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Поиск книг, содержащих: Dedekind, R.
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Чеботарев Н.Г. — Теория Галуа | 21, 57, 84, 99, 130 | Bartle R.G. — The Elements of Real Analysis | 50 | Andrews G., Askey R., Roy R. — Special Functions | 1 | Rudin W. — Principles of Mathematical Analysis | 21 | Ribenboim P. — My numbers, my friends: popular lectures on number theory | 146, 150 | Eisenbud D. — Commutative algebra with a view toward algebraic geometry | 22—24, 87, 256 | Hewitt E., Ross K.A. — Abstract Harmonic Analysis (Vol. 2) | 483 | Polya G., Szego G. — Problems and Theorems in Analysis: Integral Calculus. Theory of Functions | 309 | Bateman P.T., Diamond H.G. — Analytic Number Theory: An Introductory Course | 12 | Sandor J. — Selected Chapters of Geomety, Analysis and Number Theory | 3.13, 8.12, 8.13, 8.14 | Grillet P.A. — Abstract Algebra | 104, 155, 273, 290, 539 | Hazewinkel M. (ed.) — Handbook of Algebra, Volume 4 | 51 | Okonek C., Schneider M., Spindler H. — Vector Bundles on Complex Projective Spaces | 44 | Dudley R.M., Fulton W. (Ed) — Real Analysis and Probability | 516, 518 | Lam T.Y. — A first course in noncommutative ring theory | 4, 283, 302 | Coxeter H.S.M., Moser W.O.J. — Generators and Relations for Discrete Groups | 8 | Alaca S., Williams K.S. — Introductory Algebraic Number Theory | 84, 87, 156, 176, 184, 192—194, 240, 249, 257, 262 | Gray J.J. — Linear Differential Equations and Group Theory from Riemann to Poincare | 107 | Cohen H.A. — A Course in Computational Algebraic Number Theory | 305 | Jones J.A., Jones J.M. — Elementary Number Theory | 222 | Feynman R.P., Leighton R.B., Sands M. — The Feynman lectures on physics (vol.1) | 22—4 | Neukrich J. — Algebraic number theory | 17 | Rockingham G.R. — Deducibility and Decidability | 4, 15, 50—51 | Schroeder M.R. — Schroeder, Self Similarity: Chaos, Fractals, Power Laws | 164 | Yam T.Y. — Lectures on Modules and Rings | 43, 73, 476 | Fowler D.H. — Mathematics of Plato's Academy: A New Reconstruction | 9, 23, 27, 172, 194, 303, 365, 371, 400 | Tourlakis G.J. — Lectures in Logic and Set Theory: Mathematical Logic | 124, 129 | Feynman R.P., Leighton R.B., Sands M. — The Feynman lectures on physics (vol.2) | I-22-4 | Dickson L.E. — History of the Theory of Numbers, Volume ll: Diophantine Analysis | 371, 378 (373, 399, 742) | Jensen C.U., Lenzing H. — Model Theoretic Algebra with particular emphasis on Fields, Rings, Modules | 249 | Silverman J.H. — Advanced Topics in the Arithmetic of Elliptic Curves | 67 | Aleksandrov A.D., Kolmogorov A.N. — Mathematics. It's content, methods, and meaning (Vol. 1) | 27, 59 | Kaye R. — Models of Peano Arithmetic | 42 | Kurosh A. — Higher Algebra | 13 | Knopp K. — Theory and applications of infinite series | 1, 26, 33, 41 | Gentzen G. — The collected papers of Gerhard Gentzen | 224, 309 | Aleksandrov A.D., Kolmogorov A.N. — Mathematics. It's content, methods, and meaning (Vol. 3) | 15—17, 349 | Shapiro S. — Thinking about Mathematics: The Philosophy of Mathematics | 11, 12, 122 | Simmons G.F. — Differential Equations with Applications and Historical Notes | 200 | Onishchik A.L. (ed.), Vinberg E.B. (ed.) — Lie Groups and Lie Algebras | 6 | Monastyrsky M. — Modern mathematics in the light of the Fields medals | 108, 110 | Rota G.-C. — Studies in combinatorics (MAA Studies in Mathematics, volume 17) | 33 | Aleksandrov A.D., Kolmogorov A.N., Lavrent'ev M.A. — Mathematics, its content, methods, and meaning | 27, 59 | Semadini Z. — Banach Spaces of Continuous Functions. Vol. 1 | 59 | Beth E.W. — The foundations of mathematics: A study in the philosophy of science | passim | Onishchik A.L., Vinberg E.B. (eds.) — Lie Groups and Lie Algebras (volume 2) | 5 | Knopp K., Bagemihl F. — Infinite Sequences and Series | 137 | Van Orman Quine W. — Methods of Logic | xvii, 229, 243 | Baker A. — A Concise Introduction to the Theory of Numbers | 62 | Hewitt E., Stromberg K. — Real and abstract analysis: a modern treatment of the theory of functions of a real variable | 22 | Geddes K., Czapor S., Labahn G. — Algorithms for computer algebra | 567 | Hinman P.G. — Fundamentals of Mathematical Logic | 161 | Cohen M.R., Nagel E. — An Introduction to Logic and Scientific Method | 113, 146 | Curry H.B. — Foundations of Mathematical Logic | 24, 63, 89, 123, 159, 161, 246 | Urbanowicz J., Williams K.S. — Congruences for L-Functions | 41, 55, 234 | Daepp U., Gorkin P. — Reading, writing and proving. Close look at mathematics | 158 | Jeffreys H. — Methods Of Mathematical Physics | 1 | Partee B.H., Meulen A.T., Wall R.E. — Mathematical Methods in Linguistics | 82, 194, 195, 291 | Aleksandrov A.D., Kolmogorov A.N. — Mathematics. It's content, methods, and meaning (Vol. 2) | 203 | Tourlakis G.J. — Lectures in Logic and Set Theory: Set Theory | 449 | Hadlock C.R. — Field theory and its classical problems | 177, 178 | Ackermann W. — Solvable Cases of the Decision Problem | 55 | Eves H.W. — Mathematical circles revisited | 281 | Elliott Mendelson — Introduction to mathematical logic | 103, 121 | Brady J.M. — The theory of computer science: A programming approach | 101 | Davis P., Hersh R. — The Mathematical Experience | 331 | Dickson L.E. — History of the theory of numbers. Volume 3: quadratic and higher forms | 2, 32, 35, 39, 41, 44, 60, 69, 70, 73, 75, 76, 78, 79, 83, 86, 87, 92, 95—97, 119, 122, 125—126, 149, 150, 159, 165, 172, 179, 197, 204, 264 | Feynman R., Leighton R., Sands M. — Lectures on Physics 2 | I-22-4 | Comfort W.W., Negrepontis S. — The Theory of UltraFilters | 61, 171, 200 | Curry H.B. — Foundations of mathematical logic | 24, 63, 89, 123, 159, 161, 246 | Eves H. — Mathematical Circles Revisited: A Second Collection of Mathematical Stories and Anecdotes | 281 | Eves H. — Mathematical Circles Adieu | 187 | Geddes K.O., Czapor S.R., Labahn G. — Algorithms for computer algebra | 567 |