Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Hinman P.G. — Fundamentals of Mathematical Logic |
Предметный указатель |
-atomic 660
-categorical 162
-inessential extension 701
-saturated 700
-stable 701
-type 657
-names 582
-complete 379
-consistent 379
-induction 479
-recursion 481
-rule 286 695
-standard 484
-structure 695
-theory 695
-witnesses 537
formulas 401
formulas 401
(M,N)-absolute 536
Absolute 536
Absolute M-element 531
Absolute, (M,N)- 536
Absolute, M- 531 536
Absorbs 523
Absorption 34
Abstract logic 281 722
AC 510
Acceptable, ( , E) 222
Ackermann function 31 363 432 443
ADC 527
Addition 28
Adequate 39 205
Admissible sets 308
Affirmation of the consequent 34
Agree on cardinals 592
Aleph ( ) 518
Algebraic closure 138 671
Algebraic numbers, real 127
Algebraic over 138
Algebraically closed field 247 697
Algebraically independent 247
Algebraically prime model 258
Algorithm 54 326
Almost universal 549
Amalgamation property 273
AND 14 50
Antichain 591
antisymmetric 84
Approximable, recursively 772
Arbitrary constant 175
Argue in ZF 466
Arithmetic 160
Arithmetic, cardinal 520
Arithmetic, language of 87
Arithmetic, non-standard model 170 201
Arithmetic, ordinal 502 509
Arithmetic, standard model 85 160
Arithmetic, types of 685
Arithmetical hierarchy 394
Arithmetical Hierarchy Thm 398
Arithmetical relation 394
Arithmetical theory 407
Arithmetically axiomatizable 407
Arslanov Completeness Criterion 783
Associative law 34 75 85
atom 81 674 680
Atomic Boolean algebra 674 689
Atomic formula 89 551
Atomic model 688 705
Atomic sentence 14
Atomic structure 660 681
Atomic term 87 550
Atomic truth assignment 17
Atomic, - 660
Atomless 674
Attention 743 746 749 765 775 784
Automorphism 115 669
Auxiliary function symbols 433
Axiom of Choice 71 127 183 224 228 456 510 516 526 604 623
Axiom of Dependent Choice 527
Axiom of determinacy 605 623
Axiomatic set theory 456
Axiomatic theory 7 43 141 556
Axiomatizable 46 72 142 235 250
Axiomatizable arithmetically 407
Axiomatizable decidably 8 61 141 146 202 311 313
Axiomatizable existentially 144
Axiomatizable finitely 57 141 203 250 547
Axiomatizable over a theory 250 252
Axiomatizable recursively 352 355
Axiomatizable universally 144 204 269
Axiomatizable, - 52 144
Axioms 3 43 140
Axioms comprehension 291 464
Axioms equality 98 112 113 205 361
Axioms group theory 5 104 132
Axioms induction 278
Axioms of infinity 462 606
Axioms ordering 103
Axioms, - 206 299 360
Axioms, - 299
Axioms, logical 205 215
Axioms, theory generated by 140
Back-and-forth 158 658 703
Backward extension 158 658
Baire topology 629
Baldwin — Lachlan Theorem 721
Baldwin, J.T. 709
Basic open sets 675
Basis 2 15 20 22 138
Below 382
Beth Definability Theorem 267 271 700
Beth numbers 283
Bi-implication 16
Big and, or 50
Bijection 475
Bolyai, J. 8
Boolean algebra 75
Boolean algebra, atomic 674 689
Boolean algebra, atomless 674
Boolean algebra, complete 236
Boolean algebra, completion 676
Boolean combination 110
Boolean induction 110
Boolean Interpolation Theorem 265
Boolean operations 331
Boolean property 722
Borel Determinacy Theorem 630
Borel hierarchy 630
Borel relation 629
Bound variable 100
Bounded name 588
Bounded quantifier 329 333 374
Bounded search 332
Boundedness principle 635
Branches 628
Burali — Forti paradox 498
c.c.c. 591
Cac 526
Calculable, effectively 55 326
Calculus 227
Cantor — Bendixon theorem 679 683
Cantor's theorem 155 514
Cantor, G. 9 320 455
Captured 106
Cardinal comparability 512
Cardinal exponentiation 523
Cardinal hereditary 526
| Cardinal limit 523 606
cardinal number 517
Cardinal strong limit 526 606
Cardinal successor 518
Cardinal, arithmetic 520
Cardinal, measurable 613 649
Cardinal, regular 523 525 606
Cardinal, singular 523
Cardinal, strongly inaccessible 526
Cardinal, weakly inaccessible 525
Cartesian product 473
Cases, definition by 333
Categorical 166 278 296
Categorical theory 162
Categorical, - 688 691 694
Categorical, - 162 246
Cauchy sequence 487
Chain 134 505
Chain condition, countable 591
Chain, - 262
Chain, closed 505
Chain, elementary 134
Chain, friendly 262
Chain, full - 262
Chain, union of 134
Chang — Los — Suszko Theorem 263
Characteristic 246
Characteristic function 55 331
Check 583
Choice function 510
Choice principle 345
Church's thesis 327 431
Clash 622
class 458
Class empty 458
Class model 529 548 610
Class operation 458
Class partial ordering 478
Class proper 458
Class Russell 458
Class structure 615
Class universal 458 466
Closed 15
Closed -substructure 252
Closed -superstructure 252
Closed -union 262
Closed 724
Closed chain 505
Closed instance 201
Closed isomorphism 269
Closed set (topology) 629
Closed ultraproduct 72 235
Closed unbounded class 524
Closed unbounded set 524
Closed under successor 21
Closed, - 21 287
Closed, downward 597
Closed, elementarily 235
Closed, existentially 257
Closed, first-order 661
Closed, inductively 505
Closed, n-type of T 673
Closed, upward 579
Closure, 287
Closure, algebraic 138 671
Closure, existential 109
Closure, inductive 21
Closure, operation, fin. function 489
Closure, transitive 56 491
Closure, universal 109
CLS 127
Co-projection 394
Co-semi-recursive 342
Codes, jump 795
Coding of finite sequences 334
Cofinal 522 606
Cofinite 68
Coherent 579
Collection Principle 508
column 748
Columnwise recursive 795
Combination, Boolean 110
Commutative law 34 75
Compact logic 725
Compact, - 281
Compact, strongly 298
Compact, weakly 298
Compactness Theorem 193 228 280
Compactness Theorem, Alternative Countable 194
Compactness Theorem, Alternative Propositional 47
Compactness Theorem, Countable 194 215 221 229 407 687
Compactness Theorem, Propositional 47 53 66 70 73 80
Compatible 319 591 623
Complementation law 75
complete 6 44 210 754
Complete Boolean Algebra 236
Complete extension 45 156
Complete Formula 681
Complete model 256 264
Complete set of sentences 142
Complete theory 7 143 248
Complete truth-table 754
Complete type of a theory 673
Complete validity 286 300
Complete, - 613
Complete, - 620
Complete, - 379
Complete, countably 620
Complete, Henkin 196 213 238
Complete, many-one 391 736
Complete, relatively many-one 770
Complete, relatively Turing 770
Complete, Skolem 183
Complete, Turing 762
Complete, weakly 64 218 302
Completely product persistent 133
Completeness theorem 4 237 239 248 285 300 370
Completeness Theorem, Alternative Countable 210
Completeness Theorem, Countable 210 221 229 407 554
Completeness Theorem,, - 306
Completion of a Boolean algebra 676
Component function 337
composition 328 373 433 475
Composition, relational 333 343 349
Comprehension axioms 291 464
Comprehension, - 549
Comprehension, global 457
Computable 327 340
Computable register 441
Computable, Turing 439
Computably enumerable 340
Computation, partial recursive 418
Computation, primitive recursive 415
Computation, register machine 440
Computation, Turing machine 438
Concatenation 14 335 622
Conclusion 205
Condition, forcing 579
Conditional equivalents 34
Configuration 438 440
Congruence modulo r 167
Conjunction 16 294
Conjunctive normal form 37 110
Connected 84 477
Connectives 14 36 86
Connectives, respects 17
Consequence, logical 7 96
Consequence, tautological 32 42 97
Conservative extension 180
Consistency principle 253
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