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Purves D. (ed.), Augustine G.J. (ed.), Fitzpatrick D. (ed.) — Neuroscience |
Предметный указатель |
motor neurons 393
-agatoxins 137
-bungarotoxin 133—134 136
-fetoprotein 717
-latritoxin 115
-melanocyte-secreting hormone ( -MSH) 490
-neurotoxin 136
-reductase 713
-toxins 82
-adrenergic receptor blockers 150
-Catenin 508 534
-philanthotoxin 137
-laminin 543
-tubocurarine 136
-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) 160
bias 383
efferent system 414
motor neurons 200 375—376 383 384
-hydroxybutyrate 143—144
nociceptors 210
channel 360—363 364
(isoretinoin, 13-cisretinoic acid) 506
-independent cell adhesion molecules (CAMs) 532
/calmodulin kinase IV 179 180
(propanolol) 150
see “Inositol triphosphate”
channels 77
channels 77
(chlordiazepoxide) 148
exchangers 174
ATPase pumps 86—87
exchangers 87
pumps 87—89 88 89
(modafanil) 684
(fluoxetine) 148
(methylphenidate) 684
channel 360—363 362 364
(diazepam) 146 148
(sildenafil) 496
4-aminopyridine (4-AP) 104 105
5- -dihydrotestosterone receptors 694
5-hydroxytryptamine see “Serotonin (5-HT)”
5-hydroxytryptophan 152
7-transmembrane receptors see “Metabotropic receptors”
ABCR gene 243
Abducens nerve (cranial nerve VI) 329 454 514 756 756—758
Abducens nucleus 759 760
Acceleration, angular 325—328 328
Acceleration, perception of 315 322—323
Accessory nucleus 759
Accomodation 231 231—234
Acetyl coenzyme A (acetyl CoA) 131
Acetylcholine (ACh) function 129 131 131—135
Acetylcholine (ACh) identification 96
Acetylcholine (ACh) metabolism 132
Acetylcholine (ACh) release 102
Acetylcholine (ACh) structure 130
Acetylcholine (ACh) synthesis 131
Acetylcholine (ACh), preganglionic neurons and 487
Acetylcholine receptors (AChRs) 116 116—117 132—133 133 135 542 543
Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) 132
Acid-sensitive ion channels (ASICs) 78 361
Aconitine 82
Acromelic acid 137
Actin cytoskeleton 528
Actin, localization 6 529
Action potentials all-or-nothing character 35
Action potentials conduction velocity 59 62
Action potentials extracellular recordings 12
Action potentials function 7
Action potentials ion channels and 69—73
Action potentials ionic basis 44 44—46
Action potentials long-distance signaling by 56—61
Action potentials membrane permeability and 47
Action potentials myotatic reflexes 13
Action potentials nomenclature 45—46
Action potentials phases 45 45—46
Action potentials production 34
Action potentials propagation 59 59
Action potentials reconstruction 54—56 55
Action potentials saltatory propagation 63 64
Action potentials threshold 57
Action potentials time course 61
Action potentials, permeabilities and 40
Action tremors 449
Active transporters 35—36 36 86—87
Acupuncture 225
Acute brain injury 145
Adaptation 320 320—321 346
Adaptation to light 254—255 257
Addiction 134—135
Adenosine 152—153
Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) 130 131 152—153
Adenylyl cyclase 171
Adrenal glands 474—475
Adrenal medulla 471
Adrenergic receptors 150 489
Adrian, Edgar 350 668
Affective disorders 704—705
Afferent neurons from viscera 480
Afferent neurons function 12
Afferent neurons mechanosensory information 201—204
Afferent neurons, sensory fibers and 383
Afferent neurons, somatic sensory system and 193
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) 243
Age/aging hearing loss 285
Age/aging macular degeneration 243
Age/aging odor perception 341
Age/aging sleep requirements 659
Age/aging, brain function and 752
Age/aging, Handedness and 651
Age/aging, memory and 749—752
Agnosias 622
Agraphias 643
Agrin 542—543
Aguayo, Albert 604 606—607
Aiken, Alexander 738
Alarm calls 643
Albinos 530
Alcohol abuse 448 744
Allen, Laura 724—725
Allergic reactions 151
Allodynia 221
Alzheimer's disease 341 504 744 750 750—751
Amacrine cells, retinal 3 234 236
Amanita muscaria 136
Amblyopia 568—569
Ametropia 232
Amino acids radioisotopic labeling 564
Amino acids structures 130
Amino acids tastants (umami) 357—363 364
Aminoglycoside antibiotics 285
Amnesia 741 743 744
Amoore, John 339
AMPA ( -amino-3-hydroxyl-5-methyl-4-isoxazole-propionate) receptors changes 595 597—599
AMPA ( -amino-3-hydroxyl-5-methyl-4-isoxazole-propionate) receptors clathrin-dependent internalization 596
AMPA ( -amino-3-hydroxyl-5-methyl-4-isoxazole-propionate) receptors subunits 138 139
AMPA ( -amino-3-hydroxyl-5-methyl-4-isoxazole-propionate) receptors subunits function 142
AMPA ( -amino-3-hydroxyl-5-methyl-4-isoxazole-propionate) receptors subunits structure 162
AMPA ( -amino-3-hydroxyl-5-methyl-4-isoxazole-propionate) receptors subunits, light perception and 252
AMPA ( -amino-3-hydroxyl-5-methyl-4-isoxazole-propionate) receptors subunits, long-term depression and 592
AMPA ( -amino-3-hydroxyl-5-methyl-4-isoxazole-propionate) receptors subunits, long-term potentiation and 589
AMPA ( -amino-3-hydroxyl-5-methyl-4-isoxazole-propionate) receptors, long-term potentiation and 589
Amphetamines 149 684
Amplitude, sound waves 283
Ampullae 316 324
Amputations 599—602
Amygdala anatomy 696—697
Amygdala function 20 697—701
Amygdala location 19 20 694 772
| Amygdala, associative learning and 700
Amygdala, blood flow 704
Amygdala, fear and 702—703
Amygdala, judgments of trustworthiness and 709
Amygdala, neocortex and 701 703
Amygdala, nondeclarative memory and 748—749
Amyloid plaques 750
Amyloid precursor protein (APP) 750—751
Amyloid- peptide ( -A4) 751
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) 393
Anamerta cocculus 137
Anandamide 158 212
Anderson, Per 584 669
Androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS) 713
Androgen receptors 719
Anencephaly 509
Aniridia 513 515
Anomalous trichromats 248
Anopsias 267
Anosmias 340 340 365 366
Anterior cerebral arteries 763 765
Anterior chamber, eye 229
Anterior circulation 763
Anterior commissure 484 485 772
Anterior communicating artery 765
Anterior inferior cerebellar artery (AICA) 764 765
Anterior nucleus of the dorsal thalamus 694
Anterior pituitary gland 484
Anterior spinal arteries 763 764
Anterior, definition 16 17
Anterograde amnesia 741 746
Anterolateral system 213
Antibiotics 285
Antibody labeling 10—11
Antidiuretic hormones (ADH; vasopressin) 665
Antihistamines 151 678
Apamin 82
Aphasias 638—646
Aplysia californica (sea slug) 575 576 577 578
Apnea 682—683 683
Apolipoprotein E (ApoE) 751
Apoptosis 239 519;
APP gene 750
Apraxias 620
Aprosodias 654 706
Aprosody 706
APV (2-amino-5-phosphonovalerate) 142
Aqueous humor 229
Arachidonylglycerol 158
Arachnoid mater 768 769
Arachnoid villi 769
Arborization, dendrite 4 176
Archicortex 617 627
Archicortex in olfactory system 357
Area X 441
Areca catechu (betel nuts) 236 137
Arecoline 137
Areflexia 392
Arms, neural control of 394
Arnold, Arthur 717
Aromatase 716
Arrestin 240
Aserinsky, Eugene 665
Aspartate, structure 130
Aspirin 221
Association cortices 613—636
Association cortices anatomy 613—616 614 618
Association cortices connectivity 618
Association cortices lesions 619—621
Association cortices planning deficits 623—626
Association cortices specific features 615—618
Association, memory and 736—738
Associational systems 14
Associative learning 700
Associativity 586—587
Astrocytes 8 9 603 768
Ataxias 759
ATPase pumps 86—87
Atropine 135 137
Attention deficits 619—621
Attention, neuroanatomy of 620
Attention, parietal cortex and 626—627 628 629
Audible spectrum, mammals 284
Auditory cortex 309 309—312
Auditory meatus 287 291
Auditory nerve fibers function 285
Auditory nerve fibers location 292
Auditory nerve fibers response properties 302
Auditory nerve fibers timing 301—303
Auditory nerve fibers tuning 301—303
Auditory space maps 307
Auditory system 283—314 304 572
Auerbach's plexus 479 480
Autism, development 515—516
Autoimmune diseases 600
Autonomic ganglia 16 470
Autonomic motor division 14; see also “Visceral nervous system”
Autonomic nervous system 16 470 688
Axes, neural system terminology 16—18 17
Axial (horizontal) sections, definition 16 17
Axon hillocks 7
Axon terminals see “Presynaptic terminals”
Axons CNS function 15
Axons filopodia 528
Axons function 7
Axons growth cones 527—528 533
Axons histology 5
Axons lamellapodia 528
Axons membrane leakiness 56
Axons structure 7
Axons synapse formation 543—544
Axons, dendritic complexity and 548
Axons, neural cell tracings 3
Axons, passive current flow 58
Babinski sign 66 413 413
Baclofen 137
Bactrachotoxin 82
Balance, motor control centers 397—402
Balint's syndrome 621
Ballistic eye movements see “Saccades”
Banded krait (Bungarus multicintus) 136
Barbiturates 146
Bard, Phillip 688—689
Barde, Yves 552
Barnard, Eric 75
Baroreceptors 491
Basal forebrain nuclei 510 772
Basal ganglia circuits 420 424—128 430—432
Basal ganglia disinhibition pathway 427
Basal ganglia formation 510
Basal ganglia functions 20 417—424 432 432 748—749
Basal ganglia location 19 20 772
Basal ganglia loops 432 432—133
Basal ganglia motor components 375 418
Basal ganglia organization of inputs 419
Basal ganglia projections from 422 422—123
Basal ganglia ventral parts 694
Basal ganglia, projections to 417—121
Basal lamina 531
Basilar arteries 763 764 765
Basilar membranes 290 291 292 294 295
Basket cells 442 442—143
Bats 284 310—311
BDNF gene 180
Bed nucleus of the stria terminalis 727
Beecher, Henry 224
Behavior analysis 24—27
Behavioral modification 575—581
Behaviors, innate 557—559
Bekesky, Georg von 292 293
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