Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Hinman P.G. — Fundamentals of Mathematical Logic |
Предметный указатель |
Successor configuration 440
Successor function 85 328
Successor, cardinal 518
Successor, ordinal 499
Sufficiently nice 282
Suitable 413
Superstable 708
Superstructure closed 252
Support 28
Supremum 230
Suslin 654
Svenonius' Theorem 700
Symbol equality 92
Symbol infinite conjunction 294
Symbol infinite disjunction 293
symbols 14
Symbols equality 86
Symbols function 4 86
Symbols relation 5 86
Symbols sentence 14
Symbols type 290
Symbols, constant 4 86
Symbols, constant of type 290
Symbols, logical 2 86
Symbols, non-logical 2 86
symmetric 477
Syntactic 2
Syntax 8 17
Tarski Criterion 126
Tarski number 282
Tarski theorem 321 369 400
Tarski Theorem for ZF 559
Tarski — Robinson Theorem 255
Tarski, A. 310
Tautological consequence 32 42 97
Tautologically equivalent 32 51 75 97
Tautologically false 32
Tautologically independent 51
Tautology 32 57 97 112 360
Tautology Principle 195 208
Term 88 301
Term induction 101
Term recursion 90
Term simple 401
Term, - 301
Term, atomic 87 550
Term, constant 176
Term, primitive 216
Terminal configuration 440
Theorem 3
Theorem from 435
Theorem of a theory 43 140
Theorem provable from 206
Theorem, logical 206
Theory 140 553
Theory of a class of structures 142
Theory of a set of truth assignments 45
Theory of a structure 7 141
Theory of a truth assignment 44
Theory of types 289
Theory, -categorical 162
Theory, - 695
Theory, arithmetical 407
Theory, axiomatic 7 43 141 556
Theory, categorical 162
Theory, complete 7 143 248
Theory, consistent 7 143 187 191
Theory, decidable 8 146 181 188 191 202 248 311 359
Theory, generated by axioms 43 140 553
Theory, incomplete 314 376
Theory, inconsistent 46 143
Theory, n-type of 673
Theory, propositional 43
Theory, two-cardinal 720
Theory, undecidable 313 317 376 444
Thick 796
Third-order logic 289
total 84
Total function 327 346
Totally bound 114
Trachtenbrot's Theorem 450 731
Transcendence basis and degree 247
Transcendental 247
Transition function 26 438
Transitive 84 460 477 480
Transitive -structure 460
Transitive closure 56 491
Transitive Model Theorem 565
Transitivity of implication 34
Translates 723
Translates, effectively 730
Translation by removing defined symbols 181
Translation, relational 185 725
TREE 628
True in a structure 102 176
True stage 794
Truncated subtraction 331
Truth 33 103
Truth assignment 17 97
Truth assignment, atomic 17
Truth assignment, theory of 44
Truth favored over falsity 93
Truth table 19
Truth value, - 596
Truth, undefinability of 321
Truth-table, complete 754
Truth-table, degree 753
Truth-table, reducible 753
Turing degree 758
Turing equivalent 758
Turing machine 438
Turing, A.M. 436
Turing, complete 762
Turing, computable 439
Turing, reducible 758
Twin-prime conjecture 6
Twin-prime pairs 160
Two-cardinal pair 710
Two-cardinal Theorem 710 719
Two-cardinal theory 720
TYPE 657
Type 290
Type function 290
Type of a structure 691
Type of a theory 673
| Type relation 290
Type symbols 290
Type, - 665
Type, - 657
Type, - 657
Type, closed 673
Type, complete 673
Type, elementary 657
Type, generator of 660 681
Type, isolated 683
Type, omitted 684
Type, principal 660 681
Type, quantifier-free 657
Type, realized 684
Typed language 290
Types, theory of 289
Ultrafilter 68 77 613 675
Ultrafilter measure 613
Ultrafilter, generated 68
Ultrafilter, normal 647
Ultrafilter, principal 68 81
Ultrapower 226 235 617
Ultraproduct 69 225
Ultraproduct, closed 72 235
Unary operation symbol 4
Unbounded search 329
Uncountable 485
Undecidability of arithmetic 367
Undecidable 55 313 377
Undecidable theory 376 444
Undecidable, contagiously 444
Undecidable, essentially 444
Undefinability of truth 321
Uniform stage enumeration 743
Uniformity 99
Uniformity Principle 623
Uniformization property 349 638
Uniformization theorem 638
uniformly 57
union 458
Union axiom 462
Union of a chain 134
Union, persistent 135 145
Unique existence 177
Unique existence condition 177
Unique on 481 482 484 501
Unique readability 26 207 329 494
Unique readability formulas 89
Unique readability propositional sentences 16
Unique readability terms 88
Universal 320 413
UNIVERSAL class 458 466
Universal closure 109
Universal formula 122
Universal partial recursive function 418
Universal quantifier 86
Universal second-order formula 280
Universal, countably 690 692
Universal, Horn 269
Universal, logically 122 137
Universal-existential formula 135
Universal-existential, logically 135
Universally axiomatizable 144 204 269
Universally valid 105
Universe 91 535
Universe Theorem 538
Unnested formula 180
Unsatisfiable 44
Up to isomorphism 118
Upward closed 579
Upward Morley Theorem 710
Upward persistent 123 145
Upward persistent - 252
USE 760
Valid, logically 103 112
Validity enumeration property 731
Validity problem 377
Validity, complete 286 300
Validity, finite 450
Variable 4 86
variable assignment 91
Variable bound 100
Variable, - 301
Variable, free 100
Variables function 288
Variables of type 290
Variables relation 288
Variables set 276
Variables, individual 276
Variant 111
Vaught Test 246
Vaught Test, countable 147
Vaught's Conjecture 686 699
Vaughtian 720
Vector space 2
Very correctly 790 802
Very weakly saturated 692
Weak monadic second-order 291 292
Weak power operation 535
Weakening the consequent 34
Weakly compact 298
Weakly complete 64 218 302
Weakly explicitly definable 271
Weakly implicitly definable 271 700
Weakly inaccessible 298 523 606
Weakly measurable 620
Weakly representable 316 369 404
Weakly represents 369
Weakly saturated 690
Well-founded 477 509 544 616
Well-founded Structure 643
Well-orderable 516 623
Well-ordering 250 278 477 503 516 544
Well-ordering theorem 516
Well-ordering, countable 279 625 641
Well-ordering, pre- 634
Well-qualified 812 815
Winning strategy 623 668
Witness 93 342
Witness, - 537
Witness, Henkin 196
Words 88
Zermelo — Fraenkel 385 447 456
Zero divisors 137
ZF 462
Zorn's lemma 70 249 521
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