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Van Orman Quine W. — Methods of Logic |
Предметный указатель |
Schema mixed n 61f 192
Schema of identity theory 2
Schema sentence 140 14 Equivalence Implication
Schematic letter 22 64 82
Schroder, E. 12 59
Schrodinger, E. 199
science 33
Scope of quantifier 84ff
Sentence 90 129 212
Sentence introduction of 134
Sheffer, H. M. 12
Simple, conversion 70
Simple, predicate 221
simplification xiv 47 5
Singular term 78 196—208
Singular term, descriptive 2
Singular term, elimination of 22
Singular term, non-descriptive 2
Singular, conditional 15
Singular, inference 78 (see also Singular term)
Skolem, T. 247 25
Soundness of deduction 94 157
Standard monadic schema 192
Star 154
Stencil 32 (see also Predicate)
Stoics 12
Strategy in deduction 170—174 181 190
Stratification 251
Strong system 252
Subject 76
Subjoin 15611
Substantive 64 119
Substantive, spurious 23f
Synonymy 200
Tarski, A. 4 166 231 247
Telescoping 18
Term 64
Transformation 47
Transformation into normal 53
Transformation into standard monadic 192
| Transitivity 177
Transitivity of equivalence 48
Transitivity of identity 213
Transitivity of implication 34 151
Translation (see Paraphrasing)
Truth xi xiv xvii
Truth function 8ff 22
Truth functional equivalence, implication, validity 37 48 98 149
Truth-functional inference 57f 169 171 176 180
Truth-functional schema 22
Uniform quantificational schema 116 192
Universal, affirmative and negative 66
Universal, closure 139 213
Universe 88f 95ff
usage (see Paraphrasing)
Use and mention 37f
Validity 28ff
Validity form quantification theory 94 113 115
Validity in general quantification theory 36ff
Validity of syllogism 74 77f
Validity, patent 29
Validity, truth-functional 37 98
Validity, under duality 62
Validity, under equivalence 48 50
Validity, under implication 34 100 150
Variable 127
Variable, alpha-betical order of 164 169
Variable, instantial 165 169
Vel 5
Venn, J. 69
Venn’s diagrams 69 74f 79
Verb 64 119
Wang, H. 252
Weak system 252
Weierstrass, K. xvii
Whitehead, A. N. 32
Wiener, N. 241 243
Wittgenstein, L. 27
Words (see Paraphrasing)
Zermelo, E. 250
Zero 233
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