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Geddes K.O., Czapor S.R., Labahn G. — Algorithms for computer algebra |
Предметный указатель |
0-reduction 449
Addition in finite fields 116
Addition in quotient fields 61
Addition of extended power series 69
Addition of multiprecision integers 112
Addition of power series 63 114
Additionof polynomials 38
Additionon residue classes 167
Adjoint form 396 402
Adjoint solution 403 423
Admissible ordering 431 459
Algebra 153
Algebraic algorithms 1
Algebraic extension 12 15 406—407 458
Algebraic function 141 421
Algebraic function, differentiation of 522
Algebraic function, integration of 561
Algebraic manipulation 1
Algebraic over 514
Algebraic, number field 378—379 383—384
Algebraically closed 414 463
Algol 5 7
Allocation, array 94
Allocation, dynamic array 94
Allocation, linked 94
ALPAK 6 279
ALTRAN 2 6 90 96—97 99
Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing 10
Arctangent over 571
Associate classes 27
Associates 26
Associativity 23
Augmented matrix 390—391 400
Axiom 9
B 8
Back-solving 394 399 416 420 460—462
Bad-zero problem 260
Band matrix 424
Base 93 112 189
Basis, of degree n polynomials 186 see ideal integral"
Berlekamp's algorithm 337 347 351 358 360—361 366
Berlekamp's algorithm, big prime version 364 366 371
Bessel functions 18
Bezout determinant 409—411 423
Bezout theorem 407 422
Bifurcation theory 452
Binary operation 154 359—360 364
Buchberger's algorithm 431 445 441
Buchberger's algorithm, complexity of 451 456 462
Buchberger, B. 431
C 8—11 99
Cancellation law 24
Canonical form 61 82
Canonical form, expanded 85 89
Canonical form, factored 86
Canonical function 82 451
Canonical simplifier 444 452
Cantor — Zassenhaus method 371
Cantor, D. 371
Cartesian product 46
Cauchy's inequality 322 326
Cayley 9—10
Chain of ideals 445
Change of basis 462
Characteristic 344
Characteristic field 74
Characteristic nonzero 343
Characteristic zero 338—343 474
Characterization theorem 164
Chebyshev polynomials 2 4 20
Chinese Remainder Algorithm (CRA) 153 179 303—304 313 402 412
Chinese Remainder Problem 174 206
Chinese remainder theorem 120—121 175 348
Chinese remaindering 159
Coefficient block 100—101
Coefficient function 91
Cofactor 227 395 400
Cofactor expansion 392
Common divisor problem 317
Common successor 438
Common zeros 454
Commutative ring 24
Commutativity 23
Completion algorithm 447
Complex numbers (C) 24
Computer algebra 1
Congruence 402
Congruence class 452
Congruence notation 172
Congruence problem 449
Congruence relation 167
conjugate 378—380 501
Constant term 38 63 68
Content 53
Continuous Fourier transform (CFT) 129
Convergence 215
Convergence quadratic 218
CRA see "Chinese remainder algorithm"
Cramer's rule 152 287 391 400 405
Critical pair 447
Dedekind, R. 567
Degree 38 40 49
Degree vector 47
Dense interpolation 311 313
Derivation 474
Derivative 50
Descriptor block 97 99
Determinant 16 389 392 394 398 400 407 423
Determinant, cofactor definition 400
Differential algebra 474
Differential extension field 476
Differential field 474
Differential homomorphism 476
Differential operator 474
Differentiation of exponential polynomial 520
Differentiation of logarithmic polynomial 520
Diophantine equations 15
Discrete Fourier transform (DFT) 124
Distinct degree factorization 337 368 370—372
Distributivity 24
Divide-and-conquer 123
Divided-difference form 185
Divided-differences 186
Division algorithm 411
Division in finite fields 117
Division of polynomials 40
Division property 30
Divisor 26
Divisor of algebraic function 567
Early ALTRAN 6
EEA see "Extended Euclidean algorithm"
Elementary extension 515
Elementary function 18 474 511—512
Elementary function, differentiation of 519
Elimination ideal 459
Embedding 155
Epimorphism 155
Equivalence relation 430
Error 209 214
Error function 529
Euclid 34
Euclid's Algorithm 14 33—34 42 158 279—280 305—306 315 393 411—412 447
Euclid's algorithm, primitive form 282
Euclidean Domain 30
Euler phi function 134
| Evaluation homomorphism 402 404 413
Evaluation points 184
Exponent block 100—101
Exponent vector 46
Exponential over 514
Exponential polynomial, differentiation of 520
Extended constant 68
Extended Euclidean Algorithm (EEA) 35 42 117 173 186 280 483
Extended order 68
Extended power series 68
Extended zero 68
Extension 156
Extension field 75 452
Extraneous root 462
EZ-GCD algorithm 261 314—315 318—319 321 451
Factorization 12
Fast Fourier transform (FFT) 14 124 128
Fermat's little theorem 368
FFT see "Fast Fourier transform"
Fibonacci sequence 76
Field 24
Field of characteristic zero 463
Field of elementary functions 515
Field of transcendental elementary functions 515
Finite field 24
Finite inclusion 415 457
floating-point numbers 11
Formal product block 102
FORTRAN 2 5 7 11
Fourier points 124
Fourier primes 134
Fraction field 437
Fundamental theorem of integral calculus 511
Fundamental theorem of PRS 296 299
Fundamental theorem of resultants 414
Galois field 12 15 75 279 337 343—345 347
Gap 10
Garner's algorithm 176 178 191—192 206
Garner, H. 176
Gauss' lemma 54 331
Gaussian elimination 16 129 152 359 389—390 402 407 447
Gaussian elimination, division-free 392 393
Gaussian elimination, fraction-free 392 398
Gaussian elimination, ordinary 390—392 403
Gaussian elimination, single-step 397 423
Gaussian elimination, single-step, fraction-free 393 398 400—401 422
Gaussian elimination, two-step 397
Gaussian elimination, two-step, fraction-free 396 423
Gaussian integers 74
GCD see "Greatest common divisor"
GCDHEU algorithm 321 329
Geometry theorem 462
greatest common divisor (GCD) 5 12—14 26 32 42 57 391 393 407 411 460 464
Greatest common divisor (GCD) of n elements 53
Groebner basis 390 407 421 429 431 439—440 443—445
Groebner basis, decomposition 460
Groebner basis, lexicographic 451 456 458—460
Groebner basis, monic 447
Groebner basis, reduced 447 450—451 460
Groebner basis, refinement 457—458 460
Groebner basis, total degree 451 456 458
Groebner, W. 431
Group 23
Group Abelian 23
Group commutative 23
Group cyclic 134
Group multiplicative 133
Hadamard's inequality 299 404 423
Hardy, G. 512
Head coefficient 433 437
Headterm 433
Hensel construction 230 243
Hensel construction, multivariate 258
Hensel lifting 233 250 272 337
Hensel's lemma 230 256 314 318 429
Hermite's method 485 530
Hermite, C. 512
Hilbert divisor chain condition 445
Hilbert function 462
Hilbert matrix 424
Hilbert nullstellensatz 454 463
Homomorphic image 155
Homomorphism 155
homomorphism modular 157
Homomorphism, composite 169
Homomorphism, evaluation 158
Homomorphism, multivariate evaluation 171
Horowitz method 489 533
Horowitz reduction 490
Ideal 160 567
Ideal basis 162 429—431 439 445
Ideal inclusion 445
Ideal maximal 464
Ideal membership problem 430—431
Ideal polynomial 429 431 449
Ideal power series 431
Ideal principal 162
Ideal proper 160
Ideal universal 160
Ideal zero 160
Ideal-adic representation 213
Idempotent 275
Identity 23—24
Indefinite integral 511
Indefinite integration 473
Integers (Z) 24
Integers (Z), fixed-length 11
Integers (Z), Gaussian 74
Integers (Z), indefinite-precision 96
Integers (Z), modulo m 168
Integers (Z), multiprecision 93 96 112 120 178
Integers (Z), non-negative (N) 30
Integers (Z), single-precision 93 178
Integral basis 563
Integral closure 563
Integral domain 24
Integral indefinite 511
Integration by parts 473 482—483
Interpolation 159 402 404—405 412—413 429
Interpolation points 184
Inverse 23—24
Inverse of differential operator 478
Inverse of extended power series 69
Inverse, discrete Fourier transform (IFDT) 130
Inverse, Fourier transform 130
Inverse, multiplicative 173
inversion 154
Inversion of power series 139
Invertible 26
Irreducible 28
Irreducible component 461
Irreducible polynomial 434 452
Isomorphism 155
Journal of Symbolic Computation 10
Karatsuba's algorithm 118—119
Kernel 164 170
Knuth — Bendix algorithm 447
Kronecker, L. 337 378
Kummer, E. 567
Lagrange interpolation 129
Lagrange inversion formula 115
Lagrange method 202
Lagrange theorem 133 135 344
Laplace, P. 527
Laurent series 18 494
Layout block 100—101
Lazard/Rioboo/Trager improvement 504—505
LCM see "Least common multiple"
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