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Kingslake R. — Optical System Design |
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Refraction, law of 10
Refractive index 7
Refractive index, interpolation of 12
Resolving power, eye 172
Resolving power, grating 310
Resolving power, microscope 188
Resolving power, perfect lens 16
Resolving power, prism 298
Resolving power, telescope 206
Rifle scope 215
Rim rays, upper and lower 85
Roof edge, precision needed in 159
Rotators 161
Rotators, mounting a 163
Rowland circle 312
Scanners, mirror 152
Scheimpflug condition 58
Scheimpflug condition in a rectifying enlarger 270
Schlieren system 251
Schwarzschild microscope objective 258
Screen gain 120 138
Screen lumens, measurement of 137
Screen, curved 138
Screen, diffusing 139
Screen, opaque 138
Screen, projection 138
Screen, translucent 139
Selfoc GRIN rods 24
Sextant 234
Shifting an image along axis 158
Siderostat 149
Sine-wave bar chart, made by cylindrical lens 82
Sine-wave bar chart, used for MTF measurement 17
Skew rays 26
Slide viewer, biocular 185
Snell's law 11
Spectacle lenses 176
Spectrograph, grating 312
Spectrograph, prism 300
Spectrophotometers 116
Spectroscopic apparatus 294
Specular density 108
Stadiametric rangefinder 236
Stellar magnitudes 176
Stepped power changer 217
Steradian 95
Stereoscopic, aerial slit camera 283
Stereoscopic, binoculars 167
Stereoscopic, microscope 195
Stereoscopic, periscope 181
Stereoscopic, photographs 181
Stereoscopic, projection 140
Stereoscopic, rangefinder 242
Stereoscopic, viewing in a field lens 187
Stereoscopic, vision 180
Stigmatic image 22
Stilb 93
Stray light in images 128
Surface reflection 98
Surveying instruments 230
Surveyor's level 232
Swinging collimator for focometry 61
Symmetrical systems 21
T-stop system 127
Teinoscope 224
Tele-extender 265
| Tele-microscope 227
Telecentric systems 88
Telenegative attachment 265
Telephoto system at finite magnification 69
Telephotometers, photoelectric 113
Telephotometers, visual 113
Telescope 203
Telescope with stepped power changer 218
Telescope, astronomical 227
Telescope, Cassegrain 254
Telescope, coma correction in 256
Telescope, Dall — Kirkham 255
Telescope, declination axis of 228
Telescope, Donders 223
Telescope, erecting 210
Telescope, field stop 204
Telescope, fields, real and apparent 205
Telescope, Galilean 221
Telescope, Galilean, as a power changer 219
Telescope, Galilean, mounted in hotel room door 222
Telescope, Galilean, used in front of camera lens 223
Telescope, Galilean, used in submarine periscope 212
Telescope, Gregorian 254
Telescope, image brightness in 207
Telescope, infrared 227
Telescope, McMath Solar 150
Telescope, Newtonian 254
Telescope, pancratic 211
Telescope, panoramic 168
Telescope, polar axis of 228
Telescope, resolving power of 206
Telescope, Ritchey — Chretien 257
Telescope, siderostatic 150
Telescope, space 207
Telescope, unit-power 213
Telescope, zoom 211
Theodolite 231
Thickness, insertion of 54
Through-the-lens metering 117
Tilted planes 58
Tilted planes, theory of 269
Tilted projection 271
Total internal reflection 11 98
Tracking an image through lenses and mirrors 160
Transit, surveyor's 231
Transmission at normal incidence 103
Transmittance measurement 115
Transparent objects under a microscope 199
Trifocal spectacles 178
Tube length of microscope 187
Tungsten iodine lamps 134
Two-mirror systems 153 253
U.S. aperture designation 127
Unit planes 42
Veiling glare 128
Vertometer 49
Viewfinder, Galilean 222
Vignetting 85
Virtual objects and images 9
Vision, properties of 172
Visual brightness 175
Vuegraph 135
wave number 7
Waveguides, fiber-optic 24
Waves and rays 8
Waxicon 244
Y-nu method for tracing paraxial rays 34
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