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Urbanowicz J., Williams K.S. — Congruences for L-Functions |
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, 142 151
, 110 111
104 106 110
, nth generalized Bernoulli number 13
, nth generalized Bernoulli polynomial 14
, nth Bernoulli number 9
, nth Bernoulli polynomial 10
, Clausen function 20
, , 101
, nth D-number 13
, nth Euler number 13
, modified external product 25
, maximal totally real subfield of F 23
, 159
, 166
, 23
, number of narrow classes of 30
, 63
, , , Milnor K-functors 24
, order of the group for 29
, Quillen K-functors 23
, Dirichlet L-function 16
, Euler dilogarithm 19
, p-adic logarithm 118
, , 127
, kth p-adic multilogarithm 122
, kth complex multilogarithm 122
, p-adic L-function 119
, ring of integers of a number field F 21
, 21
, second p-adic regulator of 122
, Sylow 2-rank of a finite abelian group A 24
, second Borel regulator of F 26
, nth Frobenius polynomial 14
, p-adic regulator of F 121
, (i = 1, 2, 3, 4) 108
, for 29
, largest integer s such that the group is annihilated by r 26
, trivial primitive character 2
, Kronecker symbol 2
, 97
, Gamma function 11
, , , , , , 166
, , 161 164
, biquadratic symbol 56 57 59
, Jacobi symbol 1
, Legendre symbol 1
, 182
, , 97
, set of all fundamental discriminants dividing r 69
, Teichmueller character at p 119
, normalized Gauss sum 9
, Gauss sum 9
, , , , t, u, T, U, 171
, 101
, Riemann zeta function 11
, p-adic zeta function 121
, Dedekind zeta function 21
, sum taken over integers a prime to c 127
, if a or b is an integer, then the associated summands are halved 8
<a> 119
A(F), C(F), 25
A(t, n), number of positive integers prime to n 48
Akiyama, S. 32 231
Ambiguous forms and classes 30 51 55—56 62 74—75
Amice, Y. 119 231
Ankeny, N.C. 13 231
Apostol, T.M. 8 11 231
Ars Conjectandi 10
Artin, E. 13 231
Ayoub, R. 39 231
Barkan, P. 55 58—59 231
Barner, K. 27 231
Barrucand, P. 56 59 82 231
Bauer, H. 75 231
Belabas, K. 25 231
Berger, A. 13 231
Berger, R.I. 25 232
Berndt, B.C. 6—9 33—34 39—42 45 60 62 64 72 84 232
Bernoulli numbers 9 11—12
Bernoulli polynomials 10
Bernoulli, J. 10
Binomial coefficient identities 133 135 151
Birch, B.J. 26 232
Bloch, S. 20 26 232
Boldy, M.C. 25 232
Borel, A. 24 26 232
Borevich, Z.I. 3 10—12 19 21 28 30 72 232
Boulling, R. 6 232
Brauckman, B. 25 232
Browkin, J. 20 24—26 77 81 95—96 231—233
Brown, E. 55—56 58—59 61—62 74—75 82 84 233
c = c(y), exponent of 142
c(L) 143
Candiotti, A. 25 81 233
Carlitz, L. 10 14—15 124 233
Cauchy, A.L. 39 233
Character analogue of the Poisson formula 8 28—29 31 34
Chowla, S. 7—8 13 39 53 73 231—233
Cl(F), group of ideal classes of a number field F 24
Class number formulae 21 121
Clausen function 20
Clausen, T. 10 20
CM-fields 23
Coates, J. 27 119 233
Cohn, H. 56—57 59 82 231 233
Coleman formulae xi 122
Coleman, R.F. xi 64 122—123 125—126 132 140—141 234
Congruences for 98—100
| Congruences for 217 220
Congruences for 69 77 224
Congruences for 97 108 111—112 114—115
Congruences for 95
Congruences for 95—96
Congruences for 95
Congruences for 96
Congruences for 85
Congruences for 85 92
Congruences for 77 175
Congruences for 176 179
Congruences for 78—84 86 88 90—91 93 104—107 111—112 114—115 174 177 210
Congruences for 85 92
Congruences for 85
Congruences for 69
Congruences for 128 160 163
Congruences for 161 166 168 174—177 179
Congruences for 156 158
Congruences for h(-4p)(mod 4, 8, 16, 128) 55—59 65 92 170 172—173
Congruences for h(-4pq)(mod 8, 16) 61—62 65
Congruences for h(-4pqr)(mod 32) 68—69
Congruences for h(-8p)(mod 4, 8, 16, 128) 58—60 65 75 92 170 172
Congruences for h(-8pq)(mod 8, 16) 61—62 65
Congruences for h(-8pqr)(mod 32) 68—69
Congruences for h(-p)(mod 4, 8, 16, 128) 52 54 59 65 74 92 170 172
Congruences for h(-pq)(mod 4, 8, 16) 60—61 65
Congruences for h(-pqr)(mod 8, 32) 68
Congruences for h(4p)(mod 4, 8, 16) 54 74 170 172
Congruences for h(8p)(mod 4, 8, 16) 74—75 170 172
Congruences for h(d) 51 76 168—172
Congruences for h(d)(d<0) ix 52 63—64 78 80—81 86 88 90—91 93 97 104—107 111—112 114—115 174 179
Congruences for h(d)(d>0) 53 176—177
Congruences for h(p)(mod 4, 8, 16) 53 57—58 73 170 172—173
Congruences for h(pq)(mod 4, 8) 75
Congruences for h(pqr), h(4pq) and h(8pq) 75
Congruences for p-adic numbers 118
Congruences for power sums of consecutive natural numbers 222
Conjecture of Birch and Tate 26—27 29 78 81
Conjecture of Federer 27
Conjecture of Leopoldt 121
Conjecture of Lichtenbaum 26 30 165
Conner, P.E. 25 27 30 76 81 95—96 234
Cooke, G. 57 233
Costa, A. 63—64 234
Currie, J. 8 45 60 234
Cuspidal behaviour of 2-adic modular forms 64
D(s), dilogarithm of Wigner and Bloch 20
d, fundamental discriminant 2
D-numbers 13
Damey, P. 75 234
Davenport, H. 2 184 234
Dedekind zeta function 21
Dedekind, R. 41 55 234
Deligne, P. 119 234
Desnoux, P.-J. 76 167 234
Dilcher, K. 10 234
Dilogarithm of Euler 19
Dilogarithm of Rogers 20 125
Dilogarithm of Wigner and Bloch 20 26
Dirichlet characters 2 184
Dirichlet class number formulae x 2—4 16 21—22 27—28 40 53—54 58 72 198 203
Dirichlet L-functions 16 18 119—120
Dirichlet regulator 21
Dirichlet, P.G.L. 2—3 6 39—41 53 55 235—236
E = E(F), group of units in F 23
E*(x), R(x), R*(x) 34
Endo, A. 76 235
Ernvall, R. 13 15 235
Euler criterion 1
Euler factors 16 119—120 123
Euler formula for 12
Euler numbers 13 115
Euler product 16
Euler, L. 12 19 235
Exact hexagon 76
Federer, L.J. 27 235
Fleckinger, V. 26 122 240
Formulae for 28 43
Formulae for 29
Formulae for 100
Formulae for 30
Formulae for 29 34 43 78—79 97 101 104 210
Formulae for 129
Formulae for 125
Formulae for 141
Formulae for 137
Formulae for 127—130
Formulae for h(d) 30
Formulae for h(d)(d<0) 2—3 5—6 27—28 33—34 39—41 43—44 79 101 103 183
Formulae for h(d)(d>0) 28
Fox, G.J. xi 77 203 207—208 235
Fresnel, J. 119 231 235
Friesen, C. 74 235
Frobenius polynomials 14 123—124
Frobenius, F.G. 14 122 235
Functional equation for 16
Functional equation for 11
Functional equation for 22
Fundamental discriminants 2
g(2) 24
Gamma function 11
Gangl, H. 25 231 233
Garland, H. 24 235
Gauss congruence 55—56 58—59 75 203 208
Gauss evaluation of 17
Gauss sum 9 17
Gauss theory of ambiguous classes 30 51 55 76
Gauss, C.F. 6 41 55—56 60 234 236
Gebhardt, H.M. 25 236
Generalized Bernoulli numbers 12—13 18 31 70 124 213
Generalized Bernoulli polynomials 13—14
Generalized Kummer congruences 15 97 119
Glaisher, J.W.L. 41 55 236
Goren, E.Z. 97 236
Gradshteyn, I.S. 36 236
Granville, A. 133—134 181
Gras, G. x—xi 64 72 76 97 117 128 134 150 160—161 165 167 169 175 230 236
Greither, C. 27 236
h = h(F), class number of F 23
h(d), class number of 2
Halter-Koch, F. 76 236
Hardy — Williams congruence 62—64 68—69 93
Hardy, K. ix xi 6 49 51 61—64 71 75 128 165 167 169 174 236
Hasse classical Klassenzahlbericht 76
Hasse, H. 2 56 58 60 75—76 83—84 184 237
Hecke, E. 22 27 237
Hikita, M. 76 168 237
Holden, H. 3 6 40—41 45 237—238
Hudson, R.H. 3 6 44 238
Hurrelbrink, J. 25 27 30 63 76 81 95—96 234 238
Hurwitz, A. 13 41 54 238
Ireland, K. 3 10—12 16 238
Iwasawa, K. 12 119 238
Jacobi symbols 1
Johnson, W. 3 5 7 45 202 238
K-theorelic background 23
Kaplan, P. 56—58 61—62 75—76 168 172—173 236 238—239
Karpinski, L.C. 3 41 239
Kenku, M.A. 64 167 239
Keune, F. 24—25 239
Kisilevsky, H. 63 239
Kleboth, H. 13 239
Klingen, H. 27 239
Koblitz, N. 11 117 239
Koch, H. 76 239
Kohno, Y. 76 240
Kolster, M. 25—27 81 122 238 240
Kramer, K. 25 81 233
Kronecker symbols 2—3
Kronecker, L. 53 240
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