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Shreiner D., Woo M., Neider J. — OpenGL programming guide
Shreiner D., Woo M., Neider J. — OpenGL programming guide

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Название: OpenGL programming guide

Авторы: Shreiner D., Woo M., Neider J.


OpenGL is a powerful software interface used to produce high-quality, computergenerated images and interactive applications using 2D and 3D objects, bitmaps, and color images. The OpenGL Programming Guide provides definitive and comprehensive information on OpenGL and the OpenGL Utility Library. The previous edition covered OpenGL through Version 2.0. This sixth edition of the best-selling "red book" describes the latest features of OpenGL Version 2.1. You will find clear explanations of OpenGL functionality and many basic computer graphics techniques, such as building and rendering 3D models; interactively viewing objects from different perspective points; and using shading, lighting, and texturing effects for greater realism. In addition, this book provides in-depth coverage of advanced techniques, including texture mapping, antialiasing, fog and atmospheric effects, NURBS, image processing, and more. The text also explores other key topics such as enhancing performance, OpenGL extensions, and cross-platform techniques.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Руководства по программному обеспечению/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 6-th edition

Год издания: 2007

Количество страниц: 911

Добавлена в каталог: 30.11.2013

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
glEdgeFlagPointer()      69
glEnable()      10 49 193 see
glEnableClientState()      47 67
glEnableVertexAttribArray()      673
glEnd()      42 43 510
glEnd(), restrictions      46
glEndList()      281 285 287
glEndQuery()      486
glEvalCoord*()      541
glEvalCoord*(), legal between glBegin() and glEnd()      47
glEvalCoord*(), used instead of glVertex*()      536 539
glEvalMesh1()      542
glEvalPoint*(), legal between glBegin() and glEnd()      47
glFeedbackBuffer()      592
glFeedbackBuffer(), glRenderMode(), use with      572
glFinish()      35
glFlush()      35 740 780
glFog*()      265
glFogCoord*()      269
glFogCoordPointer()      69
glFrontFace()      57
glFrustum()      113 134 684
glGenBuffers()      83
glGenLists()      281 286
glGenLists(), fonts, use for      309
glGenQueries()      485
glGenTextures()      379 415
glGetAttachedShaders()      686
glGetAttribLocation()      671
glGetBooleanv()      10 49 688
glGetBooleanv(), double-buffering support, querying      469
glGetBooleanv(), stereo support, querying      469
glGetBufferParameteriv()      686
glGetBufferPointerv()      686
glGetBufferSubData()      686
glGetClipPlane()      686
glGetColorTable()      686
glGetColorTable(), pixel-storage modes effect      326
glGetColorTableParameter*()      686
glGetCompressedTexImageO      686
glGetConvolutionFilter()      686
glGetConvolutionFilter(), pixel-storage modes effect      326
glGetConvolutionParameter*()      686
glGetDoublev()      10 49 688
glGetError()      10 602 686
glGetFloatv()      10 49 688
glGetFloatv(), line width attributes, obtaining      51
glGetHistogram()      364 686
glGetHistogram(), pixel-storage modes effect      326
glGetHistogramParameter*()      686
glGetIntegerv()      10 49 688
glGetIntegerv(), alpha test information, obtaining      477
glGetIntegerv(), attribute stack depth, obtaining      92
glGetIntegerv(), clipping planes, obtaining number of additional      150
glGetIntegerv(), color resolution, obtaining      170
glGetIntegerv(), display list nesting limit, obtaining      290
glGetIntegerv(), matrix stack depth, obtaining      148
glGetIntegerv(), maximum texture size, obtaining      385
glGetIntegerv(), name stack depth, obtaining      573
glGetIntegerv(), pixel map information, obtaining      333
glGetIntegerv(), rendering mode, obtaining current      572
glGetIntegerv(), stencil-related values, obtaining      479
glGetIntegerv(), vertex array range values, obtaining      76
glGetLight*()      10 687
glGetMap*()      687
glGetMaterial*()      687
glGetMinmax()      367 687
glGetMinmax(), pixel-storage modes effect      326
glGetMinmaxParameter*()      687
glGetPixelMap()      687
glGetPointerv()      10 49 688
glGetPolygonStipple()      10 687
glGetProgramiv()      687
glGetProgramlnfoLog()      641
glGetProgramLogInfo()      687
glGetQueryiv()      687
glGetQueryObject*()      486
glGetQueryObjectiv()      687
glGetQueryObjectuiv()      687
glGetSeparableFilter()      687
glGetSeparableFilter(), pixel-storage modes effect      326
glGetShaderiv()      687
glGetShaderlnfoLog()      639 687
glGetShaderSource()      687
glGetString      606
glGetString()      603 687
glGetTexEnv*()      687
glGetTexGen*()      687
glGetTexImage()      687
glGetTexImage(), pixel-storage modes effect      326
glGetTexImage(), pixel-transfer modes effect      330
glGetTexLevelParameter*()      386 687
glGetTexParameter*()      687
glGetTexParameter*(), texture residency, obtaining      419
glGetUniform*()      688
glGetUniformLocation()      653
glGetVertexAttrib*()      688
glGetVertexAttribPointerv()      688
glHint(), fog use      261
glHint(), texture use      380
glHistogram()      363
glIndex*(), fog, use with      266
glIndex*(), legal between glBegin() and glEnd()      46
glIndexMask()      471 473
glIndexPointer()      69
glLight*()      193 194 195 200
glLightModel*()      208
glLineStipple()      52
glLineWidth()      51
glLinkProgram()      641
glListBase()      292
glListBase(), fonts, use for      309
glListBase(), sample program      311
gllnitNames()      571 572 573
gllnterleavedArrays()      79
glLoadIdentity()      113 115 125 684
glLoadIdentity(), performance tips      782
glLoadIdentity(), viewing transformations, use before      111
glLoadMatrix*()      114 115 684
glLoadName()      572 574
glLoadTransposeMatrix*()      114 116
glLogicOp()      236
gllsBuffer()      83 688
gllsEnabled()      10 49 688
gllsList()      291 688
gllsProgram()      644 688
gllsQuery()      485 688
gllsShader()      644 688
gllsTexture()      415 688
glMap*()      538
glMap1*()      540
glMapBuffer()      87
glMapGrid1*()      541
glMapGrid2*()      545
glMaterial*()      194 212
glMaterial*(), legal between glBegin() and glEnd()      46
glMaterial*(), performance tips      782
glMatrixMode()      113 115
glMatrixMode(), use with matrix stacks      146
glMinmax()      366
glMultiDrawArrays()      78
glMultiDrawArrays(), version      29
glMultiDrawElements()      75
glMultiDrawElements(), version      29
glMultiTexCoord*()      447
glMultMatrix*()      114 115 684
glMultMatrix*(), performance tips      782
glMultTransposeMatrix*()      114 116
glNewListO      281 285 287
glNormal*(), legal between glBegin() and glEnd()      46
glNormal3*()      64
glNormalPointer()      69
glOrtho()      137 684
glOrtho(), picking matrix use      579
glPassThroughO      592 594
glPixelMap*()      333
glPixelStore*()      326 395
glPixelStore*(), cannot be stored in display lists      289
glPixelStore*(), polygon stippling      58
glPixelStore*(), texture image data, effect on      382 384 387 389 391 394 398 399
glPixelTransfer*()      330 625
glPixelTransfer*(), texture image data, effect on      382 384 387 389 391 394 398 399
glPixelZoom()      334 611
glPointParameter*()      272
glPointSize()      50 673
glPolygonMode()      56
glPolygonMode(), antialiasing, effect on      260
glPolygonMode(), polygon offset, use with      274
glPolygonOffset()      274
glPolygonStipple()      58
glPolygonStipple(), pixel-storage modes effect      326
glPopAttrib()      10 92 298 447 689
glPopClientAttrib()      10 93 447 689
glPopMatrix()      146 157 203 298
glPopMatrix(), restore orientation of coordinate systems      159
glPopMatrix(), selection, use with      571
glPopName()      572 573
glPrioritizeTextures()      420
glPushAttrib()      10 92 298 447 689
glPushClientAttrib()      10 93 447 689
glPushMatrix()      146 157 203 298
glPushMatrix(), save orientation of coordinate systems      159
glPushMatrix(), selection, use with      571
glPushName()      571 572 573
glRasterPos*()      303 305
glRasterPos*(), images, for positioning      313
glRasterPos*(), multitexturing, with      447
glRasterPos*(), selection hit      574
glReadBuffer()      320 321 473
glReadPixels()      313
glReadPixels(), glReadBuffer() effect      473
glReadPixels(), pixel-storage modes effect      326
glReadPixels(), pixel-transfer modes effect      330
glRect*()      40
glRenderMode()      571 572 574 592
glResetHistogram()      366
glResetMinmax()      368
glRotate*()      122 153 156 684
glRotate*(), performance tips      782
glSampleCoverage()      259
glScale*()      111 122 156 684
glScale*(), performance tips      782
glScissor()      476
glSecondaryColor*()      455
glSecondaryColorPointer()      69
glSelectBuffer()      571 572
glSelectBuffer(), display lists, cannot be stored in      289
glSeparableFilter2D()      358
glShadeModel()      179
glShaderSource()      639
glStencilFunc()      478
glStencilFuncSeparate()      478
glStencilMask()      473
glStencilMaskSeparate()      473
glStencilOpO()      78
glStencilOpSeparate()      478
glTexCoord*()      379 426
glTexCoord*(), legal between glBegin() and glEnd()      47
glTexCoord*(), texture unit 0, for      447
glTexCoordPointer()      69
glTexEnv*()      379 421 449
glTexEnv*(), level of detail bias      405
glTexEnv*(), multitexturing      445
glTexGen*()      434
glTexGen*(), cube maps      443
glTexGen*(), environment mapping      440
glTexGen*(), multitexturing      445 448
glTexImage1D()      390
glTexImage1D(), pixel-storage modes effect      326
glTexImage1D(), pixel-transfer modes effect      330
glTexImage2D()      379 380
glTexImage2D(), cube map textures      441
glTexImage2D(), pixel-storage modes effect      326
glTexImage2D(), pixel-transfer modes effect      330
glTexImage2D(), specifying mipmaps      402
glTexImage3D()      393
glTexImage3D(), pixel-storage modes effect      326
glTexImage3D(), pixel-transfer modes effect      330
glTexParameter*()      379 432
glTexParameter*(), automatic mipmap regeneration      411
glTexParameter*(), mipmap level of detail, controlling      408
glTexParameter*(), mipmap levels, controlling base and maximum      407
glTexParameter*(), multitexturing      445
glTexParameter*(), specifying filtering methods      412
glTexSubImage1D()      391
glTexSubImage1D(), pixel-storage modes effect      326
glTexSubImage1D(), pixel-transfer modes effect      330
glTexSubImage2D()      387
glTexSubImage2D(), pixel-storage modes effect      326
glTexSubImage2D(), pixel-transfer modes effect      330
glTexSubImage3D()      394
glTexSubImage3D(), pixel-storage modes effect      326
glTexSubImage3D(), pixel-transfer modes effect      330
glTranslate*()      121 153 156 684
glTranslate*(), performance tips      782
GLU      3 14 506
GLU, drawing spheres, cylinders, and disks      523—532
GLU, error string description      603
GLU, obsolete routines, gluBeginPolygon()      522
GLU, obsolete routines, gluEndPolygon()      522
GLU, obsolete routines, gluNextContour()      522
GLU, quadrics      523—532
GLU, tessellation      39 506—523
GLU, version numbers, obtaining      604
gluBeginCurve()      551 561
gluBeginSurface()      551 559
gluBeginTrim()      565
gluBuild1DMipmapLevels()      410
gluBuild1DMipmaps()      410
gluBuild2DMipmapLevels()      410
gluBuild2DMipmaps()      410
gluBuild3DMipmapLevels()      410
gluBuild3DMipmaps()      410
gluCheckExtension()      606
gluCylinder()      524 527
gluDeleteNurbsRenderer()      555
gluDeleteQuadric()      524 525
gluDeleteTess()      521 522
gluDisk()      524 528
gluEndCurve()      551 561
gluEndSurface()      551 559
gluEndTrim()      565
gluErrorString()      525 559 603
gluErrorString(), polygon tessellation      510
gluGetNurbsProperty()      558 688
gluGetString      606
gluGetString()      605 688
gluGetTessProperty()      517 688
gluLoadSamplingMatrices()      558
gluLookAt()      109 111 129 153
gluNewNurbsRenderer()      551 555
gluNewQuadric()      524 525
gluNewTessO      508 522
glUniform*()      654
glUniformMatrix*()      654
glUnmapBuffer()      87
gluNurbsCallback()      551 559 562
gluNurbsCallbackData()      563
gluNurbsCurve()      551 561
gluNurbsProperty()      551
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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