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Purves D. (ed.), Augustine G.J. (ed.), Fitzpatrick D. (ed.) — Neuroscience |
Предметный указатель |
Midbrain, vasopressin in 717
Middle cerebellar peduncles location 436 437 755 758 759 760
Middle cerebellar peduncles, cerebellar pathways and 438
Middle cerebral arteries 763 765
Middle cranial fossa 769
Middle ears 288 289;
Middle pons 760
Middle temporal area (MT) 278—280
Midget ganglia 242 244
Midline myelotomy 218
Midsagittal sections 16 17
Migraine headaches 84
Migration neuronal 520—525
Migration radial glia 522
Miledi, Ricardo 75 107
Milner, Brenda 632 742
Miniature end plate potentials (MEPPs) 102 103 104 140
Miosis 488
Mitochondria 5
Mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) 177—178 180
Mitral cells 351
Modafanil ( ) 684
Molecular layer 441 442
Molecular signaling 165—186 166
Money, John 716
Moniz, Egas 625
Monkeys 401 558 567
Monoamine oxidase (MAO) 149
Monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors 148
Monomeric G-proteins 170
Monosodium glutamate 357
Monosynaptic reflex arcs 381
Morphine 155
Morrison, Robert 668
Moruzzi, Giuseppe 398 669 674
Mossy fibers 441 442
Mother-child interactions 341
Motor aphasia 640
Motor behaviors 688
Motor control 373—395
Motor cortex 394 396 617
Motor mutations, in mice 450—451
Motor neurons acetylcholine release 104
Motor neurons differentiation 508
Motor neurons function 12—13
Motor neurons intracellular recordings 13
Motor neurons limb bud removal 544
Motor neurons perineal muscles 722
Motor neurons pool 375 380
Motor neurons stem cell-derived 504
Motor system function 14
Motor units 377 377—379 378 380 381
Mountcastle, Vernon 23 209
Movement coordination 445—448
Movement fine control 414 415
Movement limbs 389 391
Movement neural control 373—375 374
Movement selection process 421
Movement, basal ganglia and 417—424
Movement, cerebellar lesions and 448—449
Movement, cerebellar modulation of 435—452
Movement, sensory feedback and 384—388
MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) 25—27 25 26 27 66 311;
Mueller, Johannes 640
Mullerian ducts 714 715
Mullerian-inhibiting syndrome 714
Multiple sclerosis (MS) 63 66
Muscarine 136 171
Muscarinic acetylcholine receptors (mAChR) 135 139 491
Muscarinic cholinergic receptors 489
Muscimol 137 431 432
Muscle spindles anatomy 200
Muscle spindles characteristics 192
Muscle spindles proprioception 200—201
Muscle spindles reflex regulation 385
Muscle spindles stretch reflexes 382
Muscle spindles, stretch reflexes and 383
Muscles cardiac 493
Muscles force generation 407
Muscles motor neuron pool 375
Muscles regulation of force 379—380
Muscles stretch reflexes 381—383
Muscles tension 380
Muscles tone 328—329 383 414 448—449
Muscles topographical organization 406
Muscles upper motor neuron syndrome 412—414
Mushroom bodies (MBs) 350
MUSIC 286—287 294
Mutagenesis 79
Mutations, motor 450 450—451
Myasthenia gravis 140—141
Myasthenic syndromes 107
Myelencephalon 510 511
Myelin 9 63
Myelin sheaths 5 9
Myelinated stria 266
Myelination 63—65 66
Myenteric plexus 479 480
Myopia 232 232—233
Myotactic reflex 24; see also “Stretch reflexes”
Myotatic spinal reflexes 11—14 12 14
Myotonia 84
Naloxone 224
Narcolepsy 681 683—684
Nasal cavity 338 640
Nasal division 264—265
Nasal mucosa 343
Nasal pharynx 640
Nathans, Jeremy 248
Navigation, vestibular 318
Near cells 271
Neck 394 474—475
Negative feedback loops 382 388
Neher, Erwin 71 107
Neocortex anatomy 614 615
Neocortex canonical circuitry 616
Neocortex lamination 617
Neocortex major connections 624
Neocortex motor cortex 617
Neocortex visual cortex 617
Neocortex, amygdala and 701 703
Neostigmine 140
Nernst equation 36 37
Nerve cells see “Neurons”
Nerve grafts 606—607
Nerve growth factor (NGF) 182 220—221 523 537
Nerve growth factor (NGF), identification 549
Nerve growth factor (NGF), neurite growth 553
Nerve growth factor (NGF), neurite outgrowth and 550 550 551
Nerve growth factor (NGF), trophic interactions 547 549—553
nervous (nr) mice 450
Nervous systems cellular components 2—4
Nervous systems cellular diversity 9—11 10
Nervous systems composition 14—16
Nervous systems functional analysis 23—24
Nervous systems initial formation 501—503
Nervous systems neural induction 503—510
Nervous systems, upright posture and 16—17
Netrin/slit family proteins 532
Netrins 534—535 535 536
Netrins, function 535
Neural cell adhesion molecules (NCAMs) 168
Neural circuits 11—13
Neural coding, taste system 362—363 364
Neural crest 502 503 523
Neural groove 503
Neural injury, recovery 602—605
Neural plate 502
Neural plexus 470
Neural precursor cells 502
| Neural recovery and 603 604 606
Neural stem cells 502 607—608
Neural tube 502 509
Neurexins 115
Neurites 549 550 553
Neuroanatomy, terminology 16—18
Neuroblasts 503 517 520
Neuroectoderm 501
Neuroethology 24
Neurofibrillary tangles 750
Neurogenesis 517
Neurogenesis in adult brain 605—609 608
Neuroglia 4 8 8—9 10—11 516—518
Neurokinin A 155
Neuromeres 510 514—515
Neuromuscular junctions 102 542 542—543 546
Neuromuscular synapses 140—141
Neuronal signal transduction 181—184
Neurons afferent 12
Neurons anticipatory discharges 421
Neurons birthdating 517
Neurons communication theories 3—4
Neurons cytoskeletal elements 6
Neurons dendrites 548
Neurons diversity 518—520
Neurons effect of estradiol 719
Neurons efferent 12
Neurons electrical signaling 32—47
Neurons function 4—7
Neurons generation during gestation 519
Neurons generation in adult brain 605—608
Neurons initial differentiation 516—518
Neurons ionic currents 47—49
Neurons long-distance migration 524—525
Neurons loss in AD 750
Neurons markers 10—11
Neurons membrane leakiness 56 59
Neurons migration 520—525
Neurons molecular signaling 165—186
Neurons PNS function 15
Neurons population sizes 544
Neurons receptive fields 23
Neurons structure 4—5
Neurons thalamocortical 679 680
Neuropathic pain 223
Neuropeptides composition 129
Neuropeptides functional features 131
Neuropeptides lengths 155
Neuropeptides release 98 222
Neuropeptides synthesis 100
Neuropeptides, neuropeptide 155
Neuropeptides, neuropeptide K 155
Neuropilin 536
Neuropils 11 351
Neuropsychological testing 632—633
Neurotoxins 136—137
Neurotransmitter receptors 8 99 99 114—116
Neurotransmitters categories 129
Neurotransmitters criteria defining 99
Neurotransmitters functional features 131
Neurotransmitters ligand-gated channels and 78
Neurotransmitters mechanisms of transmission 110—114 113
Neurotransmitters metabolism 101
Neurotransmitters packaging 100
Neurotransmitters quantal release 102—103 104
Neurotransmitters release 103—105 124
Neurotransmitters storage 8
Neurotransmitters, calcium in secretion of 107—110
Neurotransmitters, calcium ion channels and 76
Neurotransmitters, presynaptic proteins and release 112
Neurotransmitters, properties of 96—102
Neurotransmitters, synaptic vesicles and 96 105
Neurotransmitters, toxins and 115
Neurotransmitters, visceral nervous system 471
Neurotrophic factors 543 603
Neurotrophins 543—544 550 551 552 553—554 555
Neurulation 501—503 502
Newhouse, J.P. 145
Nicotine 136
Nicotinia tabacum 136
Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) 132—135 133 138 491
Night blindness 84 85 239
Nissl staining 10—11 617
Nitric oxide (NO) 131 159 159—160
Nitric oxide synthase (NOS) 159 489
NMDA (N-methyl-D-aspartate) receptors 139 141 587—588 594—595
NMDA (N-methyl-D-aspartate) receptors function 142 588
NMDA (N-methyl-D-aspartate) receptors structure 142
NMDA (N-methyl-D-aspartate) receptors subunits 138
NMRA receptors 141
Nobel prizes 513
Nobel Prizes: Camillo Golgi 4
Nobel Prizes: Carlton Gajdusek 444—445
Nobel Prizes: Charles Sherrington 4
Nobel Prizes: Stanley Prusiner 444—445
Nobel Prizes: Walter Hess 689
Nociceptors 189 209—211 210
Nodes of Ranvier 5 63
Nodose ganglia 514
Nodulus 435 436
Noggin 508
Nogo protein 604 606
NoGos 536
Non-rapid eye movement (non-REM) sleep 667
Nondeclarative memory 733—734 734 748—749 749
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) 221
Noradrenergic neurons of the locus coeruleus 677 678
Noradrenergic receptors 487
Norepinephrine (noradrenaline) biosynthetic pathway 147
Norepinephrine (noradrenaline) brain distribution 150
Norepinephrine (noradrenaline) effector pathways 172
Norepinephrine (noradrenaline) function 149
Norepinephrine (noradrenaline) release 471 487 493
Norepinephrine (noradrenaline) structure 130
Norepinephrine (noradrenaline), varieties of 139
Norepinephrine transporter (NET) 150
Notch family 517
Notochord 501 502 503
Nottebohm, Fernando 605
NSAIDs 221
NSF (NEM-sensitive fusion protein) 111
NSTX-3 137
Nuclear bag fibers 200
Nuclear chain fibers 200
Nuclear receptors 181
Nuclear signaling 178—181
Nuclei 5 15;
Nuclei of the lateral leminiscus 307
Nucleus ambiguus 398—399 477 759 760
Nucleus cuneatus 760
Nucleus gracilis 760
Nucleus of the lateral leminiscus 304
Nucleus of the solitary tract 480 481
Nucleus of the solitary tract autonomic regulation 492
Nucleus of the solitary tract gustatory nucleus 356
Nucleus of the solitary tract location 482 759 760
Nusslein-Volhard, C. 513
Nystagmus 326 457
ob gene 49
Obesity, genetic control 490
Obicularis oculi 690
Object recognition 630
Oblique muscles 230
Occipital lobes 18 19 270
Ocular apraxia 621
Ocular dominance 274 562—568 571
Ocular dominance columns 271 275 562—563 563
Oculomotor nerve (cranial nerve III) 230 260 329 756 756—760
Odorants classification 339
Odorants definition 337
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