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Purves D. (ed.), Augustine G.J. (ed.), Fitzpatrick D. (ed.) — Neuroscience |
Предметный указатель |
Temporal lobes location 772
Temporal lobes visual areas 280 281
Temporal lobes, facial recognition and 623
Temporal lobes, memory formation and 741
Temporal lobes, memory retrieval and 747
Tension 380 388
Tensor tympani 289
Teratogenesis 506
Terminal aborizations 568
Terminal boutons see “Presynaptic terminals”
Testicular determining factor (TDF) 714
Testicular feminization 713
Testosterone 716 717
Tetanus toxins 108 115
Tetanus, fused 380
Tetraethylammonium ions 51 52
Tetrodotoxin 51 52 72 82 107
Thalamic nuclei 441
Thalamocortical neurons 679 679—681 680
Thalamus auditory 308—309
Thalamus basal ganglia pathway 418
Thalamus dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus 260
Thalamus formation 510
Thalamus function 20
Thalamus location 19 20 436 759
Thalamus somatic sensory components 20 21 203—204 204
Thalamus ventral nuclei 423
Thalamus ventral posterior nucleus 216
Thalamus, mediodorsal nucleus of 694
Thalamus, vestibular pathways to 331—332
Thermoceptors, classification 191
Thiamine deficiency 744
Third ventricle 18 485 511 770 772
Third-order neurons 204
Thoenen, Hans 552
Thoracic nerves 17
Threshold potentials 34 57 122
Thyroid cartilage 640
Thyroid hormone (TH) 181
Tight junctions 767 768
Tinbergen, Niko 735
Tinnitus 300
Tip links 297
TMN see “Tuberomammillary nucleus”
Tongue 358 359 640
Tonic receptors 194
Tonotopy 285—286 293 310
Topographical organization 20 406 408
Topographical organization maps 537—539
Toran-Allerand, Dominique 719
Toscanini, Arturo 738
Total circuit neurons see “Interneurons”
touch 22 32 33
Tourette's syndrome 433
Toxins 115 768
Tracers 11
Trachea 640
Trachomas 569
Tracts, CNS function 15
Transcription 179 179—180
Transcription factors 178 505 524
Transcriptional activator proteins see “Transcription factors”
Transducin 238
Transforming growth factor (TGF) family 505 508 508
Transgenderism 725
Transient receptor potentials (TRPs) 78 211
Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies 444—445
Transneuronal transport 564
Transverse (horizontal) sections 16—17
Transverse pontine fibers 437
Traveling waves 292 293 294
Tremors, cerebellar lesions and 449
Trichromatic vision 248
Tricyclic antidepressants 148
Trigeminal brainstem complex 203
Trigeminal ganglia 22 203 213
Trigeminal leminiscus 203
Trigeminal motor nucleus 759 760
Trigeminal nerve (cranial nerve V) characterization 756—758
Trigeminal nerve (cranial nerve V) chemoreception 363—365 365
Trigeminal nerve (cranial nerve V) function 289
Trigeminal nerve (cranial nerve V) location 756
Trigeminal nerve (cranial nerve V) mechanosensory system 200—201
Trigeminal nerve (cranial nerve V) subdivisions 203
Trigeminal nerve (cranial nerve V), rhombomeres and 524
Trigeminal somatic sensory system 203
Trigeminal system 755
Trigeminothalamic leminiscus 203
Trigeminothalamic tract 203 203 216
TrkA, B, C signaling 182 553 554
Trochlear nerve (cranial nerve IV) 454 514 756 756—758
Trochlear nucleus 759
Trophic interactions 543
Trophic interactions molecular basis 547—551
Trophic molecules 534 535
Tropic molecules 534
Tropical spastic paraparesis (TSP) 66
Trustworthiness, judgments of 709
Tryptophan 252
Tsimpli, Ianthi-Maria 739
Tuberomammillary nucleus (TMN) 151 676—689 677
Tubulin 6 529
Tuning auditory systems 284
Tuning curves auditory nerve 301 302
Tuning curves upper motor neurons 411
Tuning curves vestibular hair cells 320—321
Tuning delay-tuned neurons 312
Tuning forks 284 284
Tunnel of Corti 292
Tunnel vision 239
Turner's syndrome 713
Twitches, spontaneous 392
Two-point discrimination tests 196
Tympanic membranes (eardrums) 287 288
Tyrosine hydroxylase 184 185
Tyrosine kinase receptors 553—554 554 555
Umami (taste category) 357—363 364
Unc-6 gene 534—535
Undershoot phase 45 46 55
Upper extremities 474—475
Upper motor neuron syndrome 412—414 423
Upper motor neurons 374 394 409 411
Upstream ( ) regulatory sequences 1
Urbach — Wiethe disease 702—703
Ureters 225 474—475
Urinary bladder 225 493—195 494
Urination 495
Urine 474—475 665
Urogenital groove 714
Utricles 315 316
Uveal tract 229
V4 area 278—279 279
Vaginal contractions 496
Vagus nerve (cranial nerve X) autonomic regulation 492
Vagus nerve (cranial nerve X) cardioinhibitory outputs 398—399
Vagus nerve (cranial nerve X) characterization 756—758
Vagus nerve (cranial nerve X) chemoreception 363
Vagus nerve (cranial nerve X) location 756
Vagus nerve (cranial nerve X), heart rate and 96 98
Vagus nerve (cranial nerve X), rhombomeres and 514
Vagus nerve (cranial nerve X), taste and 359
Valenstein, Eliot 625
Valproic acid 601
Vanilloid receptor (VR-1, TRPV1) 211 220—221
Vanilloid-like receptor (VLR-1, TRPV2) 211
Varicosities, definition 470
Vascular supply 763—773
| Vasoconstriction 474—475
Vasocorona 764
Vasopressin 485
Ventral anterior nculei 423
Ventral corticospinal tract 405
Ventral lateral nuclei 423
Ventral posterior complex of the thalamus 203
Ventral posterior lateral (VPL) nucleus 203
Ventral posterior medial (VPM) nucleus 201 203 216 356
Ventral, definition 16 17
Ventricular system anatomy 772
Ventricular system blood supply 763—773
Ventricular system circulation 770 771
Ventricular system CNS function 18
Ventricular system embryology 771
Ventricular system location 19
Ventricular zone 516
Ventrolateral preoptic nucleus (VLPO) 677 678
Ventromedial nucleus 484 485
Veratridine 82
Vergence movements 458 466—467
Vermis 436 437
Vertebral arteries 763 764 765
Vertical gaze center 459
Vervet monkeys 643
Vesicular glutamate transporters (VGLUTs) 141
Vesicular inhibitory acid transporters (VIAATs) 143 147
Vesicular monoamine transporter (VMAT) 149
Vestibular end organs 328—331
Vestibular nerve ganglia 328
Vestibular nerves 288
Vestibular nuclear complex 393
Vestibular nuclei 328
Vestibular nuclei descending projections 331
Vestibular nuclei function 397
Vestibular nuclei location 437 759 760
Vestibular nuclei projections from 399
Vestibular nuclei, cerebellar pathways and 438
Vestibular system 315—335
Vestibular system caloric testing 326—327 327
Vestibular system dysfunction 326—328
Vestibular system fluid motion 326 327
Vestibular system, navigation and 318
Vestibules, location 288
Vestibulo-cervical reflex (VCR) 330
Vestibulo-ocular eye movements 458
Vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) 240—241 242 328 329 329—330
Vestibulo-spinal reflex (VSR) 330
Vestibulocerebellum 435 436
Vestibulocochlear nerve (cranial nerve VIII) characterization 756—758
Vestibulocochlear nerve (cranial nerve VIII) location 326 756
Vestibulocochlear nerve (cranial nerve VIII) tuning curves 300
Vestibulocochlear nerve (cranial nerve VIII), damage to 290
Vestibulocochlear nerve (cranial nerve VIII), vestibular end organs and 328—331
VGLUT transporters 137
VGLUTs (vesicular glutamate transporters) 141
VIAATs (vesicular inhibitory acid transporters) 143
Visceral motor division 15 16 687
Visceral motor reflexes 491
Visceral motor system 469—198
Visceral motor system distinctive features 470—471
Visceral motor system early studies 469—470
Visceral motor system enteric component 479
Visceral motor system hypothalamic control 484—486
Visceral motor system major functions 474—475
Visceral motor system neurotransmission in 487—491
Visceral motor system nuclei 757
Visceral motor system sensory components 480—482
Visceral motor system sensory input 482
Visceral motor system, autonomic network for 483
Visceral motor system, central control of functions 483—487
Visceral motor system, parasympathetic division of 472 476—478
Visceral motor system, sympathetic division of 471—476 472
Vision central pathways 259—282
Vision critical periods 562—568
Vision monocular deprivation 570
Vision, deprivation studies 563—569 565 567
Vision, the eye 229—257
Visiospatial processing 656
Visual cortex 276—277 617 748
Visual fields binocular 265
Visual fields deficits 267—269 268
Visual fields lateralization 647
Visual fields retinoptic representation 263—267 264 265
Visual fields sexual dimorphism 728—729
Visual fields targets 465
Visual fields, right parietal lobe and 621
Visual fields, superior colliculus and 239
Vitreous humor 230
VMAT (vesicular monoamine transporter) 149
Vocal folds 640
Voltage clamp method 48 48—19 49
Voltage sensors 73 80 83
Voltage-gated ion channels 360—361 361
Voluntary facial paresis 690—691
Vomeronasal organs (VNOs) 341—342
VP protein 667
Waardenburg syndrome 513 515
Wada test 649
Wada, Juhn 649
Wakefulness 659—658 663 674;
Walking 448—149
Wall, Patrick 226
Watkins, Jeffrey 143
Watts, James 625
Waveforms, sound 283—284
Weasels 634
weaver (wv) gene 450 451
Weber test 290
Wernicke's aphasia 643—644 644 746
Wernicke's area 312 638 639 643 652 653
Wernicke, Carl 639
Whisker barrels 572
Whiskers 199 410
White matter 15
Wieschaus, E. 513
Wiesel, Torsten 209 269 562 563
Wilkinson, R. 514
Willis, Thomas 140
Win 55 212 258
wingless (wg) gene 512
Wisconsin Card Sorting Task 626 632
Withdrawal syndrome 134
Wnt family 506 508 508—509 516
Wolffian ducts 714
Woolsey Clinton 408
Words, meaning and 645
Working memory 735—736
Writing, handedness and 651
Wurtz, Robert 423
X chromosome 515
X-ray crystallography 80 81
Xanthines 153
Xenopus oocytes 75
Y chromosomes 717
Yarbus, Alfred 453
Young, Michael 666
Young, Thomas 247
Zebra finches 561 717
Zic2 530 531
Zinc finger transcription factors 530
Zonule fibers 231—234
“Across-neuron” hypothesis 364
“Neuron doctrine” 3
“Phantom limbs” 198 222—223
“Reticular theory” 3
“Supertasters” 358
“Volley theory” 301
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