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Matt Young — Optics and Lasers: Including Fibers and Optical Waveguides |
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Noise in detectors 4.3.3
Noise in holography 7.1
Noise, white 4.3.3
Nonlinear optics 9.3
Normalized frequency 10.2.5
NSOM 3.9
Numerical aperture 3.5 3.8.3 5.6.4 7.2.1 7.4.4 10.4.1
Numerical aperture of condensing lens 5.6.4
Numerical aperture of microscope objective 3.5 3.8.3 7.2.1 7.4.4
Numerical aperture of optical waveguide 10.1
Numerical aperture, local 10.3.2 11.5.5
Numerical aperture, measurement, of fiber 11.6
Nyquist frequency 7.4.4
Object distance 2.2.2 2.2.7
Object space 2.2.1
Object, real or virtual 2.2.5
Objective 2.2.12 3.5
Objective, biological 3.5
Objective, metallurgical 3.5
Objective, microscope 3.5 3.8.3 7.2.1 7.4.4
Objective, oil-immersion 3.5 3.8.3
Objective, photographic 2.2.12 3.8.1
Objective, telescope 2.2.12 3.8.2
Obliguity factor 5.5.1
Opacity 3.2.2
Opal glass 4.1.5
Opera glasses 3.7.3
Operational amplifier 4.3.1
Optic axis 9.2.1—3 9.4.1 9.4.2
Optic axis, fast 9.2.1
Optic axis, field-induced 9.4.2
Optic axis, slow 9.2.1
Optical activity 9.2.5 9.2.6
Optical communications 1 8.4.8 9.4.3 10.1 11.2.1 12.1 see "Optical
Optical computer 8.4.8
Optical density 3.2.2 11.2.1
Optical density, base 3.2.2
Optical density, fog 3.2.2
Optical density, of buffer or coating 11.1.3
optical fiber see also "Optical fiber measurements" "Optical
Optical fiber, coupling into 10.1 10.4 11.6
Optical fiber, delta parameter of 10.3.1
Optical fiber, equilibrium length of 11.1
Optical fiber, equilibrium mode distribution of 11.1
Optical fiber, frequency response of 10.1
Optical fiber, graded-index 10.1 10.3 10.3.2 10.4.1 10.4.3 11.3.3 11.5.1
Optical fiber, index profile of 10.3.1
Optical fiber, leaky rays in 10.3.3 10.3.4
Optical fiber, loss in 10.3.4
Optical fiber, microbends in 10.3.5
Optical fiber, misalignment of see "Connector"
Optical fiber, mode coupling in 10.3.5
Optical fiber, modes in 10.2 10.2.4
Optical fiber, multimode 10.4.1 11.1
Optical fiber, numerical aperture of 10.1 10.2.5 10.2.6 10.4.1
Optical fiber, parabolic profile 10.3.1
Optical fiber, power-law profile 10.3.1
Optical fiber, profile parameter of 10.3.1
Optical fiber, rays in 10.1
Optical fiber, single-mode 10.2.6 10.4.2 10.4.3 11.3.3
Optical fiber, step-index, defined 10.3
Optical fiber, transit-time variations in 10.1
Optical fiber, windows in 11.2.1
Optical integrated circuit 1 12 12.1
Optical isolator Problem 9.4
Optical mixing 9.3.3
Optical path 5.3.1 5.5.6 5.6.1 6.2.1
Optical processing 7.2 7.2.1 7.2.7 9.2.6
Optical processor 7.2 7.2.5-7 7.3.4
Optical processor, converging-beam 7.2.7
Optical processor, planar 12.2
Optical rectification 9.3
Optical resonators 1 8.3
Optical resonators, stability of 8.3.3
Optical resonators, unstable 8.3.2
Optical sectioning 3.6
Optical spectrum analyzer 6.1
Optical thickness 5.4.1
Optical time-domain reflectometry 11.4
Optical transfer function 7.3.5
Optical waveguide 1 7.2.4 9.1.6 10 12.1 see "Optical-fiber
Optical waveguide branch 12.1.3
Optical waveguide, buried 12.1.1
Optical waveguide, channel 12.1.1
Optical waveguide, circular 10.2.4 10.2.6
Optical waveguide, cladding of 10.1
Optical waveguide, core of 10.1
Optical waveguide, coupling into 10.1 10.2.2 10.2.3 10.4
Optical waveguide, diffused 12.1.1
Optical waveguide, gratings in 10.2.3 12.2.4
Optical waveguide, index profile of 10.3.1
Optical waveguide, ion-exchanged 12.1.1
Optical waveguide, mode coupling in 10.3.5
Optical waveguide, modes in 10.2 10.2.4 10.4.2
Optical waveguide, number of modes in 10.2.5
Optical waveguide, planar 10.2 10.2.2 10.2.3
Optical waveguide, rectangular 10.2.4
Optical waveguide, ridge 12.1.2
Optical waveguide, single-mode 10.1 10.2.6 12.1.3
Optical waveguide, slab 12.1.1
Optical waveguide, strip 12.1 12.1.1
Optical-fiber measurements 11 see "Optical
Optical-fiber measurements of attenuation 11.2
Optical-fiber measurements of backscatter 11.4
Optical-fiber measurements of bandwidth 11.3 11.3.1
Optical-fiber measurements of core diameter 11.5.5
Optical-fiber measurements of index profile 11.5
Optical-fiber measurements of numerical aperture 11.6
Optical-fiber measurements, launch conditions in 11.1
Optical-fiber measurements, optical time-domain reflectometry 11.4
Order 5.3.2 5.4.2 7.1.1 7.2.1
Order number see "Order"
Order, missing 5.5.2 6.1.1
Ordinary ray 9.2.1—3
Oscillation 8
Output mirror 8.1
Overhead projector 3.3
Overlap integral 10.4.2
Packing fraction 10.4.3
Parabolic profile 10.3.1 see
Parallel processing 12.2
Parametric amplification 9.3.3
Parametric oscillation 9.3.3
Paraxial approximation 1 2.2.2
Partial coherence see "Coherence"
Particle 1
Passband 6.4.3
Pattern recognition 7.2.6
Peak power 8.2.3
Peak power of mode-locked laser 8.2.4
Peak power of Q-switched laser 8.2.3
Peak power of ruby laser 8.4.1
Perfect imaging 12.2.2
Period 5.1
Periscope 3.7.3
Perspective Problem 3.6
Perspective distortion Problem 3.6
Petermann definition 11.7
Petzval sum 2.2.12
Petzval surface 2.2.12
Phasar Problem 12.7
Phase 5.1 5.5.1
Phase change on reflection 5.4.1 7.4.5 9.1.3 9.1.6 10.2 10.2.5
Phase contrast 1 7.2.5
Phase difference 5.2 10.2
Phase factor 7.2.7
Phase matching 9.3.2 9.3.3 12.1.6
Phase microscopy 7.2.1 7.2.5
Phase object 7.2.5
Phase of OTF 7.3.5
| Phase plate 5.7.3 7.2.5
phase velocity 5.1 10.2.1
Phase, relative 5.1 8.2.4
Photocathode 4.3.1
Photocathode, spectral responsivity of, graph 4.3.3
Photoconductive detector 4.3.1 4.3.3
Photoconductivity 4.3.1
PhotoDiode 4.3.1 4.3.3
Photodiode, avalanche 4.3.1
Photodiode, biplanar 4.3.1
Photodiode, pn and pin 4.3.1
Photodiode, solid state 4.3.3
Photodiode, vacuum 4.3.1 4.3.3
photoelectric effect 4.3.1
Photoelectric effect, external 4.3.1
Photoelectric effect, internal 4.3.1
Photoelectron 4.3.1
photographic emulsion 3.2.1
Photographic objective 2.2.12
Photographic plate (in holography) 7.1 7.2.6
photography 3.2 see
Photometric units 4.1.2 see
Photometry 1 4.1 see
Photomultiplier 4.3.1 4.3.3
Photon 8.1.1 4.3.3 see "Wave
Photon noise 4.3.3
Photopic vision 3.1
Phototube 4.3.1
Phototube, biplanar 4.3.1
Phototube, gas-filled 4.3.1
Phototube, multiplier 4.3.1
Phototube, response time of 4.3.1 Problem
Phototube, transit time of electrons in Problem 4.6
Photovoltaic detector 4.3.1
piezoelectric crystal 6.3
Pinhole camera 5.5.4
Pinhole camera, resolution limit of 5.5.4
Pixel (picture element) 7.4.1 7.4.2
Planar lens 1
Planar optical device 1 12 12.2
Planar waveguide 10.2 10.2.2 10.2.3 see "Optical "Planar
Planck's constant 4.2.1
Planck's law 4.2.1
Plane of incidence 9.1.2
Plane wave 5.3.1
Plane-polarization 5.1.1 9.2 9.2.3
Plate, photographic 3.2.3
Pockels cell 8.4.1 9.4.2 9.4.3
Pockels cell, longitudinal 9.4.2
Pockels cell, transverse 9.4.2
Pockels effect 9.4.2
Point source 4.1.1 4.1.3
Point-spread function see "Impulse response"
Poisson distribution 4.3.3
Polarizability 9.1.1
Polarizability, nonlinear 9.3
Polarization 1 5.1.1 9.1.3 9.2 10.2.5
Polarization, plane of 9.1.3
Polarization-mode distortion 11.3.3
Polarized light 9 9.2
Polarized light, circularly 9.1.2
Polarized light, elliptically 9.1.2
Polarized light, partially 9.1.2
Polarized light, plane 5.1.1 9.1.3 9.2
Polarizer 3.6.1 9.2.2 9.2.6
Polarizer, dichroic 9.2.4
Polarizer, pile-of-plates 9.1.2
Polarizing film 9.2.4
Population 8.1.1
Population inversion 8.1.1 8.2 8.2.1 8.2.2 8.4.1 8.4.2 8.4.4
Population inversion, normalized 8.1.1
Population inversion, threshold 8.2.3 8.4.1 8.4.2 8.4.4
Position factor 5.7.5
Potassium dihydrogen phosphate 9.3.2 9.4.2
Power see "Radiant power"
Power of lens 3.1
Power-law profile 10.3.1
Preform 11.5.1
Presbyopia 3.1
Principal angle 9.1.7
Principal maximum 5.3.2 5.5.1 6.1.2 7.2.1
Principal plane 2.2.7
Principal plane of optical processor 7.2
Principal point 2.2.7
Principal ray 3.7.3
Printing (photograph) 3.2.1
prism 2.1.5
Prism coupler 10.2.2
Prism, Glan — Thompson 9.2.3
Prism, Nicol 9.2.3
Prism, Porro 2.1.5
Prism, reflecting 2.1.5 Problem
Prism, roof 2.1.5 Problem
Profile parameter 10.3.1 11.3.3
Projection lamp 3.3
Projection lens 3.3
Projection systems and projectors 13
Propagation constant 10.2.1—3
PuLSE 5.2.1 8.2.3 8.2.4
Pulsed laser see "Laser"
Pump (optical) 8.2 8.2.1
Pun 2.2.1
Pupil function 7.3.1
Pupil of the eye 3.1 3.7.1 3.7.3
Pupil of the eye, entrance 3.7.1
Pupil of the eye, exit 3.7.1
Pyroelectric detector 4.3.2
Pyrometer 4.2.2
Q-switched laser 1 8.2.3 9.4.2
Quadratic phase factor 7.2.7
Qualification (of equilibrium-mode simulator) 11.1.2
Quantum 4.2.1 8.1.1
Quantum detector 4.3.1
Quantum efficiency 4.3.3
Quantum electrodynamics 1
Quantum energy 8.1.1
Quantum noise 4.3.3
Quantum theory 4.2.3
Quarter-wave layer 6.4.1
Quarter-wave plate 3.6.1 9.2.2 9.4.3
Quarter-wave stack 6.4.2 12.2.5
Quarter-wave voltage 9.4.3
Quartz 9.2.1 9.2.3 9.2.5 9.4.5
Radiance 4.1.1
Radiance theorem 4.1.8
Radiant emittance 4.1.1
Radiant emittance of blackbody 4.2.1
Radiant energy 4.1.2
Radiant exitance 4.1.1 see
Radiant intensity 4.1.1
Radiant power 1 4.1.1
Radiation angle (of fiber) 11.1.2 see
Radiation pyrometer 4.2.2
Radiation thermocouple 4.3.2
Radiation thermopile 4.3.2
Radiometric units 4.1.1
Radiometry 1 4.1
Range without overlap see "Free spectral range"
Raster 3.5
Rate equation 8.2.1 8.4.4
Ray 1 2.1
Ray optics 1 2.1
Ray, bound 10.3.3
Ray, leaky 10.2.4 10.3.3
Ray, meridional 10.2.4
Ray, refracted 10.3.3
Ray, skew 10.2.4
Rayleigh criterion 5.7.1 6.1.1
Rayleigh limit 5.7.1 5.7.3
Rayleigh range Problem 8.3
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