Авторизация |
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Purves D. (ed.), Augustine G.J. (ed.), Fitzpatrick D. (ed.) — Neuroscience |
Предметный указатель |
Sleep apnea 682—683 683
Sleep debt 659
Sleep deprivation 662
Sleep disorders 681—684
Sleep duration 660
Sleep neural circuits 674 674 676—678 677
Sleep spindles 667 680
Sleep stages 666—667
Sleep, drugs and 682
Sleep, need for 659—662
Sleep, physiological changes in 671 672
Sleep, rhythm of 663
Sleep, species-related styles 661
Sleep, wakefulness and 659—658
Sleep-wake cycles 664—665 676 677 678
Slit, function 535 536
Slow (S) motor units 378 379
Slow axonal transport 100
Slow-wave sleep 662 667
Slowly adapting receptors 194
Small clear-core vesicles 100
Small G-proteins 170
Small-molecule co-transmitters 111
Small-molecule neurotransmitters 101 129
SMAT multimers 507
Smiles, asymmetrical 707
Smith, Neil 739
Smooth muscles 687
Smooth pursuit movements 457 458 466
SNAPs (soluble NSF-attachment proteins) 111 113
SNARES (SNAP receptors) 108 111 113 115
Social behaviors 707—708
Sodium (Na), salty taste and 359
Sodium channels effect of toxins 82
Sodium channels genes 76
Sodium channels ion current measurement 72
Sodium channels topology 79
Sodium channels, generalized epilepsy with Febrile seizures and 85
Sodium channels, photoreceptors and 237
Sodium channels, taste receptor function and 360—361
Sodium channels, tetrodotoxin and 51
Sodium channels, voltage-gated 74
Sodium ion ( ) pumps 86—87
Sodium ions conductances 53
Sodium ions, action potentials and 44 44—46 49
Sodium ions, early inward currents and 51
Sodium ions, membrane permeability and 47
Sodium/calcium exchangers 174
Sodium/hydrogen ion exchangers 87
Sodium/potassium ion ATPase pumps 86—87
Sodium/potassium pumps 87—90 88 89
Soft palate 640
Soma, neuron 5
Somatic motor division 15
Somatic motor nuclei 757
Somatic sensory cortex 21
Somatic sensory cortex characterization 203—206
Somatic sensory cortex cortical areas 599
Somatic sensory cortex during lactation 730
Somatic sensory cortex higher-order representations 206
Somatic sensory cortex location 20 193
Somatic sensory cortex, rat 10—11
Somatic sensory receptors 191—194 292
Somatic sensory stimuli 699
Somatic sensory system 20—22 22 191—210
Somatic sensory system organization 292
Somatic sensory system, neurons 196—199
Somatic sensory system, thalamus 203
Somatic stem cells 504
Somatostatin release 212
Somatotopic maps 22 204—206 205 206 222—223 439
Somatotopy 21 22
Somites 502
Songbirds 605 711—712 717 735
Sonic hedgehog (shh) 506 508 509
Sound distortion 294
Sound localization 303—307
Sound representation in brain 310—311
Sound signal transduction 294—300
Sound, music and 286—287
Sound, physics of 283—284
Sound, speed of 641
Sour taste 356—363
Space coding 349
Spastic paraplegia, X-linked 534
Spasticity 414
Spatial learning 744—746 745
Speech, anatomy of 640—645
Sperry, Roger 537 646 647
Spike-triggered averaging 407 409
Spina bifida 509
Spinal accessory nerve (cranial nerve XI) 756 756—758
Spinal accessory nuclei 757
Spinal cord 17
Spinal cord blood supply 763—773 764
Spinal cord CNS function 14 18
Spinal cord dissociated sensory loss 216
Spinal cord formation 508—509 511
Spinal cord intermediolateral column 473
Spinal cord lateral horn 473
Spinal cord lateral view 17
Spinal cord longitudinal axis 17
Spinal cord lower motor neurons 376 377
Spinal cord lumbar segments 495
Spinal cord mechanosensory pathway 203
Spinal cord nociception 213
Spinal cord pain perception 217
Spinal cord preganglionic neurons 473
Spinal cord sacral segments 494
Spinal cord transverse section 760
Spinal cord, brainstem projections to 395
Spinal cord, descending control of 393—397
Spinal cord, direct projections to 401
Spinal cord, locomotion and 389—391
Spinal cord, motor cortex projections to 396
Spinal cord, somatic sensory system and 2 193
Spinal cord, stretch reflexes and 381—383
Spinal cord, thoracic 473
Spinal cord, ventral horn 394
Spinal motor neurons 722
Spinal nucleus 203
Spinal nucleus of the bulbocavernosus 721
Spinal shock 413
Spinal trigeminal nucleus 759 760
Spinal trigeminal tract 216
Spinocerebellar degeneration 84
Spinocerebellum 436 437
Spinothalamic (anterolateral) pathway 200
Spinothalamic tract 213 216
Spiral ganglia 292 514
Split-brain patients 646 646—648
Spongiform degeneration 444—445
Squid 42 42 42 43 48 49
Sry gene 714
Stages of sleep 666 667
staggerer (sg) mice 450
Staining 10—11
Stapes 288 289
Star-nosed moles 410
Stargardt disease 243
Stellate cells 442 442—443
Stem cell factor 523
Stem cells, embryonic 504
Stem cells, neural 502 607—608
Stem cells, potential 504—505
Stem cells, somatic 504
Stereocilia anatomy 296
Stereocilia function 294 299
Stereocilia location 292
Stereocilia, hair cell function and 316—317
| Stereocilia, hearing loss and 285
Stereocilia, tip links 297
Stern, Judith 729
Steroid hormones 168
Steroids 146
Steroids hormones 717
Steropsis 271 272
Stimuli, quality of 192 194
Stomach 474—475
Stomatogastric ganglion (STG) 390 390—391
Strabismus 271 568
Stretch reflexes 381—383 382
Stria terminalis 727
Stria vascularis 299
Striate cortex columnar organization 271 273 274 275
Striate cortex functional organization 269—271
Striate cortex location 261
Striate cortex optic radiation to 267
Striate cortex pathway mixing 270
Striate cortex visuoptic organization 266
Striola 316—317
Strittmatter, Warren 751
strokes 764 767
Stroop Interference Test 632—633
Strychnine 137
Strychnos nux-vomica 137
Sublingual glands 474—475
Submandibular glands 474—475
Submucus plexus 480
Substance P 154—155 212 221
Substantia nigra 149
Substantia nigra basal ganglia pathway 418 419 422
Substantia nigra dopaminergic cells 420 428—430
Substantia nigra efferent cells 423
Substantia nigra location 755 760
Substantia nigra, muscimol and 431
Substantia nigra, saccadic eye movement and 425
Subthalamic nuclei 418 422 427
Succinic semialdehyde dehydrogenase 143
Sulcal artery 764
Sulci 18 19
Superior cerebellar peduncles location 436 437 755 759 760
Superior cerebellar peduncles, decussation of 441
Superior colliculus 263
Superior colliculus basal ganglia pathway 422
Superior colliculus location 261 755 759 760
Superior colliculus sensory motor integration 462—463
Superior colliculus sensory motor transformation 461
Superior colliculus Upper motor neuron pathways 394
Superior colliculus upper motor neurons 393
Superior colliculus visual inputs 463
Superior colliculus, eye movements and 460
Superior colliculus, saccadic eye movement and 425
Superior divisions, visual fields 265
Superior oblique muscles 230
Superior olivary complex 286
Superior olive 304
Superior rectus muscles 230
Superior sagittal sinus 769
Superior salivary nuclei 477
Superior temporal gyrus 309
Superior, positional definition 16 17
Superoxide dismutase (SOD) 393
Suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) 726—727
Suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) activation 663—664
Suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) location 484 485
Suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) of the hypothalamus 263
Suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), projections to 663
Supraoptic nucleus 484 485 731
Swaab, Dick 724—725 726
Sweat 474—475
Sweet taste 356—363 364
Sylvian fissure 19
Symbols, communication and 624 638
Sympathetic division autonomic nervous system 16
Sympathetic division visceral motor system 472 473 474
Sympathetic division, emotional arousal and 687
Sympathetic ganglia 476
Synapses competition 546—547
Synapses connection formation 545—547
Synapses cytoskeletal elements 6
Synapses electrical 93—95 94
Synapses elimination 545 546
Synapses formation 542—543 543—544
Synapses growth proteins 598
Synapses histology 5
Synapses LTD mechanisms 592—597
Synapses neuromuscular 140—141
Synapses selective formation 539 539—543
Synapses, chemical 7 94 96 97
Synapses, plasticity 565—610
Synapses, rearrangement 545
Synapses, silent 594—595
Synapses, specificity 540
Synapsin 114
Synaptic cleft 7 96 97 150
Synaptic depression 577
Synaptic endings see “Presynaptic terminals”
Synaptic facilitation 582
Synaptic plasticity 565—610
Synaptic plasticity long-term 583
Synaptic plasticity short-term 582—583 583
Synaptic plasticity, critical periods and 572
Synaptic plasticity, dendritic spines and 590—591
Synaptic plasticity, LTD and 183
Synaptic potentials 13 33
Synaptic transmission 93—127
Synaptic transmission definition 7
Synaptic transmission description 166
Synaptic transmission membrane permeability changes 116—121
Synaptic transmission neuromuscular junctions 202
Synaptic vesicles cycles 106
Synaptic vesicles description 8
Synaptic vesicles exocytosis 105
Synaptic vesicles local recycling 105—107 106
Synaptic vesicles neurotransmitter release 103—105
Synaptic vesicles transmitter release 105
Synaptic vesicles, chemical synapses 96
Synaptic zones 10—11
Synaptojanin 114
Synaptotagmin 113 114
Syntax 634—644 638
Syntaxin 111 113
T1R activation 361—362
Tachistoscopic presentation 648
Tactile discrimination 196 201
Tail-flip escape reflex 332
Takeuchi, Akira 119
Takeuchi, Noriko 119
Tastants categories 357
Tastants, responses to 357—363 364
Taste buds 354 355 358 359
Taste cells 354 362
Taste pores 358 359—360
Taste system 354—363 364
Taste system neural coding 362—363 364
Taste system receptors 360—364 362
Taste system, organization 354—356 355
Taste system, peripheral 359—360
Tears 474—475 477
Tectal cells 537
Tectorial membranes 290 292 295
Tegmentum 398
Telencephalon 510 511
Temperature receptors 21—22 21 214
Temporal coding 349 350
Temporal cortex 627—630 629
Temporal divisions 264—265
Temporal lobes anatomy 18 19
Temporal lobes asymmetry 648
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