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Kingslake R. — Optical System Design |
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lens 153 274
law 122
'Hycam' camera 289
'Questar', optical system of 256
'Ultrapak' illuminator 191
Abbe, oil-immersion objective 189
Abbe, theory of microscope vision 196
Aberrations of a lens 21
Aberrations, effect on depth of field 268
Accommodation of the eye 176
Acoustooptic devices 314
Adaptation, visual 93 170
Afocal Galilean attachments 223
Afocal systems 73
Airy disk 13
Airy disk with central obstruction 260
Aligning an optical system 5
Altazimuth mounting 228
Ambient light on a screen 140
Anaglyph, colored 140
Anallatic point 236
Anamorphic systems 81
Anamorphic systems, prismatic 225
Antireflection coatings 105
Aperture shuttering in high-speed camera 291
Aperture, relative (F-number) 124
Apostilb 119
Apparent brightness of an object 93 175
ASA film speed system 126
Aspheric surfaces 4
Astigmatism 22
Astigmatism, visual 179
Attachments, diopter 263
Autocollimator, prism testing by 159
Autofocus mechanisms 62
Autoset level 233
Axicon 243
Axicon, alignment with an 244
BADOPA plane 61
Baffles in mirror systems 256
Balloon theodolite 232
Beam section at a tilted mirror 146
Beam splitters for color television 107
Beam splitters, pellicle 107
Bifocal spectacles 178
Binocular microscopes 195
Binoculars, field of view 205
Biocular magnifier 185
Birefringent materials 8
Blaze of a grating 311
Borescope 214
Borescope, telecentric relay 215
Bouwers — Maksutov system 248
Bravais system 72
Brewster, polarizing angle 100
Brewster, prism 224
Brewster, teinoscope 224
Brightness of object seen by eye 175
Brightness of telescopic images 207
Brightness vs. luminance 176
Bubble sextant 235
Calibrated focal length 62
Camera, aerial slit 283
Camera, motion-picture 286
Camera, optics 262
Camera, Polaroid 145
Camera, racetrack 283
Camera, rotating panoramic 282
Camera, rotating-mirror 290
Camera, rotating-prism 287
Camera, scanning copy 284
Camera, Schmidt 247
Camera, slit 281
Camera, streak 291
Camera, swinging-lens panoramic 281
Camera, telecentric for orthographic photography 285
Candela 94
Candle-power photometers 111
Cardinal points 40
Cardioid condenser 199
Cat-eye reflector 246
Catadioptric systems 245
Catadioptric systems, raytracing through 37
Cataract spectacles 180
Catoptric microscope objectives 192
Catoptric systems 245
Center of perspective 262
Central obstruction in mirror systems 259
Chief ray 86
CinemaScope system 81
Cinetheodolite 231
Circle of confusion 266
Circular source 120
Coating, antireflection 105
Coating, dichroic 107
Coelostat 151
Collimator 55
Coma 21
Coma of elliptical mirror 132 249
Coma of parabolic mirror 250
Coma, correction of in a telescope 256
Communication fibers 24
Condenser in slide projector 133
Conjugate distances of a thin lens 53
Conjugate distances, relation between 47
Constant deviation spectroscope 304
Constant deviation system of two mirrors 153
Contour projector 141
Coronagraph 228
Critical angle 11 99
Critical flicker frequency 174
Crystals, optical 3
Curvature of spectrum lines 299
Curved mirror, raytracing at 36
Curved screen 138
Cylinders, crossed 83
Cylindrical surfaces 5
Daguerreotypes, image inversion in 146
Dark field illumination 199
Dawes' rule 207
Densitometers 109
density 108
Depth of field 265
Diapoint 26
Diffuse density 108
Diffusing surface 93
DIN film-speed system 127
Diopter 45 176
Diopter, attachments 263
Dispersion of a grating 310
Dispersion of a prism 296
Displacement of image by a parallel plate, longitudinal 157
Displacement of image by a parallel plate, transverse 241 288
Distortion in a panoramic camera 282
Distortion of a telescope eyepiece 205
Distortion, anamorphic 225
Distortion, anamorphic with a cylindrical Bravais system 73
Distortion, anamorphic, when rectifying keystone 220
Distortion, curvilinear 21
Distortion, effect on oblique illumination 129
Distortion, keystone 269
Distortion, keystone, vanishing point 269
Distortion, wide-angle 262
Double monochromator 304
Dynameter 204
Dyson, interference microscope 200
Dyson, relay for a microscope objective 245
Ebert — Fastie spectograph 312
Edge gradient 20
| Ellipse, drawing an 147
Endoscopes 226
Entrance pupil 86
Entrance pupil of fish-eye lens 87
Equatorial mounting 228
Equivalent refracting locus 40
Erecting telescopes 210
Errors in mounting a rotator 163
Errors in prism angles 159
Exit pupil 86
Exit pupil of a microscope 190
Exit pupil of a telescope 210
Exit pupil, spherical aberration of 210
Exposure equation 126
Exposure meters 117
Extension tubes 263
Eye relief 210
Eye, accommodation 176
Eye, adaptation 170
Eye, as a photometer 110
Eye, as an optical instrument 170
Eye, dark adaptation of 170
Eye, dimensions of 170
Eye, far point 176
Eye, near point 176
Eye, pupil diameter 171
Eye, resolving power 172
Eye, spectral sensitivity 174
Eye, stereo acuity of 180
Eye, wavelength sensitivity 174
Eye-level viewfinder 222
eyepieces 208
Eyepieces, Delaborne 208
Eyepieces, Erfle 208
Eyepieces, four-lens terrestrial 210
Eyepieces, Huygens' 208
Eyepieces, Kellner 208
Eyepieces, military 210
Eyepieces, Ramsden 208
Eyepoint of a microscope 190
Eyepoint of a telescope 204
F-number of a lens 124
F-number, effective 84
Fiber optics 22
Fiber optics, communication channel 24
Fiber optics, endoscopes 226
Fiber optics, face-plates 23
Fiber optics, image invertor 23
Fiber optics, wave-guides 24
Fiberscope 23
Field curvature 22
Field flattener see "Lens Smyth"
field, depth of 265
Film projector, 8mm 132
Flare spot 128
flicker 174
Flux 95
Flux meters 112
Flux, measurement of 112
Flux, radiated into a cone 117
Flying spot scanner 292
Focal lengths 40
Focal lengths, calibrated 62
Focal lengths, measurement of 59
Focal lengths, relation between 42
Focal points 40
Foco-collimator 61
Focometry 59
Focus, depth of 265
Focusing a camera on a near object 263
Foot-candle 96
Foote's formula for oblique illumination 123
Fourier transform plane 202
Fractions of a stop 125
Frequency of light waves 7
Fresnel, formulas for reflection 98
Galilean telescope 221
Galilean viewfinder 222
Gauss theory of lenses 40
ghost images 128
Glass, optical 2
Gradient index, GRIN rods 24
Gradient index, materials 3
Graphical image construction with thin lenses 66
Grating, blaze 311
Grating, concave 312
Grating, diffraction 306
Grating, dispersion 310
Grating, magnification 308
Grating, resolving power 310
GRIN rods 3
Gullstrand ophthalmoscope 214
Hadley's sextant 234
Head-up display 252
Heliostat 151
Hiatus 52
High-speed cameras 286
Homogeneous immersion 189
Hot spot with translucent screen 139
Hyperopia (far sight) 177
Illuminance 95
Illuminance meters 112
Illuminance, from a circular source 120
Illuminance, measurement of 112
Illumination in an optical image 124
Illumination, Abbe for a microscope 197
Illumination, dark field 199
Illumination, Koehler for a microscope 198
Illumination, Koehler for a slide projector 133
Illuminator, vertical 190
Image brightness in a telescope 207
Image brightness, to the eye 175
Image contrast 19
Image erector, prismatic 164
Image illuminance, distant object 124
Image illuminance, near object 125
Image in a large field lens 185
Image inversion in a slide projector 144
Image invertor, fiber optic 23
Image invertor, prismatic 164
Image lean in prism binocular 167
Image magnification in afocal system 205
Image processing 202
Image rotators 161
Image rotators, mounting of 163
Image shift, methods for producing 158
Image space 10
Image tracking through lenses and mirrors 160
Image, contrast 19
Image, displacement by a parallel plate 157
Image, left-handed 144
Image, real 9
Image, right-reading 144
Image, stray light in 128
Image, virtual 9
Image, wrong-reading 144
Immersion objectives 189
Infrared, materials 3
Infrared, telescope 227
Integrating sphere 114
Intensity 94
Intensity, measurement of 111
Internal reflection 11
Interpolation of refractive indices 12
Inverse square law 95
Iris and pupils 86
Iris and pupils of a telescope 204
Keystone distortion 269
Keystone distortion in overhead projector 135
Keystone distortion, rectification of 270
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