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Farrelle P.M. — Recursive Block Coding for Image Data Compression
Farrelle P.M. — Recursive Block Coding for Image Data Compression

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Íàçâàíèå: Recursive Block Coding for Image Data Compression

Àâòîð: Farrelle P.M.


Develops a new image data compression technique, namely recursive block coding, that has its roots in non-causal models for 1d and 2d signals. The underlying theoretical basis provides a multitude of compression algorithms that encompass two source coding, transform coding, quad tree coding, hybrid coding and so on.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Computer science/Îáðàáîòêà èçîáðàæåíèé/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

ed2k: ed2k stats

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1990

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 297

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 16.11.2005

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
1d model bit allocation algorithm      77
1d model coding results      108—124
1d model hybrid predictive/transform coding      137—146
1d model rate distortion analysis      73—76
1d model RBC algorithm      19—21
1d model simplified algorithm      25
1d model, boundary response for      21—29 241
1d model, derivation of      16—19
1d model, DST for      28—29
1d model, normalized variance for      263—267
1d model, variance reduction for      88—91 265—266
2d model alternative algorithm      42 44
2d model boundary response      34—35 37—42 241
2d model coding results      123—137
2d model DCT design      123—124
2d model noncausal image models      31—34
2d model rate distortion analysis      76—80
2d model RBC algorithm      35—37
2d model two source decomposition      33
2d model, bit allocation for      81—82 124 125 126 129
2d model, minimum variance models      30
2d model, NCI model and      32
2d model, variance reduction for      91—93
Ac energy      163—165 166 187 188
Adams, W.C.      63
Adaptive coding class rate allocation      160 163—166
Adaptive coding future work      188—189
Adaptive coding individual image designs      177
Adaptive coding of quad tree segmentation      198—203
Adaptive coding variable rate scheme      155
Adaptive coding, adaptive DCT      156—166
Adaptive coding, adaptive RBC      166—175
Adaptive coding, adaptive segmentation      191—192 198—203
Adaptive coding, bit allocations for      186—187
Adaptive coding, coding parameters      269—282
Adaptive coding, coding results      163 175—186
Adaptive coding, threshold coding      155—156 247
Adaptive coding, zonal coding and      146
Aerial image      see “Image ensemble”
Airplane image      176; see also “Image ensemble”
Artifacts      see “Distortion Tile effect”
Autocorrelation function      4 51
Autoregressive (AR) models      10—13
Autoregressive moving average (ARMA)      31
Baboon image      176
Baboon image interpolating functions      48 51
Baboon image MSE results      113—114
Baboon image residual coefficients      44—46; see also “Image ensemble”
Bandwidth reduction      93—94 108
Basis vectors      29 213—214
Bentley, J.L.      232
Bilinear interpolation      204—205 220 234
Bilinear patches      46
Bit allocation      58—65
Bit allocation 1d algorithm      77
Bit allocation 2d algorithm      81—82
Bit allocation 2d DCT coding      124 125 126
Bit allocation adaptive coding      155 160 163—166
Bit allocation adaptive RBC      173 186
Bit allocation choice of transform      53—58
Bit allocation color coding      83—94
Bit allocation component distortions      80—84
Bit allocation distortion minimization scheme      80—84
Bit allocation for hybrid coding      139—143 146
Bit allocation for zero level quantizer      220—221
Bit allocation image ensemble scheme      84—88
Bit allocation integral constraint      65—67 242 243
Bit allocation piecewise exponential approximation      62—65
Bit allocation rate distortion functions      58—61 71—72
Bit allocation, approximations for      61—65
Bit allocation, boundary breakthrough and      111
Bit allocation, closed form for      242 243
Bit allocation, derivation of algorithm      75 79—80
Bit allocation, normalized variances and      86 111
Bit allocation, optimal      59
Bit allocation, segmentation threshold and      217
Bit allocation, zonal coding and      95
Block classification scheme      155—166
Block distortion      80—84; see also “Distortion” “Tile
Blurring      108 186
Boundary distortion, boundary breakthrough      83 111 125 215
Boundary distortion, core distortion and      76 82
Boundary distortion, weighting function for      74—75 78—79;
Boundary overshoot      144—145
Boundary residual 2d RBC      34—35 37—42
Boundary residual coefficients      44—46
Boundary residual, VQ and      234
Boundary response alternative 2d algorithm      42 44
Boundary response corner response      42 46 76 79 124—125 234
Boundary response for 1st-order AR      21—29
Boundary response for 1st-order Markov sequence      241
Boundary response image reconstruction      203—206
Boundary response interpolating functions      46—48
Boundary response partial differential equations      252
Boundary response RBC rate distortion      72—84
Boundary response, spatial domain      23—25 37—42
Boundary response, transform domain      22—23 34—35
Boundary response, two source decomposition      6
Boundary response, varying block size and      213
Boundary variance, residual variance and      88—89
Buildings image      168; see also “Image ensemble”
Buzo, A.      228
C shell      97 100—102
Causality, autoregressive models and      10 13—16
Centroids      232
Charge couple device (CCD)      1
Chen, W.H.      57 71 156 187
Chrominance      97 100
Clustering methods      232
Codebook, design of      228—230
Codebook, for vector quantization      4 225—226
Codebook, transform domain and      227
Codebook, tree codebook      232
Codebook, vector dimension and      236
CODELIST      101—102
Coding of quad tree segmentation      198—203 211—218
Coding recommendations for RBC      242—243
Coding VQ performance considerations      231—233; see also “Transform coding” “Specific problems”
Coefficient variances, adaptive coding      158—163; see also “Variance”
color coding      93—94 97 100 243
Computer system, for algorithm simulations      97—102
Coon's patches      46—48
Core distortion      82
Core residual      76 124—125 234
Corner points, adaptive RBC and      166 168 173
Corner points, boundary breakthrough and      125
Corner points, quad tree segmentation and      198 200 203
Corner points, unequal block sizes and      211
Corner points, VQ and      235
Corner response      42 46 76 79 124—125 234
Correlation coefficient hybrid predictive/transform coding      138—139
Correlation coefficient image ensemble grouping      108—110
Correlation coefficient, normalized variance distribution and      263
Correlation coefficient, variance reduction ratio and      265—266
Couple image      see “Image ensemble”
Covariance      14—15 31 138
Cox, R.V.      156
Data compression, need for      1—4
dc coefficient, 2d DCT design      123
dc coefficient, adaptive coding and      160 162
dc coefficient, Gaussian model for      57
DCT      see “Discrete cosine transform”
DESIGNLIST      101—102
Deterministic modeling      9—10
Difference equations      23 250—252
Differential equations      2—3 249—250
Differential pulse code modulation (DPCM), differential VQ and      234
Differential pulse code modulation (DPCM), hybrid coding and      4 137
Differential pulse code modulation (DPCM), slope overload and      143—144
Differential VQ      233—234
Digitization      1
Discrete cosine transform (DCT)      3
Discrete cosine transform (DCT) 1d coding results      111—123
Discrete cosine transform (DCT) adaptive coding      156—166 177—186 269—282
Discrete cosine transform (DCT) adjacent block correlation      51
Discrete cosine transform (DCT) coefficient models      57
Discrete cosine transform (DCT) correlation coefficients      139
Discrete cosine transform (DCT) for quad tree residual      211—217
Discrete cosine transform (DCT) hybrid design      142
Discrete cosine transform (DCT) image ensemble scheme      84—88 110—113
Discrete cosine transform (DCT) KLT approximation      57
Discrete cosine transform (DCT) normalized variances      110—113 266—267
Discrete cosine transform (DCT) quantizer design      53—57
Discrete cosine transform (DCT) RBC complexity vs.      241
Discrete cosine transform (DCT) residual rd function      211—213
Discrete cosine transform (DCT) subjective quality      114 121
Discrete cosine transform (DCT) tile effect      114 123 128
Discrete cosine transform (DCT), varying block size and      215
Discrete cosine transform (DCT), VQ vs.      237
Discrete Fourier Transform      3
Discrete sine transform (DST)      3 257—262
Discrete sine transform (DST) 1st-order Markov residual      28
Discrete sine transform (DST) average residual variance      90
Discrete sine transform (DST) harmonic decay      38—39
Discrete sine transform (DST), 1d boundary response and      22
Discrete sine transform (DST), adaptive RBC and      166—175
Discrete sine transform (DST), defined      257
Discrete sine transform (DST), varying block size and      213—215
Discrete sine transform (DST), VQ and      235
Distortion boundary breakthrough      83 111 125 215
Distortion fidelity criterion      55
Distortion hybrid predictive/transform coding      140
Distortion image quality measures      102—104
Distortion transform optimization      55—56
Distortion, adaptive RBC and      186
Distortion, component distortions      82
Distortion, h-plots      104—108
Distortion, rate distortion functions      58—61
Distortion, RBC minimization scheme      80—84
Distortion, variable block size and      214—217; see also “Boundary distortion” “Rate “Residual “Tile “Specific parameters”
DPCM      see “Differential pulse code modulation”
DST      see “Discrete sine transform”
Edge pixels, VQ and      233—234; see also “Boundary response”
Equitz, W.H.      232
Fast KLT coding      28 57
Fault lines      52
Fidelity criterion      55
Filter order      12
Filter, h-plots and      108
First-order autoregression      13 21—29
Fourier series, 2d minimum variance model      30
Gaussian model      57 187
Generalized Lloyd algorithm      228
Gersho, A.      233
Gibson, J.D.      57
Giesler, C.E.      63
Glisson, T.H.      63
Granularity, zero level quantizers and      242 243
Gray, R.M.      228
Haar transform      3 211—212
Hang, H.M.      236
Harmonic decay      38—39
Hartley residual rd function      211—213
Haskell, B.G.      236
Helmholtz equation      252
Hosaka Plots (h-plots)      104—108 111—112 128
Huang, J.J.Y.      61 56
Human visual system, MSE design modification      188
Hybrid predictive/transform coding      4 137—146
Hyperbolic sine      23 38—39 241 260
Image classification, adaptive coding and      155—166
Image ensemble      96—97
Image ensemble 1d coding results      113—120 121—123
Image ensemble 2d coding results      134—137
Image ensemble adaptive coding      158—163 176—186
Image ensemble adaptive DCT      166 176
Image ensemble adaptive RBC      168—173 174
Image ensemble average ac energy      164
Image ensemble average residual energy      170
Image ensemble class transition thresholds      158 169
Image ensemble coding difficulty      109
Image ensemble color test images      100
Image ensemble hybrid coding      141—146 151—154
Image ensemble monochrome test images      97
Image ensemble prediction variance reduction ratios      93
Image ensemble quad tree segmentation results      206—208 219—224
Image ensemble RBC coding results      108—124
Image ensemble row by row differences      141
Image ensemble segmentation threshold performances      218
Image ensemble, bit allocations      111 166 174
Image ensemble, coding results for      243—247
Image ensemble, design of      84—88
Image ensemble, quantizer design and      96—97
Image ensemble, variances for      128
Image ensemble, VQ and      238 239
Image processing, simulation facilities      97—102
Image quality measures      102—104
Image variance      see “Variance”
Integer bit allocation      65—67 242 243
Interblock redundancy      51 242
Interpolator      25 44—48 51 204—205 220 234
Jain, A.K.      5 63 156
K-means algorithm      232
Karhunen — Loeve Transform (KLT)      3 4
Karhunen — Loeve Transform (KLT), 1d algorithm and      19
Karhunen — Loeve Transform (KLT), 1st-order Markov process      28
Karhunen — Loeve Transform (KLT), fast KLT coding      28 57
Karhunen — Loeve Transform (KLT), optimal approximation of      53 57
Karhunen — Loeve Transform (KLT), tile effect and      5
Karhunen — Loeve Transform (KLT), transform optimization and      56
Karhunen — Loeve Transform (KLT), VQ and      235
Kurtenbach, A.J.      62
LANDSAT      2
Laplacian model      57 63 65 188
LBG algorithm      228—230 232—233
Lenna image 1d DCT bit allocation      69
Lenna image residual coefficients      44—46
Lenna image residual rd function      211; see also “Image ensemble”
Lenna image, coding results for      245
Lenna image, interpolating functions and      48 51
Lim, J.S.      5
Linde, Y.      228
Linear interpolator      25 204—205 220 234
Lloyd — Max quantizers      56 242
Lloyd — Max quantizers bit allocation      71—72
Lloyd — Max quantizers for Laplacian source      63 65
Lloyd — Max quantizers pdf      57
Lloyd — Max quantizers tiffany image      119—120
Lloyd — Max quantizers, adaptive coding and      187
Lloyd — Max quantizers, normalized variances and      86—87
Lloyd, S.P.      56
Lookabaugh, T.      229
Lossless compression      2
Luminance      5 93 97 100
Lynda image      see “Image ensemble”
Marr, D.      247
Max, J.      56
Mean residual energy (MSE)      102—104 113—114
Mean residual energy (MSE) 1d coding results      113 120 123
Mean residual energy (MSE) 2d coding results      134—137
Mean residual energy (MSE) for adaptive coding      184 188
Mean residual energy (MSE) for VQ      239
Mean residual energy (MSE) hybrid predictive/transform coding      138
Mean residual energy (MSE) normalized image variance      103
Mean residual energy (MSE), bicubic patches and      48
Mean residual energy (MSE), boundary breakthrough and      125
Mean residual energy (MSE), hybrid RBC and      143 153 154
Mean residual energy (MSE), quad tree coding and      195—196 208 223
Mean residual energy (MSE), slope overload and      143—144
Meiri, A.Z.      5 6 48
1 2
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