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Purves D. (ed.), Augustine G.J. (ed.), Fitzpatrick D. (ed.) — Neuroscience
Purves D. (ed.), Augustine G.J. (ed.), Fitzpatrick D. (ed.) — Neuroscience

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Название: Neuroscience

Авторы: Purves D. (ed.), Augustine G.J. (ed.), Fitzpatrick D. (ed.)


Neuroscience is a comprehensive textbook created primarily for medical and premedical students. In a single concise and approachable volume, the text guides students through the challenges and excitement of this rapidly changing field. The length and accessibility of the writing are a successful combination that works equally well for medical students or for undergraduate neuroscience courses in which many of the students are premeds. Being both comprehensive and authoritative, the book is also appropriate for graduate and professional use.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Биология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: third edition

Год издания: 2004

Количество страниц: 773

Добавлена в каталог: 10.12.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Odorants gender-specific responses      342
Odorants perception thresholds      340
Odorants signal transduction      339
Odorants, responses to      341—342
Off-center photoreceptors      249—254 255 256
Ohm's law      52
Ojemann, George      652
Olfaction, learning      582
Olfactor marker protein (OMP)      348
Olfactory bulbs antibody labeling      10—11
Olfactory bulbs central projections      353—354
Olfactory bulbs formation      510 511
Olfactory bulbs function      20 350—353
Olfactory bulbs granule cell layer      606
Olfactory bulbs location      20 351
Olfactory bulbs nissl staining      10—11
Olfactory bulbs organization      352
Olfactory bulbs, olfaction and      338
Olfactory cilia      342
Olfactory coding      348—350 350
Olfactory epithelium      337 338 342—345 343
Olfactory nerve (cranial nerve I)      338 756 756—758
Olfactory receptor neurons      342—345 348 349 351
Olfactory system      337—342 338 344—346
Oligodendrocytes      8 9 606
Oligodendroglial cells      504
Olney, John      145
On-center photoreceptors      249—254 255 256
Onchocerca volvulus      569
Onchoceriasis (river blindness)      569
Onuf's nucleus      721
Ophthalmic artery      260
Ophthalmic nerves      203
Opioids peptides      155 156
Opiomelanocortin propeptides (POMCs)      490
Opsins      237
Optic ataxia      621
Optic chiasm      259—260 484 485 530—531 758 772
Optic cups      510
Optic disk      259 260
Optic illusions      250
Optic nerve (cranial nerve II)      235—236 259 262 756 756—758
Optic radiation      260 261 267
Optic tectum      538
Optic tract      260 261 485 758
Optic vesicle      234 511
Optical imaging      277
Optokinetic nystagmus      457
Oral pharynx      640
Orbital prefrontal cortex      694
Orexin      678
Orexin-2 receptor gene (Orx2)      684
Organ of Corti      292
Organophosphates      132
Orgasm      496
Orientation-selective neurons      270
Orthostatic hypotension      493
Oscillopsia (bouncing vision)      330
Ossicles, function      289
Otic vesicle      514
Otoconia      318
Otolith organs      315 317—319 322 322—324 323 397
Otolithic membrane      318 322
Ototoxicity, drugs      285
Ouisqualis indica      137
Outer hair cells      300—301; see also “Hair cells”
Oval windows      288 289 292
Overshoot phase      45 46
Owl monkey      208 599 602
Oxford English Dictionary      645
Oxygen, chemoreceptors      491
Oxyhemoglobin      276
Oxytocin      485 729
P ganglion cells      275 277—278
p75 receptor protein      553 554 555
Pacinian corpuscles      32 33 192 194 195
Pain      209—228
Pain affective-motivational aspect      216 227
Pain central pathways      213—221 224
Pain control of perception      224
Pain descending systems      225—227 226
Pain dorsal column pathway      218
Pain modulation      225—227
Pain pathways      21—22 21
Pain perception      210—211 211
Pain phantom      222—223
Pain placebo effects      224—225
Pain visceral      218 219
Pain, gate theory of      226
Pain, referred      215
Pain, sensitization to      220—223
Pain, tissue damage and      220
Paleocortex      617
Panacrine signaling      165 166
Pancreas, motor control      474—475
Papez, James      693 694
Papillae, tongue      358 359
Papilledema      259
Parabrachial nuclei      225 486
Parahippocampal gyrus      694
Parallel fibers (PFs)      183—184 441 442
Parallel pathways      20—22 21
Paralysis      84 392
Paramedialpontine reticular formation (PPRF)      676
Paramedian arteries      764
Paramedian pontine reticular formation (PPRF)      459 460—463 464
Paraplegia      495
Parasagittal sections      16 17
Parasympathetic division      16 472 475 687
Parasympathetic ganglia      477 478
Paraventricular nucleus      484 485
Paravertebral symphathetic chain neurons      476
Paresis, definition      392
Parietal cortex      626—627 628 629
Parietal lobes      18 19 281 729
Parieto-occipital sulcus      19 266 270
Parkinson's disease      147 149 428 428—430 430 504
Parotid glands      474—475
Pars reticulata      418 422
Parvocellular layers      275
Parvocellular streams      275 276
Passive current flow      56 58 60—61
Patch clamp method      70 70—71 72 73
Patrick, Jim      140
Pax3 genes      515
Pax6 genes      515
Pearlson, Godfrey      729
Penfield, Wilder      406 407 408 652
Penile erection      496
Peptide neurotransmitters      101 130 153—156
PER proteins      667
Perception, retinal images      456
Periaqueductal gray area      216
Pericak-Vance, Margaret      751
Perilymph      291 299 299 316
Perineal muscles      722
Period (per) gene      666
Peripheral nerves      607
Peripheral nervous system (PNS)      14 15 16 21 545 603 604
Peripheral sensitization      220
Peripheral taste system      359—360
Peristalsis      474—475 479
Permeability effect of steroids      719
Permeability membrane      35—36 40 46
Permeability postsynaptic changes      116—121
Permeability voltage-dependent      47—67
Permeability, receptor potentials and      192
Personality, frontal lobe and      623—626
PET (Positron Emission Tomography)      26—27 652 653 654
Peterson, Andy      451
Peterson, Steve      654
Petit mal epilepsy      600
Petrosal ganglion      514
Phantom pain      222—223
Phase locking      301 302
Phase, sound      283
Phasic receptors      194
Phenobarbital      601
Phenotypic sex      712 714—715
Phenylethanolamine-N-methyl-transferase      150
Phenylthiocarbamide (PTC)      357—358
Phenytoin ($\textrm{Dilantin}^\textregistered$)      601
Pheromones      341 344
Phonemes      641
Phones      641
Phosphatidylethanolamine      158
Phosphatidylinositol      158
Phosphodiesterases      240
Phospholipase C (PLC)      171 182
Phospholipase C (PLC) in taste system      360—363 364
Photoentrainment      663
Photopic vision      241
Photopigments      235
Photoreceptors      235 239; “Rods”
Photoreceptors on- and off-center      249—254 255 256
Photoreceptors, circadian rhythms and      663 664
Phototransduction      236—240
Phylogenetic memory      735
Pia mater      769
Picrotoxin      137 146
Piloerection      474—475
Pineal glands      664
Pinna      287 288
pitch, sound      283
Place cells      584
Placebo effects      224—225
Planning functions      630—635
Planning, deficits in      623—626
Planum temporale      648—649
Plasma membranes      60—61 104
Plasticity      575—610 602
Platelet-derived growth factor      504
Plexins      536
PNS      see “Peripheral nervous system”
Points of fixation      265
Polymodal nociceptors      210 212
Polyneuronal innervation      545
Pons CNS function      18
Pons cranial nerve nuclei      758
Pons formation      510
Pons location      17 755 758 759
Pons transverse section      760
Pons-midbrain junction      677
Pontine flexure      511
Pontine nuclei      437
Pontine reticular formation      676
Pontine-geniculo-occipital (PGO) waves      676
Pores      81 95
Porpoises      634
Positron emission tomography (PET)      26—27 652 653 654
Post-tetanic potentiation (PTP)      582
Postcentral gyrus      19 204
Posterior cerebral arteries      763—764 765
Posterior chamber      229—230
Posterior circulation      763
Posterior communicating arteries      763 765
Posterior funiculi      200
Posterior inferior cerebellar artery (PICA)      759 764 764 765
Posterior spinal arteries      763
Posterior, definition      16 17
Postganglionic axons      476
Postspike facilitation      409
Postsynaptic currents (PSCs)      121
Postsynaptic elements      94 99
Postsynaptic potentials (PSPs)      121—124 123 124
Postsynaptic receptors      124—125 136—137
Postsynaptic specialization      176
Postural control anticipatory maintenance      400—401 401
Postural control, cerebellar lesions and      448—449
Postural control, motor control centers      393 397—402
Postural control, vestibular system and      328—329
Potassium channels      77
Potassium channels 2-pore      77
Potassium channels patch clamp studies      72—73 73
Potassium channels topology      79
Potassium channels, benign familial neonatal convulsions and      85
Potassium channels, calcium-activated      76 77 78
Potassium channels, closing      487
Potassium channels, effect of toxins      82
Potassium channels, episodic ataxia type 1 and      85
Potassium channels, gating      83
Potassium channels, hair cell transduction and      297
Potassium channels, hair cells and      320—321
Potassium channels, inwardly-rectifying      77
Potassium channels, muscarinic receptors and      489
Potassium channels, tetrodotoxin and      51
Potassium channels, voltage-gated      74 77
Potassium channels, weaver (wv) gene and      451
Potassium channels, X-ray crystallography      81
Potassium ions      43 43—44 51 53
PP1 regulation      178
PP2A      see “Calcineurin”
Pre-prokephalin A      154
Pre-proopiomelanocortin      154
Pre-propeptides      153 154
Precentral gyrus      29
Predation      661 735
Prefrontal cortex      729 748—749
Preganglionic neurons      471 473 473 474—475 478 487
Premotor area      402
Premotor cortex      408—412
Preoccipital notch      19
Presbyacusis      285
Presbyopia      233
Presenilin genes      750 751
Pressure, pathways      22
Presynaptic elements      94
Presynaptic neurons      99
Presynaptic proteins      112
Presynaptic terminals      5 7 103—104 107—109 176 593
Pretectum      260 261
Prevertebral ganglia      476
Primary auditory cortex (A1)      304 309
Primary motor cortex      624 638
Primary motor cortex functional organization      405—408
Primary motor cortex location      402 402 437
Primary motor cortex topographical organization      406 408
Primary sensory areas      614
Primary sensory endings      200
Primary somatic sensory cortex (SI)      21 201—203 638
Primary visual cortex      260 269
Primary visual pathway      260 275—278
Priming, memory      736
Primitive pit      501
Primitive streak      501
Principal nucleus      203
Principal trigeminal nucleus      759 760
Prion diseases      444—445
Procedural memory      733
Progesterone      717
Promoter regions      178
Propanolol ($\textrm{Inderol}^\textregistered$)      150
Propeptides      153
Proprioception      22 199—201
Proprioceptors      199—201
Prosencephalon      510 511
Prosodic elements      654
Prosody      638
Prosopagnosia      622
Prostaglandins      220—221
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
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