Авторизация |
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Burnell J., Berry R. — Handbook of Astronomical Image Processing |
Предметный указатель |
Line-detection operators 387
Linear transfer function 347
Linearity 227
Logarithmic transfer function 350
Low point pixel values 210
Low-level light source (L3S) 229
Low-level light source (L3S), construction 234
low-pass filters 378
LRGB imaging 546
Lucy, L.B. 507
Lucy-Richardson method 507
Luminance 514 541
Master bias frame 169
Maximum likelihood method 507
Maximum pixel value 208
Mean of the median half 216
Mean pixel value 209 214
Median pixel value 209 216
Menzies, John 282
Mexican Hat function 477
Milk plastic 126
Minimum pixel value 208 213
Morgan, W.W. 282
Morphological operators 412
Morphological operators, dilation 419
Morphological operators, erosion 419
Morphological operators, Frei and Chen 415
Morphological operators, opening and closing 419
Morphological operators, skeleton 418
Multi-luminance imaging 552
Multiple convolutions 371
Multiple-image processing 663
Multiplicative error 157
Multiresolution support image 490
Narrowband color images 553
Native color space 574
Nebulae spectral lines 518
NEF file format 57
Negative transfer function 352
Nikon D70 557
noise filters 410
Noise pattern 46
Non-linear enhancement, extreme value 406
Non-linear enhancement, local adaptive sharpening 408
Non-linear operators, median 399
Non-linear operators, minimum and maximum 398
Non-linear operators, multiplicative rank 403
Non-linear operators, rank-order 401
Normalized master flat frame 567
Nyquist, criterion 143
Nyquist, sampling theorem 29
Objective prism images 314
Objective prism spectrograph 305
Objective prism, ray paths 307
Observational error, analysis 268
Okano, Kunihiko 422
Oversampling 29
Parseval’s theorem 466
Periodic error 94
Periodic error, correction (PEC) 97
Photographic emulsions 11
Photometric, image profile 223
Photometric, systems 279
Photometry 221 271
Photon limited 49
Photon, flux 159
Photon, statistics 194
Pinhole camera 2
Pixel 27
Pixel measurements, pixel coordinates 206
Pixel measurements, pixel value 207
Pixel statistics 212
Pixel value 22
Pixel, angular size 29
Pixel, aspect ratio 23
Planck’s constant 2
Planetary nebulae 521
Plate coordinates 254
Pogson scale 272
Pogson, Norman 271
Point operations 337
Point-spread function 29
Poisson distribution 38
Poisson noise 488
Polar alignment 113
Power-law unsharp mask 393
Precession 250
Prewitt operators 386
Progressive-scan CCDs 17
Proper motion 250
Quantize transfer function 353
Rate errors 94
RAW file format 57
Raw image 43
Raw instrumental magnitude 275 276
Readout noise 43 227
Resampling 334
Residual image 481
Resolution 81
Retina, cone cells 10
Retina, human 9
Retina, rod cells 9
RGB filter matrix 538
RGB triad 23 572
Richardson, William H. 507
Richardson-Lucy iteration 507
Root mean square 41
Rotation 325
RR Lyrae stars 296
RS Canis Venaticorum stars 296
Sample 35
Saturated 21
| Saturation 541
Sawtooth transfer function 353
Scaling 328 357
Shot noise 43
Sigma, as radius of star image 273
Signal bias 41
Signal-to-noise ratio 37
Significance image 490
Significant signal 486
Skiff, Brian 292
Sky atlas software 93
Sky Catalog 2000.0 251
Sky flats 186
Sky-limited image 48
Slit spectrograph 309
Slit spectrograph images 316
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Catalog (SAO) 251
SNR 37
Sobel operators 386
Solar-system targets, Jovian Satellites 152
Solar-system targets, Jupiter 152
Solar-system targets, Lunar Imaging 154
Solar-system targets, Mars 151
Solar-system targets, Mercury 151
Solar-system targets, Moon 154
Solar-system targets, Neptune 154
Solar-system targets, Saturn 154
Solar-system targets, Sun 155
Solar-system targets, Uranus 154
Solar-system targets, Venus 151
Spatial filters 377
Spatial frequency 453
Spatially encoded 572
Spectral resolution 312
Spectral sensitivity 83
Spectroscopy 225
Spectrum, analysis 319
Spectrum, calibration 319
Spectrum, image properties 311
Standard coordinates 253
Standard deviation 35 209 214
Stellar, parallax 268
Stretch scaling 356
Support frames 165
Synchrotron emission 518
Tagged Image File Format see TIFF
Technique 113
Thermal frame 158 173
Three-sigma detection 486
TIFF 57 59
Topographic operator 419
Track 659
Track-and-stack imaging 447
Tracking sensitivity 93
Transfer curve 244
Transfer functions 343
Translation 321
Tri-color imaging 523
Triangular unsharp mask 391
Trichromatic 514
Tukey, J. W. 469
Tutorials, astrometry 615 631
Tutorials, basic skills 615 616
Tutorials, calibration 615 621
Tutorials, deep sky images 615
Tutorials, fast Fourier transform 615 655
Tutorials, image enhancement 615 644
Tutorials, image enhancement, brightness scaling 644
Tutorials, image enhancement, convolution filtering 649
Tutorials, image enhancement, deconvolution 650
Tutorials, image enhancement, deep-sky images 665
Tutorials, image enhancement, histogram shaping 647
Tutorials, image enhancement, morphological processing 654
Tutorials, image enhancement, multiple image processing 659
Tutorials, image enhancement, planetary images 670
Tutorials, image enhancement, unsharp masking 650
Tutorials, image evaluation 615 627
Tutorials, image registration and blinking 615 663
Tutorials, multiple image processing 615
Tutorials, photometry 615 635
Tutorials, photometry, multiple-image photometry 639
Tutorials, photometry, single-image photometry 638
Tutorials, photometry, single-star photometry 636
Tutorials, planetary images 615
Tutorials, spectroscopy 615 642
Twilight flats 186
Tycho catalog 252
UB V(RI) filters for CCD photometry 282
UBV system, primary standards 281
Undersampling 29
Unsharp mask 388
USNO-A2.0 catalog 252
USNO-SA2.0 catalog 252
Van Cittert deconvolution 506
Van Cittert, P.H. 506
Variance 214
Vierte Fundamental Katalog 251
Vignetting 102 106 162
Wavelet coefficient 480
Wavelet function 479
Wavelet noise filter 485
Wavelet scale 477
Wavelet spatial filter 497
Wavelet spatial filtering 485
Wavelet transform 480
WebCam 31
white balance 576
Window reflections 104
Wollaston, William 303
Wratten filters 549
Z 275
Z (zero point) 275
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