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Hewitt E., Stromberg K. — Real and abstract analysis: a modern treatment of the theory of functions of a real variable |
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set 68
-set 68
-functions 288 303
-space, Euclidean 13
-space, unitary 13
, additive functions on 49
, characters of 301
, group algebra of 399
, open set in 55
, regular Borel measures on 329
, structure of open sets in 69
, usual topology for 56
ech, E. 65
, invariant mean on 359
, conjugate space of 364
, ideals in 365
spaces 173
, conjugate space of 353
, ideals in 417
, multiplicative linear functionals on 417
, Fourier transform on 411
, orthogonal dimension of 255
norm 188
spaces 173
, completeness of 192
, conjugate space of 230
, continuity of translation in 199
, dense subsets of 197
, weak convergence in 206
spaces 347
, conjugate space of 357
-algebra 4
-algebra generated by a family 132
-algebra, product 379
-compact set 138
-compact set space 125
-finite measure 127
-finite measure space 127
-finite set 138
-ring 4
-neighborhood 60
Abel summability of Fourier series 301
Abel, N. H. 32
Abelian group 32
Abel’s kernel 407
Absolute continuity of infinite product measures 453
Absolute continuity of the integral 176
Absolute value 48
Absolutely continuous functions 282
Absolutely continuous functions, composition of 297
Absolutely continuous measure 312
Absolutely continuous measure, derivative of an 328
Additive functions on 49
Adjoint of a linear operator 221 251
Adjoint space 211
Alexander’s subbase theorem 64
Algebra of , group 399
Algebra of operators 251
Algebra of sets 4
Algebra over a field 82
Algebra, Banach 84
Algebra, linear 82
Algebra, normed 83
Algebraic dimension of a vector space 31
Algebras, Boolean 5
Almost everywhere 122 155
Almost everywhere, locally 122
Almost uniform convergence 158
Analytic sets 133
Approximate unit 400
Approximation by simple functions 159
Approximation theorem, Weierstrass 96
Archimedean ordered field 37
Archimedean ordered field, complete 44
Archimedean ordered field, non 46
Areas, integrals as 392
arg 50
Arithmetic means for a Fourier series 292
Arithmetic, cardinal number 23
Automorphism 33
Automorphisms of the real field 48
Axiom of Choice 12
Baire category theorem 68 79
Baire functions 163
Baire functions of type 163
Baire sets 164
Ball, open 60
Banach algebra 84
Banach indicatrix of a function 271
Banach space 84
Banach space, conjugate of a 211
Banach space, locally uniformly convex 233
Banach space, products of 217 221
Banach space, quotient spaces of 221
Banach space, reflexive 215
Banach space, uniformly convex 232
Banach space, uniformly rotund 232
Banach — Steinhaus theorem 218
Banach, S. 80 137 215 261 263 288
Banach’s fixed-point theorem 78
Base for a topology 58
Basis for a vector space 18
Basis, Hamel 18
Basis, linear 18
Bernstein, F. 146
Bessel’s inequality 239
Binomial coefficients 90
Binomial series 90
Birkhoff, G. 5
Birnbaum — Orlicz spaces 203
Bohnenblust, H. F. 213
Bolzano 66
Bolzano — Weierstrass property 62
Boole, G. 5
Boolean algebra 5
Boolean ring 5
Borel measurable function 149 187
Borel measures 329
Borel measures on , regular 329
Borel measures, complex regular 360
Borel sets 132
Borel sets in product spaces 391
Borel — Cantelli lemma 445
Borel, E. 66
Bound in an ordered field, greatest lower 44
Bound in an ordered field, least upper 44
Bound, lower 13
Bound, upper 13
Boundary 56
Bounded functions 83
Bounded functions, essentially 346
Bounded interval 54
Bounded linear functionals on Hilbert spaces 248 255
Bounded linear transformation 210
Bounded sequence 38
Bounded set in a metric space 66
Bounded variation, function of 266
Bunyakovski ’s inequality 190
Cantor ternary set 13 70
Cantor — Bendixson Theorem 72
Cantor, G. 21 67
Cantor-like set 70
Carath odory, C. 126 127
Cardinal numbers 19
Cardinal numbers, arithmetic of 23
Cardinal numbers, no largest 21
Cardinal numbers, order relation for 20
Cardinality 19
Cartesian product of a family of sets 12
Cartesian product of topological spaces 65
| Cartesian product of two sets 7
Category theorem, Baire 68 79
Category, first 68
Category, second 68
Cauchy sequence 38 67
Cauchy — Bunyakovski — Schwarz inequality 234
Cauchy’s inequality 190
Ces ro summability for Fourier series 293
Chain rule 328
Change of variable in integrals 342
Characteristic function of a set 11
Characteristic of a field 34
Characters of 301
Choice function 12
Choice, axiom of 12
Clarkson, J. A. 231
Clarkson’s inequality for 227
Clarkson’s inequality for 225
Closed graph theorem 217
Closed interval 54
Closure of a set 56
Coefficients, binomial 90
Coefficients, Fourier 237 249
Cohen, P. J. 12 30
Commutative ring 33
Compact space 62
Compact space, 125
Compact space, Fr chet 62
Compact space, locally 74
Compact space, sequentially 62
Compact support, continuous functions with 86
Complement of a set 4
Complement of a subspace, orthogonal 252
Complete Archimedean ordered field 44
Complete measure 155
Complete measure space 155
Complete metric space 67
Complete orthonormal set 240 242
Completeness of 192
Completeness of the Hermite functions 416
Completeness of the trigonometric functions 248
Completion of a measure space 155
Completion of a measure space, integrals on 186
Completion of a metric space 77
Completion of a normed linear space 221
Completion of an ordered field 38
Complex conjugate 48
Complex field, geometric interpretation of the 50
Complex measure 304
Complex measure, integral relative to a 312
Complex measure, Jordan decomposition of a 309
Complex measure, total variation of a 308
Complex measures, Lebesgue — Radon — Nikod m theorem for 323
Complex number field 48
Complex number, imaginary part of a 48
Complex number, real part of a 48
Complex plane 50
Component intervals 69
Composition of absolutely continuous functions 297
Composition of relations 8
Condition 288
Cone, convex 219
Conjugate of a Banach space 211
Conjugate space 211
Conjugate space of 364
Conjugate space of 353
Conjugate space of 230
Conjugate space of 357
Conjugate space, second 211
Conjugate, complex 48
Connected space 57
Constant function 82
Content, Jordan 121
Continuity at a point 73
Continuity of translation in 199
Continuous function 73
Continuous function, uniformly 87
Continuous functions that vanish at infinity 86
Continuous functions that vanish in a neighborhood of infinity 86
Continuous functions with compact support 86
Continuous functions, absolutely 282
Continuous functions, point wise limits of 79
Continuous functions, uniformly 87
Continuous images of measures 180
Continuous measures 334
Continuous nowhere differentiable functions 258
Continuous, left 111
Continuous, right 111
Continuum 19
Continuum Hypothesis 30
Contraction mapping 78
Convergence in measure 156
Convergence in measure, metric of 183
Convergence in probability 156
Convergence theorem, Lebesgue’s dominated 172 174 185
Convergence theorem, monotone 172
Convergence theorem, Vitali’s 203
Convergence weak, in 206
Convergence, almost uniform 158
Convergence, weak 233
Convergent sequence 62
Convex cone 219
Convex functions 202 271
Convex functions, integral representation of 300
Convex set 252
Convolution of functions 396
Coordinate 12
Coordinate space, projection onto a 65
Countable set 22
Countably additive measure 126
Countably infinite set 22
Counting measure 127
Cover 62
Cover, open 62
Cover, Vitali 262
Covering theorem, Vitali’s 262
Cut in an ordered field, Dedekind 46
Daniell, P. J. 114
Darboux sums 106
de Morgan’s laws 4
Decomposable measures 317
Decomposable measures, Lebesgue decomposition for 341
Decomposable measures, Lebesgue-Radon-Nikod m theorem for 318
Decomposition of a complex measure, Jordan 309
Decomposition of a finitely additive signed measure, Jordan 338
Decomposition of a measure space 317
Decomposition of a signed measure, Jordan 307
Decomposition theorem, Hahn 306
Decomposition theorem, Jordan 266
Decomposition theorem, Lebesgue 326
Decreasing function, strictly 105
Dedekind cut in an ordered field 46
Dedekind, R. 22
Degenerate measure 127 186
Delta, Kronecker 11
Denjoy integral 299
Dense subset of a topological space 61
Dense subsets of 197
Density character of a topological space 219
Density of a set with respect to a -algebra 374
Denumerable set 22
Derivates, Dini 257
Derivative 257
Derivative of a signed measure 366
Derivative of an absolutely continuous measure 328
Derivative of an indefinite integral 275
Derivative, Lebesgue — Radon — Nikod m 328
Derivative, left 257
Derivative, right 257
Derivative, symmetric 271
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