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Crane R. — A simplified approach to image processing. Classical and modern techniques in C
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Название: A simplified approach to image processing. Classical and modern techniques in C
Автор: Crane R.
Аннотация: Image processing, the use of computers to process pictures, has revolutionized the fields of medicine, space exploration, geology, and oceanography, and has become the hottest area in digital signal processing. This book provides a comprehensive introduction to the most popular image processing techniques used today, without getting bogged down in the complex mathematical presentations found in most image processing books and journals. The book covers the hottest topics in image proessing, including whole chapters on the processing of color images, image warping and morphing techniques, and image compression. The diskette, written in portable C code, provides a "hands-on" introduction to image processing techniques that can be incorporated into the user's applications. For computer programmers and electrical engineers who need to enhance image processing applications.
Рубрика: Computer science /Обработка изображений /
Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц
ed2k: ed2k stats
Год издания: 1997
Количество страниц: 317
Добавлена в каталог: 15.11.2005
Операции: Положить на полку |
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Acquisition, digital image 24—25
Acuity, visual 12
Addition, image 3 42 144
Affine transformations 206—211
Alpha 144
Analog-to — Digital conversion 24
Analysis, image 6
ANDing, image 147
Applications of image processing 4—10
Area processes 1 2 67—109
Arithmetic operations 42—43 144—146
Average, image 148—152
B-spline interpolation 120—121 122—123 126
Bandpass filter 191 192 196
Bandstop filter 191 192 196
Barrel distortion 204
Bartlett window funtion 179
Baseline JPEG 268—269
Basis function 196 198 283
Bicubic interpolation 117—119
Bilinear interpolation 113—114
Bilinear transformation 212—223
Bit-clipping 62 64
Bitmapped graphics 31
Blackman window function 179 180
Blurring, image 74—76
Boolean operations 43 147
Brightness 10
Butterfly flow graph 186—187
Butterworth filter 191 193 194 195 196
Camera, filmless 29—30
Canny edge detector 108
Charge-coupled device (CCD) 25—27
Chrominance 269—270 273
Closing, image 107
Clustered dot dither matrices 162
CMY/CMYK, color space 16—17
Codebook 280—281
Color Space, CMY/CMYK 16—17
Color Space, HSI 17—19
Color Space, RGB 14—16
Color Space, YCrCb 19 22
Color, additive 14—16 17
Color, edge detection 94—95
Color, median filter 102—107
color, printing 33—37
Color, subtractive 16—17
Color, vision 11
colormap 31—32
Common gradient operator 86
Compass gradient operator 88—93
Compositing, image 4—5 144—147 152
Compression, image, arithmetic coding 264—267
Compression, image, compression ratio 246 247 248 251 268
Compression, image, fractal compression 281—283
Compression, image, Huffman coding 251—256 270 278
Compression, image, JPEG 267—280
Compression, image, lossless 246—247 268
Compression, image, lossy 246 268
Compression, image, LZW 262—264
Compression, image, modified Huffman coding 256—257
Compression, image, modified READ coding 257—262
Compression, image, run-length encoding 247—250
Compression, image, vector quantization 280—281
Compression, image, wavelet compression 283
Computer aided tomography (CAT) 6
cones 11 12
Conferences, image processing 288—289
Contouring 24 62 158 268
contrast 12 46 54
Contrast stretching 54—59 62
Control points 206 223—224
Convolution 67—74 76
Convolution mask 67—71 75 76 77 79 86 88 89 92
Cooley — Tukey 181
Crispening 77
Cross dissolve 243 244
Cubic convolution interpolation 117—119
Cutoff frequency 194 196
Difference of Gaussian (DoG) 91—93
Difference operator 80—84
Digital-to — Analog converter 32
Discrete cosine transform 196—199 269—270 272
Discrete Fourier Transform 178—180 181
Discrete wavelet transform 283
Dithering 158 161—164 168
Document Image Processing (DIP) 6
Dot gain 172
Dot loss 171—172
Edge detection, Canny 108
Edge detection, color 94—95
Edge detection, difference operator 80—84
Edge detection, Frei — Chen 86
Edge detection, homogeneity operator 80—84
Edge detection, Kirsch 89
Edge detection, Prewitt 86 89
Edge detection, Roberts 86
Edge detection, Robinson 89
Edge detection, Sobel 86
embossing 71
Ends-in-search 55—59
Entropy coding 269 272
Error diffusion 164 166—168 171
eye 10—11 268
Fant’s algorithm 230—234
Fast Fourier transform (FFT) 181—187 199
Fields-based warping 234—243
file formats 31 38—39 40—41 245 248—251 264 278
Film recorder 36—37 162
Filmless camera 29—30
Filter, bandpass 191 192 196
Filter, Bandstop 191 192 196
Filter, Floyd — Steinberg 166—167
Filter, Frequency domain 189—196
Filter, High-boost 78
Filter, Highpass 77—79 191 192 194—195
Filter, Lowpass 74—76 95 191 192—195
Filter, median 76 95—107
flatbed scanners 26—28
Floyd — Steinberg 166—167
Forward mapping 110—111 208 212
Fourier transform 173—178 180
Fourier, Jean Baptiste Joseph 173
Fractal compression 281—283
Frame grabber 30—31
Frame processes 1 3 144—152
Frei — Chen edge detector 86
Frequency domain 174—175
Frequency response 191 193 195
Gamma 60—61
Gaussian smoothing filter 76
Geometric processes 1 3 110—152
Geometric transformation, affine 206—211
Geometric transformation, bilinear 212—223
Geometric transformation, perspective 211—212
Gibb’s phenomenon 178—179
GIF file format 245 264
Graphics File Formats 31 38—39 40—41 245 248—251 264 278
Halftoning 33 153—172
Haming window funtion 179—180
Hanning window funtion 179
High-boost filter 78
Highpass filters 77—79 191 192 194—195
histogram 46—47 55
Histogram, equilization 47—49
Histogram, specification 49—54
Homers rule 117 120
Homogeneity operator 80—84
HSI color space 17—19
Hue 12 17—19
Huffman coding 251—256 270 278
Human visual system 10—12 153 268
Image 22 24
Image processing applications 4—10
Image Processing applications, resources 287—295
Image Processing applications, software 293—294
Infinite Impulse Response filters 67 95
Intensity 11—13 59
Intensity transformations 59—66
Interpolation 110 112—126
Interpolation, B-spline 120—121
Interpolation, bilinear 113—114
Interpolation, cubic convolution 117—120
Interpolation, nearest neighbor 112—113
Inverse mapping 111 208 212
Iso-intensity contouring 62 64
Jarvis, Judice and Ninke 167
Joint Bi — Level Image Experts Group (JBIG) 262
Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) 267—280
Kirsch edge detector 89
Laplacian of Gaussian operator 90—91
Lempel Ziv Welch (LZW) 262—264
Lightness 12
Look up table (LUT) 31—32 42 44—46
Lossless coding 246—247 268 278—280
Lossy coding 246 268
Lowpass filter 74—76 95 191 192—194
Luminance 10 13 19 269—270 273—277
Mach band effect 13 14
Machine vision 9 145
MacPaint file format 248—250
Magellan spacecraft 4
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) 6
Magnetic source imaging (MSI) 6
Magnification 121
Makeup code 256 259
Mapping function 110—111
Mariner spacecraft 4
Maximum filter 107—108
Median Filter 76 95—107
Medical applications of image processing 6 8
Meshwarp algorithm 223—230
Minification 123 129 130—135
Minimum filter 107—108
Mirroring, horizontal 142
Mirroring, vertical 142
Modified Huffman coding 256—257
Modified READ coding 257—262
Moire patterns 155
Morphing 5 203—205 243—244
NASA 2 203 204
Nearest neighbor interpolation 112—113
Noise 75 95 145—146 148
Non-linear filters, alpha-trimmed mean 108—109
Non-linear filters, maximum 107—108
Non-linear filters, median 76 95—107
Non-linear filters, minimum 107—108
Opening, image 107
Optical character recognition (OCR) 6
Organizations, image processing 288—289
ORing, image 147
Orthographic tone scale creation 155
Parabola transformations 65—66
patterning 155—158
PBM 38—39 294
PCX file format 250—251
Periodicals, image processing 287—288 294
Perspective transformation 211—212
Photo CD 29—30
Photographic halftones 153—154
pincushion distortion 204
Pioneer spacecraft 4
Point processes 1 2 42—66
Positron emission tomography (PET) 6
Posterization 24 61—62 281
prefix property 252
Prewitt edge detector 86 89
printers 32—37 171—172
Products, image processing 294—295
Q factor 268 270
Quantization, image 24—25
Quantization, vector 280—281
Range highlighting 62 65
Ranger spacecraft 4
Red, green, blue (RGB) color space 14—16
Remote sensing 9
Resolution, intensity 24—25
Resolution, spatial 24
Restoration, image 202
Reverse mapping 111 208 212
Roberts edge detector 86
Robinson edge detector 89
Rods 11 12
Rotation, image 136—140
Run-length encoding 247—251
Rylander’s recursive patterning matrix 156—157
Sampling 24
Saturation 12
Scaling, image 121 123—128 171
Scanners 26—29 171
Segmentation 79
Sharpening, image 77—79 171
Simultaneous contrast 12—13
Slide scanner 28
Smythe, Douglas 223
Sobel edge detection 86
Software 38—39 293—295
Solarization, image 2 65
space exploration 4 203 204
Spatial frequency 173
Spectrum, image 188—189
Stucki 167
Subtraction, image 144—146
Surveyor spacecraft 4
Symmetrical algorithms 268
terminating codes 256 258
Thresholding 61 83—84
Transformation, affine 206—211
Transformation, bilinear 212—223
Transformation, perspective 211—212
Translation 111 140—141
transmissive scanners 28
Two-pass algorithms 223
Unsharp masking 78
Variable-length code (VLC) 271—272
Variable-length integer (VLI) 271—272
Vector graphics 31
Vector quantization 280—281
Viking spacecraft 4
Volume visualization 1
Voyager spacecraft 4
Warping 5—6 203 206—243
Windowing functions 179—181
X-ray 6 8
YCrCb 19 22 269
YIQ 13
Zero-crossing detection 88 90
Zero-padding 68 182
Zoom 121