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Kingslake R. — Optical System Design |
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Lagrange theorem, distant object 43
Lagrange theorem, near object 37
Lambert, cosine law of illumination 96
Lambert, cosine law of intensity 94
Lambert, unit of radiated flux 119
Lambertian diffuser 93
Laser beam, expander 222 255
Laser beam, used for alignment 5 244
Laser rangefinder 237
Lateral color 21
Lateral color of eyepieces 208
Left-handed and right-handed images 144
Lens erector in a telescope 210
Lens manufacture 3
Lens power 45
Lens, anallatic 237
Lens, anastigmat 22
Lens, ball see "Sutton's panoramic"
Lens, centering and edging 4
Lens, contact 180
Lens, cylindrical 80
Lens, cylindrical in Bravais system 73
Lens, cylindrical, crossed 83
Lens, cylindrical, used to make a sine-wave bar chart 82
Lens, diamond grinding of 3
Lens, diffraction limited 16
Lens, erecting 210
Lens, erecting in telescope 210
Lens, field at translucent screen 139
Lens, field in a telescope 213
Lens, field in orthographic photography 285
Lens, field of an eyepiece 209
Lens, field, image projection into 186
Lens, fish-eye 274
Lens, fish-eye, entrance pupil of 87
Lens, Fresnel 38
Lens, liquid-filled 3
Lens, monocentric 275
Lens, photographic 280
Lens, plastic, aspheric 5
Lens, reversed telephoto 71 274
Lens, Ross for coma correction 257
Lens, sky see "Lens fish-eye"
Lens, Smyth 213
Lens, spectacle 176
Lens, surface power 45
Lens, Sutton's panoramic 275
Lens, telecentric in contour projectors 141
Lens, telephoto 71 272
Lens, thick single 51
Lens, thin 52
Lens, thin, raytracing through separated 67
Lens, toric 179
Lens, zoom 277
Lens, zoom, mechanically compensated 277
Lens, zoom, optically compensated 279
Lens, zoom, two-component 74 278
Lensometer 49
Level, autoset 233
Level, surveyor's 232
Light adaptation of eye 170
Light and color 92
Light and color, detectors of 7
Light and color, nature of 7
Light and color, polarized 8
Light and color, sources of 7
Light and color, wavelength 7
Littrow spectrograph 302
Longitudinal magnification 56
Lumen 95
Luminance 93
Luminance meters 112
Luminance of an aerial image 97
Luminance of an illuminated surface 119
Luminance vs. brightness 176
Luminance, measurement of 112
Lux 95
Lyot stop in coronagraph 229
Macro lens 265
Macro zoom 265
Magnification 36
Magnification in a telescope 205
Magnification in an afocal system 74
Magnification of a grating 308
Magnification of a prism 297
Magnification, longitudinal 56
Magnifying instruments 182
Magnifying power 182
Magnifying power of a microscope 187
Magnifying power of a telescope 203
Magnitude of stars 176
Maksutov Cassegrain system 256
Maksutov — Bouwers systems 248
Materials, optical 2
Matrix theory of paraxial rays 77
Maxwellian view 97
Mean spherical candle power 94
Meridional rays 26
Meridional rays, tracing of 28
Meter-candle 96
Microdensitometer 110
Microphotography 194
Microscope 187
Microscope objective, numerical aperture of 188
Microscope objective, oil immersion 189
Microscope objective, Schwarzschild 258
Microscope, binocular 195
Microscope, compound 187
Microscope, interference 200
Microscope, spatial filtering in 197
Microscope, tube length 187
Microscope, Zernike phase 201
Microscope, zoom 192
Microscopy of transparent objects 199
Microscopy, ultraviolet 189
Military rangefinder 238
Mirror drum for scanning 152
Mirror imaging systems 245
Mirror microscope objectives 258
Mirror scanners 152
Mirror systems, central obstruction in 259
Mirror, beam section on a tilted 146
Mirror, conic-section 248
Mirror, elliptical 248
Mirror, hyperbolic 253
Mirror, Mangin 247
Mirror, off-axis paraboloid 250
Mirror, parabolic 250
Mirror, plane, flatness tolerance of 147
Mirror, plane, flexure 147
Mirror, rotating 148
Mirror, spherical 245
Mirror, triple 154
Modulation transfer function 17
Modulation transfer function with central obstruction 261
Modulation transfer function, cascading 19
Modulation transfer function, coherent 20
Monochromator 302
Monochromator, Littrow 302
Monochromator, van Cittert double 305
Monochromator, Wadsworth 252 303
Mounting an image rotator 163
MTF see "Modulation transfer function"
Multi-lens systems 66
Multifocal spectacles 178
Multiple mirror systems 153
Myopia (near sight) 177
Near object, focusing on a 263
Nearest distance of distinct vision 182
Night-glass effect 173
| Nit 94
Nodal points 50
Nodal points of a mirror 246
Nodal slide 59
Numerical aperture 17
Numerical aperture of a fiber 22
Numerical aperture of a microscope objective 188
Object space 10
Objects, real 9
Objects, virtual 9
Oblique beams 85
Oblique beams, paraxial tracing of 89
Oblique image illumination 129
Obstruction in mirror systems 259
Oil-immersion microscope objective 189
OPD see "Optical path difference"
Ophthalmoscope, Gullstrand 214
Optical fibers 22
Optical invariant 38
Optical path difference 13
Optical square 234
Optical system components 2
Optical system components, alignment 5
Optical system components, design and production 1
Optical tunnel 156
Orthographic photography 285
Overhead projector 135
Panoramic camera 281
Paraboloid condenser, dark field 199
Parallel beam 55
Parallel plate, image displacement by, longitudinal 157
Parallel plate, transverse 241 288
Paraxial rays 26
Paraxial rays, matrix theory of 77
Paraxial rays, tracing 30
Perfect optical system 13
Perfect optical system, resolving power of 16
Periscopes 211
Periscopes, stereoscopic 181
Perspective in photography 262
Phase microscopy 201
Phot 95
Photographic exposure meters 117
Photographic lens, specifying a 280
Photographic optics 262
Photography, underwater 275
Photometric definitions 93
Photometric measuring instruments 110
Photometry of optical systems 92
Photomicrography 194
Photostat machine 145
Pile of plates 105
Plane grating spectrograph 312
Plane surfaces, photometry of 98
Plane-table surveying 230
Polarization by reflection 100
Polarized light 8
Polaroid cameras, image inversion in 145
Polaroid sheet material 8
Polygon mirror scanners 152
Polygon, reflecting 152
Polygon, transmitting 287
Power changers, stepped 217
Power of a lens 45
Principal planes 40
Principal planes, relation between 41
Principal points 40
Principal ray 86
Prism angle errors 159
Prism autocollimator 159
Prism binoculars, field of view of 205
Prism binoculars, used as a magnifier 206
Prism monochromator 302
Prism spectrograph 300
Prism, Brewster 224
Prism, double-image 102
Prism, Nicol 102
Prismatic image erectors 164
Prisms, dispersing 294
Prisms, dispersing, curvature of spectrum lines 299
Prisms, dispersing, deviation 294
Prisms, dispersing, dispersion 296
Prisms, dispersing, magnification 297
Prisms, dispersing, minimum deviation 295
Prisms, dispersing, Pellin — Broca 303
Prisms, dispersing, resolving power 298
Prisms, reflecting 155
Prisms, reflecting for image rotation 161
Prisms, reflecting, Abbe 161
Prisms, reflecting, Amici roof 155
Prisms, reflecting, cube-corner 154
Prisms, reflecting, Daubresse 167
Prisms, reflecting, Dove 161
Prisms, reflecting, Dove, rotating object seen through 163
Prisms, reflecting, erecting 164
Prisms, reflecting, Hensoldt 166
Prisms, reflecting, inclined eyepiece 155
Prisms, reflecting, Leman 166
Prisms, reflecting, Moeller 166
Prisms, reflecting, optical tunnel of 156
Prisms, reflecting, Pechan 161
Prisms, reflecting, penta 155
Prisms, reflecting, Porro 165
Prisms, reflecting, right-angled 155
Prisms, reflecting, roof 155
Prisms, reflecting, Schmidt 161
Prisms, reflecting, Taylor 161
Prisms, reflecting, Uppendahl 161
Prisms, reflecting, Wirth 165
Projection screens 138
Projection with illuminated object 131
Projection with self-luminous object 131
Projection, stereoscopic 140
Projection, three-dimensional 140
Projection, zoom lenses for 279
Projector, arc 131
Projector, contour 141
Projector, Eidophor 137
Projector, Kodak contour 142
Projector, slide 133
Projector, slide, image inversion in 144
Pupil diameter of eye 171
Pupils of a telescope 204
Pupils, entrance and exit 86
Purkinje effect 175
Pyramid error of a prism 159
Quartz, spectrograph 301
Quasi-parallel beam 56
Radiometry and photometry 92
Rangefinders 236
Rangefinders, laser 237
Rangefinders, military 238
Rangefinders, self-contained-base 238
Rangefinders, stadiametric 236
Rangefinders, stereoscopic 242
Ray tracing 27
Ray tracing at a curved mirror 36
Ray tracing, graphical 27
Ray tracing, meridional 28
Ray tracing, paraxial 30
Ray tracing, through separated thin lenses 67
Rayleigh limit of optical path difference 13
Rays and waves 8
Rays and waves, types of 26
Real and virtual images 9
Rectification of keystone distortion 270
Reflaxicon 244
Reflection at a glass surface 98
Reflection at normal incidence 103
Reflection, total internal 11 98
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