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Hinman P.G. — Fundamentals of Mathematical Logic |
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Loeb's theorem 430
Loewenheim number 282
Loewenheim — Skolem property 281
Loewenheim — Skolem Theorem, Countable Downward 127
Loewenheim — Skolem theorem, downward 238 280 537 553
Loewenheim — Skolem Theorem, Downward 299
Loewenheim — Skolem Theorem, Upward 245 280
Loewenheim — Skolem Theorem, Weak Upward 240
Logarithm lemma 509
Logic 294 722
Logic effective 730
Logic of types 289
Logic, abstract 281
Logic, compact 725
Logic, first-order 83 727 731
Logic, fixed-point 291
Logic, full second-order 277
Logic, infinitary 293
Logic, monadic second-order 276
Logic, regular 724
Logic, sufficiently nice 282
Logic, third-order 289
Logical axioms 205 215
Logical consequence 7 96
Logical symbols 2 86
Logical theorem 206
Logical validity 96 446 448
Logically equivalent 96 109 112 229
Logically existential 122
Logically false 103
Logically universal 122 137
Logically universal-existential 135
Logically valid 96 103 112
Logically, Horn 132 137
Logics, effectively equivalent 730
Logics, equivalent 723
Los — Tarski Theorem 255
Los's Conjecture 708
Los's Theorem 227
Low 774
Lower density 791
Lyndon Homomorphism Theorem 275
Lyndon Interpolation Thm 41 72 234
M-absolute 531 536
M-element absolute 531
M-set operation 531
machine 437
Machine register 439
Machine, Turing 438
Majority connective 36
Many-one degree 351 734
Many-one equivalent 350 734
Many-one, complete 391 408 736
Many-one, independent 751
Many-one, reducible 350 733
Marked permanently 747
Marker 811
Marsh, W.E. 709
master list 95
Mathematical English 1
Matiyasevich's Theorem 401
Matrix 110
Maximal 521
Maximal consistent 46 143
Measurable, cardinal 613 649
Measurable, weakly 620
Measure ultrafilter 613
Metalanguage 329
Metamathematics 10
Minimal structure 138 671
Minimal, - 462
Minimal, strongly 720
Model 4 42 104
Model class 529 548 610
Model companion 272
Model complete 257
Model Completeness Thm. 256
Model existence theorem 240
Model Existence Theorem, 304
Model Existence Theorem, Countable 221 222
Model Existence Theorem, Propositional 66
Model of arithmetic, non-standard 170 201 387
Model of arithmetic, standard 160 278
Model set 529
Model, -prime 258
Model, algebraically prime 258
Model, atomic 688 705
Model, complete 256 264
Model, elementarily prime 258
Model, inner 528
Model, non-standard 8
Model, standard 5 8 271
Modest 709
Modesty Theorems 709
Modulus 772
Modulus Lemma 773
modus ponens 34 206
Modus tollendo tollens 34
Monadic second-order logic 276
Monotone Fixed-point Theorem 489
Monotone induction system 31
Monotone set operation 488 503
Morley rank 719
Morley's theorem 710 710
Mostowski Collapsing Theorem 564 616
n-r.e. 781
n.o.f. 579
NAME 176 244 582
Name, bounded 588
Name, defined on 584
Narrow 616
Natural numbers 5
Needs attention 743 746 749 751 765 775 780 784
Negation 16
Negative requirement 744
Nesting of function symbols 180
Non-logical symbols 2 86
Non-principal 613
Non-standard analysis 226 271
Non-standard element 226
Non-standard elements 165
Non-standard interpretation 6
Non-standard model 8
Non-standard model of arithmetic 170 201 387
Non-standard structure 165
NOR 40
Normal form, conjunctive 37 110
Normal form, disjunctive 37 110
Normal form, Herbrand 185 202
Normal form, prenex 110 112
Normal form, Skolem 184
Normal function 524
Normal set operation 524
Normal ultrafilter 647
NOT 14
Notation, infix 19
Notation, Polish 19
Notation, postfix 19
Notation, prefix 19
Notion of consistency 217 240
Notion of consistency, 300
Notion of consistency, propositional 64
Notion of forcing 579
Nullset 483
Number theory 160
Numeral 401
Occur 14
Occur free 100
| Occur positively 41 234
Omitted 684
Omitting types theorem 687 695 697
One-quantifier principle 759
Onto 475
Open set 629
Open set, basic 675
Open set, regular 236
Operation class 458
Operation set 459
Operation symbol 4
OR 14 50
Oracle 734
Ordered pair 472 473 495 622
Ordering axioms 103
Ordering, complete dense linear 280
Ordering, countable partial 752 768
Ordering, dense linear 84 154 170 201 685
Ordering, discrete 134
Ordering, language for 87
Ordering, linear 84 477
Ordering, partial 84 477
Ordering, recursive partial 752
Ordering, strict linear 84
Ordering, strict partial 84
Ordering, well- 250 278 503 516 544
Ordering, well-, countable 279
Ordinal 497
Ordinal arithmetic 502 509
Ordinal Induction Theorem 498
Ordinal limit 499
Ordinal Recursion Theorem 501
Ordinal successor 499
Ordinal, definable 576
Ordinal, regular 525
Padoa's method 267
pair 464
Pair, two-cardinal 710
Paradox 9 315 457 498
Parameters, definable from 128
Parameters, recursion with 28 91
Partial -embedding 655
Partial -embedding 656
Partial ( -embedding 665
Partial elementary embedding 656
Partial embedding 158 292 656
Partial function 327 346
Partial ordering 84 477 478
Partial ordering, recursive 752
Partial recursive computation 418
Partial recursive function 347
Partial recursive relative to a set 757
Partial recursive universal function 418
Partial Selection Theorem 348
Partially -embeddable 664
Partially isomorphic 158 292 658 703
Partition 648
Partition theorem 648
Pasch, M. 8
Pattern of reasoning 33
Peano arithmetic 311 325 364 377 385 421 557
Peano postulates 161
Perfect 635 677
Perfect set property 636
Permanently marked 747
permits 784
Permitting method 784
Persistent -downward 252
Persistent -union 262
Persistent -upward 252
Persistent completely product 133
Persistent downward 123 145
Persistent product 131 137
Persistent union 135 145
Persistent upward 123 145
Pointwise 130
Pointwise left-most path 639
Polish notation 19
Polynomial 88 247
Positive characteristic function 351
Positive formula 274
Positive homomorphism 124
Positive occurrence 41 234
Positive quantifier-free 274
Positive requirement 744
Positive, regular 274
Post's theorem 408 782
Postfix notation 19
Power set 462
Powerclass 458
Pre-well-ordering 634
Predecessor 21
Predecessor function 331
Prefix 110
Prefix notation 19
Premises 205
Prenex normal form 110 112
Preservation theorems 251
Preserves 129 232
Prime model, - 258
Prime over a set 707
Prime, elementarily 690
Primitive recursion 328 339 432
Primitive recursive 363 380
Primitive recursive computation 415
Primitive recursive function 328
Primitive recursive index 412
Primitive recursive induction system 414
Primitive recursive relation 331
Primitive term 8 216
Principal function symbol 433
Principal type 660 681
Principal ultrafilter 68 81
Priority 745
Procedure, effective 54
Product persistent 131 137
Productive 739
PROGRAM 413 439
Projection 342 393
Projection function 328
Projective relation 632
Proof by cases 34
Proof by contradiction 34
Proof by parts 34
Proof from 435
Proof, consistent 210
Proof, formal 4 207
Proof, inconsistent 210
Proper class 458
Proper initial segment 20
Propositional Compactness Theorem 47 53 66 70 73 80
Propositional Enumerability Theorem 60
Propositional Interpolation Theorem 40 67
Propositional language 14
Propositional Lyndon Interpolation Theorem 41 72
Propositional Model Existence Theorem 66
Propositional notion of consistency 64
Propositional Robinson Interpolation Theorem 66 72
Propositional theory 43
Provable function 387
Pseudo-definition 182
qualified 811 815
Qualified, well 812 815
Quantifier axiom 206
Quantifier elimination 147 157 167 256 258 312 393
Quantifier Elimination Lemma 148
Quantifier Elimination Theorems 259 260
Quantifier interchange 99
Quantifier negation law 99
Quantifier preserving 232
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