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Tourlakis G.J. — Lectures in Logic and Set Theory: Set Theory |
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"Real sets" 110
-system 555
-system, root of 555
-formulas 380
-least 244
-minimal element 239
-minimum 244
-smallest 244
-introduction 37
-introduction 44
-closed 437
-induction 438
-proof 38
-theorem 37
-antichain condition 553
-chain condition 553
-notation 202
-formula 55
-instance 56
-term 55
-closed 21
-term 76
-numbers 426
-term 76
1-1 correspondence 64 204 273
1-1 function see "Function"
Absolute formula 382
Absolute term 382
Absolutely provable 38
Absoluteness of rank 394
AC 215 274
AC, global 226
AC, strong 226
Aczel, P. 498
Addition 246
Addition over 246
Addition over is associative 248
Addition over is commutative 247
Adjacency map 269
Adjacency matrix 269
Alephs 465
Algebraic topology 275
Algorithm 283
Alphabet 7 13
Ambiguity 25
Ambiguous 25 498
Antichain 520
Antinomies 104
Apostol, T. 228
Argot 40
Arithmetization 90
Arity 9
Array 233
Ascending sequence 348
Associativity 17 256
At most enumerable 442
atom see "Urelement"
Axiom 8
Axiom of (unordered) pair 145 211
Axiom of Choice see "AC"
Axiom of collection 163 204
Axiom of constructibility 408
Axiom of Dependent Choices 298
Axiom of foundation 158
Axiom of infinity 234
Axiom of Power Set 180
Axiom of replacement 161 163 371
Axiom of union 151
Axiom, comprehension 121
Axiom, logical 8
Axiom, nonlogical 8 37
Axiom, nonlogical of regularity 159
Axiom, nonlogical, urelements are atomic 116
Axiom, special 8
Axiomatic theories 39
Axiomatized 39
Axioms, logical 35
Barwise, J. 192 368 395
BASIC language 108
Bemays, P. 34 42 315
Berry's paradox 104
Beth 516
Bijection see "1-1 correspondence"
Binary digit 455
Binary notation 455
Binary relation see "Relation"
Bit 455
Blum's speedup theorem 228
Blum, E. 228
BNF 18
Boolean 9
Boolean addition 270
Boolean sum 271
Bound variable 19
Bourbaki, N. 5 43 229
Brouwer, L.E.J. 4 12
Burali-Forti, C. 122
c.c.c. 553
Calculational proof 85
Cantor, G. 105 122
Cardinal 207 458 467
Cardinal multiplication 472
cardinal number 431 458 467
Cardinal product 472
Cardinal successor 465
Cardinal, inaccessible 483
Cardinal, strongly inaccessible 483
Cardinal, weakly inaccessible 483
Cardinality 431 458 467
Cardinals, product of family 485
Cardinals, sum of 470
Cardinals, sum of family 484
Cartesian product 189
Cartesian product of many classes 192
Category theory 275
ch 466
Chain 354 520
Choice function 216
class 136
Class term 134
Class, -closed 237
Class, domain of 195
Class, f-closed 434
Class, proper 137
Class, R-closed 495
Class, range of 195
Class, transitive 236
Closed formula 20
Closed term 20
Closed under 21 434
Closure 21 see
Cofinal subsets 478
Cofinality 478
Cohen Extension 524 526
Cohen generic real 553
Cohen, P.J. 229 467 487 526
Collapsing Cardinals 551
Collapsing function 310
Collection 149
Collection axiom see "Axiom"
Commutative diagram 275
Compactness Theorem 65
Comparable 520
Compatible 520
Complement 145
complete 97
Complete arithmetic 40
Complete lattice 349
Completeness 6
| Completeness theorem 54 64 65 97
Completion 97
composition 195 see
Computer programming 232
Concatenation 13 252
conditions 520
Congruence 261
Conjunction 17
Conjunctionally 85
Connectives 9
Conservative 68 74
Conservative extension 72 168
Consistency 61 531
Consistency theorem 64 65
Constant 10
Constant, imported 55
Constructible object 397
Constructible sets 396
Constructible universe 219 229 284 395
Construction formative 43
Continuum Hypothesis 3 466
Correct 88
Correct theory 88
Countable 64 90 314 442
Countable chain condition 553
Course-of-values induction 281 294
CTM 314
Cumulative hierarchy 359
De Morgan's laws for classes 154
De Morgan's laws, generalized 212
Decision problem 41
Dedekind finite 449
Dedekind infinite 449
Dedekind, R. 449
Deduction Theorem 49
Deductions 1
Definability 61 62
Definability in a structure 61
Definition by recursion 26
Dense 520
Dense below 559
Denumerable 442
Derivation 22
Derived rule 37 39 41
Devlin, K.J. 229
Diagonalization 121 156
Difference 250
Difference of two classes 141
Difference over 250
Disjoint classes 141
Disjoint union 412
Distributive laws 95 212
Distributive laws for 282
Distributive laws for 213
Distributive laws, generalized 212
Domain 54
Double induction 248 300
Dummy renaming 46
Elimination of defined symbols 69 71
Embedding 318
Empty set 100 111 131
Entscheidungsproblem 41
Enumerable 442
Equinumerous 431
Equipotent 431
Equivalence class 276 277
Equivalence relation 276
Equivalence theorem 52
Existential formula 67
Explicit listing 147
Expression 2 8 13
Extension 7 194
Extension of a condition 520
Extension, Cohen 524
Extension, generic 524
Extensional 31 312
Extensionality 67
Family of sets 150
Family, indexed 206
Family, intersection of 153
Family, quasi-disjoint 555
Family, union of 150
Feferman, S. 228 447 530
Filter 521
Filter, generated by a chain 522
Finitary 4
Finitary rule 503
finite 389
Finite sequence 251
Finite sequence, length of 251
Finitely satisfiable 98
First incompleteness theorem 87
First order definable 111
Fixed point 351 438
fixpoint 351 438
Forcing 315
Forcing conditions 520
Forcing language 528
Formal Interpretation 78
Formal interpretation of a theory 83
Formal isomorphism 84
Formal language 111 115
Formal language, first order 7
Formal model of a theory 83
Formal natural numbers see "Set"
Formalize 6
Formalized 3
Formula form 35
Formula schema 35
Formula, absolute 382
Formula, mixed-mode 62
Formula, prime 29
Formula, propositional 29
Formula, satisfiable 31
Formula, tautology 31
Formula, unsatisfiable 31
Foundation axiom 102
Fraenkel, A.A. 105
Free for 33
Free variable 19
Frege, G. 121
Function 199
Function diagram 275
Function substitution 201
Function, bijective 204
Function, collapsing 310
Function, continuous 348
Function, countably continuous 348
Function, diagram 275
Function, diagram, commutative 275
Function, expansive 353
Function, inclusive 353
Function, increasing 348
Function, injective 203
Function, inverse of 273
Function, left inverse of 272
Function, left-invertible 274
Function, monotone 348
Function, non-decreasing 348
Function, one-to-one 203
Function, order-preserving 317
Function, partial 199
Function, right inverse of 272
Function, right-invertible 274
Function, surjective 204
G-interpretation 525
GCH 466 484
Generalization 45 120
Generalized Continuum Hypothesis 408 466 484
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