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Baker A. — A Concise Introduction to the Theory of Numbers |
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Algebraic integer 62
Algebraic number 51
Algebraic number theory 61 71
Apery, R. 54
Apostol, T. M. 16
Arithmetical functions 8—26
Artin, E. 33 71
Automorph of a binary form 38
Average order of arithmetical functions 12—14
Bachet, C. G. 39 74 80 84
Bachmann, P. 33
Baker, A. 52 54 59 67 71 79 82 88 89
Barnes, E. S. 68
Bertrand’s postulate 5
Billing, G. 80
Blichfeldt’s result 56
Borevich, Z. I. 33 89
Box (pigeon-hole) principle 43
Canonical decomposition 3
Cantor, G. 53
Cassels, J. W. S. 33 41 59 71 88
Catalan equation 87—91
Chandrasekharan, K. 16
Chao Ko 88
Chatland, H. 68 71
Chen’s theorem 6 7
Chevalley’s theorem 34
Chinese remainder theorem 18 22 39
Class field theory 33
Class number of quadratic forms 36
Complete quotients of continued fraction 45
Complete set of residues 18
Congruences 18—26
Conjugates of an algebraic number 61
Continued fractions 3 44—46 53 59 75
Convergents of continued fraction 45
Convex Body Theorem 56
Coprime numbers 2
Critical strip of zeta-functlon 15
Cyclotomic field 62 84
Davenport, H. 7 41 68 71
Davis, M. 7 77
Dedekind, R. 62
Definite and indefinite forms 35
Delaunay, B. 79
Determinant of a lattice 57
Dickson, L. E. 68 77 89
Difference between consecutive primes 6 15
Diophantine approximation 43—60
Diophantine equations 52 74—91
Diophantus 74 84
Dirichlet, G. L 86
Dirichlet’s theorem on arithmetical progressions 6
Dirichlet’s theorem on Diophantine approximation 43 58 64
Dirichlet’s theorem on units 65
Discriminant of number field 62
Discriminant of quadratic form 35
Divisibility 1—7
Division algorithm 1 6
Dyson, F. J. 52
Equivalence of quadratic forms 35
Eratosthenes sieve 6
Erdos, P. 89 90
Euclid 4 6
Euclidean fields 67—69
Euclid’s algorithm 3 6 46 67
Euler product of zeta-function 15
Euler, L. 5 6 29 38 74 86 88
Euler’s (totient) function 9
Euler’s constant y 13 54
Euler’s criterion 27
Euler’s identity 53
Euler’s theorem on congruences 19
Faltings, G. 87 90
Fermat equation 84—47
Fermat primes 5
Fermat's last theorem 54 61 62 89
Fermat, P. 5 38 74 80 84
Fermat’s method of infinite descent 40 80 85 86
Fermat’s theorem on congruences 19 70
Fibonacci sequence 60
Fractional part of a number 8
Frohlich, A. 33 71
Fueter, R. 80
Functional equation of zeta-function 15
Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic 3 6 62 66
Gauss, C. F. 29 32 40 67 86
Gaussian field 63 69—71 88
Gaussian integer 69
Gaussian prime 69
Gauss’ Lemma 28
Gelfond — Schneider theorem 54
Gelfond, A. O. 52
Geometry of numbers 56 59
Germain, Sophie 86
Goldbach’s conjecture 6
Greatest common divisor 2
Hadamard, J. 5
Halberstam, H. 7
Hardy — Littlewood circle method 6 40 41
Hardy, G. H. 7 15 16 25 59
Heclce, E. 71
Heilbronn, H. 68
Held of residues mod p 19
Hermite, C. 53
Hilbert, D. 40 54
Hilbert’s seventh problem 54
Hilbert’s Tenth Problem 5 7 77
Hurwitz’s theorem 46 51
Hyperelliptic equation 83
Integral basis of number field 62
Integral part of a number 8
Irreducible elements in number field 62
Jacobi’s symbol 31
Khintchine, A. Y. 59
Kronecker’s theorem 59
Kummer, E. E. 62 84 86
| Lagrange, J. L. 20 39 48 74
Lagrange’s Theorem 21
Lambert series 17
Lame, G. 86
Landau, E. 6 7 41 71
Lang, S. 71
Lattice 29 57
Law of quadratic reciprocity 29 33
Lebesque, V. A. 88 89
Legendre, A. M. 29 40 86
Legendre’s symbol 27
Leo Hebraeus 88
Lindemann, F. 53 55
Linear congruence 18
Linear forms in logarithms 53 54 79 88
Linear independence 57 58
Liouville’s theorem 50—53 78
Ljunggren, W. 79
Lowest common multiple 4
Markoff chain 47
Matiyasevich, Y. V. 7 77
Mersenne prime 5 14 33
Minkowski’s conjecture 59
Minkowski’s theorem 56—59
Mobius function fi 10
Mobius inversion formulae 10
Mordell equation 79—84
Mordell — Weil theorem 80 83
Mordell, L. J. 79 80 82 83 87 89
Multiplicative functions 9
Nagell, T. 7 25 79 88 89 91
Narkiewicz, W. 71
Niven, I. 41 59
Norm in quadratic fields 62
Number of divisors r 11
Oppenheimer, H. 68
Peano axioms 1 6
Pell equation 38 50 65 74—77 78
Perfect number 14
Perron, O. 59 68
Prime 3
Prime-number theorem 4 15
Primes in quadratic fields 65
Primitive root 22
Principal form 35
Principle of Mathematical Induction 1
Purely periodic continued fractions 50
Putnam, H. 7 77
Pythagorean triples 85
Quadratic congruence 27
Quadratic fields 61—73
Quadratic forms 35—42
Quadratic irrationals 48
Quadratic residues 27—34
Quaternions 39
Ramanujan, S. 91
Ramanujan’s sum 17
Rational approximations 46—48
Redei, L. 68
Reduced set of residues 19
Reduction of quadratic forms 36
Regular prime 85
Relatively prime numbers 2
Remak, R. 68
Representation by binary forms 37
Residue class 18
Ribenboim, P. 89
Richert, H. E. 7
Riemann hypothesis 15 54
Riemann zeta-function 5 14—16 54
Robinson, J. 7 77
Roth, K. F. 52 58
Runge, C. 84
Schinzel, A. 84 90
Schmidt, W. M. 58 59
Selberg, S. 88
Selfridge, J. L. 89 90
Shafarevich, I. R. 33 89
Siegel, C. L. 52 58 83
Sieve methods 6 7
Skolem, T. 79 89
Squaring the circle 53
Standard factorization 4
Stark, H. M. 7 67 82
Stewart, I. 71
Sum of divisors tr 12
Sum of four squares 39
Sum of three squares 40
Sum of two squares 38 70
Superelliptic equation 83 88
Swinnerton — Dyer, H. P. F. 68
Sylvester’s argument 10
Tall, D. 71
Tate, J. 33
Thue equation 77—79
Thue, A. 52 58 77
Tijdeman, R. 87 88
Titchmarsh, E. C. 16
Transcendental numbers 51 52 53—56 58 59
Unimodular substitution 35
Unique factorization domain 62 66
Units in number fields 62 63—65
Vallee Poussin, C. J. de la 5
Vaughan, R. C. 41
Vinogradov, I. M. 6 25 78
Von Mangoldt’s function A 17
Wagstaff, S. S. 85
Waring, E. 20
Waring’s problem 40 41
Weil, A. 33 71 80
Wieferich, A. 87
Wilson’s Theorem 20
Wolfskehl prize 87
Wolstenholme’s Theorem 26
Wright, E. M. 7 16 25 59
Zuckerman, H. S. 41 59
“almost all” natural numbers 13
“almost all” real numbers 48 53
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