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Hewitt E., Stromberg K. — Real and abstract analysis: a modern treatment of the theory of functions of a real variable |
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Suhomlinov 213
Summability of Fourier integrals 404
Summability of Fourier series, Abel 301
Summability of Fourier series, Ces ro 293
Summability of Fourier series, uniform 300
Summable function 173
Sums, Darboux 106
Sums, Lebesgue 183
Suppes, P. 1
Support of a measure 122
Supremum in 69
Supremum in an ordered field 44
Supremum, essential 346
Symmetric derivative of a function 271
Symmetric difference of two sets 4
Tarski, A. 22
Term by term differentiation 267
Term by term integration 171 175
Term of a sequence 10
Ternary set, Cantor 13 70
Theorem, Alexander’s subbase 64
Theorem, B. Levi’s 172
Theorem, Baire category 68 79
Theorem, Banach — Steinhaus 218
Theorem, Banach’s Fixed-Point 78
Theorem, Cantor — Bendixson 72
Theorem, closed graph 217
Theorem, Dini’s 205
Theorem, Egorov’s 158
Theorem, Fej r — Lebesgue 294
Theorem, Fubini’s 384 386
Theorem, generalized B. Levi 118
Theorem, Hahn decomposition 306
Theorem, Hahn — Banach 212
Theorem, Hardy — Littlewood maximal 424 425 426
Theorem, Heine — Borel 66
Theorem, Hopf’s extension 142
Theorem, Jordan decomposition 266
Theorem, K nig’s 27
Theorem, Krein’s extension 220
Theorem, Lebesgue — Radon — Nikod m 315 318 323
Theorem, Lebesgue’s decomposition 326
Theorem, Lebesgue’s differentiation 264
Theorem, Lebesgue’s dominated convergence 172 174 185
Theorem, Luzin’s 159
Theorem, monotone convergence 172
Theorem, open mapping 215
Theorem, Plancherel’s 411
Theorem, Radon — Riesz 233
Theorem, Riesz representation 177 364
Theorem, Riesz — Fischer 250
Theorem, Schr der — Bernstein 20
Theorem, Steinhaus 143
Theorem, Stone — Weierstrass 94 95 97 98
Theorem, Tietze’s Extension 99
Theorem, Tihonov’s 65
Theorem, Vitali’s convergence 203
Theorem, Vitali’s covering 262
Theorem, Weierstrass approximation 96
Theorem, well-ordering 14
Tietze’s extension theorem 99
Tihonov, A. 65
Tihonov’s theorem 65
Topological space 55
Topological space, dense subset of a 61
Topological space, density character of a 219
Topological space, subspace of a 60
Topological spaces, Cartesian product of 65
topology 55
Topology for , usual 56
Topology for or , usual 60
Topology for R, usual 56
Topology, base for a 58
Topology, discrete 56
Topology, indiscrete 56
| Topology, metric 60
Topology, order 79
Topology, product 65
Topology, relative 60
Topology, subbase for a 58
Total variation norm 271
Total variation of a complex measure 308
Total variation of a complex measure function 266 270 272
Total variation of a complex measure, signed measure 307
Transfinite induction 17
Transform, Fourier 249 401
Transform, Plancherel 411
Transformation 9
Transformation, bounded linear 210
Transformation, linear 210
Translate of a function 110
Translation in , continuity of 199
Trigonometric polynomials 248
Tukey’s lemma 14
Ultimately equal sequences 443
Ultrafilter 358
Unbounded interval 54
Uncountable set 22
Uniform boundedness principle 217
Uniform norm 83
Uniform spaces 87
Uniform summability of Fourier series 300
Uniformly continuous function 87
Uniformly convex Banach spaces 232
Uniformly integrable sequences of functions 204
Uniformly rotund Banach spaces 232
Unions of sets 2
Uniqueness of Lebesgue measure 185
Uniqueness theorem for Fourier transforms 408
Unit of a ring 33
Unit point mass 120
Unit, approximate 400
Unitary -space 13
Upper bound 13
Upper semicontinuous function 88
Urysohn, P. 75
Urysohn’s lemma 75
Usual topology for 56
Usual topology for 56
Usual topology for or 60
Value of a function 9
Variation see Total variation
Variation of a signed measure, negative 307
Variation of a signed measure, positive 307
Variation of a signed measure, total 307
Vector space 17 31
Vector space, algebraic dimension of a 31
Vector space, basis for a 18
Vector space, linear dimension of a 31
Vitali cover 262
Vitali’s convergence theorem 203
Vitali’s covering theorem 262
Void set 2
Weak convergence 233
Weak convergence in 206
Weak law of large numbers 452
Weierstrass approximation theorem 96
Weierstrass, K. 66 90 258
Well-ordered set 8
Well-ordered set, initial segment of a 16
Well-ordering theorem 14
Young, W. H. 414
Young’s inequality 189
Zaanen, A. C. 203
Zermelo, E. 12 14
Zero-one law 443
Zero-one measures 358
Zorn’s Lemma 14
Zuckerman, H. S. 458
Zygmund, A. 203 292 298
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