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Farrelle P.M. — Recursive Block Coding for Image Data Compression |
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Minimum variance representation (MVR) 10—16 30
Miyahara, M. 5
Modeling 9—10
Monochrome images 96—97
MSE see “Mean residual energy”
Nakagawa, M. 5
NCI model 31 32 252
Nightingale, Charles 208
Noise “see Distortion”
Noncausal models 13—16 31—34
Normalized variance 86—93
Normalized variance adaptive coding 160—163
Normalized variance hybrid predictive/transform coding 141—142 144
Normalized variance image ensemble grouping 84—88 108—113
Normalized variance, 1d DCT and 266—267
Normalized variance, 1d RBC and 110—113 263—265
Normalized variance, 2d DCT and 123—124
Normalized variance, 2d RBC and 124—128
Normalized variance, adaptive RBC and 168
Normalized variance, boundary overshoot and 144—145
Normalized variance, image quality measure and 103
Orthogonality 10—11 74
OVERHEAD 155—156 219
Paez, M.D. 63
Parseval relation 84—85
Partial difference equations 254—256
Partial differential equations 5—6 31 252—254
PCM see “Pulse code modulation”
Peppers image see “Image ensemble”
Performance curve MSE design modification 188
Performance curve, adaptive DCT 163
Performance curve, adaptive RBC 173
Prediction error filter (PEF) 12
Prediction error, 2d minimum variance model 30
Prediction error, autoregressive model and 10
Prediction error, boundary overshoot and 144—145
Prediction error, boundary residual coefficients and 44—46
Prediction error, DPCM and 2—3
Prediction error, hybrid predictive/transform coding 139—140
Prediction error, noncausal model 14
Prediction error, slope overload and 143—144
Prediction error, two source decomposition 6
Prediction rate for quad tree segmentation 196—198 202—203 247
Prediction rate, varying block size and 220
Prediction rate, VQ and 235
Prediction variance reduction ratio 88—93
Predictive coding 2—3
Predictive coding for autoregressive model 10
Predictive coding for quad tree segmentation 194
Predictive coding, hybrid transform coding 137—146
Probability density function 57
Product code 227 234
Progressive transmission system 243
pth-order Markov sequence 12 16—19
Pulse code modulation (PCM) 1 227;
Quad tree segmentation 191—193
Quad tree segmentation algorithm 197
Quad tree segmentation allowable block size 197
Quad tree segmentation encoding 198—203
Quad tree segmentation image reconstruction 203—208
Quad tree segmentation prediction rate 202—203
Quad tree segmentation residual transform coding 211—217
Quad tree segmentation simulation results 219—224
Quad tree segmentation uniformity criterion 195
Quad tree segmentation, arbitrary regions and 247
Quad tree segmentation, MSE 195—196 223
Quad tree segmentation, overlapping blocks and 193
Quad tree segmentation, predictor for 194
Quad tree segmentation, progressive transmission system and 243
Quad tree segmentation, segmentation parameters 196—198
Quad tree segmentation, threshold and 217—218 224
Quad tree segmentation, VQ of residual 234—237
Quantizer 1
Quantizer adaptive coding 155 162
Quantizer non-adaptive zonal coding 70
Quantizer off-line scheme 84—88
Quantizer scalar vs. vector methods 226—227
Quantizer zero level 68—70 217 220—221 242 243
Quantizer zonal coding artifacts 146; see also “Vector quantization”
Quantizer, images for evaluation of 96—97
Quantizer, optimal choice of 53—58
Quantizer, pdf for 57
Ramamoorthy, P.A. 232
Ramamurthi, B. 233
Random variables 9—10
Rate distortion (RD) 1d RBC 72—76
Rate distortion (RD) 2d RBC 76—80
Rate distortion (RD) for adaptive DCT 163
Rate distortion (RD) for fast discrete transforms 211—213
Rate distortion (RD) Shannon function 66—67 242
Rate distortion (RD), adaptive coding and 187
Rate distortion (RD), bit allocation and 58—61 71—72
RATELIST 101—102
RBC see “Recursive block coding”
Realization filter (RF) 11—12
Reconstruction see also “Specific methods problems”
Reconstruction quad tree segmentation 203—208
Reconstruction zero level quantizer 68—70
Recursive Block coding (RBC) 1d algorithm 19—21
Recursive Block coding (RBC) 2d algorithm 35—37
Recursive Block coding (RBC) hybrid design 142—146
Recursive Block coding (RBC) normalized variance 110—113 263—265
Recursive Block coding (RBC) rate distortion analysis 72—84
Recursive Block coding (RBC) simplified 1d model 25—29
Recursive Block coding (RBC) subjective quality 114 121
Recursive Block coding (RBC), 1d coding results 108—124 111—123
Recursive Block coding (RBC), 2d coding results 123—137
Recursive Block coding (RBC), adaptive coding and 166—175 175—186
Recursive Block coding (RBC), advantages of 51—52
Recursive Block coding (RBC), alternative 2d algorithm 42 44
Recursive Block coding (RBC), block distortion and 80—84
Recursive Block coding (RBC), coding recommendations 242—243
Recursive Block coding (RBC), complexity vs. DCT 241
Recursive Block coding (RBC), interblock redundancy and 242
Recursive Block coding (RBC), quad tree segmentation for 192—193
Recursive Block coding (RBC), robustness of 151
Recursive Block coding (RBC), tile effect and 51—52
Recursive Block coding (RBC), variance reduction 88—93
Recursive Block coding (RBC), VQ applied to 234—235; see also “1d model” “2d
Reeve, H.C. 5
Reininger, R.C. 57
Residual components 2d RBC design 124—125
Residual components boundary breakthrough 83 111 125 215
Residual components boundary error weighting function 74—75
Residual components of 1st-order Markov process 28—29
Residual components rate distortion 72—80
Residual components transform rd functions 211—213
Residual components two source decomposition 6
Residual components, adaptive RBC and 166—175
Residual components, adaptive segmentation and 191—192
Residual components, boundary residual coefficients and 44—46
Residual components, Coon's patches and 46—48
Residual components, quad tree segmentation and 193 196 211—217
Residual components, uncorrelated 51
Residual components, varying block size and 211—217
| Residual components, VQ of 234—237
Residual variance 75 125;
Robustness, of RBC 151
Sailboat image see “Image ensemble”
Sakrison, D.J. 7
Satellite image data 2
Schreiber, W.F. 6
Schultheiss, P.M. 56 61
Segall, A. 59 62 63
Segmentation see “Quad tree segmentation”
Separable covariance model 138
Shannon rate distortion function 60—61 66—67 71—72 187 242
Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) 1d coding results 113 120 123
Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) 2d coding results 135 137
Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) adaptive coding 184
Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) hybrid coding 153 154
Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) quad tree coding 223
Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) VQ 239
Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), image quality and 103
Simulation facilities 97—102
Sinusoidal sequences 261; see also “Discrete sine transform”
Slant — Haar transform 211—212
Slant — Walsh transform 3
Slope overload 143—144
Smith, C.H. 57 71 156
Smoothness, adaptive coding and 183
Smoothness, image variance and 103
Smoothness, quad tree prediction and 242
Smoothness, zero level quantizer and 242
Software, for algorithm simulations 97—102
Spectral density function 11 30
Splash image see “Image ensemble”
Split-and-merge 198—202
Staircase effect 197
Stationarity assumption 191
Stochastic modeling 9—10
Stream image see “Image ensemble”
Strings, C Shell script and 101
Subjective quality for adaptive coding 176—186
Subjective quality for quad tree coding 221 222
Subjective quality MSE design modification 188
Subjective quality RBC vs. DCT coding 114 121
Subjective quality, image quality measures 102—104
Sun Computer 97
Tao, B.P. 232
Television 155
Tescher, A.G. 156
Texture, adaptive RBC and 186
Texture, quad tree coding and 206 242
Texture, RBC vs. DCT coding 114
Texture, zero level quantizer and 217
Threshold coding 155—158 166 168 173
Threshold, MSE 195 196
Threshold, quad tree segmentation and 217 224 247
Threshold, reconstruction 206
Tiffany image 119—120 176 244;
Tile effect 4—5
Tile effect, 2d coding results 135
Tile effect, 2d DCT 128
Tile effect, adaptive coding and 183
Tile effect, DCT coding 114 123 242
Tile effect, h-plots and 108
Tile effect, RBC and 51—52 242
Tile effect, subjective effect 104
Tile effect, two source decomposition 5—7
Tile effect, varying block size and 215
Tile effect, VQ and 233
Tile effect, zonal coding and 146
Toeplitz matrices 19 22 258
Training sequence, VQ codebook and 228—230 232 237 247
Transform coding 3
Transform coding 1d boundary response 22
Transform coding 2d boundary response 34—35
Transform coding MS distortion 55—56
Transform coding quad tree segmentation residual 211—217
Transform coding residual rd function 211—213
Transform coding, adaptive coding 155—166
Transform coding, hybrid coding 4 137—146
Transform coding, optimal choice of 53—58
Transform coding, varying block size and 211—217
Transform coding, vector methods and 227—228
Transform coding, VQ and 235
Transform coding, zero level quantizer and 217 220—221; methods”
Two source decomposition 5—7 33
Uniformity criterion, for quad tree 195
UNIX 100
USC image database 96—97
Variable rate scheme 155
Variance 1d RBC reduction 88—91
Variance 2d RBC reduction 91—93; see also “Normalized variance”
Variance core residual coefficient 76
Variance DCT coefficients 58
Variance image ensemble scheme 84—88
Variance of boundary variable 75
Variance prediction ratio 88—93 108—110
Variance prediction variance ratio 88—93 108—110
Variance reduction ratio 265—266
Variance thresholds 166
Variance, adaptive DCT 157
Vector error measurement 104
Vector methods, transform coding and 3
Vector quantization (VQ) 4 225—226
Vector quantization (VQ) adjacent block correlation 51
Vector quantization (VQ) coding performance 231—233 237
Vector quantization (VQ) coding recommendations 242
Vector quantization (VQ) interpolative 234
Vector quantization (VQ) training sequence 228—230 232 237 247
Vector quantization (VQ) tree codebook 232
Vector quantization (VQ), blocking artifacts and 247
Vector quantization (VQ), codebook design for 228—230
Vector quantization (VQ), computational requirement for 226 232 233
Vector quantization (VQ), DCT vs. 237
Vector quantization (VQ), differential VQ 233—234
Vector quantization (VQ), scalar quantization vs. 226—227
Vector quantization (VQ), transform coding and 227—228 235
Vector quantization (VQ), vector dimension and 236
Venetian blind artifact 214
Videoconferencing 155
VQ see “Vector Quantization”
Walsh — Hadamard transform 3 211—212
Wang, S.H. 63 156
Weighting function for boundary distortion 74—75 78—79
Weighting function, 2d boundary residuals 78—79
Weighting function, adaptive MSE design modification 188
White noise 11 104
Wintz, P.A. 62
Wood, R.C 62
Yan, J.K. 7
Yudilevich, E. 5 6 48
Zero level quantizer 68—70 217 220—221 242 243
Zonal coding 95—96
Zonal coding, adaptive RBC and 173
Zonal coding, associated artifacts 146
Zonal coding, hybrid coding 137—146
Zonal coding, zero level quantizer 70
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