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Поиск книг, содержащих: Luminance
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Воройский Ф.С. — Информатика. Новый систематизированный толковый словарь | 452, 457 | Fisher Y. — Fractal Image Compression. Theory and Application | 45, 312 | Mouroulis P., MacDonald J. — Geometrical optics and optical design | 122 | Buss S.R. — 3-D computer graphics. A mathematical introduction with openGL | 151 | Rosch W. — Winn L. Rosch Hardware Bible, Sixth Edition | | Lukac R., Plataniotis K.N. — Color Image Processing: Methods and Applications | 505 | Batchelor B.G., Whelan P.F. — Intelligent vision systems for industry | 216 | Jahne B. — Digital Image Processing | 161 | Purves D. (ed.), Augustine G.J. (ed.), Fitzpatrick D. (ed.) — Neuroscience | 242, 249—254, 255, 256, 263 | Farrelle P.M. — Recursive Block Coding for Image Data Compression | 5, 93, 97, 100 | van de Hulst H.C. — Light Scattering by Small Particles | 16 | Young M. — Optics and Lasers: Including Fibers and Optical Waveguides | 1, 4.1.2, 4.1.8 | Brookshear J.G. — Computer Science: An Overview | 57 | Bao G., Cowsar L., Masters W. — Mathematical Modeling in Optical Science | 11 | Burnell J., Berry R. — Handbook of Astronomical Image Processing | 514, 541 | Pollock D.H. (ed.) — The infrared & electro-optical systems handbook. Countermeasure systems | 366 | Sears F.W. — Optics | 334 | Fogiel M. — The optics problem solver | 16—5, 16—11, 24-2, 24—13, 24—14, 25—3, 25—12, 25-14, 25—20 to 25—22 | Crane R. — A simplified approach to image processing. Classical and modern techniques in C | 10, 13, 19, 269—270, 273—277 | Welford W. — Useful Optics | 97, 98 | Zhang Y. — Visual Information Representation, Communication and Image Processing | 320 | Accetta J.S. (ed.), Shumaker D.L. (ed.), Robinson S.R. (ed.) — The Infrared & Electro-Optical Systems Handbook. Volume 8: Emerging Systems and Technologies | 519, 524—529 | Leverenz H.W. — An introduction to luminescence of solids | 481 | Accetta J.S. (ed.), Shumaker D.L. (ed.), Zissis J. (ed.) — The Infrared & Electro-Optical Systems Handbook. Volume 1: Sources of Radiation | 6—8 | Jähne B. — Spatio-Temporal Image Processing | 29 | Pedrotti L.M. — Introduction to Optics | 10 | Levkowitz H. — Color theory and modeling for computer graphics, visualization, and multimedia applications | 4—7, 12 | Kingslake R. — Optical System Design | 93 | Brookshear J. — Computer Science | 57 | Matt Young — Optics and Lasers: Including Fibers and Optical Waveguides | 1, 4.1.2, 4.1.8 | Hobbie R., Roth B. — Intermediate Physics for Medicine and Biology, | 384 | Shreiner D., Woo M., Neider J. — OpenGL programming guide | 315, 341 | Воройский Ф.С. — Информатика. Энциклопедический словарь-справочник: введение в современные информационные и телекоммуникационные технологии в терминах и фактах | 414, 418 | Jahne B., Haubecker H. — Computer vision and applications | 29, 142 | Akenine-Möller T. — Real-Time Rendering | 188, 192 | Carleton N. — Methods of experimental physics | 463, see also "Illumination" | Shirley P., Ashikhmin M, Gleicher M. — Fundamentals of computer graphics | 462, 524 | Алямовскнй А.А. — SolidWorks 2007/2008. Компьютерное моделирование в инженерной практике | 728 |