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Silverman J.H. — Advanced Topics in the Arithmetic of Elliptic Curves |
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see Tate curve
see General linear group
see Eisenstein series
, order of 181
see Special linear group
(q) 411 425
(q) 410
(q), alternative form 448
72 143
, order of 72
tale morphism 306
tale topology 332
(1) see Modular group (1)$
-invariant, in characteristic two and three 451
-invariant, of an elliptic curve 439
-invariant, of an elliptic curve, defined over 414 419
_(N)$ 86
_(s)$ see Gamma function
_{0}(N)$ 87
_{1}(N)$ 87
-extension 186
72 91 143
, action of 72
see Weierstrass function
55 61
see Ramanujan function
see Weierstrass function
function see also Weierstrass function Riemann
function of a number field 183
function of an elliptic curve over a finite field 183
function of an elliptic curve over a number field 183
ABC-Conjecture 278
Abel — Jacobi theorem 198
Abelian extensions see also Class field theory
Abelian extensions of 129 151
Abelian extensions of Hilbert class field 134
Abelian extensions, Artin map 117
Abelian extensions, conductor 117 118 123
Abelian extensions, Frobenius element 116 121 128 129 130 132
Abelian extensions, generated by 121
Abelian extensions, generated by CM torsion points 108 128 135 148 149 166 168
Abelian extensions, generated by roots of unity 108 128 153
Abelian extensions, inertia group 120 149
Abelian extensions, maximal 120 121
Abelian extensions, ray class field 117 118 120 129 135 180
Abelian extensions, unramified see Hilbert class field
Abelian group, bilinear form on 273
Abelian group, is sum of p-primary components 152 157
Abelian variety 148 196
Abelian variety, automatically commutative 196
Abelian variety, field of definition 196
Abelian variety, Jacobian 197 402
Abelian variety, Mordell — Weil theorem 485
Abelian variety, of dimension one 196 279
Abelian variety, uniformization theorem over 196 199
Abelian variety, with complex multiplication 96
Abhyankar, S.S. 317
Absolute value defines a topology 455
Absolute value on a field 455
Absolute value on a number field 461
Action of on 72
Action of on 9
Action of on , fundamental domain 10 92
Action of on , stabilizer of a point 11
Action of on 14
Action of a Hecke operator on a cusp form 76 78 79
Action of a Hecke operator on a lattice function 74
Action of a Hecke operator on a modular form 76
Action of a Hecke operator on a modular function 76 79 91
Action of a Hecke operator on Fourier coefficients 76 78
Action, group scheme 321 326 400
Addition formula on an elliptic curve 210 216 323 471
Additive group 398 399
Additive group, over 307
Additive group, over a field 291 293 398
Additive group, over R 307
Additive group, over S 307
Additive group, rational points of 292
Additive group, S-valued points 397
Additive group, Tate module of 382
Additive reduction 171 287 388 399 403
Additive reduction, conductor 381
Additive reduction, torsion limited 453
Adjunction formula 234 249 345
Adjunction formula, on arithmetic surface 342 351
Affine group variety 396
Affine scheme, set of R-valued points 298
Affine space over a ring 298
Affine space over a scheme 301
Algebraic equivalence 486
Algebraic equivalence of divisors 254 285
Algebraic equivalence of points 201
Algebraic family of elliptic curves 201
Algebraic group see Group variety
Algebraic group variety 115
Algebraic integer, j-invariant is 140 147 151 447
Algorithm, Laska’s 364
Algorithm, minimal Weierstrass equation 364 403
Algorithm, Tate’s 353 361 364 387 389 435
Algorithm, to compute local heights 478 479
Almost every 201
Almost quadratic function 454 455;
Ample divisor 233 257
Ample divisor, height associated to 257
Ample divisor, on a curve 257 264
Ample divisor, on a surface 258
Ample divisor, Serre’s theorem 261
Analytic continuation of L-series attached to cusp form 83 94
Approximation theorem, weak 155 158
Arakelov intersection theory 344
Arakelov intersection theory, adjunction formula 345
Arakelov intersection theory, Riemann — Roch theorem 345
Arakelov, S. 344
Archimedean fiber 345
Archimedean local height 464
Arithmetic genus 342 351
Arithmetic genus, in flat family 343
Arithmetic genus, one 355
Arithmetic genus, zero 343 352
Arithmetic surface 311
Arithmetic surface, adjunction formula 342 351
Arithmetic surface, Arakelov intersection theory 344
Arithmetic surface, arithmetic genus of curve on 342 351
Arithmetic surface, blow-up 343 345 371
Arithmetic surface, blow-up, example 347 402
Arithmetic surface, blow-up, of a curve 348 372
Arithmetic surface, canonical divisor 342 350 351
Arithmetic surface, closed fiber 313
Arithmetic surface, connected fiber 342 353
Arithmetic surface, dual graph of special fiber 353
Arithmetic surface, exceptional divisor 344
Arithmetic surface, extension of automorphisms 318 336
Arithmetic surface, flat 345
Arithmetic surface, Galois action on special fiber 353
Arithmetic surface, generic fiber 311
Arithmetic surface, incidence matrix 350 402 403 486
Arithmetic surface, intersection pairing 341 342 353
Arithmetic surface, intuitive definition 311
Arithmetic surface, is curve over R 311
Arithmetic surface, local intersection index 339
Arithmetic surface, local ring of a closed point 315
Arithmetic surface, local ring of a curve 311 313 339
Arithmetic surface, local ring of a point 370
Arithmetic surface, minimal proper regular model 317 318 344 361
Arithmetic surface, model of curve of genus two 355
Arithmetic surface, negative semi-definite intersection pairing 342 353
Arithmetic surface, non-singular 311
Arithmetic surface, non-singular point on fiber 315 351 399
| Arithmetic surface, projective line 312
Arithmetic surface, proper 311 316 317 351
Arithmetic surface, proper regular model 317
Arithmetic surface, regular 311 315 316 317 351 370 399
Arithmetic surface, regular in codimension one 311
Arithmetic surface, resolution of singularities 317
Arithmetic surface, singular point on fiber 314
Arithmetic surface, smooth 311
Arithmetic surface, smooth part 316 318 321 325 332 335 361 362 369 378 399 400
Arithmetic surface, special fiber 311 314 350 352 361 371 399
Arithmetic surface, special fiber of blow-up 347 371
Arithmetic surface, Weil divisor on 311
Artin character 405
Artin map 117 118 120 174
Artin map for 154
Artin map for Hilbert class field 118
Artin map, is surjective 118
Artin map, kernel of 117 118 179
Artin map, prime splits completely 117 179
Artin map, trivial on norms 179
Artin reciprocity 117
Artin, M. 325 327 334
Associative law, of a group scheme 307
Associativity, normal law 334 335
Automorphism group of an elliptic curve 183
Automorphism group of an elliptic surface 245
Automorphism of a curve 294
Automorphism of arithmetic surface 318 336
Automorphism of N ron model 400
Bad fiber 203
Bad reduction 185 321
Baker, A. 141
Basis for a lattice, normalized 7
Basis for a lattice, oriented 6 9 71 72 73 89
Bernoulli numbers 57
Bernoulli polynomial, Fourier expansion 480
Bernoulli polynomial, second 468 473 478 480
Bertini’s theorem 233
Bezout’s Theorem 232 233
Bilinear form, non-degenerate 273
Birational equivalence 204 205
Birational equivalence of elliptic surfaces 206
Birational equivalence over 204
Birational equivalence, category of elliptic surfaces up to 206
Birational equivalence, category of varieties up to 205
Birational isomorphism 204
Birational map of fibered surface 244
Birational morphism 235
Birch — Swinnerton — Dyer fudge factor 364
Birch, B.J. 389
Blanksby, P. 487
Blow-down 236 244
Blow-down, Castelnuovo’s criterion 344
Blow-up 343
Blow-up of a scheme 434
Blow-up of a Weierstrass equation 371
Blow-up of multiplicative reduction curve 403
Blow-up, Castelnuovo’s criterion 344
Blow-up, coordinate chart 345 347 371
Blow-up, example 347 402
Blow-up, exceptional divisor 344
Blow-up, gluing of charts 346 348 371
Blow-up, height associated to 285
Blow-up, of an arithmetic surface 343 345
Blow-up, primer on 345
Blow-up, special fiber 347 348 371
Bounded conductor 404
Boundedness conjecture 453
Brauer group, of a local field 452
Brumer, A. 385
Calculus, freshman 50
Canonical divisor 27 87
Canonical divisor on an arithmetic surface 342 350 351
Canonical divisor on an elliptic surface 249
Canonical height 252 454
Canonical height pairing 218 247 252 265 269 286
Canonical height pairing, non-degeneracy 272
Canonical height pairing, with values in Pic( ) 252 265
Canonical height pairing, with values in Pic( ) 284
Canonical height, as intersection index 247
Canonical height, as limit 454
Canonical height, as sum of local heights 454 461
Canonical height, associated to a divisor 285
Canonical height, comparison with naive height 478
Canonical height, explicit (1) estimate 280
Canonical height, for divisor of degree zero 285
Canonical height, is a quadratic form 218 454 461
Canonical height, lattice structure associated to 254
Canonical height, lower bound 287
Canonical height, on an elliptic surface 217 247 265 266 269 281 286
Canonical height, on Jacobian variety 271
Canonical height, over function fields is rational 219 247
Canonical height, parallelogram law 218
Canonical height, positive definite 218
Canonical height, regulator 273
Canonical height, standard properties 267
Castelnuovo’s criterion 236 344 352
Category of elliptic surfaces up to birational equivalence 206
Category of S-schemes 298
Category of varieties up to birational equivalence 205
centralizer 179
Character, Artin 405
Character, Swan 405
Characteristic polynomial of Probenius 172
Characteristic zero 187 189
Chinese remainder theorem 103 158
Circle group 129
Circle method 61
Class field theory 115 — 120; see also Complex multiplication
Class field theory of 151 153
Class field theory, Artin map 117 118 154
Class field theory, idele group 119
Class field theory, idelic formulation 118 — 120
Class field theory, local see Local class field theory
Class field theory, ray class field 117 118 120 129 135 180
Class field theory, reciprocity map 120 152 159 165 166 168 169 174
Class function 405
Class number 107
Class number, is finite 86
Class number, one 107 109 138 141
Class number, two 142 181
Closed fiber over a DVR 300
cm see Complex multiplication
Codimension one, generic point of subscheme 328
Codimension one, regular in 311
Cohomology, -adic 172
Commutator subring of endomorphism ring 129
Complete intersection 328
Complete ring is Henselian 330
Complex Lie group 48
Complex multiplication 95
Complex multiplication, -torsion points are free module 102 109 138
Complex multiplication, action of ideal class group 99 122
Complex multiplication, additional references 95
Complex multiplication, associated Gr ssencharacter 165 168 174 175 184 185
Complex multiplication, by 96
Complex multiplication, by 96
Complex multiplication, by 111 179
Complex multiplication, by 102 107 177 180
Complex multiplication, by 110 180
Complex multiplication, by non-maximal order 160 180
Complex multiplication, computation of j 142 181
Complex multiplication, degree not square 143
Complex multiplication, degree of an isogeny 103 124
Complex multiplication, elliptic curve with CM by 99
Complex multiplication, endomorphism ring 96 129
Complex multiplication, field of definition, of endomorphisms 106
Complex multiplication, field of definition,of isogenies 105
Complex multiplication, for abelian varieties 96 148
Complex multiplication, Galois action, on E 112 113 122 131
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