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Shreiner D., Woo M., Neider J. — OpenGL programming guide
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Название: OpenGL programming guide
Авторы: Shreiner D., Woo M., Neider J.
Аннотация: OpenGL is a powerful software interface used to produce high-quality, computergenerated images and interactive applications using 2D and 3D objects, bitmaps, and color images. The OpenGL Programming Guide provides definitive and comprehensive information on OpenGL and the OpenGL Utility Library. The previous edition covered OpenGL through Version 2.0. This sixth edition of the best-selling "red book" describes the latest features of OpenGL Version 2.1. You will find clear explanations of OpenGL functionality and many basic computer graphics techniques, such as building and rendering 3D models; interactively viewing objects from different perspective points; and using shading, lighting, and texturing effects for greater realism. In addition, this book provides in-depth coverage of advanced techniques, including texture mapping, antialiasing, fog and atmospheric effects, NURBS, image processing, and more. The text also explores other key topics such as enhancing performance, OpenGL extensions, and cross-platform techniques.
Рубрика: Руководства по программному обеспечению /
Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц
ed2k: ed2k stats
Издание: 6-th edition
Год издания: 2007
Количество страниц: 911
Добавлена в каталог: 30.11.2013
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3D Computer Graphics 370
3D Computer Graphics: A User's Guide for Artists and Designers xxxix
3D models, rendering 20 763
Accumulation buffer 468 470 490—502
Accumulation buffer, clearing 32 471
Accumulation buffer, depth-of-field effect, use for 497—501
Accumulation buffer, examples of use 490
Accumulation buffer, full range for best results, use 781
Accumulation buffer, motion blur, use for 497
Accumulation buffer, sample program with depth-of-field effect 499
Accumulation buffer, sample program with full-scene antialiasing 492
Accumulation buffer, scene antialiasing, use for 491
AGL 14
AGL, aglChoosePixelFormat() 744 747
AGL, aglConfigure() 748
AGL, aglCopyContext() 745 748
AGL, aglCreateContext() 745 747
AGL, aglDescribePixelFormat() 747
AGL, aglDescribeRenderer() 747
AGL, aglDestroyContext() 745 748
AGL, aglDestroyPixelFormat() 747
AGL, aglDestroyRendererInfo() 747
AGL, aglDevicesOfPixelFormat() 747
AGL, aglDisable() 748
AGL, aglEnable() 748
AGL, aglErrorString() 749
AGL, aglGetCurrentContext() 745 748
AGL, aglGetDrawable() 745 748
AGL, aglGetError() 749
AGL, aglGetlnteger() 748
AGL, aglGetVersion() 744 747
AGL, aglGetVirtualScreen() 748
AGL, aglIsEnabled() 748
AGL, aglNextPixelFormat() 747
AGL, aglNextRendererInfo() 747
AGL, aglQueryRendererInfo() 747
AGL, aglResetLibrary() 749
AGL, aglSetCurrentContext() 745 748
AGL, aglSetDrawable() 745 748
AGL, aglSetFullScreen() 746 748
AGL, aglSetInteger() 745 748
AGL, aglSetOffScreen() 746 748
AGL, aglSetVirtualScreen() 748
AGL, aglSwapBuffers() 746 748
AGL, aglUpdateContextO 746 748
AGL, aglUseFont() 749
Airbrushing 629
Akeley, Kurt 490
Aliasing see "Antialiasing"
Alpha 231
Alpha blending see "Blending"
Alpha test 476
Alpha test, querying current values 477
Alpha test, rendering pipeline stage 14 683
Alpha, destination alpha 260
Alpha, material properties 213
Alpha, multisampling coverage 259
Alpha, texture image data type 422
Ambient, contribution to lighting equation 223
Ambient, global light 208 222
Ambient, light 187 188 196
Ambient, material properties 189 213
Animation 20—23 780
antialiasing 247—260
Antialiasing, accumulation buffer used for 491—496
Antialiasing, characters (by masking) 613
Antialiasing, characters (by texturing) 624
Antialiasing, color-index mode 252
Antialiasing, coverage values 247
Antialiasing, enabling for points or lines 249
Antialiasing, enabling for polygons 260
Antialiasing, lines 247 249—255
Antialiasing, lines (by texturing) 624
Antialiasing, points 249—255 616
Antialiasing, polygons 260
Antialiasing, RGBA mode 249
Antialiasing, sample program in color-index mode 252
Antialiasing, sample program in RGBA mode 250
Antialiasing, scene, with the accumulation buffer 491
Apple Interface to OpenGL see "AGL"
ARB imaging subset 346—368
Architectural applications, orthographic parallel projection, use of 136
Architecture Review Board extensions, approved 605
Arcs 524
array elements see "Vertex arrays"
Aspect ratio, perspective projection 135
Aspect ratio, viewport transformation 139
Atmospheric effects see "Fog"
Attenuation of light 197—198
attribute groups 91—93
Attribute groups, client 91
Attribute groups, list of 688—733
Attribute groups, multitexturing, with 447
Attribute groups, performance tips 782
Attribute groups, server 91
Attribute groups, stack depth, obtaining 92
Attribute groups, stacks 91
Auxiliary buffers 469 472
Back-facing polygons 56
Back-facing polygons, culling 57
Back-facing polygons, material property, specifying 212
Back-facing polygons, two-sided lighting 209
Background 30—32
Background processing 765
background, color 30
Background, drawing a fixed 474 625
Backward compatibility, tessellation 522
Basis functions 535 536
Bernstein, basis 535
Bernstein, polynomial 539
Bezier, basis 535
Bezier, curve 539
Bezier, sample program using mesh for surface 546
Bezier, sample program which draws curve 537
Bezier, sample program which draws surface 544
BGR and BGRA pixel formats 315
Billboarding 239 477
bitmaps 302—308
Bitmaps, display lists cache bitmap data 283
Bitmaps, distorting 611
Bitmaps, drawing 306
Bitmaps, feedback mode 593
Bitmaps, fonts, used for 304 310
Bitmaps, imaging pipeline operations 323
Bitmaps, ordering of data in 305
Bitmaps, origin of 307
Bitmaps, sample program 304
Bitmaps, sample program that creates a font 311
Bitmaps, size of 305
Bitplanes 170 466
Bitplanes, displayable colors, number of 172
Blending 231—244 487
Blending, antialiasing polygons 260
Blending, coverage calculations for antialiasing 247
Blending, destination alpha 260
Blending, differences among releases 230
Blending, enabling 235
Blending, enabling for antialiasing 249
Blending, equation 235
Blending, factors (source and destination) 232
Blending, images 616
Blending, ordering polygons before drawing 243
Blending, rendering pipeline stage 14 683
Blending, sample program for three-dimensional 244
Blending, sample program with blended polygons 241
Blending, texture function 425
Blending, three dimensions, in 243
Blending, uses of 238
Buffer see "Framebuffer"
Buffer object 817
Buffer objects, binding 84
Buffer objects, creating 83
Buffer objects, deleting 88
Buffer objects, initializing with data 84
Buffer objects, mapping a buffer 87
Buffer objects, replacing data 87
Buffer objects, unmapping a buffer 87
C programming language 8
CAD/CAM see "Computer-aided design"
Camera analogy 106—107
Camera analogy, environment mapping 440
Camera analogy, viewport transformations 138
Capping see "Computational solid geometry"
chapter 47
Characters, antialiasing 624
circles 524
Clearing buffers 31
Clearing the color buffer 31
Clearing the framebuffer 30—32 470—471
Clearing the framebuffer, affected by scissoring, dithering, and masking 471 684
Clearing the framebuffer, performance tips 783
Client-server see "Networked operation"
Clip coordinates 108 150
Clip coordinates, feedback mode 593
Clip planes, user defined 150
Clipping 138
Clipping planes, additional clipping planes 108 149—152
Clipping planes, depth-buffer resolution, effect on 780
Clipping planes, far 134—137 142
Clipping planes, near 134—137 142
Clipping planes, querying number of additional 150
Clipping planes, sample program with additional clipping planes 151
Clipping, interference regions found using clipping planes 620
Clipping, overview 105
Clipping, primitives in rendering pipeline 12
Clipping, viewing volume 134
Color buffer 168 170 467 468 469
Color buffer, clearing 32
Color buffer, masking 473
Color map 168 173
Color map, loading for antialiasing 252
Color map, loading for smooth shading 181
Color map, loading, using GLUT 763
Color map, size of 174
Color matrix 361—362
Color matrix, example 361
Color matrix, post transform scale and bias 362
Color matrix, sample program 362
Color sum mode 455
Color tables 348—350
Color tables, proxies 353
Color tables, replacing part of 352
Color tables, sample program 350
Color tables, specifying 348
color, alpha values 231
color, background 30
Color, cube showing blended RGB values 169
Color, current raster color 308
Color, human perception 167
Color, RGBA values for 33 168
Color, specifying 33
Color, specifying for tessellation 512
Color, specifying in color-index mode 178
Color, specifying in RGBA mode 177
Color-index mode 173—175
Color-index mode, changing between RGBA mode and 176
Color-index mode, choosing between RGB A mode and 175
Color-index mode, coverage calculations for antialiasing 247
Color-index mode, dithering 488
Color-index mode, layering with writemasks 474
Color-index mode, lighting 226—228
Color-index mode, lighting calculations in 227
Color-index mode, texturing limitations 375 383
Color-index mode, vertex arrays, specifying values with 69
Combiner functions 449—454
command syntax 7—9
Compositing images 239
Compositing transformations 152—159
Computational solid geometry, capping 483
Computational solid geometry, difference of several contours 517
Computational solid geometry, interference regions 619
Computational solid geometry, intersection of two contours 517
Computational solid geometry, union of several contours 517
Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice xxxviii 167 171 773
Computer-aided design, orthographic parallel projection, use of 136
Concave polygons, GLU tessellation 506
Concave polygons, stencil buffer, drawing with the 618
cones 524 764
Cones, improving rendering of 627
Constant attenuation 198
contours 435
Control points 534 538 542 551
convex polygons 39
Convolutions 353—361
Convolutions, 1d filters 359
Convolutions, 2d filters 353
Convolutions, border modes 360
Convolutions, post convolution scale and bias 361
Convolutions, sample program 355
Convolutions, separable filters 357
Conway, John 627
Coordinate systems, grand, fixed 119 128 153
Coordinate systems, local 119 128 153 157
Coordinate systems, simple 2D 36
coordinates see "Clip coordinates" "Depth "Eye "Homogeneous "Hormalized "Object "q "Texture "w "Window
Coverage, pixel 247
Coxeter, H.S.M. 773
Cross product 131 769
CSG see "Computational solid geometry"
Cube maps 441
Culling 56—57
Culling, enabling 57
Culling, rendering pipeline stage 12 682
Culling, selection mode 574
Curves and curved surfaces 41 see
Curves and Surfaces for Computer-Aided Geometric Design 535
cylinders 524
Data types, RGBA color conversion 177
Data types, special OpenGL 8
Data types, texture data 382
Data types, warning about data type conversions 782
Decals 477 617
Decals, polygon offset used for 274
Decals, texture function 424
Depth buffer 186 468 469 see
Depth buffer, background, using masking for a common 474
Depth buffer, blending, use for three-dimensional 243
Depth buffer, clearing 32 186 471
Depth buffer, decals, for 617
Depth buffer, Dirichlet domains, for 626
Depth buffer, drawing static backgrounds 625
Depth buffer, masking 473
Depth buffer, near frustum plane effect on resolution 780
Depth buffer, pixel data 321 332
Depth coordinates 109 141
Depth coordinates, perspective division 141
Depth coordinates, picking use 585
Depth coordinates, polygon offset 274—276
Depth coordinates, rendering pipeline stage for depth-range operations 12 682
Depth coordinates, sample program with picking 585
Depth coordinates, selection hit records 574
Depth test 483 see
Depth test, rendering pipeline stage 14 683
Depth-cuing see "Fog"
Depth-of-field effect 497—501
Depth-of-field effect, sample program 499
Destination factor see "Blending"
Determing object coordinates from window coordinates 160 163
Diffuse, contribution to lighting equation 223
Diffuse, light 188 196