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Burnell J., Berry R. — Handbook of Astronomical Image Processing |
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1/f noise 242
24-bit color 558
A Trous algorithm 478
Aberration 250
Aberrations 5
ADU 23 40
Afocal 9
Air mass 288
Airy diffraction figure 499
Airy disk 7
Airy disk, angular diameter of 7
All-sky photometry 279 290 296
Analog-to-digital unit 40 44
Angstrom, Anders 304
Angular 7
Angular field of view 26
Angular field of view for CCDs 79
Angular pixel size for CCDs 79
Annulus 274
Anscombe transform 488
Anti-blooming gates 21
Apparent positions 250
Archiving digital information 151
Asteroid astrometry 265
Astrometric catalogs 249
Astrometric position 250
Astrometry 221 249
Atmospheric extinction 286
Atmospheric turbulence 499
AVI 57
Back-illuminated CCDs 18
Barlow lens projection 145
Barnard’s Star 250
Barycenter 216
Bas-relief operators 385
Bayer array 21 558
Bias frames 124 165
Binary data array 66
BITPIX (FITS keyword) 61
Black body radiation 516
Blinking 447
Blocking filters 549
Blooming trail 21
Blue bloat 85
BMP 57
Boxcar unsharp mask 390
Bunsen, Robert 303
Burst noise 242
Butterworth filter 472
byte order 58
Calibration, advanced protocol 123 158
Calibration, basic protocol 123 157
Calibration, errors 199
Calibration, errors, bias drift 199
Calibration, errors, changing CCD temperature 201
Calibration, errors, changing optical configuration 202
Calibration, noise 196
Calibration, standard protocol 123 158
Camera, digital SLR 128
Canon 10D 557
Canon Digital Rebel 557
Cape Photographic Catalog 251
CCD 14
CCD camera’s performance, charge skimming 228
CCD camera’s performance, conversion factor 228
CCD camera’s performance, dark current 228
CCD camera’s performance, interference 228
CCD camera’s performance, linearity 228
CCD camera’s performance, noise pickup 228
CCD camera’s performance, readout noise 228
CCD camera’s performance, uniformity 228
CCDs, back-illuminated 18
CCDs, frame-transfer 17
CCDs, front illuminated 18
CCDs, reflections 104
CCDs, sizes 83
Centroid determination 216
Cepheid variables 296
Charge skimming 243
Chrominance 514
Chrominance component 513
Clock drive, testing 95
Clock drive, tuning 95
CMY filters 554
Color channel 573
Color plane 573
color space 539
Color, wavelengths 515
Comet astrometry 265
COMMENT (FITS keyword) 61
Computer-controlled mountings 93
Constant sigma scaling 489
Conversion factor 44 227
Convolution 365 464
Convolution kernel, properties 375
Convolution kernel, properties, commutivity 376
Convolution kernel, properties, linearity 375
Convolution kernel, properties, separability 377
Cooley, P. M. 469
Coordinate reference frame 251
Cousins, Andrew 282
Cropping 332
CRW 57
Cylinder focusing 103
Dark current 43 162 227
Dark current, determining 247
Dark frame 46 170
Dark frame, matching 176
Dark frame, scalable 174
Dark frame, standard 174
Dark frame, taking 124
Dark frames 43
Davis, Don 304
Deconvolution 499
Deconvolve 368
Deep-sky imaging, guided one-shot imaging 132
Deep-sky imaging, track-and-stack imaging 132
Deep-sky objects 130
Deep-sky targets, clusters of galaxies 139
Deep-sky targets, comets 140
Deep-sky targets, dark nebulae 137
Deep-sky targets, galaxies 138
Deep-sky targets, globular clusters 136
Deep-sky targets, HII regions 136
Deep-sky targets, open clusters 135
Deep-sky targets, planetary nebulae 136
Deep-sky targets, quasars 140
Deep-sky targets, reflection nebulae 137
Defect mapping and correction 203
Detector 9
Detector limited 49
Determining a centroid 216
Differential photometry 278 290 292 293
Diffraction grating 305
Diffraction-limited images 6
Digital number 44
Digital single-lens-reflex (dSLR), camera 557
Digital SLR camera 128
Digital snapshots 130
Digital, development 422
Digital, setting circles 93
Discrete Fourier series 466
dispersion 312
DN 23
Do-what-you-can photometry 292 298
Dome flats 184
Drift subtract mode 168
Dustdonuts 102 107
Dyadic 480
| Eclipsing binary stars 294
Edge-detection kernels 385
Electroluminescence 178
Electronic transitions 517
Electrons per ADU 44
Epoch 250
Erratic errors 94
Expectation maximization method 507
Exponential histogram shaping 363
Extinction values 532
Extrafocal star test 107
Eyepiece projection 144
Fast Fourier Transform 469
Feature masking 474
Fiber-fed spectrograph 310
Fiber-fed spectrograph images 318
Field flooding 102 104
Field of view 77
Filter matrix 537
finder scopes 92
Finders, big 92
Finders, flip-mirror systems 92
Finders, unity-power 92
FITS 57 59
FITS variants 68
FITS variants, nonconforming data arrays 68
FITS variants, nonconforming headers 68
FITS variants, un-corrdinated header and data arrays 68
FITS, Basic FITS 59
FITS, binary image data 60
FITS, header 59 61
FITS, keyword 61
FITS, tailer 60
FK3 251
FK4 251
FK5 251
Flat-field frame 125 180
Flat-field frame, dome flats 184
Flat-field frame, light-box 184
Flat-field frame, sky flats 184
Flat-field frame, twilight flats 184
flipping 331
floating 332
Flopping 331
Focus, methods, diffraction-spike 120
Focus, methods, holes-in-a-mask 121
Focus, methods, longest blooming trail 120
Focus, methods, number of faint stars 120
Focus, methods, peak pixel value 119
Focus, methods, smallest star image 119
Fourier integral 458
Fourier series 456
Fourier transform, inverse scaling 463
Fourier transform, linearity 462
Fourier transform, symmetry 462
Fourier, Jean Baptiste Joseph 455
Fraunhofer, Joseph 303
Free spectral range 312
Front-illuminated CCDs 18
Full width halfmaximum 273
FWHM 273
G2V stars 531
Gain 44 227
Gamma transfer function 349
Gammalog transfer function 351
Gaussian distribution 39 42
Gaussian, histogram 361
Gaussian, histogram shaping 362
Gaussian, unsharp mask 392
Gavin, Maurice 304
Geometric transforms, cropping 332
Geometric transforms, flipping 331
Geometric transforms, floating 332
Geometric transforms, flopping 331
Geometric transforms, resampling 334
Geometric transforms, rotation 325
Geometric transforms, scaling 328
Geometric transforms, translation 321
Gradient kernels 385
Gratings, reflection 305
Gratings, transmission 305
Guide Star Catalog (GSC) 251
Guiding methods, off-axis 116
H II regions 521
high-pass filters 381
High-point pixel values 210
High-resolution images 147
Hipparchos Catalog 252
Histogram equalization 362
HISTORY (FITS keyword) 61
Hot pixels 46 163
Hot spots 102 103
How to how to install AIP for Windows 613
How to shoot dome flats 184
How to shoot light-box flats 184
How to shoot sky flats 186
How to shoot twilight flats 186
HSL color space 541
Hue 541
Huggins, William 304
Human color vision 514
Hydrogen hypersensitizing 13
Image calibration, advanced 441
Image calibration, basic 440
Image calibration, dark subtraction 436
Image calibration, flat-fielding 438
Image calibration, standard 441
Image estimation by iteration 501
Image math, absolute difference 429
Image math, addition 425
Image math, average 432
Image math, division 429
Image math, merge 430
Image math, multiplication 428
Image math, subtraction 426
Image ranking, maximum 435
Image ranking, median 433
Image ranking, minimum 435
Image registration, rotation 444
Image registration, scaling 444
Image registration, translation 443
Image, aspect ratio 23
Image, calibration, advanced 191
Image, calibration, basic 187
Image, calibration, standard 189
Image, feature analysis 212
Image, histogram 210
Image, profiles 220
Image, stacking 199
Image, times-five rule of thumb 172
Impulse function 485
Instrumental zero point 275
Interference filters 549
Interline-transfer CCDs 17
Internal lens reflections 104
Inverse convolution problem 500
Inverse wavelet transform 480
Iterative wavelet noise filter 492
Johnson, Harold 282
JPEG 57 59
k-sigma filter 494
Kirchhoff, Gustav 303
Kirsch operators 386
Lab color space 544 576
Laplacian operator 388
Level 477
Light box 126
Light, definition 1
Light-box flats 184
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