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Van Orman Quine W. — Methods of Logic |
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A (see Categorical)
Absolute term 6411 119 130
Abstract, entity xvii 65 9511 199 202 204ff
Abstract, term 204 (see also Class)
Abstraction 230 237 251
Abstraction, Principle of 242ff 249ff
Ackermann, W. 97
Addition 233
Additions, logical 230 237
Adjective 64 92 119
Affirmative 66
Algebra of classes 23
Algebra of real numbers 247
Algebra of relations 238f
Alphabet 164 169 176 245
Alternation 3f 16 19 23f
Ambiguity xi xvi 42ff 203 216
Analysis, truth-value 26f 29 47 58
Ancestor, Ancestral 228f 231 239
Antecedent 12
Application of logic 39ff 182ft.
Arithmetic (see Number)
Associativity 2f 5
Attribute 65
Aussonderungsaxiom 25
Axiom 191 213f 242ff 249
Begging the question 187
Behmann, H. 6
Bernays, P. 191
Boole, G. 12 230
Boolean algebra 23
Both-and 19
Bound variable 128
Canonical schema 101 105
Cantor, G. 95 240 259
Capital letter 64 82 120 130
cardinal number 240 252
Carnap, R. 66 208 246
Carroll, L. 80
Categorical (A, E, I, O) 66ff
Categorical in syllogism 76
Categorical in terms of quantification 87f
Categorical, components of 65f 76
Categorical, inadequacy of 120 182
Causal connection 14 42
Cayley, A. 238
Church, A. 191 245
Circled numeral 131
Circular Reasoning 187
class 225 242 246
Class and attribute 204
Class and term 65f 207
Class and term of classes 233 243 249
Class and term, assumption of xvii 65 95 115 190 207f 226
Class and term, unspecifiable 95
Class and term, variant theories of 248ff (see also Extension)
Classical mathematics xivff 243 247
Clause (see Paraphrasing)
Common part 230 237
Common usage (see Paraphrasing)
Commutativity 3 5 42 51
Complement 230 237
Completeness, deductive 189 1 214 245 25
Completeness, truth-functional 9 1
Component, Compound 8 38 65 93
Conclusion 39
Concrete (see Individual)
Confinement of quantification 25f 139 168 194
Conjunction 2ff 11 19 23f 40
Conjunction infinite 254 (see also Distributivity Dot and
Connective, main 45 183
Consequent 12
Consistency of canonical schemata 107ff
Consistency of class theory 249 1
Consistency of mixed schemata 117
Consistency under duality 62
Consistency under equivalence 48 50
Consistency under implication 34
Consistency, Inconsistency 28ff 99ff
Consistency, patent 31 56f
Contradictory 1 70 72
Contrafactual 14
Conversion of quantifiers 87 101 166
Conversion, simple 70
Correlation 239
Decision procedure 82
Decision procedure for mixed schemata 16f
Decision procedure for monadic schemata 192 1
Decision procedure for uniform schemata 101—116
Dedekind, R. xvii 229 243
Deduction 154
Deduction with identity 214
Deduction with singular terms 197 217 219 224
Deduction, completeness of system of 189 253ff
Deduction, finished 162
Deduction, technique for discovery 167—181
Deduction, theorem of 166
DeMorgan, A. 53 8
DeMorgan’s laws 6
Denial (see Negation)
Denotation 65 (see also Extension and Naming)
description 21
Description, elimination of 222ff 230
Descriptional premiss 217
Designation 65 (see also Naming)
Dilemma 173
Disproof 248
Distributivity 54 62
Distributivity of quantifier 84 86
Dreben, B. 258
Duality 59 1 107
Duns Scotus 12
Dyadic 120 130 1350 237 241
Either-or (see Alternation)
Elementhood 25
Empty, class 233 250
Empty, universe 96f
English (see Paraphrasing)
Enthymeme 185
Entity (see Abstract Existence and
Epistemology xiff
Equivalence in general quantification theory 168
Equivocation xvi 43
Excl-or 9
exclusive 3ff 9
Existence 197 205 217
Existence, classes xvii 65 95 115 190 207f 226ff
Existential, generalization 148 157f 160 166 169 172
Existential, quantification (see Quantification)
Experience xiff
Extension 65f 91 93ff 136 196
Extensionality 93 243 249
Fell swoop 35f 113
Fermat, P. de 245
figure 76f
Findlay, J. N. 24611
Finished deduction 162 19711
Fraenkel, A. 25
Free variable 128
Frege, G. xvii 12 17 166
Full, swap 62
Full, sweep 37
Fundamental schema 56 104
General term 64
Generalization, existential 148 157f 160 166 169 172
Generalization, universal 16
Generalized conditional 14 66 87
Gentzen, G. 66f
| Gergonne, J. D. 17
Godel, K. 244—248 252 258
Goodman, N. i 5
Group theory 238
Grouping in quantificational contexts 84 86 121 126
Gumin, H. 246
Heraclitus 210
Herbrand, J. 116 166 254
Hermes, H. 26 211
Hilbert, D. 97
Hume, D. 209 (see Categorical)
Idempotence 3 5
Identity 28ff 229 237 251
if (see Biconditional Conditional)
Image 238
Implication xvf 335 37f
Implication identity theory 214
Implication in general quantification theory 147
Implication in uniform quantification theory 99 114
Implication, truth-functional 37 149
Implication, under duality 62
Incompletability 245ff
Inconsistency (see Consistency)
Indicative mood 14
Individual 201 226 236 25
Inference 33 64 120
Inference, singular 78 1966
Inference, truth-functional i 57f 169 171 176 180
infinity 89 95 236 240 252
Instance 165
Instantial variable 165 169
INTEGER (see Number)
Interchange 49ff 102
Interpretation 22f 92f
Intransitive verb 64
Intransitivity 77f
Introduction 33f 141 143f
Jaskowski, S. 66f
Kleene, S. C. 191 248
Knowledge, theory of 218f 246
Kuratowski, C. 24
Language (see Paraphrasing)
Lemma 81
Lens 69
letter (see Schematic letter and Variable)
Lewis, C. I. 79
Literal 56 104
Logical type (see Type)
Logical, product and sum 230 237
Lowenheim, L. 116 258
Lukasiewicz, J. 17 27
Lune 69
Main connective 45 183
Major 76
Material conditional and biconditional 13 17
Mathematics 2420 (see also Number Matrix)
Mechanical test (see Decision procedure)
membership 225 251
Mention 9
Metamathematics 247
Metaphysics 20
Middle, Minor 76
Monadic 64
Multiplication 234f
Multiplication, logical 230 237
Multiplication, relative 238 (see also Conjunction)
NAME (see Naming and Singular term)
naming 65
Naming identity 209
Naming on the part of descriptions 2
Natural deduction 166
Negative 66
Neumann, J. von 251
Nonempty universe g 6f
Nonexclusive 3ff
normal 56
NOT (see Negation)
Noun 64 92 123
NUMBER xvii 95
Number, cardinal 240
Number, incompletability of theory of 244
Number, rational and real 243 247 252
o (see Categorical and Zero)
Object (see Abstract Existence and
Ockham, W. of 53 207
One 233
Only if 41
Ontology 98ff 208 218
Ontology for mathematics xvii 243
Open, predicate 133
Open, schema 91 976 129 139
Open, sentence gof. 129
Open, term 223
OR (see Alternation)
Ordinary language (see Paraphrasing)
Paradox 249
Paraphrasing into categorical form 66f
Parry, W. T. 6
Particular 66
Patent 29
Peano, G. 215 2430
Peirce, C. S. 17 229 238
Petitio principii 187
Petrus Hispanus 12 53
Philo of Megara 17
Physical object xii
Plato 119 208
Possible object 20
Post, E. L. 27
Predicate 64
Predicate of categorical statement 76
Predicate schema 140
Premiss 39 154 156
Prenex 226 243
Prepositional function gon. 32
Presburger, M. 247
Priority xiiff
PRODUCT (see Multiplication)
Proof, theory of 247
Quantification in finite universe 88f
Quantification of predicate letters 225
Quantification under negation 87 101 166 Deduction and
Quantification, confinement of 125
Quantification, conversion of 87 101 166
Quantification, distribution of 84 86
Quantification, history of i 66f
Quantification, numerically definite 23
Quantification, prenex 226 243
Quantification, Quantifier 830 93
Quantification, scope of 84ff
Quantification, theory of 1891 230 239 245 248
Quasi-normal 63
Quasi-universe 236 (see also Type)
Quimby, D. P. 189
Quotation marks 38
Rational and Real numbers 243 247 252
Reductio ad absurdum 73f
Reduction, see Paraphrasing, Simplification, and Transformation Reflexivity 177
Reichenbach, H. 188
Relation 237
Relative, product 238
Resolution 23f 27 47
Rhinelander, P. H. 21
Rosser, B. 167 246
Russell, B. 32
Russell’s paradox 249
Schema 22 82 9
Schema canonical 101 105
Schema fundamental 56 104
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