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Purves D. (ed.), Augustine G.J. (ed.), Fitzpatrick D. (ed.) — Neuroscience |
Предметный указатель |
Drosophila melanogaster (fruit flies) learning 581
Drosophila melanogaster (fruit flies) memory 581
Drosophila melanogaster (fruit flies) odorant receptors 347 348
Drosophila melanogaster (fruit flies) olfactory learning 581
Drosophila melanogaster (fruit flies) per gene 666
Drosophila melanogaster (fruit flies) rutabaga mutation 581
Drosophila melanogaster (fruit flies) wingless (wg) gene 512
Drosophila melanogaster (fruit flies) wingless gene homolog 506
Drug addiction 134—135
Drugs, sleep and 682
DSCAM gene 541
Duchenne de Boulogne, G.-B. 690
Dura mater 768 769
Dutchman's breeches 137
Dynamin 114
Dynorphins 227
Dysarthria 641
Dysdiadochokinesia 449
Eardrums (tympanic membranes) 287
Early inward currents 50—51 51
Ears external anatomy 287—288
Ears integrating information 303—307
Ears internal anatomy 289—294
Ears sensitivity 284 293
Ears vestibular system 315—335
Ears, human, anatomy 288
Eating disorders 341
Echolocation 309
Ectoderm 501 502
Edinger — Westphal nucleus 260 262 477 759 760
Efferent neurons 12
Ehrlich, Paul 767
Electrical signaling 32—47 94 94—95
Electrical synapses 93—95 94
Electrochemical equilibria 36 37—39 39—41
Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) 746
Electroencephalograms (EEGs) dolphin 661
Electroencephalograms (EEGs) epileptic seizure 601
Electroencephalograms (EEGs) sleep 665 665
Electroencephalograms (EEGs) thalamocortical neuron firing 679 680
Electroencephalograms (EEGs) waveforms 668—670
Electroencephalography 668—670
Electrogenic pumps 87
Electromyography 409
Electrophysiological recording 13 23 627
Embryology 771
Embryology brain development 501—526 511
Embryology cell diversity and 520
Embryology eye development 234
Embryology neurulation 502
Embryology sex phenotypes 724
Embryonic stem cells 504
Emmetropia 232 232—233
Emotions 687—710
Emotions cortical lateralization 705—707
Emotions facial expressions 690—691
Emotions hemispheric asymmetry 706—707
Emotions physiological changes 687—688
Emotions processing 656
Emotions, awareness of 706
Emotions, dreams and 673
Emotions, integration of behaviors 688—689 693
Emotions, neural systems for expression 691 692
Emotions, social behaviors and 707—708
Encapsulated sensory receptors 189 194—195
End plate currents (EPCs) 116 117—121 118 120
End plate potentials (EPPs) 102 102—104
End plate potentials (EPPs) electronic recording 583
End plate potentials (EPPs), membrane potentials and 116—121
End plate potentials (EPPs), myasthenia gravis and 140
End plate potentials (EPPs), potassium ion movement and 120
End plate potentials (EPPs), sodium ion movement and 120
End plates 102 542 547
Endocannabinoids 131 157 158 159
Endocrine signaling 165 216
Endocytosis, definition 105
Endoderm 501 502
Endogenous opioids 226
Endolymph 299 316
Endoplasmic reticulum 5f 78
Endorphins 227
Endothelial cells, capillary 768
Engrams 736 752
Enkephalins 227
Enophthalmos 488
Enteric nervous system 479—480
Enteric system 16
Enzyme markers 10—11
Enzyme-linked receptors 169 169—170
Eph receptors 529 538 539
EphB1 530
Ephrin B2 ligand 530
Ephrin ligands 539
Ephrin-A5 539
Ephrins 532 538
Epilepsy 406 600—601
Epinephrine (adrenaline) biosynthetic pathway 147
Epinephrine (adrenaline) brain distribution 149
Epinephrine (adrenaline) release 471
Epinephrine (adrenaline) structure 130
Epinephrine (adrenaline), varieties of 139
Episodic ataxias 84—85
Equilibrium potential 37
Equilibrium, vestibular system and 328—329
Esophagus 225 640
Estradiol 716 717
Estrogen receptors 694 719
Estrogens 720
Estropia (cross-eyed) 569
Etcoff, N.L. 622
Ethacrynic acid 285
Ethanol 339
Eustachian tubes 288
Evarts, Ed 407
Excitatory amino acid transporters (EAATs) 137 141
Excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) 121—123 124 239 578 585
Excitotoxicity 145
Exocytosis 105 106 298
Exons, transcription 1
Exotropia 569
Experience, brain modification and 557—574
Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE) 66
Express saccades 465
Expressive aphasia 640—641
External auditory meatus 288
Extorsion, definition 230
Extracellular matrix 529 532
Extracellular recordings 13
Extracellular signal-regulated kinases (ERKs) see “Mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs)”
Extraocular muscles 454—155 455 457
Extrastriate visual areas 278—281 279 281
Eye movements diagram 454
Eye movements functions 457—458
Eye movements, extraocular muscles in 455
Eye movements, horizontal 460
Eye movements, saccadic 458—466
Eye movements, sensory integration and 453—467
Eye movements, stabilized images and 456 456
Eyelids 471
Eyes anatomy 229—230 230
Eyes central vision pathways 259—282
Eyes coordination 263 328—329
Eyes critical periods 562—568 565
Eyes development 234
Eyes frontal field 464
Eyes Horner's syndrome 488
Eyes movements 240 241 418 423—424 425
Eyes retinal surface 260
Eyes visceral motor control 474—475
Eyes vision 229—257
| Eyes vision deprivation studies 565
Face asymmetrical smiles 707
Face Facial motor nerve 514
Face patterns of weakness 404 404—405
Face, emotions and 690—691
Face, recognition of 629
Face, sensory information from 202 202—206
Face, Urbach — Wiethe disease and 702—703
Facial motor nucleus 404 759 760
Facial nerve (cranial nerve VII) characterization 756—758
Facial nerve (cranial nerve VII) location 316 756
Facial nerve (cranial nerve VII), injury to 404
Facial nerve (cranial nerve VII), taste and 355 359
Familial hemiplegic migraine (FHM) 84
Familial infantile myasthenia 107
Far cells 271
Faradization 690
Fast fatigable (EF) motor units 378 379
Fast fatigue-resistant (FR) motor units 378 379
Fastigial nucleus 436 441
Fatal familial insomnia 661
Fatigability, of motor units 378
Fatt, Paul 102
Fear 699 702—703
Feedback mechanisms 401
Feedforward mechanisms 400 401
Females cognitive function 728—729
Females phenotypic sex 721 714—715
Fentanyl 155
Feral children 560
Fibroblast growth factor (FGF) family 505 508 523
Fibroblast growth factor (FGF) receptor 507
Fibronectin 531
Field, Pauline 720
Fight or flight 471
Filopodia 528 529
First pain 210 211
First-order neurons 201
Fish, Mauthner cells 332—333
Fisher, C. Miller 767
Flexion reflex 389
Flocculus 435 436
Floorplate 503
Florey, Ernst 143
Fluorescent dyes 10—11
Fluoxetine ( ) 148
FMRI see “Functional magnetic resonance imaging”
Folia, location 436
Foliate papillae 358 359
Folic acid deficiency 509
Foramen of Monro 770 771
Force, muscle 379—380
Forebrain 18—20 19 510 608
Forger, Nancy 721
Forgetting 738—741 740
Formants 640—641
Fornix 694 772
Fourier transform 283
Fourth ventricle CNS function 18
Fourth ventricle formation 511
Fourth ventricle location 436 759 760 770
Fovea 244 245 260
Foveation 453
Foveola 244
Fragile-X syndrome 515
Free nerve endings 189 190 193
Free sensory receptors 189
Freeman, Walter 625
Frequencies, echolocation 309
Frequency, sound 283
Freud, Sigmund 673
Frisch, Karl von 624
Fritsch, G. Theodor 405
Frogs 538
Frontal (coronal) sections 17
Frontal cortex 630—635 631 747
Frontal eye field (Brodmann's area 8) 460 464 465
Frontal leukotomy 625
Frontal lobes 18 29 216 419 623—626
Frontal lobotomy 625
Fruit flies see “Drosophila melanogaster”
Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) 25—27 26 27
Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) language function mapping 649—654
Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) sleep-wake cycles 676
Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) visual areas 279 280
Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), odor perception and 341
Fungiform papillae 358 359
G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) 124—125; see also “Metabotropic receptors”
G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) activation 150 361 362
G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) description 169 170
G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) effector pathways 172
G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), effect of serotonin on 579
G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), light perception and 252
G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), nociception and 221
G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), taste perception and 362—363 362 364
G-proteins 124—125
G-proteins activation 125 167
G-proteins binding 139
G-proteins molecular targets 170—171
G-proteins olfactory-specific 345
G-proteins, types of 171
GABA functional features 131 143—147
GABA inhibitory response 146
GABA metabolism 144
GABA receptor types 146
GABA structure 130 146
GABA subunits 138
GABA transaminase 143
GABA, epilepsy therapy and 601
GABA, photoreception and 255 257
GABA, postsynaptic potentials and 122
GABA, varieties of 139
Gage, Phineas 624
Gait, cerebellar lesions and 449
Gajdusek, Carlton 444—145
Galton, Francis 634
Ganglia, PNS function 15
Ganglion cells 3 234 259—263 262 538 548
Ganglion cells circadian rhythm sensors 663 664
Ganglion cells, on- and off-center 249—254 255 256
Ganglionic eminences 510
Gap junctions 94 95
GAPs (GTPase-activating proteins) 171
Gardener, Howard 644
Gaskell, Walter 469 477
Gastrulation 501—503
Gate theory of pain 226
Gating spring model 320
Gaze 328—329 425 459
Gazzaniga, Michael 647
Gender see also “Females” “Males” “Sexual
Gender definition 712
Gender identity 724—725
Gender, odor perception and 341—342 342
Gene expression 506 506—507 512
Generalized epilepsy with febrile seizures (GEFS) 85
Generator potentials 192
Genes Components 1
Genes transcription 579
Genes, cloning 666
Genes, ion channel diversity and 73—74
Genetic analysis 450—151
Geniculate ganglion 524
Genitalia 713
Genomes 2
Germ layers 501
Germline cells 714
Geschwind, Norman 646 648
Ghrelin gene 490
Giraffes 661
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