Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Hinman P.G. — Fundamentals of Mathematical Logic |
Предметный указатель |
Fixed point 488 524
Fixed-point free (FPF) 769
Fixed-point logics 291
Fixed-point theorem 505
Fixed-point Theorem, Finitary 491
Fixed-point Theorem, Monotone 489
Forces 586
Forcing 579
Forcing Completeness 587 603
Forcing condition 579
Forcing Definability 587 603
Forcing Theorem 596 602
Formal language 2
Formal proof 4 207
Formalized Axiomatic Set Theory (FAST) 456
Formula 89 551
Formula Recursion Theorem 90
Formula, - 293
Formula, -atomic 301
Formula, 401
Formula, 401
Formula, (n, k) 666
Formula, atomic 89 551
Formula, complete 681
Formula, consistent 680
Formula, existential 122 401
Formula, existential second-order 280
Formula, Horn 132 136
Formula, induction 101
Formula, positive 274
Formula, recursion 90
Formula, relativization 189
Formula, second-order 276
Formula, simple 401
Formula, simply -existential 148
Formula, universal 122
Formula, universal second-order 280
Formula, universal-existential 135
Formula, unnested 180
Forward extension 158 658
Foundation 462
Fragment 301
Fraisse's theorem 667 671
Free for 107
Free substitution 107 212
Free variable 100
Freely substitutable 107
Friedberg Jump Theorem 776
Friedberg — Mucnik Theorem 767
Full second-order logic 277
Function 91 474
Function application 474
Function choice 510
Function length 335
Function symbol, Skolem 183
Function symbols 4 86
Function transition 438
Function type 290
Function variables 288
Function, continuous 629
Function, finitary 21 327 489
Function, initial 328
Function, partial 327 346
Function, partial recursive 347
Function, primitive recursive 328
Function, recursive 329
Function, Skolem 127
Function, total 327
Functionals 328
Generalized Continuum Hypothesis 283 514 700
Generalized induction 22
Generalized successor 26 483
Generalized zero 26
Generated Substructure 120
Generated, finitely 24 235
Generator of a type 660 681
GENERIC 579 581 587
Generic Existence Theorem 580
Get attention 744 746 765 775 784
Global choice 570
Global Comprehension 457
Goedel number 353 410
Goedel, K. 10 310 389 435
Graph 63 128 185 346
Graph, representable 386
Group 84 123 145
Group theory 5 87 141 178
Group theory, axioms of 5 104 132 145
Group theory, language of 87
Group theory, theorems of 105
Group, abelian 5
Halting problem 419
Hanf number 282
Hartogs' operation 514
Hat computation 793
Hausdorff 676
Henkin complete 196 213 238
Henkin witness 196
Herbrand 432
Herbrand Normal Form 185 202
Herbrand proof 203
Herbrand theorem 201
Hereditarily finite 56 494
Hereditarily ordinal definable 576
Hereditary cardinal 526
Hierarchy, arithmetical 394 398
Hierarchy, Borel 630
Hierarchy, cumulative 467
Hierarchy, projective 632
High 800
Hilbert Program 9 309
Hilbert, D. 8 400
Homogeneous 690
Homogeneous for a partition 53 648 716
Homomorphic image 274
Homomorphism 124
Homomorphism, - 274
Homomorphism, positive 124
Horn formula 132 136
Horn, logically 132 137
Horn, universal 269
Hyperarithmetical functions 435
Hypersimple 754
Idealized computer 437
Idempotency 34
Idempotent law 75
Identity 85
Identity Law 75
IFF 14
Image 462 474 475
Image, homomorphic 274
Immodest 709
Implication 16
Implicitly definable 267 433
Implicitly definable, weakly 271 700
Implies 14
Inaccessible, strongly 298 526 606
Inaccessible, weakly 298 523 606
inclusive 503
Incompatible 623
incomplete 44 314
Incomplete theory 376
Incomplete, contagiously 444
Incompleteness Theorem, Extended First 319
Incompleteness Theorem, First 10 318 376 384 389 444 483
Incompleteness Theorem, Second 10 322 324 423 448 563
Inconsistent 44
Inconsistent proof 210
| Inconsistent theory 46 143
Independent 138
Independent of a theory 527 563
Independent, algebraically 247
Independent, many-one 751
Independent, tautologically 51
INDEX 320 409 738
Index set 753
Index, primitive recursive 412
Indiscernibles 714
Individual variables 276
Induced -assignment 116
Induction axiom 278
Induction formula 101
Induction hypothesis 15 20 22 479
Induction schema 163 311 426
Induction sentence 15
Induction set 492
Induction step 15 22
Induction system 21 287 411
Induction system, monotone 31
Induction system, recursive 414
Induction term 101
Induction, - 22
Induction, - 479
Induction, - 22
Induction, Boolean 110
Induction, E- 616
Induction, generalized 22
Induction, ordinal 498
Induction, Prim- 329
Induction, Rec- 329
Inductive closure 21
Inductive definition 21 488
Inductively closed 505
Inessential extension 701
Infimum 230
Infinitary Logic 293
Infinitary rules of inference 286
Infinite 485
Infinite conjunction symbol 294
Infinite disjunction axioms 299
Infinite disjunction rule 299
Infinite disjunction symbol 293
Infinite injury 798
Infinite, Dedekind 512
Infinitesimal 226 272
infinity 462
Infinity, axioms of 462 606
Infix notation 19
Informal language 2
Informal Set Theory (IST) 456
Initial configuration 440
Initial function 328
Initial segment, proper 20
Initial state 438
Injective 474 476
Injured 746 766 768 775
Injury, finite 798
Injury, infinite 798
Inner model 528
Instance 163 405
Instance, closed 201
instructions 439
Integers 447
Integral domain 137 261 447
Interpolant, Boolean 265
Interpolant, Craig 224 267
Interpolant, Los — Tarski 270
Interpolant, Robinson 66 222 266
Interpolation Theorem, 307
Interpolation Theorem, -Robinson 306
Interpolation Theorem, Boolean 265
Interpolation Theorem, Countable Robinson 222 699
Interpolation Theorem, Craig 224 234 267 293
Interpolation Theorem, Lyndon 234
Interpolation Theorem, Propositional 40 67
Interpolation Theorem, Propositional Lyndon 41 72
Interpolation Theorem, Propositional Robinson 66 72
Interpolation Theorem, Robinson 234 266
Interpolation Theorem, second-order 280
Interpretable 186 444
Interpretable, faithfully 188
Interpretable, relatively 189 446
Interpretation 2 140 161
Interpretation of One Theory in Another 186 443
Interpretation, standard 5 291
Intersection 458
Interval closed 677
Inverse 85 475
Irreflexive 84 477
Isolated 635
Isolated type 683
Isomorphic 115
Isomorphic, partially 158 292 658 703
Isomorphism 553
Isomorphism of structures 115
Isomorphism property 722
Isomorphism, closed 269
Iterate 490 503
Jech, Thomas 558
Jump 771
Jump codes 795
Jump Interpolation Theorem 817
Justifies 177
Karp's Theorem 662 669 669
Keisler, H.J. 709
Kleene — Post Theorem 761
Koenig's Theorem 524 603
Kuratowski, K. 472
Lachlan, A.H. 709
Language extension 173
Language for ordering 87
Language of arithmetic 87
Language of equality 86 149 307 359
Language of group theory 87
Language of set theory 87 456
Language, countable 94
Language, denumerable 94
Language, effective 95 112
Language, equational 432
Language, finite 94
Language, first-order 86 550
Language, formal 2
Language, informal 2
Language, monadic second-order 276
Language, propositional 14
Language, typed 290
Large cardinal axioms 605
Least element 481 499
Least fixed-point 488
Least upper-bound principle 127
Left-most path 640
Leibnitz, W.G. 227
Length 14 31 486 760
length function 335
Length of agreement 786
Length, recursion on 176
Level 15
Lexicographically 60
Liar paradox 9 315
Limit Lemma 408 773
Limit, cardinal 523 606
Limit, ordinal 499
Lindenbaum algebra 76 229 672
Lindstroem's First Theorem 727
Lindstroem's Second Theorem 731
Linear algebra 2
Linear ordering 84 477
Lobachevski, N.I. 8
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