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Eves H.W. — Mathematical circles revisited |
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"Hands, The" 54
abacus see "Counting boards"
Acre 79
Adams, A. 242
Agnesi, M.G. 135 227p
Algebra, elementary 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121
Algebra, higher 17 123 315
Algebra, matrix 122
Algebra, theory of limits 124
Alpher 268
Alternating groups 17
Amen 52
American Mathematical Monthly, The 46 137 243 244 245 250p 288 291p 304 309 351
American Mathematical Society 221 252
ancestors 27
Anecdotes, Observations, and Characters of Books and Men (J. Spence) 328
Anna 139
Arago, D.F.J. 89
Archimedes 135 138 215 227 261 294
Aristotle 211
Arithmetic 13 14 15 21 23 24 107 108 109 110 111 112 325
Arithmetic Teacher, The 221p
Arithmology see "Gematria"
Artin, E. 255
Association of Teachers of Mathematics of New York City 308
Atlantic Monthly 360
Atomic physics 137
Axiomatic method 137
Babbage, C. 72p 262
Babylonian numerals 3
Banneker, B. 263 264 265
Barbarossa 304
Barlow, P. 74
Barnett, I.A. 17 282 303 325 327
Barrel 82
Bates College 320
Beasting 48p
Beasting, English 51
Beasting, Greek 49 50
Beasting, Latin 48 50
Bell, E.T. 20 209
Bernoulli, Jakob 135
Bertrand curves 135
Besicovitch, A.S. 266
Bessel-Hagen 314
Bethe, H. 268
Bezuska, S.J. 236
Bhaskara (Lilavati) 23
Bible 11 37
Bible, Papuan 5
Bilateral surfaces 171
Boas, R.P. 146 253 266 302 314 326 333
Body counting 4
Bohr, H. 295 298
Boltzmann, L. 216
Bolyai, F. 269
Bolyai, J. 18 211 269
Bolzano curve 135
Bolzano — Weierstrass method 137
Boners and bloopers 185
Book of Revelations 48p
Boujibar, A. 1
Boule 259
Bouligand curve 135
Bourbaki, C.D.S. 251
Bourbaki, Elements de Mathematique 250p
Bourbaki, N. 250p 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259
Bowditch curves 135
Bowdoin College 139
Boy Scout's pace 79
Brancker, T. 95
Brief History of British Weights, Measures, Signs, Symbols, and Decimal Currency, A (R.J. Gillings) 90
British currency 85
British Exchequer 65 67 69
British Royal Treasury 65
Brouncker, Lord W. 97
Brouwer, L.E.J. 45
Brueghel, P. 68
Bryn Mawr College 234
Budget of Paradoxes, A (A. De Morgan) 50 154
Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society 130
Burning of the books 336
Bushel 82
Butterfly problem 245
Cabin, S. 270
Cable's length 79
Cajori, F. 104
Calculus of variations 283
Cambridge University 330
Cantor aphorism 211
Cantor, G. 281
Cantor, R.H. 226
Carroll, L. 117 196
Cartesian ovals 135
Cartesian parabola 135
Cassina, U. 332
Cassini ovals 135
Cassini, G.D. 87
Catalan, E.C. 135
Cauchy, A.L. 271 272 273 274 275
Cauchy, Exercises d'Analyse Mathematique et de Physique 272
Cauchy, Exercises de Mathematique 272
Cayley, A. 211 276 277
Cayley, sextic 135
Chain 79
Chaldron 82
Chalmers, Dr. 50
Channing, W.E. 118
Charles X 274
Chebyshev, P. 230
Chebyshoff, P. 266
Check, etymology of 70
CHED 196
Chess 26
Chess problem 191
Chevalley, C. 250
Chinas 64
Chinese pictographs, book 66
Chinese pictographs, contract 66
Chinese pictographs, endless speaking 6
Chinese pictographs, everybody 6
Chinese pictographs, forest 6
Chinese pictographs, fur 6
Chinese pictographs, gossip 6
Chinese pictographs, to calculate 66
Chinese pictographs, to compute 2
Chinese rod numerals 2
Choquet, C. 339
Christ 224
Churchill, W. 51
Ciancio, S. 261
Cicero 261
Circular Functions, The (C.W. Dodge) 143
Circular involute 138
Cissoid of Diodes 135
Clark, G.R. 104
Clark, J.R. 308
Claus, M. 25
Clifford, W.K. 278
Cochlioid 138
Colburn, Z. 292
College de France 274
Columbia University 308 311 315 334
Columbia University Teachers College 287 308
Columbus, C. 210
Commentary on Euclid, Book I (Proclus) 18
Commutative groups 17
Comptes Rendus 250p 272
Computeritis 44
Computers 72p 72 73 74 75 76 77 78
| Computers, ENIAC 42 44
Computers, IBM 704 42
Computers, IBM 7090 42 73
Computers, NORC 42
Computers, PEGASUS 42
Computers, STRETCH 42
Conchoid of Nicomedes 135
Concise History of Mathematics, A (D.J. Struik) 337
Connaisances des Temps 87
Constantine 100
Coolidge, J.L. 279 280
Coomb 82
Cooper Union, The 270 321
Copernicus, N. 211
Cornu's spiral 135
Cotes' spiral 135
Counting boards 54p 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 66
Cours d'analyse (C. Jordan) 179
Craig, C. 166
Craig, J. (Theologiae Christianae Pnncipia Mathematica) 154
Crown 85
Cubit 79
Cuisinaire rods 184
Cursus mathematics (P. Herigone) 95
Curve(s) 135
Curve(s), circular involute 138
Curve(s), cochlioid 138
Curve(s), Hilbert's 332
Curve(s), hyperbolic spiral 138
Curve(s), Jordan 179 180
Curve(s), oui-ja board 138
Curve(s), Peano 137 332
Curve(s), Protestant 180
Curve(s), spiral of Archimedes 138
D'Alembert, Jean-le-Rond 129 213 214
Darrow, W., Jr. 181
Dase, Z. 42
David Rittenhouse Laboratory 226
de Condorcet, Marquis 265
de Duffahel, M. 285
De Gelder 39
de Heinzelin, J. 9
de Kerekjarto, B.M. 314
De Lagny, T.F. 42
De Morgan, A Budget of Paradoxes 50 154
De Morgan, A. 133
de Sluze, R.F.W. 135
Death from a Top Hat (C. Rawson) 192
Dedekind, R. 281
Delsarte, J. 250
Denarius 85 99
Descartes, Discourse on Method 153
Descartes, R. 135 210 215
Dialogus de Scaccario (Bishop Richard) 65
Dickens, C. 67
Dickson, L.E. 282
Dido 283
Dido problem 283 284
Dieudonne, J. 250 254 255 256
Diocles 135
Dirac method 137
Discourse on Method (R. Descartes) 153
Disquisitiones arithmeticae (C.F. Gauss) 228
Dodge, C.W. 143 144
Dodge, Numbers & Mathematics 165
Dodge, The Circular Functions 143
du Bois-Reymond, P. 231
Dunlop, J. 50
Dunn, A. 182
Ecole de Punaaunia 15
Ecole Normale Superieure 251
Ecole Polytechnique 228 271
Egyptian hieroglyphs, flood 6
Egyptian hieroglyphs, hair 6
Egyptian hieroglyphs, many plants 6
Egyptian hieroglyphs, water 6
Egyptian hieroglyphs, weeping 6
Egyptian mace 9
Eilenberg, S. 286
Einstein, A. 211 234 247 360
Elements (Euclid) 128 169 236 276 307
Elements de mathematique (N. Bourbaki) 250p
Elements of the Philosophy of the Human Mind (D. Stewart) 214
Eleventh commandment 13
Ell 79
em 79
EN 79
Encyclopaedia Britannica 98 253
ENIAC 42 44
Enumeration 161
Epimenides 164
Erdos, P. 225
Etymology 58 69 70
Eubulides 164
Euclid 18 133 211
Euclid, Elements 128 169 236 276 307
Euclidean quadratic fields 17
Eudoxus 135
Euler constant 144
Euler spiral 135
Euler, L. 17 97 135 295n
Eureka (E.A. Poe) 188
Eves, H. 95 138n 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 340
Examinations 190 198 279
Extrapolation 162
Famous problems of antiquity 133
Farthing 85
Fathom 79
Fechtner, L. 185
Fehr, H.F. 287
Fejer theorem 42
Fejer, L. 288 289 309
Felton 42
Ferguson, D.F. 42
Fermat "last theorem" 295n
Fermat primes 17
Fermat, P. 135
Fibonacci numbers 16
Fibonacci Quarterly 240
finger 79
Finger counting 58
Firkin 82 109
Fischer, E. 233
Five-color theorem 17
Florin 85
Folium of Descartes 135
Foot 79
Fourier series 146
Frankl, F. 171
Franklin, B. 210
Frederick I 304
Frederick II (the Great) 59
Freilich — Shanholt — McCormack (Trigonometry) 142
French Academy of Sciences 250p 272 274
Fuller, M.W. 139
Furlong 79
Ga language 11
Galileo Galilei 21 210 215
Gallatan, A. 89
Galley algorithm 24
Gallon 82
Gamow, G. 268
Gardner, M. (The Scientific American Book of Mathematical Puzzles and Diversions) 171
Gauss first motto 202n
Gauss second motto 202
Gauss, C.F. 18 92 93 135 228
Gauss, Disquisitiones arithmeticae 228
Gauss, Theoria residiorum biquadraticorum 92
Gaussian curve 135
Gehman, H. 243
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