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Hinman P.G. — Fundamentals of Mathematical Logic |
Предметный указатель |
Quantifier rank 665
Quantifier relativization 189 724
Quantifier rule 206 299
Quantifier, bounded 329 333 374
Quantifier, existential 86 100
Quantifier, free 110 204 241 402
Quantifier, free type 657
Quantifier, free, positive 274
Quantifier, universal 86
Quasi-tautology 113
r.e. 342
r.e., n- 751
Ramsey's theorem 53 716
Ramsey's Theorem, finite 54
Rank 86 507 509 570 583
Rank quantifier 665
Rasiowa — Sikorski Theorem 233 687
Rational numbers 155 447
Real algebraic numbers 127
Real closed field 248
Real numbers 127 155
realized 684
Rearranging arguments 330
Recursion 92 110 432
Recursion - 27
Recursion - 27
Recursion course-of-values 336 484
Recursion formula 90
Recursion on length 176
Recursion sentence 19
Recursion set 493 544
Recursion term 90
Recursion theorem 755
Recursion with parameters 28 91 107
Recursion, - 481
Recursion, definition by 25
Recursion, definition by generalized 26
Recursion, E- 616
Recursion, finitary closure 495
Recursion, ordinal 501
Recursion, primitive 328 339
Recursion, simultaneous 341
Recursive function 329
Recursive induction system 414
Recursive Induction Theorem 414
Recursive partial ordering 752
Recursive relation 331
Recursive relative to a set 756
Recursive set of formulas 355
Recursive signature 730
Recursive stage enumeration 741
Recursive, co-semi- 342
Recursive, columnwise 795
Recursive, primitive 363
Recursive, semi- 342
Recursively approximable 772
Recursively axiomatizable 352 355 376
Recursively enumerable 342 349 377
Recursively enumerable many-one degree 736
Recursively enumerable set of formulas 355
Recursively enumerable Turing degree 763 773
Recursively inseparable 390
Recursively saturated 699 719
Reducible truth-table 753
Reducible Turing 758
Reducible, many-one 350 733
Reducible, one-one 350
Reduct 174 722
Reduct property 722
Reduction property 351 390 409 652
Reflection theorem 537
Reflexive 84 477
Register computable 441
Register machine 437 439
Register machine, computation 440
Regular 52 242
Regular cardinal 523 525 606
Regular logic 724
Regular open algebra 236
Regular, Boolean 52 148 242
Regular, effectively 731
Regular, positive 274
Relation 91 331 351 473
Relation equivalence 477
Relation symbols 5 86
Relation type 290
Relation variables 288
Relation, arithmetical 394
Relation, Borel 629
Relation, definable 157 159
Relation, primitive recursive 331
Relation, projective 632
Relation, recursive 331
Relation-class 476
Relational composition 333 343 349
Relational translation 185 725
Relatively interpretable 189 446
Relatively recursive 756
Relativization of quantifiers 189 724
replacement 462
Representability Hypothesis 316
Representability Theorem 376 382 404
Representable 316 369 403
Representable, graph- 386
Representable, weakly 316 369 404
Represents 369
Represents weakly 369
Requirement 743
Respects a term or formula 116
Respects connectives 17
Restraint 743 763 765 767 775 779 789 796 802 807
Restriction 475
Reverse mathematics 292
Rice's theorem 753
Rich 533
Richard paradox 9
Rigid 669
Ring 85 145 447
Robinson arithmetic 311 325 364 377 385
Robinson interpolant 66 222 266 306
Robinson Interpolation Theorem 234 266
Robinson Interpolation Theorem, $\mathscr{L}_{\omega_{1}\omega}} 306
Robinson Interpolation Theorem, Countable 222 699
Robinson Joint Consistency Theorem 266
Robinson Propositional Interpolation Theorem 66 72
Robinson Test 257
Root of a polynomial 247
Rosser, J.B. 310 389 431
Rule, - 695
Rules of Inference 4 206 435
Rules of inference, infinitary 286 286
Russell class 458
Russell paradox 9 457
Russell, B. 9
Ryll — Nardzewski's Theorem 688
Sacks Density Theorem 814
Sacks Jump Theorem 806
SAFE 789
Satisfiable 44
Satisfies 42 93
Saturated 700
Saturated over a structure 693 701
Saturated, - 691 692
Saturated, - 700
Saturated, recursively 699 719
Saturated, very weakly 692
Saturated, weakly 690
Schroeder — Bernstein theorem 511
Scope 19
| Scott rank 670
Scott sentence 663
Scott Theorem 663 670
Search 375 434
Search condition 329
Search, bounded 332
Search, unbounded 329
Second Extension Lemma 253
Second incompleteness theorem 10 322 323 423 423 448
Second Incompleteness Theorem for ZF 563
Second Modesty Theorem 710
Second Quantifier Elimination Theorem 260
Second Use Theorem 760
Second-order 129 161
Second-order formula 276
Second-order, full 277
Second-order, monadic 276
Second-order, weak monadic 291 292
Section 320
Selection theorem 345
Selection Theorem, Partial 348
Self-reference Lemma 322 380 404
Self-reference Lemma for ZF 558
Self-referent 322
Semantics 8 17
Semi-decidable 59
Semi-decision procedure 59
Semi-procedure 58
Semi-recursive 342 404
Sentence 15 100
Sentence induction 15
Sentence of a logic 722
Sentence recursion 19
Sentence symbols 14
Sentence, - 722
Sentence, atomic 14
Sentences, complete set of 142
Separable 390
Separates 351
Separation property 266 351 390 409 652
Sequence number 335
Sequence, finite 334 486
Set 458
Set difference 458
Set Induction Theorem 492
Set model 529
Set operation 459
Set operation, M- 531
Set Recursion Theorem 493
Set theory, descriptive 630
Set theory, language of 87 179
Set variables 276
Set, definable 163 173
Sheffer stroke 40
Shepherdson, J.C. 437
Signature 86 722
Signature extension 722
Signature, recursive 730
Signum function 331
Simple formula 401
Simple term 401
simplification 34
Simply -existential 148
Simply existential 260
Simultaneous recursion 341
Simultaneous substitution 114
Singular cardinal 523 606
Skolem extension 185
Skolem function 127
Skolem function symbols 183
Skolem normal form 184
Skolem, complete 183 714
Skolem, T. 457
Smallest -closed set 22
Sound 205
Soundness Theorem 207 300
Special 53
Splits 635 677
Stability theory 719
Stable 708
Stable, - 701
Stage enumeration 741
Stage enumeration, recursive 741
Stage enumeration, relatively recursive 770
Stage enumeration, uniform 743
Stage, bounding 773
Stage, true 794
Standard interpretation 291
Standard model 5 8 271 484
Standard model of arithmetic 85 160 278
Standard part 164
States 437
Stone Representation Thm. 78
Stops by at 503
Strengthening the antecedent 34
Strict conjunctive normal form 37
Strict disjunctive normal form 37
Strict linear ordering 84
Strict partial ordering 84 477
Strong limit cardinal 526 606
Strong reducibility 753
Strong Transitive Model Theorem 574
Strongly compact 298
Strongly inaccessible 298 526 606
Strongly minimal 720
Structure 6 83 91 552
Structure expansion 174
Structure reduct 174
Structure, -categorical 691
Structure, -saturated over 693
Structure, -saturated 700
Structure, -saturated over 701
Structure, - 695
Structure, atomic 660 705
Structure, automorphism of 115 669
Structure, cardinality at most 289
Structure, countable 118 289
Structure, denumerable 118
Structure, elementary equivalence of 116
Structure, finite 118 175 289
Structure, isomorphism of 115
Structure, minimal 138
Structure, modest 709
Structure, n-type of 691
Structure, non-standard 165
Structure, saturated 700
Structure, size of 118
Structure, theory of 7 141
Structure, theory of a class of 142
Structure, well-founded 643
Sturgis, H.E. 437
Subcomputations 417
Subformulas 295
Sublanguage 173
Subsentence 28
Substitutable, freely 107 212
Substitution 39 114
Substitution of terms for variables 105
Substitution of variables for constant symbols 209
Substitution, free 107 212
Substitution, simultaneous 114
Substructure 119
Substructure, - 241
Substructure, -closed 252
Substructure, elementary 125
Substructure, generated by a set 120
Subsystem 24
Subtraction lemma 508
Successor 21 440 458
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