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Matt Young — Optics and Lasers: Including Fibers and Optical Waveguides |
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"Len" 2.2.1 2.2.2 5.5.6
"Len" equation 2.2.2 2.2.4 12.2.1
(diffuser) 4.1.5
fringes 5.2 5.3.1 5.6.1 5.6.2 6.2
vs curve 7.1
70-70 excitation condition 10.3.4 11.1
Abbe theory of microscopy 1 7.2.1 7.4.4
Aberration 1 2.2.2 2.2.12 2.2.13 Problem 3.5 5.5.6 7.1.2 7.3.7
Aberration, chromatic 2.2.12 7.4.1 7.4.3 12.2.1
Aberration, spherical Problem 2.10 2.2.13 3.5
Aberration, wavefront 5.5.6
Aberration-limited lenses 3.8.1
Absorber 8.1.1
Absorptance 4.2.1
Absorption 2.1.2 8 8.2.1
Absorption coefficient 8.1.1
Acceptor level 4.3.1
Accommodation 3.1
Achromatic eyepiece 2.2.4
Acousto-optic beam deflection 9.4.4
Acousto-optic light modulator 9.4.4
Acousto-optics 9.4.4
Active device 12.1
Adaptation 3.1
Aerial image, luminance of 4.1.8
Airy disk 3.8 5.7.1 5.7.3 7.1.1 7.2.5 7.3.1 8.3.3
Aliasing 7.4.4
Aluminum 9.1.7
Aluminum oxide 8.4.1
Amplification of light 8.1 8.1.1
Amplitude 5.1
Amplitude hologram see "Hologram"
Amplitude transmittance see "Transmittance"
Analyzer see "Polarizer"
Angle of incidence 2.1.1 see "Refraction"
Angle of refraction see "Refraction"
Angular frequency 5.1
Angular spectrum 7.3.7
Anisotropic crystal see "Birefringence"
Antihalation dye 3.2.1
Antireflection coating 6.4.1
Aperture of camera 3.2
Aperture stop 3.2 3.7.1 3.7.3
Aperture, filling the 3.3
Aphakia Problem 3.2
Aplanatic system 7.3.1
Apodization 7.3.3 Problem
Arc lamp 4.2.1
Arrayed Waveguide Grating Problem 12.7
Astigmatism 2.2.12 3.1
Atmosphere 4.2.1
Attenuation (in optical fibers) 11.1 11.2
Attenuation (in optical fibers), measurement of 11.2.1
Avalanche photodiode 4.3.1
Aversion response 8.5
Axial mode see "Mode"
Babinet's principle 5.5.5
Back focal length 2.2.7
Backscatter 11.4
Balance ratio 7.1.3
Band gap 4.2.3 4.3.1
Band, energy 4.2.3 4.2.4 4.3.1 8.2 8.4.3
Bandwidth of integrated-optical device 12.1 12.1.6
Bandwidth, electrical, measurement of 11.3.4
Bandwidth, electrical, of detector 4.3.3
Bandwidth, electrical, of fiber 10.1 11.1 11.3.2 11.3.4 11.3.5
Barlow lens Problem 2.5
Beam divergence 5.5.4 8.4.8 see "Divergence"
Beam divergence of Gaussian beam 8.3.3
Beam radius 8.3.2
Beam splitter 6.4.1
Beam waist 8.3.3
Beam-optics launch 11.1.1 11.2.1
Bel 11.2.1
Bend in waveguide 10.3.5
Bending loss 10.3.5
benzene 9.4.5
Beryllia, beryllium 8.4.6 8.5
Bessel function 7.3.1 10.2.6
Bifocal 3.1
Binoculars 3.7.1 3.7.3
Birefringence 9.2.1
Birefringence, field-induced 9.4.1
Blackbody 4.2 4.2.1 4.2.2 4.2.3 9.2
Blackbody radiator see "Blackbody"
Blackbody, emissivity of 4.2.1
Blackbody, radiant emittance of 4.2.1 4.2.3
Blackbody, spectra of 4.2.1
Blazing 6.1.1 12.2.4
Bleaching of hologram 7.1.3
Bohr picture of atom 4.2.3
Bolometer 4.3.2
Boltzmann's constant 4.3.3
Borescope 3.7.3
Boresight 3.7.3
Bound ray 10.3.3
Bragg condition 7.1.4 9.4.4 12.1.4 12.1.5
Bragg diffraction 9.4.4
Bragg reflection 7.1.4 12.1 12.1.5 12.2.4
Brewster window 8.4.4 9.1.2
Brewster's angle 1 8.4.1 8.4.4 9.1.2 9.1.3
Brewster's Law 9.1.3
Bright-adapted eye 3.1 4.1.2 8.5
Brightness 1 see
Brightness temperature 4.2.2
Buckshot 8.1.1
Cadmium sulfide 4.3.1 4.3.3
Calcite 9.2.1 9.2.3
Camera 1 3.2 3.8.1 4.1.7
Camera lens 2.2.12
Camera, pinhole 5.5.4
Camera, theoretical resolution limit of 3.8.1 see
Candela 4.1.2
Carbon arc 4.2.1
Carbon-dioxide laser see "Laser Cardinal point" 2.2.7 see "Focal
Cataract Problem 3.2 8.5
Cavity 8 8.1 8.3.1—4 see
Cavity lifetime 8.2.3
Cavity, concentric 8.3.4
Cavity, confocal 8.3.2 8.3.4
Cavity, hemispherical 8.3.4 8.4.4
Cavity, plane-parallel 8.3.1 8.3.4
Cement 9.2.3
Center of perspective Problem 3.6
Change of sign 2.2.3
Channel waveguide 1 12.1.1 see
Character recognition 7.2.6
Characteristic curve 3.2.2 see
Charge-Coupled Device 7.4.1 7.4.4 7.4.5 see
Chemical-vapor deposition 12.2.5
chromatic aberration 2.2.12 7.4.1 7.4.3 12.2.1 see
Chromatic dispersion see "Dispersion"
Chromatic resolving power of diffraction grating 6.1.2
Chromatic resolving power of Fabry — Perot interferometer 6.3.1
Chromium oxide 8.4.1
Circle of confusion 3.2.4
Cladding (of waveguide) 10.1
Cladding mode 11.1.3
Cladding-mode stripper 11.1.3 11.3.4
Classes of lasers 8.5
Close-up photography 3.2.4
Coherence 1 3.8.4 5.3.1 5.6 6.2 7.3.1 7.3.2 8.3.5
Coherence area 5.6.2 5.6.4 8.3.5
Coherence length 5.6.1 6.2 8.3.5
Coherence length for second-harmonic generation 9.3.1
Coherence length in optical communications 11.3.5
Coherence of laser sources 8.3.5
Coherence of microscope illumination 5.6.4
Coherence of multimode laser 8.3.5
Coherence of single-mode laser 5.6.3 8.3.5
| Coherence of thermal sources 5.6.3 6.2
Coherence time 5.6.1
Coherence, degree of 6.2
Coherence, partial 3.8.4 5.6 7.4.5
Coherence, spatial 5.6.2
Coherence, temporal 5.6.1
Coherent background 7.1
Coherent light 5.6 7.3.1 7.3.3
Coherent light, resolution in 5.7.2 5.7.3
Coherent transfer function 7.3.6 7.3.7
Color slide 3.2.1
color temperature 4.2.2
Color vision 3.1
Coma 2.2.12
Comparator 3.4
Complementary screen 5.5.5
Complete set 10.2 10.4.2
Complex conjugate 5.1.2
Complex-exponential function 5.1.2
Compound microscope see "Microscope"
Computer 7.4.1 9.2.6
Computer processing 7.4.2
Concave 2.2.5
Condenser enlarger 3.3
Condenser, microscope 3.8.4 see
Condensing lens 3.3 5.6.4
Condensing lens and coherence 5.6.4
Condensing lens, numerical aperture of 5.6.4
Conduction electron 4.2.4
cones 3.1
Confocal Fabry — Perot interferometer 6.3.3 see
Confocal microscope see "Scanning confocal microscope"
Conjugate points 2.2.2
Conjugates 2.2.2
Connector (optical fiber) 1 10.4
Connector (optical fiber), multimode 10.4.1
Connector (optical fiber), single-mode 10.4.2
Conservation of radiance 4.1.8
Constant deviation Problem 2.1
Constructive interference see "Interference"
Continuum 4.2.3
contrast 3.2.2 7.4.1
Contrast enhancement 7.2.4
Contrast index 3.2.2
Converging-beam optical processor 7.2.7
Convex surface 2.2.5
Convolution 7.2.6 7.3.1 7.3.2 7.4.1 7.4.3 7.4.5
Convolution kernel 7.4.3
Convolution theorem 7.4.3
Core (of waveguide) 10.1
Core diameter, measurement of 11.5.5
Cornea 3.1 8.5
Cosine-fourth law 4.1.7
Coupler 10.2.2 12.1.5
Coupler, butt 12.1.5
Coupler, directional 6.2.2 12.1.5
Coupler, end 12.1.5
Coupler, grating 10.2.3
Coupler, prism 10.2.2
Coupler, star 10.4.3
Coupler, tapered output 12.1.5 see
Coupling efficiency 10.2.2
Coupling length 10.2.2
Coupling loss 10.4 11.2.1 see
Cover slip 3.5
Critical angle 2.1.4 9.1.5 10.1
Critical illumination 3.4.8
Cross-correlation 7.2.6 7.4.3 7.4.5
Crystalline lens 3.1
Cube corner 2.1.5
Cutback method 11.2.1
Cutoff (of lens) 7.3.7
Cutoff (of optical waveguide) 10.2.6
Cutoff frequency 4.3.3 7.3.7
D vs log curve 3.3.2
D* 4.3.3
D* of various detectors (graph) 4.3.3
Damage (to eye) 8.5
Dark current 4.3.3
Dark noise 4.3.3
Dark resistance 4.3.1
Dark-adapted eye 3.1 8.5
Dark-field illumination Problem 7.5
Dark-ground illumination Problem 7.5
Dc term 7.2.2
Deblurring 7.3.4
Decibel 11.2.1
Dee star see "D*"
Defocusing 3.2.4. 7.3.5
Degree of coherence 6.2 8.3.5
Delta parameter 10.3.1
density see "Optical density"
Depletion layer 4.3.1
Depth of field 3.2.4
Depth of focus 3.2.4 Problem
Depth of Gaussian beam Problem 8.3
Destructive interference see "Interference"
Detectivity see "D*"
Detector 4.3
Detector, bolometer 4.3.2
Detector, CCD 7.4.1
Detector, cutoff frequency 4.3.3
Detector, D* 4.3.3
Detector, noise equivalent power 4.3.3
Detector, noise in 4.3.3
Detector, photoconductive 4.3.1
Detector, photodiode 4.3.1
Detector, phototube 4.3.1
Detector, photovoltaic 4.3.1
Detector, pyroelectric 4.3.2
Detector, quantum 4.3 4.3.1
Detector, quantum efficiency of 4.3.3
Detector, radiation thermocouple 4.3.2
Detector, radiation thermopile 4.3.2
Detector, response time of 4.3.3
Detector, responsivity of 4.3.3
Detector, room temperature, D* of (graph) 4.3.3
Detector, spectral sensitivity of 4.3.3
Detector, square law 5.1.1
Detector, thermal 4.3 4.3.2
Detector, thermistor 4.3.2
developer 3.2.1 3.2.2
Deviation Problem 2.1
Deviation, constant Problem 2.1
DFB laser see "Laser distributed-feedback"
Diamond turning 12.2.3
Diaphragm 3.7.3
Dichroic crystal 9.2.4
Differentiated image 7.4.3
Diffraction 1 3.8 4.1.7 5 5.3.1 5.5 5.5.2 5.5.4 7.2.1
Diffraction and resolution limit 3.1 3.8
Diffraction by circular aperture 5.5.1
Diffraction by straight edge 5.5.3
Diffraction efficiency see "Hologram"
Diffraction grating 1 5.5.2 5.7.3 6.1 7.1.1 7.1.2
Diffraction grating and Abbe theory 7.2.1
Diffraction grating in holography 7.1.1
Diffraction grating in waveguide 10.2.3 12.2.4
Diffraction grating, blazed 6.1.1
Diffraction grating, chromatic resolving power of 6.1.2
Diffraction grating, concave 6.1
Diffraction grating, holographic 6.1.1
Diffraction grating, phase 7.1.2
Diffraction grating, plane 6.1
Diffraction grating, reflection 6.1
Diffraction grating, sinusoidal 7.1.1
Diffraction lens 12.2.4
Diffraction of Gaussian beam 8.3.3
Diffraction order see "Order"
Diffraction pattern see "Diffraction"
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