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Number(s), pi see "Pi"
Number(s), simply normal 44
Number(s), Skewes' 32
Number(s), taboos 11
Number(s), theory 17 330
Number(s), tree 56
Numbers & Mathematics (C.W. Dodge) 165
Numeral systems, Babylonian 3
Numeral systems, Chinese rod 2
Numeral systems, Greek alphabetical 49
Ohman, O. 22
Olivier, C.P. 340
On Sir Isaac Newton (A. Hill) 331
Oregon State University 240
Orr, A.C. 41
Orthocentric tetrahedron 280
OTHO, V. 39
Oui-ja board 138n
Oui-ja board, curve 138
Ounce 83
Palm 79
Papuan Bible 5
Papuan body counting 4
Parabolas of Fermat 135
Paradoxes 163 164
Parallel postulate 18
Parallelotope 259
Parliament, burning of 67
Pascal, E. 135
Pave 259
Peak finger 7
Peano curve 135 332
Peano method 137
Peano, Giuseppi 135 332
Peano, Giuseppina 332
Pearls of Sluze 135
Peary, R.E. 139
Peck 82
Pegasus 42
Peirce, B. 19
Peirce, C.S. 19
Pell equation 97
Pell, J. 95 97
Pence 85
Penny 85
Pennyweight 83
Perch 79
Pernety, General 228
Perseus 135
Pesos 104
Petard, H. 137
Physical Review, The 268
PI 82 144
Pi by legislation 46
Pi, ancient Egyptian estimation 38
Pi, Biblical time 37
Pi, Brouwer's question 45
Pi, calculation by infinite series 42
Pi, irrationality of 43
Pi, Ludolphine number 40
Pi, mnemonics for 41
Pi, morbus cyclometricus 47
Pi, normalcy of 44 45
Pi, rational approximation 39
Pi, transcendentality of 43
Picard, C.E. 285
Picard, J. 86
Piece of eight 104
Pierce, F. 139
Pillar dollar 104
Pillars of Hercules 104
PinT 82
Pizarro, F. 210
Planchette 138n
Plato 21
Pliny 64
Poe, E.A. 118 294
Poe, Eureka 188
Poinsot's spiral 135
Poisson, S.D. 339
Pole 79
Pollack, O. 104
Polybius 59
Poncelet, J.V. 55
Pondiczery, E.S. 137
Pontryagin, L.S. 171
Pope, A. 331
Portland Evening Express 226
Post, E.L. 211
Pound, avoirdupois 83
Pound, sterling 85
Pound, troy 83
Princeton University 248
Principia mathematica (A.N. Whitehead and B. Russell) 335
Principle of discovery 211
Principle of the smallest natural number 121
Prix Bordin 232
Probability and statistics 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162
Problem of neighboring domains 323
Problem solving, esthetics of 207
Problem solving, technique of 206
Proclus (Commentary on Euclid, Book I) 18
Projective geometry 137
Protestant curves 180
Pyotr, Uncle 229
Pythagoras 20
Pythagorean Theorem 130 132
Pythagoreanism 17 18 19
Quadratrix of hippias 135
Quadrature of the circle 28
Quart 82
Quatern 82
Quintal 109
Ragel, A. 1
Rahn, J.H. (Teutsche Algebra) 95 96 97
Rankin, R.A. 333
Rawson, C. (Death from a Top Hat) 192
Read, C.B. 109
Reed, T.B. 139
Regular polyhedra 17
Relativity 137
Remainder, theorem 116
Reminiscences of an Astronomer, The (S. Newcomb) 134
Rhaeticus, G.T. 39
Rhind papyrus 38
Richard, Bishop of London (Dialogus de Scaccario) 65
Riemann, G.F.B. 295n
Riemann, hypothesis 295 295n 298 304
Riemann, zeta function 295n
Rigor 200 201
Ritt, J.F. 334
Robin Hood (M. Lapman) 167
Rod 79
Rood 79
Roosevelt, F.D. 51
Rota, G.-C. 193
Rouquet curves 135
Rubin, C. 158
Rules for circular parts 145
Runestone Memorial Park 22
Russell, B. 70
Russell, Principia mathematical 335
Rutgers University 311
Rutherford, W. 42
Saccheri, G. 18
Sacrobosco 22
Schor, H. 114
| Schroedinger method 137
Schumacher, H.C. 93
Schuster (publisher) 312
Schwartz, K. 226
Scientific American Book of Mathematical Puzzles and Diversions, The (M. Gardiner) 171
Scientific American, The 41
Scientist Rebels, A (N. Weiner) 360
Score, etymology of 69
Scrap-Book of Elementary Mathematics, A (W.F. White) 196
Scratch method of division 24
Sea mile 79
Secretary of Peace 263
Secretary of War 263
Set theory 137
Shakespeare, King Henry VI 69
Shakespeare, King Lear 202
Shakespeare, Macbeth 69
Shakespeare, W. 330
Shanks, D. 42
Shanks, W. 42 44
Sharp, A. 42
Shi Huang-ti, Emperor 336
Shilling 85
Shirhan, King 26
Short Autobiography (A. Lincoln) 169
Short cable 79
Short ton 83
Sierpinski, W. 332
Significant figures 147
Simple groups 17
Simply normal numbers 44
Simson, R. 276
Sioux Falls College 322
Sir Eddington number 30
Sir Eddington, A. 30 36 148
Sir Hamilton, W.R. 211 291 292 293 294
Sir Lodge, O. (The Survival of Man) 138n
Sir Miller, J. 86
Sir Whittaker, E. 291
Sir Wren, C. 86
Sissa Ben Dahir, Grand Vizier 26
Skeleton Key of Mathematics, The (D.E. Littlewood) 123
Skewes' number 32
Sneezing 188
Soroban 54
Sovereign 85
span 79
Spence, J. (Anecdotes, Observations, and Characters of Books and Men) 328
Spiral of Archimedes 135 138
Spirals of Fermat 135
Spiric of Perseus 135
Stalin, J. 51
Starke, E.P. 245
Statistics see "Probability and statistics"
Sternberg, S. 338
Stewart, D. 214
Stewart, Elements of the Philosophy of the Human Mind 214
Stifel, M. 48p
Stifter, A. 64
Stock holder, etymology of 70
Stock, etymology of 70
Stone 83
Strannolyubsky, A. 230
Stretch 42
Struik, A Concise History of Mathematics 337
Struik, D.J. 22
Sturm, J.C.F. 339
Sturm, theorem 339
Survival of Man, The (O. Lodge) 138n
Swabian saying 61
Swenson, J. 125
Swift, J. (Gulliver's Travels) 340
Swinford, L. 180 282
Sylvester II, Pope 48 290
Sylvester, J.J. 276 341 342 343 344 345
Symbolism see "Notation"
Syracuse University 237
Tait, P.G. 119 277 346 349
Tait, Treatise on Natural Philosophy 349
Tally sticks 58 64p 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71
Tare 83
Tauberian theorems 248
Taylor, W.E. 237
Temple University 226
Terracini, A. 332
Teutsche Algebra (J.H. Rahn) 95 96 97
Thaler 104
Theologiae Christianae Principia Mathematica (J. Craig) 154
Theoria residiorum biquadraticorum (C.F. Gauss) 92
Theory of Limits 124
Thermodynamics 137
Thom, D. 50
Thompson, S.T. 243 244
Thomson, S.P. (Life of Lord Kelvin) 277 347
Thomson, Treatise on Natural Philosophy 349
Thomson, W. 273 347 348 349 350
Three, for plural 6
Tieck, J.L. 223
Tietze, H. 281
Tomkins, C.B. 326
Ton 83
Tonnage 84
topology 137 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 323
Tower of Brahma 25
Tower of Hanoi 25
Traditional events 154
Transform-solve-invert technique 139
Treatise on Natural Philosophy (Thomson and Tait) 349
Trigonometry (Freilich — Shanholt — McCormack) 142
Trigonometry, Fourier series 145
Trigonometry, plane 141 142 143
Trigonometry, spherical 145
Trisectrix of Catalan 135
Trisectrix of Maclaurin 135
Truss 83
Tschirnhausen cubic 135
Tsu Ch'ung-Chih 39
Tucker, A.W. 249
Tufts College 355p
Twenty-third slam 197
Umbugio, E.P.B. 244
Umbundu language 11
Unilateral surfaces 171
University of Berlin 231
University of Chicago 260
University of Edinburgh 214
University of Erlangen 233
University of Maine 180
University of Nancago 260
University of Nancy 251 260
University of Pennsylvania 226
University of Puget Sound 240
Van Ceulen, L. 40
Van der Waerden, B.L. 255
Veblen, O. 249
Vicar of Bray 318
Virgule decimale 103
Viviani's curve 135
Voltaire (Micromegas) 340
von Ettinghausen, A. 339
von Helmholtz, H. 231 346
von Karmon, T. 351
von Schlegel, A.W. 223
von Schlegel, F. 223
Wahlgren, E. 22
Wallis, J. 18 97
Walsh, J.L. 146
Wayne, A. 80 94 107p 107 108 110 113 114 115 116 125 126 127 141 142 150 151 160 186 194 195 218 219 220 270 287 301 308 311 312 315 321 334 338
Weaver, W. 32
Weierstrass, K. 231 352 353
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