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Purves D. (ed.), Augustine G.J. (ed.), Fitzpatrick D. (ed.) — Neuroscience |
Предметный указатель |
Prostate gland 215
Protanopia 248
Protein kinases activation 177
Protein kinases function 169—170 175 175
Protein kinases PKA 179 579
Protein kinases PKC 176 177 588 589 596 598
Protein phosphatases 175 178
Protein tyrosine kinases 176—177
Protons 78
Prusiner, Stanley 444—445
Psychosurgery 625
Psychotic disorders 341
PTC (phenylthiocarbamide) 357—358
Ptosis 488
Pulvinar 524 616
Pupils characterization 229
Pupils light reflex 260 261
Pupils visceral motor control 471 474—475
Purines 130 138 139
Purkinje cell degeneration (pcd) mice 450
Purkinje cells 3
Purkinje cells calcium signaling 31
Purkinje cells Cerebellar 441—442
Purkinje cells Nissl staining 10—11
Purkinje cells signal transduction 184
Purkinje cells, activity of 240
Purkinje cells, cerebellar pathways and 442
Purkinje cells, long-term depression and 182—184 595 596 597
Putamen 417 418 421 436 772
Pyramidal cells 3 10—11 23 354 402
Pyramidal decussation 396
Pyramidal tract 760
Pyramids, location 755
Pyridoxyl phosphate 143
Pyriform cortex 337 338 353—354 617
Quinine 356 364
Quinn, Chip 581
Quisqualate 137
R taste receptors 360—363 362 364
Radial glia 521 522
Radioisotopes 564
RAGS protein 539
Raichle, Marc 654
Raisman, Geoffrey 720
Random dot stereograms 272—273
Raphe nuclei 151 398 676 677
Rapid eye movement (REM) circuitry 673
Rapid eye movement (REM) cortical regions during 676
Rapid eye movement (REM) EEG recording 665 672
Rapid eye movement (REM) functions 671—674
Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep 659 667
Rapid eye movement (REM), drigs and 682
Rapid eye movement (REM), sleep apnea and 683
Rapidly adapting receptors 194
RAS 170—171 179
Ras/MAP kinase pathway 507
Rasmussen's encephalitis 600
Rats aversive somatic sensory stimuli 699
Rats brain size 634
Rats estradiol-sensitive neurons 718
Rats imprinting 558
Rats sensorimotor cortex 410
Rats sleep deprivation 662
Reason, social behavior and 707—708
Receptive aphasia 643
Receptive fields antagonistic surrounds 254 256
Receptive fields center responses 255
Receptive fields crickets 195
Receptive fields dynamic aspects 198—199
Receptive fields on- and off-center photoreceptors 249—254 255 256
Receptive fields plasticity 729
Receptive fields retinal 249 251—253
Receptive fields, neuron 23
Receptive fields, receptor density and 198
Receptive fields, somatic sensory neurons 196—199
Receptor potentials 13 32 192
Receptors categories 168—170 169
Receptors neurotransmitter 99
Receptors somatic sensory 191—195 193
Reciprocal innervation 381
Recognition facial 629
Recognition object topography 630
Recognition, deficits in 622—623
Recognition, temporal cortex and 627—630
Rectus muscles 230
Red alga (Digenea simplex) 137
Red nucleus 393 394 441
reeler (rl) mice 450 451 517
Reese, Tom 104 105 767
Referred pain 215
Reflexes areflexia 392
Reflexes orofacial 398
Reflexes simple circuit 12
Reflexes vestibular system and 328—329
Reflexes visceral motor 491
Refractive errors 232—233
Refractory periods 61—63
Regenerative properties 56
Reisert, Ingrid 717
Reissner's membrane 300
Relay nuclei 20—22 21
REM sleep see “Rapid eye movement sleep”
Remodeling, after injury 602
Reserpine 148
Rest-activity cycles 661
Restiform body see “Inferior cerebellar peduncles”
Resting potentials ionic basis 41 42—43
Resting potentials squid giant neurons 43
Resting potentials, conduction and 62
Resting potentials, neuron type and 32
Resting potentials, permeabilities and 40
Restless legs syndrome 683
Reticular activating system 674
Reticular formation anatomy 398—399 399
Reticular formation function 393 397—399
Reticular formation gaze centers 459
Reticular formation location 396 399 400
Reticular formation pain perception 216 227 225
Reticular formation projections 618
Reticular formation visceral motor centers 481
Reticular formation, hypothalamic targets in 689
Reticular formation, spinal cord projections from 394
Reticulata cells 423—424
Retina amacrine cells 3
Retina bipolar cells 3
Retina center-surround circuits 249—254 255 256
Retina characterization 229
Retina function 234—236
Retina ganglion cells 3 259—263 538
Retina Nissl staining 10—11
Retina quadrants 264—267
Retina structure 235
Retina surface 260
Retina, image formation on 231—234
Retinal circuits 249—254 255 256
Retinal ganglion cells 261
Retinal ganglion cells, regeneration of 606—607 607
Retinal pigment epithelium 234
Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) 236 239
Retinogeniculostriate pathway 260
Retinohypothalamic pathway 263
Retinoic acid 504 505 506—507 508
Retinoid receptors 505
Retinotopic maps 539
Retrograde amnesia 741 746
Reversal potentials 117 119 122
Rexed's laminae 192 195 200
Rhodopsin 170 238 240
Rhombencephalon 502 510 511
Rhombomeres 524 514—515
| Ribosomes 5
Riepe, Matthias 728
Right parietal cortex 621
Right-handedness 650—651
Rimonabant 58
Rising phase 45 46
River blindness (onchoceriasis) 569
RNA 178 279
RNA messenger 10
RNA polymerases 178—179
Roberts, Eugene 143
Rodents 347 348 712; “Rats”
Rods (photoreceptors) 238 241 244 245
Rods (photoreceptors) function 240—245
Rods (photoreceptors) hyperpolarization 663 664
Rods (photoreceptors) retinal 235
Rods (photoreceptors), circadian rhythms and 664
Rosbash, Michael 666
Roses, Allen 751
Rossell, Susan 728
Rostral interstitial nucleus 459 676
Rostral, definition 16 17
Round windows 288 290 292
Ruffini's corpuscles 192 195
Ruggero, M. 294
Ryanodine receptors 174
Saccades 240 242 423
Saccades functions 457
Saccades metrics 457
Saccades neural control 458—466 459
Saccades, antisaccades 465
Saccades, basal ganglia in 425
Saccades, express 465
Saccades, perception during 453
Saccules 315 326
Sacral nerves 17
Sagittal sections 16 17
Sakmann, Bert 71 107
Saliva 474—475 477
Salivatory nuclei 759
Saltatory propagation 63 64
Salty taste 356—363
Salvensen, Guy 751
Sarin gas 132
Savant syndrome 739
Saxitoxin 82
Scala media 290—291 292
Scala tympani 290—291 299
Scala vestibuli 290—291 292
Scarpa's ganglion 326 328 514
Schaffer collateral synapses 585 586 592 593 594—595
Schiller, Peter 251
Schizophrenia 148 341 433
Schwab, Martin 605 606
Schwann cells 9 15 533
Sclera 229
SCN see “Suprachiasmatic nucleus”
SCN genes 76
Scopolamine 135 137
Scorpions 82
Scotoma see “Blind spots”
Scotomas 267
Scotopic vision 241—242
Scrapie 444—445
Sea slug (Aplysia californica) 575 576 577 578
Searle, John 675
Second messengers intracellular signaling 172—175 173
Second messengers ion channel interactions 78
Second messengers mechanisms 197
Second messengers nuclear signaling 178—181
Second messengers targets 175—178
Second pain 210 211
Second-order neurons 200
Sections, axes of 16 17
Seizures 406 600—601 601
Selectivity filters 81
Semaphorins 532 536 537
Semicircular canals 315
Semicircular canals function 324—328
Semicircular canals location 288 316
Semicircular canals unctional organization 325
Semicircular canals, sense of acceleration and 325—328
Semicircular canals, sensory information from 397
Sensitization 220—223 576 577 578 580
Sensorineural hearing loss 289 290—291
Sensory aphasia 643
Sensory association cortex 748—749
Sensory ganglion 502
Sensory integration 453—167
Sensory maps 197
Sensory motor talents 410
Sensory neurons 12 13 14
Sensory receptors 14
Sensory systems 14
Sensory transduction 192
Septum pellucidum 770
Serine threonine kinases 176 178 507
Serotogenergic neurons of the raphe nuclei 678
Serotonin (5-HT) 679
Serotonin (5-HT) biosynthetic pathway 147
Serotonin (5-HT) brain distribution 152
Serotonin (5-HT) functional features 132 151—152
Serotonin (5-HT) release 578
Serotonin (5-HT) structure 130
Serotonin (5-HT) subunits 138
Serotonin (5-HT) synthesis 152
Serotonin (5-HT), varieties of 139
Serotonin transporter (SERT) 152
sevenless (sev) gene 521
Sex autonomic regulation 496—197 497
Sex drive 717
Sex hormones actions 718—719
Sex hormones synthesis 717
Sex hormones, neural circuitry and 718—720
Sex phenotypes 724
Sex, brain and 711—732
Sex, definition of 712—715
Sex, neurons and 722
Sex, sexual behaviors 724
Sexual dimorphism, behaviors 711—712
Sexual dimorphism, brain 726
Sexual dimorphism, central nervous system 720—728
Sexual dimorphism, hormonal influence on 715—718
Sexual dimorphism, INAH 725
Sexual dimorphism, odor perception and 341—342
Sexual dimorphism, olfaction and 344
Sexually dimorphic nucleus (SDN) 720
Seyfarth, Robert 643
Sham rage 689
Sherrington, Charles 3—4 373 378 406 407 408
Short circumferential arteries 764
Short-term memory 749
Sigmundson, K. 716
Sign language 655—656
Signal amplification 166 267
Signal transduction, hair cells 294—300 320—321
Signal transduction, intracellular 166
Signal transduction, mechanoelectrical 294—300
Signal transduction, neuronal 181—184
Signal transduction, olfactory system 345—346
Signal transduction, taste cells 360—361 362 362
Sildenafil ( ) 496
Silent synapses 594—595
Simple cells 270
Simultanagnosia 621
Sine waves 284
Single-photon emission computerized tomography (SPECT) 26
Single-unit electrophysiological recordings 13 23
Size principle 379
Skin 191—194 195 204
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