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Hewitt E., Stromberg K. — Real and abstract analysis: a modern treatment of the theory of functions of a real variable |
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Ordered field, supremum in an 44
Ordered set, linearly 8
Ordered set, partially 8
Ordered set, well 8
Ordering, linear 8
Ordering, partial 8
Ordering, well 8
Ordinal number 28
Orlicz spaces 203
Orthogonal complement 252
Orthogonal dimension of 255
Orthogonal dimension of a Hilbert space 247
Orthogonal vectors 236
Orthonormal set 236
Orthonormal set, complete 240 242
Orthonormalization process, Gram — Schmidt 240
Oscillation function 78
Outer measure 126
Outer measure induced by a nonnegative linear functional 120
Outer measure, Lebesgue 120
Outer measure, Lebesgue — Stieltjes 120
Outer measure, metric 144
Outer measure, regular 143
Oxtoby, J. C. 137
Parallelogram law 235
Parallelotope, Hilbert 254
Parseval’s identity 245 246 250
Partial ordering 8
Partially ordered set 8
Peano, G. 9
Perfect set 70
Perfect sets, uncountability of 72
Permutation 30
Phillips, K. L. 429
Plancherel transform 411
Plancherel’s theorem 411
Point mass, unit 120
Point of density of a set 274
Point, continuity at a 73
Point, isolated 70
Point, Lebesgue 278
Point, limit 56
Pointwise limits of continuous functions 79
Pointwise operations and relations 82
Poisson’s kernel 301
Polar identity 235
Polynomials, Hermite 243
Polynomials, trigonometric 248
Poretsky 6
Positive kernel 400
Positive variation of a signed measure 307
Power set 3
Pre — Hilbert space 195
Product -algebra 379
Product measures 384
Product measures, absolute continuity of infinite 453
Product measures, infinite 432
Product measures, regularity of 389
Product measures, singular measures induced by infinite 456
Product measures, singularity of infinite 453
Product of a family of sets, Cartesian 12
Product of topological spaces, Cartesian 65
Product of two sets, Cartesian 7
Product topology 65
Products of Banach spaces 217 221
Products of measure spaces, finite 384
Products of measure spaces, infinite 429
Projection in a Hilbert space 253
Projection onto a coordinate space 65
Proper subset of a set 2
Purely discontinuous measure 334
Pythagorean Theorem 236
Quaternions 102
Quotient spaces of Banach spaces 221
Radon measure 114
Radon — Nikod m theorem see Lebesgue — Radon — Nikod m Theorem
Radon — Riesz theorem 233
Radon, J. 422
Range of a relation 7
Real number field 46
Real number field, automorphisms of the 48
Real numbers 2
Real numbers, expansions of 46 47
Real numbers, extended 54
Real part of a complex number 48
Rectangle, measurable 379
Reflection of a function 110
Reflexive Banach space 215
Regular Borel measure, complex 360
Regular Borel measures on 329
Regular finitely additive measure 364
Regular measure 177 185
Regular measure, Lebesgue-Radon-Nikod m theorem for 323
Regular outer measure 143
Regularity of product measures 389
Relation 7
Relation, domain of a 7
Relation, equivalence 8
Relation, extension of a 8
Relation, inverse of a 7
Relation, one-to-one 9
Relation, range of a 7
Relation, restriction of a 8
Relation, single valued 9
Relations, composition of 8
Relations, pointwise operations and 82
Relative topology 60
Relatively open 61
Representation theorem, F. Riesz’s 177 364
Restriction of a relation 8
Riemann integrability 183
Riemann integral 107
Riemann integral, Lebesgue integral as an extension of the 184
Riemann — Lebesgue lemma 249 401
Riemann — Stieltjes integrable function 106
Riemann — Stieltjes integral 106
Riesz representation theorem 177 364
Riesz — Fischer theorem 250
Riesz, F. 156 230
Right continuous 111
Right derivative 257
Right hand limit 111
Ring 33
Ring of sets 4
Ring of sets, a 4
Ring, boolean 5
Ring, commutative 33
Ross, K. A. 137 378 445
Rudin, W. 98 419
Ruziewicz. S. 297
Saks, S. 133 297 300 328
Saltus function 335
Scalar multiplication 17
Schr der — Bernstein theorem 20
Schwartz, J. 210 353
Schwarz’s inequality 190 234
Second category 68
Second conjugate space 211
Second Mean Value Theorem for integrals 420
Section of a function 379
Section of a set 379
Segment see Initial segment
Semicontinuous function, lower 88
Semicontinuous function, upper 88
Separable space 61
Separating family of functions 93
Sequence, bounded 38
Sequence, Cauchy 38 67
Sequence, convergent 62
| Sequence, limit of a 62
Sequence, monotone 76
Sequence, null 38
Sequence, term of a 10
Sequences of functions, uniformly integrable 204
Sequences, ultimately equal 443
Sequentially compact space 62
Series, Abel summability of Fourier 301
Series, arithmetic means for a Fourier 292
Series, binomial 90
Series, Ces ro summability for Fourier 293
Series, divergent Fourier 300
Series, Fourier 245 291
Series, uniform summability of Fourier 300
Set 1
Set, 68
Set, -compact 138
Set, -finite 138
Set, Cantor 13 70
Set, Cantor-like 70
Set, complement of a 4
Set, complete orthonormal 240 242
Set, convex 252
Set, countable 22
Set, countably infinite 22
Set, denumerable 22
Set, diameter of a 67
Set, distance from a point to a 77
Set, enumeration of a 22
Set, finite 21
Set, infinite 21
Set, linearly ordered 8
Set, locally null 122 346
Set, measurable 127
Set, nowhere dense 68
Set, null 122
Set, open 55
Set, orthonormal 236
Set, partially ordered 8
Set, perfect 70
Set, power 3
Set, section of a 379
Set, singleton 2
Set, subset of a 2
Set, uncountable 22
Set, void 2
Set, well-ordered 8
Set, 6 8
Sets, -algebra of 4
Sets, -ring of 4
Sets, algebra of 4
Sets, analytic 133
Sets, Baire 164
Sets, Borel 132
Sets, cartesian product of 7 12
Sets, disjoint 3
Sets, distance between two 78
Sets, equivalent 19
Sets, intersections of 2
Sets, lattice of 148
Sets, Lebesgue measurable 128
Sets, mappings of measurable 150 269 288 297
Sets, measurable 138
Sets, nonmeasurable 135 146
Sets, ring of 4
Sets, symmetric difference of two 4
Sets, union of 2
Setwise limits of measures 339
sgn 52
Sierpinski, W. 133 147
Signed measure 304
Signed measure, derivative of a 366
Signed measure, Jordan decomposition of a 307
Signed measure, Jordan decomposition of a finitely additive 338
Signed measure, negative variation of a 307
Signed measure, nonnegative set for a 305
Signed measure, nonpositive set for a 305
Signed measure, positive variation of a 307
Signed measure, total variation of a 307
Signum 52
Simple functions 159
Simple functions, approximation by 159
Single valued relation 9
singleton set 2
Singular function 278
Singular function, Lebesgue’s 113
Singular measures 326
Singular measures induced by infinite product measures 456
Singularity of infinite product measures 453
Sobczyk, A. 213
Space, -compact 125
Space, -finite measure 127
Space, adjoint 211
Space, Banach 84
Space, compact 62
Space, complete metric 67
Space, conjugate 211
Space, conjugate of a Banach 211
Space, connected 57
Space, dual 211
Space, Euclidean 13
Space, Fr chet compact 62
Space, Hausdorff 56
Space, Hilbert 196 235
Space, inner product 195 234
Space, linear 17
Space, locally compact 74
Space, measurable 149
Space, measure 126
Space, metric 59
Space, normed linear 83
Space, pre — Hilbert 195
Space, reflexive Banach 215
Space, second conjugate 211
Space, separable 61
Space, sequentially compact 62
Space, topological 55
Space, unitary 13
Space, vector 17 31
Spaces, 173
Spaces, 173
Spaces, 347
Spaces, Birnbaum — Orlicz 203
Spaces, Cartesian product of topological 65
Spaces, uniform 87
span 19
Span, linear 19
Sparre Andersen, E. 373
Steinhaus theorem 143
Steinhaus, H. 143
Step function 198
Stieltjes see Riemann — Stieltjes and Lebesgue — Stieltjes
Stone — Weierstrass theorem 94 95
Stone — Weierstrass theorem, complex version of 97
Stone — Weierstrass theorem, other versions of 98
Stone, M. H. 5 90
Strictly decreasing function 105
Strictly increasing function 105
Strong Law of Large Numbers 447 449
Subbase for a topology 58
Subbase theorem, Alexander’s 64
Subcover 62
Subdivision of an interval 105
Sublinear functional 212
Subsequence 62
Subset of a set 2
Subset of a set, proper 2
Subspace of a topological space 60
Subspace, orthogonal complement of a 252
Substitution, integration by 342
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