James Allister(1923-) 77.F 143.r 438.B 438.C
Jensen formula 198.F
Jensen measure 164.K
Jensen, Johann Ludwig Wilhelm Waldemar(1859-1925) 88.A 121.A 164.K 198.F
Jensen, K.L. 145
Jensen, Ronald B. 33.F 33.r 356.r
Jentsch, Robert 339.E
Jerison, Meyer(1922-) 425.r
Jessen, Raymond J.(1910-) 373.r
Jet invertible 105.X
Jet of order r 105.X
Jeulin, Thierry 406.r
Jewett, Robert Israel(1937-) 136.H
Jifina, Miloslav 44.E
Jimbo, Michio(1951-) 253.E 387.C
Jimbo, Toshiya(1941-) 164.r
Job 281.D
Job-shop scheduling 307.C
Job-shop scheduling problem 376
Joffe, Anatole 44.C
John — Nirenberg space (=BMO) 168.B
John, Fritz(1910-) 112.B 168.B 218.F 262.B 274.F 292.B 300.r 304.r 320.r 321.r 323.r 324.r 325.r 327.r
John, Peter W.M.(1923-) 102.r
Johns, M.Vernon, Jr.(1925-) 371.H 371.r
Johnson, Norman Lloyd(1917-) 374.r
Johnson, Wells 14.L
Johnson, William B.(1944-) 68.K 68.M
Johnston, John(1923-) 128.r
Join (in a Boolean algebra) 42.A
Join (in a lattice) 243.A
Join (of points) 155.B
Join (of projective spaces) 343. B
Join (of sets) 381.B
Join (of simplicial complexes) 70.C
Join (of subgroups of a group) 190.G
Join reduced (of homotopy classes) 202.Q
Join reduced (of mappings) 202.F
Join reduced (of topological spaces) 202.F
Joined by an arc 79.B
Joint cumulant 397.I
Joint density 397.I
Joint distribution 342.C
Joint moment generating function 397.I 397.J
Joint random variable 342.C
Joint sensity function 397.J
Joint spectrum 36.M
Jolley, Leonard Benjamin William(1886-) 379.r
Joly, Jean-Rene Benoit(1938-) 118.r
Jona-Lasinio, Giovanni 361.r
Jonckheere, A.R. 346.r
Jones, B.W. 347.r 348.r
Jones, Floyd Burton(1910-) 273.K
Jones, John D.S. 80.r
Jones, William(1675-1749) 332
Jordan algebras 231
Jordan algebras exceptional 231.A
Jordan algebras free special 231.A
Jordan algebras semisimple 231.B
Jordan algebras special 231.A
Jordan arc 93.B
Jordan canonical form (of a matrix) 269.G
Jordan content 270.G
Jordan curve 93.B
Jordan curve theorem 93.K
Jordan decomposition (in an ordered linear space) 310.B
Jordan decomposition (of a function of bounded variation) 166.B
Jordan decomposition (of a linear mapping) 269.L
Jordan decomposition (of an additive set function) 380.C
Jordan decomposition multiplicative 269.L
Jordan domain 333.A
Jordan elimination, Gauss — 302.B
Jordan factorial 330
Jordan homomorphism (between Jordan algebras) 231.A
Jordan inequality App. A Table
Jordan measurable set (of ) 270.G
Jordan measure 270.D 270.G
Jordan module 231.C
Jordan normal form 269.G
Jordan test (on the convergence of Fourier series) 159.B
Jordan — Hoelder sequence (in a group) 190.G
Jordan — Hoelder theorem (in group theory) 190.G
Jordan — Hoelder theorem (on representations of algebras) 362.D
Jordan — Zassenhaus theorem (on integral representation of a group) 362.K
Jordan, C W. 214.r
Jordan, Camille(1838-1922) 20.r 79.A 92.A 92.F 93.A 93.B 93.F 93.K 104.r 151.H 159.B 166.B 190.G 190.Q 190.r 267 269.G 270.D 270.G 277.I 302.B 310.B 333.A 362.K 380.C App.A Table
Jordan, Ernst Pascual(1902-) 150.A 231.B 351.L 377.B
Jordan, Herbert E. App.B Table
Joreskog, Karl G.(1935-) 403.r
Joseph, Peter D. 405.r
Jost, Res Wilhelm(1918-) 150.r 386.B
Joule heat 130.B
Joule, James Prescott(1818-1889) 130.B
Joule’s law 130.B
Julia, Gaston Maurice(1893-1978) 21.Q 21.r 43.K 124.B 198.r 272.F 429.C 435.E
Julia’s direction (of a transcendental entire function) 272.F 429.C
Julia’s exceptional function 272.F
Jump (at a point) 84.B
Jump function 306.C
Jumping of the structures 72.G
Jung, Heinrich Wilhelm Ewald(1876-1953) 15.r
Jureckova, Jana(1940-) 371.J 371.r
Jurkat, Wolfgang(Bernhard)(1929-) 123.D
Just identified (equation) 128.C
Jutila, Mattillmari(1943-) 123.E
Juzvinskii see Yuzvinskii
k-almost simple algebraic group 13.O
k-anisotropic algebraic group 13.G
k-array 330
k-Borel subgroup (of an algebraic group) 13.G
k-closed algebraic set 13.A
k-combination 330
k-compact algebraic group 13.G
K-complete analytic space 23.F
K-complete scheme 16.D
k-connect (graph) 186.F
k-dimensional integral element 191.I
k-dimensional integral manifold 191.I
k-dimensional normal distribution 341.D
k-equivalent -manifolds 114.F
k-Erlang distribution 260.H
k-flow 136.E
k-fold mixing automorphism 136.F
k-fold screw glide with pitch 92.E
k-form (of an algebraic group) 13.M
k-form holomorphic 72.A
k-frame 199.B
k-frame orthogonal 199.B
k-group 13.A
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